Another USUK story:: My Farme...

By ari-ridrake

41K 1.5K 837

Cardverse! Omegaverse! Farmer boy and Alpha, Alfred F. Jones runs into the lost Queen of the Spade Kingdom, a... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 1

5.6K 153 56
By ari-ridrake

The Spadian Queen yelped, jumping back after he stepped on a twig. His hand flew to his chest, grasping the navy blue shirt he wore over his heart as he tried to calm the beating. He had gotten terribly lost in one of the largest forests in the Spade Kingdom while on a ride on his horse without a single guard. Now I'm sure I'll have one up my ass for very step I take after this, he thought bitterly, grinding his teeth as he kept walking.

"Howdy, there!"

Arthur shrieked, stumbling forward and face-planting in the dirt and leaves. A hearty laugh was heard from behind. Arthur felt himself seething as he flipped into his back.

"Sorry for scaring ya, yer majesty! Let me help ya!" The man held out his hand. Arthur glared at the hand before cautiously taking it. He was heaved off the ground. Arthur almost blushed instantly when he caught a wiff of alpha scent. "Come on, yer highness. My place isn't too terribly far off. Once you're all cleaned up, I can send you on yer way back to the castle!"

Arthur looked up at the taller male, tilting his head. "How do you know I'm of nobility?"

The dirty, well, dirtier male chuckled, allowing Arthur to hook his arm through his own as he lead the way. "Your clothing, the way you walk and the mark of the Queen right here." The man softly ran the pad over his thumb over the mark just above Arthur's jaw.

"Oh," was all the Queen said as he looked down. He didn't speak the rest of the way, but listened as the farmer boy, who he learned to be Alfred, spoke. Soon they arrived at a house and barn. "This is where you live?" Arthur scrunched up his nose as Alfred laughed.

"Yup! Home sweet home! Ma and pa are out for the week for a supply trip. Trading and stuff. So you won't be surrounded by too many commoners for your liking, your highness." Alfred bowed his head slightly, leading Arthur up the steps of his dingy porch.

The omega looked around in distain. His stables at the castle looked better than this. Alfred held the door open for the Queen, then lead him to the hallway beside the stairwell. "The last door on the right is the washroom. The water is nice and warm. While you're in there, I'll whip up some food and get ya some clothes to wear on your way back to the castle."

Arthur nodded and headed towards the washroom. He Locke the door behind himself, and sighed in relief. The washroom was in fantastic condition, but his stables still looked in better shape. He turned on the water before slowly stripping himself bare. He turned off the faucet, then slid into the warm, slightly steaming water. "Ah~." Arthur smiled, relaxing in the tub. It may not look as regal or be as large as the washrooms in his palace, but it certainly was cozier. Arthur reached for the sponge and soap and cleansed himself. It was nice to be doing it himself rather than a handmaiden come in while he bathed and cleaned him. It was nice and relaxing.

A knock rapped at the door. "I have some clothes right outside the door for when you're done. They may be a little big on you, but I hope they'll do until you reach the castle."

Arthur smiled at the kindness of this farmer boy. "Thank you, Alfred."

"You're welcome, your majesty. I'll go finish up dinner, then I'll send you on your way." Then he walked away to the kitchen.


After drying himself off and getting dressed, Arthur made his way to where the wonderful smell of food resided. He hadn't eaten anything in hours.

Once Alfred saw the Queen, he smiled and pulled out a chair. "Here ya are, your highness. It may not be as fancy or big as your meals at the castle, but it's all I can do for now." Arthur nodded in gratitude as he sat in the seat pulled out for him, then chuckled as Alfred pushed his lap under the table. Alfred set a plate in front if Arthur with a select few foods. Buttered corn beside peach cobbler with seasoned beef as the main part of the dish. In the cup was pure white milk. "I hope this pleases the Queen."

Arthur couldn't help the smile curling his lips. "This will do perfectly fine, Alfred. Thank you."

Alfred nodded with a grin as he sat across from Arthur with a plate of his own. "I hope you don't mind that we eat at the same table." Arthur shook his head. "Then I'll say grace." Arthur laughed lightly, but bowed his head and listened to Alfred pray. "Dear God, I thank the for this meal and for this chance to please my Queen. I pray that this meal will nourish us and that the Queen will make it back to the castle safely. Amen."

