Loud Laughs and Silent Tears

By AnthemForTheHomesick

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Niall's Little Angel Part 2 Two teenagers fall in love. Five teenagers watch. Second first kiss is given. Bu... More

From Love To Hate And Back Again
My Name Is...
Couldn't think of a title, sorry..
You're such a tease!
Did we just loose two teenagers?
I Wonna Hear Your Voice
'Cause mornings are made for screaming
Guts and a burned finger
A day to remember
Niall loves Axelle
And the angel calls her prince
We're all drowning
Make Up
A guy's day
Some rain and some alcohol
We'll get to you
Important A/N
A Pretty Little Morning

Same Mistakes

103 6 2
By AnthemForTheHomesick

Zayn's P.O.V.

"What?!" We exclaimed in unison.

Did she just say that Carter asked her to be his girlfriend?

Noah's smile dropped when she saw our reactions and her eyes connected with the floor.

"Did you say yes?"

Harry asked, his tone a deep kind of growl.

"He sang me an Ed Sheeran song."

That was it.

That was enough for us to know she said yes. We all know she can't resist that.

"You've only just met."

Louis exclaimed, his expression one of disappointment.

She didn't respond.

She just turned around and ran upstairs. But this time, no one bothered to go after her.

Not even Niall, who'd previously laid in her arms, sobbing his eyes off.

"I can't believe this."

Liam buried his head in his hands, as if to hide from all the drama.

I swallowed, before finally saying what had been on my mind for a long time now.

"Maybe we shouldn't be so hard on Noah."

I started of and they sent me questioning looks, indicating for me to go on.

"We made the same mistake too. At the beginning of the summer, we decided to take a girl with us on tour that we barely knew."

They gasped, scowling at me. But their frowns dropped quickly when they realised I was right.

"Look at everything that has happened to us since then."

Louis sighed and all we could do was nod in agreement.

"My relationship with Julie could've worked out."

Harry clasped his hand over his mouth when he realised what he said. But we didn't judge, Liam just wrapped his arms around the boy, who was now sobbing.

"The only question left is whether it was the right decision or not."

Louis continued and I shook my head.

"No, it doesn't matter. It's not like she's staying forever. She'll leave when the summer ends."


"Should nobody go after Noah?"

I asked about twenty minutes later and Niall shook his head.

"Nahh. She'll come back when she's hungry or has to go for a wee."

He explained, before turning his attention back on the movie we were watching. It was some sort of action movie.

"There she comes."

Harry whispered, his eyes still a bit red from crying.

Noah was indeed climbing down the stairs, her gaze pointed at her black converse as she did so.


Liam asked, to which she shook her head.

"No, I just don't like fighting with you guys."

She explained, her voice just as quiet as it was when we first met her. Niall opened his arms as an invitation for a hug, which she gladly accepted.

"You know,"

She continued, her head resting on his shoulder.

"I would've said no if I knew you guys wanted me to. It's just, at my age, most people don't take relationships that serious. Some girls have a different boyfriend every week."

She explained and we nodded understandingly.

"I just thought you were better than that."

Harry whispered.

"Then I'll try my best to make this relationship as serious as possible."

She decided, which seemed a great idea. That was the end of our discussion.

"Anyway, I'd appreciate it if you guys could close your eyes for about ten seconds."

Noah said, receiving weird glances from us.

"I -errm- need to fix my bra. So, unless you'd enjoy watching me fiddle with it, I think you should do as I asked."

We immediately closed our eyes, all of us -including Noah- blushing crimson. After a few seconds, she told us we could look again and we did.

"Thank you."

She muttered, receiving some Any Time's. Louis decided to fill the awkward silence.

"Hey, shouldn't you Skype with your friends again?"

He offered, causing her eyes to light up.

"Yeah, let me go get my tablet."

She said, as she stood up to run of to her room, but Liam stopped her.

"In the living room. You should Skype with your friends in the living room."

There was absolutely no point in making her do it here, except for the fact that it was freaking hilarious.

"Fine. But prepare yourself, I feel like gossiping."

