My Stepbrother

By cupcakexo

813K 17.5K 3.9K

Years ago, Abby Sutherlin lost her mother in a car crash. This summer, Abby's father is marrying his girlfrie... More

Chapter One - Moving to New York
Chapter Two - The Bedroom
Chapter Three - A Walk With Jeydon
Chapter Four - "You look beautiful."
Chapter Five - Nail Polish
Chapter Six - The Party
Chapter Seven - Spin the Bottle
Chapter Eight - Starbucks ♥
Chapter Nine - Jeydon's Father
Chapter Ten - The Wedding
Chapter Eleven - May I Have This Dance?
Chapter Twelve - The park and SpongeBob guts
Chapter Thirteen - First Day of School
Chapter Fourteen - Elizabeth's Party
Chapter Fifteen - The Kiss
Chapter Sixteen - We are Never Ever Getting Back Together. Like Ever.
Chapter Seventeen - You sir, are a pretty damn good kisser
Chapter Eighteen - Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chapter Ninteen - The Sexiest Guy in the Universe
Chapter Twenty - Lost
Chapter Twenty One - Taking a Break
Chapter Twenty Two - A Game Called Jealousy
Chapter Twenty Three - Caught
Chapyter Twenty Four - Balcony Surprises
Chapter Twenty Five - Two Dates, One Day
Chapter Twenty Six - Death Anniversary
Chapter Twenty Seven - A Memory from the Past
Chapter Twenty Nine - The Winter Wonderland
Chapter Thirty - Moving Out
Chapter Thirty One - Abby the Elf
Chapter Thirty Two - Never Have I Ever
Chapter Thirty Three - A Phone Call
Chapter Thirty Four - Hey there, Abby

Chapter Twenty Eight - Dinner with Jason's Family

16.4K 385 228
By cupcakexo

Chapter Twenty Eight:

Now Jason and I go way back. We had both been dating for quite some time and our families became really close because of this. We had been on vacation together a couple of times. His dad and my dad became best friends after we had dated, starting from freshman year. So we basically did everything together. He even started to feel more like family than a boyfriend. Or at least a family member that you kissed..

Anyway, once my dad proposed to Ashley and it was confirmed we were moving to New York, Jason and I decided to break up. The only reason being we didn't think the whole long distance relationship thing would work out. We remained friends but after I started dating Jeydon, I basically lost contact with most of my friends in Indiana. So you can tell why I was really shocked that Jason was here.

I stand there, speechless. Breaking the silence, Jason steps forward and pulls me into a hug.

"Hey, babe." He grins, pulling back. "I missed you."

Babe? Why exactly was he calling me that? I know that we definitely did not hate each other and only broke up because of distance, but now that he was here, did he think that meant we were all of a sudden dating again? Because I don't remember agreeing on this.

"You guys are so cute!" His mom exclaims. "It feels like just yesterday Jason would bring Abby home with him." She smiles at me. "You were always just like a daughter to me, Abby."

Normally, I would've ran over to his mother and given her a hug. But now, it seemed like I didn't even know them anymore. It was weird to think that they used to be home to me but now it's like they're strangers. My new family with Jeydon, Kate, and Ashley feels like I've known all of them forever.

"They do look cute." Ashley agrees with her.

I immediately blush. I give Jason a small smile, missing his adorable dimples.

"Jason, I missed you too and I'm so glad to see you but what brought you to all of a sudden decide to come all the way here to visit me?"

I know it's probably not the most welcoming thing to ask someone the minute you see them but I really don't understand why he chose to come see me right now. Especially while I was dating Jeydon, which obviously made this really awkward.

Speaking of Jeydon, it's hard to not notice him glaring at Jason as he sits at the counter, popping a grape into his mouth. I wonder if he and Jason had already talked. I don't think it was too long they were here until I arrived. Did he know that Jason and I used to date? I can only imagine the things going on in his mind.

"Well my dad's company got promoted and moved to New York so we moved here. We only live a couple of blocks away." He says. "Your dad invited us for dinner so we can catch up and everything."

"Isn't that great, Abby?" Dad asks, putting a hand on Jason's shoulder. "Now you two can date again!"

I'm about to point out that he's wrong and that I already have a boyfriend so we can't date. But I realize that I can't say that. My relationship with Jeydon is a secret. I feel like my dad secretly planned this so I could get over Jeydon and date Jason instead. But I know that there's no possible way he could get Jason's dad's company to move to New York. Or could he?