"Amen." Arthur smiled at the kind prayer, and leaned forward. "You know, you did not have to pray for such things. Being able to please me or wish that I may make it home safely."

The alpha just grinned. "Of course I did! Now come on and eat! I wanna know what the Queen thinks of my homemade beef and cobbler!"

Arthur laughed, then cut off a slice of his beef. Alfred practically shoveled the food into his mouth as Arthur are with practiced dignity. "So?" Alfred asked, his last bite of cobbler stuffed in his mouth.

Instead of being disgusted like he would normally have been, Arthur chuckled after he swallowed. "It's quite good. I enjoy it. Cooked just right with the perfect amount of seasoning. Where'd you learn to cook like this?" Arthur looked up at Alfred, taking another bite of cobbler.

"Hm, my grandmama taught me. Ma 'n' pa aren't good cooks, so dear ol' granny taught me how to cook. Now it's my daily chore; breakfast, lunch an' dinner. Dessert on Sundays!" Alfred stood up and headed to the sink. He cleaned off his dishes, then sat back at the table. "But is it castle worthy?"

Arthur laughed once again, pushing his plate a couple inches away from him to signal that he was finished eating. "Oh, definitely. In fact, I haven't had cobbler so good in years." Alfred laughed as well, leaning back in his seat. "I'm delighted to have tasted something so good."

Alfred scratched the back of his head with a sheepish smile. "I'm not that good 'a cook."

The Queen just smiled. After a moment, Alfred stood and grabbed the dishes in front if Arthur, then cleaned them off. "Do you want to sit on the couch and rest while I get a horse ready?"

Arthur looked up at Alfred then shook his head as he stood. "No. I think I'll come with." Alfred nodded, holding the door open for Arthur. Once they descended down the creaky steps of the porch, Arthur hooked his arm through Alfred's. "Will you not be accompanying me on my journey to the castle?"

"Not unless you want me to." Alfred flashed a grin down at Arthur. "I was thinking that you'd like to journey back alone, but I could accompany you if you wish it."

Humming, the Queen looked forward. "I think if very much appreciate you joining me. But if you are busy..." Arthur trailed.

Alfred kept up his grin. "Nah, I'm not busy, your majesty."

"Arthur." The Spadian Queen looked up at Alfred as the taller, younger male looked down in surprise. "My name is Arthur, and I am granting you permission to call me by my name."

The Spadian citizen blushed and sputtered as he stopped in his tracks. "But we've only just met!"

Arthur giggled softly at the cute expression his subject was making. "You've been so terribly kind to me, and this is all I can offer you. Take it as a gift of thanks."

Arthur stared, then gulped before bowing his head. "Of course, your majes- I mean, Arthur." Arthur nodded, appreciative of being called my his first name rather than his formal name. Alfred lead the rest of the way to the barn, then sat Arthur down on the cushioned bench in the barn while he went and got two horses.

First, he lead a large, dapple grey stallion out of his stall and tied him to a post before heading back to the stalls. The next horse he coaxed out was a dainty, but sturdy white mare that was dwarfed in comparison to the dapple grey. After tying her up, Alfred grinned over at Arthur. "Arthur, come here! I want you to meet these two!"

Arthur smiled once again, making his way over. Alfred took his hand, then placed his fingers over the mare's velvety muzzle. "This is Snowflake. She's only four years old, but she's quick and smart. I call her Little Fox sometimes 'cause of how she acts, but she's real sweet and loves everyone."

"Hello, Snowflake." Arthur gently stroked her muzzle, and earned a soft nicker in response. Alfred then lead Arthur to the large stallion.

"This is Fergus. He's my horse. He's seven years old, and is real smart too. He's our work horse 'cause he's real strong and fast. We get a lot done when we're using him." Arthur nodded, petting Fergus' thick neck. "You'll be riding Snowflake if you don't mind."

Arthur shook his head, turning his attention to the mare. "Oh, she'll do just fine. Thank you, Alfred." Alfred grinned and nodded, then proceeded to tack up the horses.