She sassed, as she started the Skype app on her tablet. Luckily, the buttons next to Axelle and Tia's names were green. When Noah pressed the call, they appeared on the screen. We quickly made sue that we were out of sight of the camera.

"Hi hun."

"Haay, gurrl, haay."

Axelle and Noah greeted each other in their own internet slang. Tia however, jumped straight into business.


Our girl face palmed, immediately blushing crimson when she remembered we were still in the room.

"I don't know." She muttered awkwardly.

"I always knew you had them, you just hid them."

Tia wiped away a fake tear, causing the to erupt in laughter.

"Yeah, it's because of your clothing style."

Axelle agreed.

"Tia, is it raining?"

Noah asked and the brunette nodded heavily.

"It's raining in England too, isn't it? I can see it."

The blond nodded, the lads looking out of the window.


"It sucks. Anyway, how's Jessy?"

Noah asked and I figured that must be another girl she knew, a friend maybe.

"Omg. She's now dating Kevin. Apparently, they took a bath together, NAKED. They slept in the same bed, NAKED. She even gave him a hand job."

Hmmm... Maube this girl isn't their friend.

"What? Jesus Christ, what a slut. I can't even believe she dated my cousin. I warned him that she was up to no good. But, like, a hand job."

"Yeah, he was probably like"

"And I bet she"

"And omg"

"The image is now stuck in my head. Thanks."

The conversation was now too girly for us to follow, they were completing each others sentences and shit. Noah was pulling a horrified face, repeatedly bumping her head on Niall's shoulder.

"Is one of them sitting next to you?"

Axelle questioned, her eyes widened.


Tia leaned closer to the camera, her voice barely a whisper.

"Is he hot? Does he have abs?"

Now Noah leaned closer too, after shooting Niall a wink.

"Yes and yes. Oh, and he can hear very well too."

"Omfg, are you kidding me?"

"Naah, he's deaf."



Woah, they sure knew how to pick their nicknames.

"I knew that, slut."

It was only then that Tia decided to interrupt them.

"Omg, check this pic out, let me send it to you."

"Yeah sure."


"What. Is. That?"

"Wait, what?"

Then hell broke lose when they started giggling, well actually, they sounded pretty much like high unicorns.

"Do you remember?"

"Yeah, like."


They were practically laughing at nothing.

And believe me, they didn't stop.

As soon as one of them stopped, she let out this weird noise, so the others laughed even more and they ended laughing again.

Because Noah was giggling, the computer on her lap shifted a little and a bit of Niall's hair became visible.

"Omg. Is one of them blond?"

Axelle giggled, clasping her hand over he mouth.

"What if it's Niall?"

Tia added, her eyes widened.

"Omg, I'd freak out if it was Niall. I mean, jesus christ. I'd cuddle with him all day long."

Noah admitted, making all of us laugh silently.

But then Liam sighed and signalled that Noah should end the call.

"I should go to bed then. I miss you."

She whispered, receiving a nod from the other two.

"Night love. Have fun with your own personal Niall Horan."

Axelle joked and Noah gasped.

"That sounds so dirty minded."

Tia giggled, before waving goodbye and ending the call.

Noah sniffled, burying her face in Niall's shoulder, trying to hide her tears.

I swear, when Noah's in her period, she cries over anything.

"You really miss them, don't ya?"

Harry asked and she nodded almost invisible.

"I can make you feel a bit better. Zayn, help me out, will ya?"

Louis winked at me, before bursting out in some lyrics. I made obscene movements the whole time.

I take you to the candy shop

I'll let you lick my lolly pop

I take you to the candy shop

Keep on going until you hit the spot

Noah giggled, her smile immediately enlightening the mood. I swear, my dance moves are the best.

"Thanks guys, but I'm off to bed now."

She announced, giving all of us a kiss on the cheek, except for me.

Stupid management.

"See ya later."

Niall whispered and she nodded happily.

Woah, did we miss something?

However, as soon as she left the room, he turned to us.

"She definitely needs a girl friend. I'm calling Demi."


Sorry for the wait :) Thank you people who voted for Speak Up! They make me happy and when I'm happy, I update ;)

Xxx Astrid

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