Arthur sat, relaxing into the saddle as Snowflake walked steadily after Fergus and Alfred. Arthur smiled, watching as the last light of day vanished over the horizon.

"The ride may be several hours, but we'll reach the castle before dawn." Alfred glanced over his shoulder at the Queen, but he only nodded, his eyelids dropping in tiredness.

Alfred noticed, and slowed Fergus to walk beside Snowflake. "Are you sure you don't want to turn around and head back to my house to get some sleep? You're awful tired, I can tell." Arthur shook his head. "We could stop at an Inn. I know a really good, fancy one on our way that about a fifteen minute trot from here. Plus, the guy that runs the place owes me."

Arthur smiles slightly, hardly able to keep his eyes open. "Sounds divine."


Once they reached the inn, Alfred slid off Fergus and helped Arthur off of Snowflake. He took the saddle packs off the horse's backs, then allowed the Inn stable boy to take the two horses. "Here you are," Alfred muttered, flinging a cloth over Arthur's shoulders. "Bandits and outlaws come here often, so we can't have you be recognized." He flipped the hood over Arthur's head and smiled. "Come on, Arthur."

Arthur smiled and hooked his arm through Alfred's. "Thank you, Alfred."

"My pleasure, your majesty." Alfred chuckled, leading the Queen into the Inn. "Tony!" The noise in the lobby to the Inn ceased momentarily before starting back up.

A man laughed as Arthur was lead to the front counter. The man was around the same height as Arthur, but had odd steely grey hair and deep red eyes. "Alfred, my friend! What can I do ya for?"

Alfred laughed, leaning over the counter slightly. "How 'bout that room ya owe me for saving your behind?"

Tony snickered, shuffling around in the drawers of his desk. "I do still owe ya, and we're pals, so here ya go. Finest room of any Inn in the Spadian Kingdom. But, if I may ask, why do ya got an omega latched onto your arm here instead of at your house?"

The farmer boy chuckled, taking the key. "He lost his way, and I'm helping him home. No mating in the process."

"Of course. Always kind to strangers. Someday, that's gonna be the death of ya." Tony sent them off to their room up on the second floor.

Arthur lightly tugged on Alfred's sleeve and looked up at him. "You didn't have to get a fancy room."

Alfred chuckled, softly patting Arthur's small hand. "No, but I did. Plus, I ain't gotta pay for it. Tony's a buddy and this is what he's doing for thanks; like you said I could call you by your first name."

The Queen smiled, then stepped in the room. He almost gasped, but he shut his mouth before he could. The bed was large and beautifully decorated. The floor was tiled rather than wood, and a couch lay at the end of the bed. There was a little kitchenette in the corner for maids to cook for their noble, and a large, castle-like bathroom and closet. Although it was only a fraction of the size of his bedroom at the castle, the room certainly was fit to temporarily house a noble.

"You take the bed. I'll go ahead and take the couch." Arthur blinked and looked over at Alfred as he she'd his jacket. Arthur only nodded, and slid the cloak off his shoulders. Alfred took the cloak and hung it, then lay on the couch after blowing out the lantern. Arthur crawled into the bed and huddled under the covers. The omega sighed, relaxing as he closed his eyes. The bed was not as plush as his back at the castle, but he'd much prefer this bed.

"Good night, your highness."

Arthur smiled. "Goodnught, Alfred. And please, my name."

Alfred chuckled. "Sorry, Arthur. It won't happen again."


Arthur looked around at the small town that bustled with life. Rosewood was a marketing town, Arthur had heard, but he hadn't known that so many lively people lived there. Alfred chuckled, watching Arthur look around in amazement.

"Rosewood is a two hour horse ride from my farm, but I come here just about every other day. Everyone here is so friendly, and we all know each other. Rosewood is close knit and a safe place to be." Alfred told Arthur, turning the Queen's attention to himself. "Rosewood is home."

Arthur smiled at the farm boy. "It certainly is. I think I'd like to visit once again when I am not journeying to the castle after being lost for a day. I'm surprised my Jack hasn't put up billboards that I cannot be found."

Alfred laughed. "He must trust you, then. Well, let's hurry you home." Arthur nodded, and urged Snowflake into a trot after Fergus.


The castle could be spotted in the distance for some hours now, but finally, they reached the outskirts of Spade's capital where the castle resided, Starshine. Starshine was a loud, large, busy city, full of merchants and nobles. Arthur didn't much like how many people bustled around on the cobblestone streets, so he stayed in the castle most of his time. Arthur almost pulled his hood down further when he spotted his guards talking to a familiar noble from the Club Kingdom.

"I don't like them." Arthur turned to Alfred. "Clubs. They give off an uneasy vibe. I never trusted them." Arthur smiled at Alfred. The rest of their ride to the castle was quiet between them. Arthur lead the way to the castle through the winding streets of the Capitol.

About half an hour later, Alfred was tying the horses up and helping Arthur out of the saddle. "Here you are, Arthur. Spade's castle." Arthur chuckled, hooking his arm through Alfred's once again as he was lead to the steps. The guards up the marble stairs didn't so much as twitch, but the guards at the doors crossed their spears.

"State your name and buisness." One of the guard spoke sternly.

Arthur slid off his hood. "I don't believe I need to."

The two guards fumbled, then held up their spears as they opened the doors. Arthur then ducked his head slightly in a bow before tugging Alfred after him. The alpha followed, slightly confused. "Why am I in the castle? I thought I was just dropping you off?"

Arthur giggled softly. "I'm sorry. I was hoping I could introduce my Jack to you. He often wants to know whom I associate myself with, if you don't mind."

Alfred shook his head. "Not in the slightest. I was just a little confused, is all." Alfred gave Arthur a confident grin.

"Oh, goodness! Your majesty, you've returned!" Alfred and Arthur both looked up at the heavily relieved voice. The Jack ran down the stairwell in a rush. "I was about ready to send out the entire Spadian army to search for you!"

Arthur laughed, taking his arm from Alfred's to comfort the Jack. "I'm quite alright, Yao. Was there any luck in finding the King while I was away?"

Oh yeah... We still can't find the King of Spades after he was kidnapped as a baby right out of the castle. The previous King and Queen had no luck in finding their King-marked son, though they searched the entire kingdom and asked the other kingdoms to search. The Spadian King and Queen died shortly after the Jack, Wang Yao, was found, who then found the Queen, Arthur Kirkland, two years later. Three years of having a Queen and the King is still unknown. Arthur is twenty-three and still unwed and unmated. Alfred kept in a sigh as he ran over his thoughts on the monarchy of his kingdom.

Yao sighed, shaking his head. "He still cannot be found, your majesty. He must be nineteen years old by now, so he is mostly likely mated. I do not think he is dead, but it is impossible to fin-" the short male cut himself off once he spotted the farm boy. "Uhm... Your majesty? Who is this?"

Arthur hummed and looked over at Alfred. "Oh! Yao, meet Alfred! He found me and escorted me back to the castle."

However, the beta seemed unsure. "But, your highness... He is an Alpha. You are an omega. He could have done things to you."

Arthur rolled his eyes. "But he did not, my trusted Jack. I know what he is and what I am. And I am grateful to him for treating me kindly and taking me home. I believe you should be grateful, as well."

The brunette gulped, locking eyes with Alfred. He stared for a moment, then bowed. Alfred's eyes widened. Nobility almost never bowed to people of lower class. "I thank you for bringing the Queen home unharmed and as soon as you could have. My name is Wang Yao. Could I know your name?"

Alfred hurriedly nodded. "Y-yeah! I-I'm- my name is Alfred! Alfred F. Jones!"

Yao snapped up into a straight posture, surprising both Alfred and Arthur. "P-pardon?"

"Alfred F. Jones?" The alpha gulped, almost unsure of his answer.

"O-oh..." Yao inched closer to Arthur. "Well, I hope you have a safe journey..." His voice was stronger, but he was still questioning.

Alfred tentatively nodded, backing out of the large entrance of the castle, then dashed back to his horses.

"Come on, Arthur." Yao lead Arthur up the stairs. "We must get you cleaned and dressed. You have meeting with the Jack of Clubs."

Arthur nodded, glancing back to the doors that Alfred had left through. Maybe I'll get to see him again.

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