"Aren't you happy, Abby?" Jason asks, a concerned look on his face. "I thought you'd be glad to see me. Or did we break up for more than just distance?" He frowns, looking rejected.

"No!" I quickly say, feeling bad. "I'm just surprised, that's all."

"Oh," he says, his frown turning upside down. "So, how about we go to your room and catch up?"

"I'll come too!" Jeydon says, jumping from his seat at the counter.

He walks over to us and stuffs his hands in his pockets.

I nod to Jason. "That's Jeydon, my stepbrother."

"Yeah, we've already met." Jeydon mutters.

Jason gives him a friendly smile and I walk up the stairs, being followed by the two boys. Once we're all inside my bedroom, I close the door and sit cross legged on my bed. Jason plops down next to me and begins examining my room from where he's sitting.

Jeydon leans up against my wall. "How long have you and Abby been dating?" He questions.

So was he really going to make this a game of twenty questions? Even though I had to admit, Jeydon is extremely cute when he's jealous.

"Almost two years." He says. He turns to me and smiles.

"Why'd you guys break up?" He immediately shoots another question.

He scratches the back of his head. "Well after she told me she was moving, it was best for us to end our relationship."

"Oh, so you don't do long distance?" Jeydon asks Jason. "Too much for you to handle, huh? You just wanted to be able to have any girl after Abby left."

"Actually," I tell him. "I was the one who decided it would be best if we broke up."

Jason nods. "To be honest, I wouldn't mind if we did keep a long distance relationship."

Jeydon ignores this. "So how many girls have you dated after Abby? Ten? Twenty?"

"Actually, I haven't stopped thinking about you ever since." Jason says, putting his hand on top of mine.

In the corner of my eye, I see Jeydon rolling his eyes. I give Jason a small smile to be polite. Then, there's a knock on the door before Dad swings it open.

"Dinner's ready!" He gives both Jason and I a huge smile.

I'm surprised he knocked this time before entering. Not that I would mind if he didn't. We weren't doing anything wrong.

Jason walks out the door first and I follow, only to be grabbed by the wrist and pulled back into the room by Jeydon.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?!" He asks.

"He's not my boyfriend. We broke up and after I met you I forgot all about him, which is why it never really came up." I tell him.

"I don't want you getting too close to him."

"Jeydon, you have nothing to worry about. I like you, not Jason." I say.

"It's obvious he wants to get back together with you!"

"I know." I say. "But Jason is still my friend and I can't just avoid him. It'll make it too obvious that we're dating."

At the dinner table I take a seat beside Jason and Jeydon sits on the other side of me. I begin filling my plate with the pasta Ashley cooked up for dinner.

"So, have you lovebirds gotten a chance to catch up?" Dad asks, twirling his fork into the pasta.

Jason's dad chuckles this.

"Not really." I mutter.

There's a moment of silence before Dad speaks up again.

"So Jason, are you still playing football?"

He nods. "Yeah, I'm quarterback of the team now."

Wow. I always knew Jason was good at football but I didn't know he was quarterback now. I guess things really do change.

"You guys should come over again tomorrow and we all can play football again like we used to!" He turns to me. "You haven't played in a while. Jason might be able to beat you this time." He winks.

It was true. Jason and I used to always play football at my house. I know, I was such a tomboy back then. Jason used to always let me win and we'd always end up tackling each other. I giggle at the memory.

Jason laughs when he notices my giggle and Ashley raises an eyebrow. "I didn't know you played football, Abby."

Well, ever since I came to New York, I haven't really played sports.

"Oh, they used to play all the time back in Indiana!" Dad grins. "Abby would've been captain of the football team if they allowed girls on it." He turns to Jeydon. "How about you, Jeydon? Do you play football?"

He shakes his head. "No, not really."

Well can you blame him, Dad?! He doesn't have a father! Now I was really starting to feel that he was purposely trying to leave Jeydon out of the conversation.

"Do you play any sports?" Dad questions him.

"I play basketball." Jeydon takes a sip of his water.

Dad chuckles. "Anyone can play basketball."

I know he's just teasing him but I feel bad for Jeydon. Why did Dad have to be such a jerk? Basketball isn't all that easy considering last time I played with Jeydon, I couldn't even get a ball in the hoop. Obviously, Dad was trying to make him look bad and show me that Jason was a much better choice just because he plays sports. If only my dad knew that being really athletic didn't mean everything.

"Did you ask her yet?" Jason's dad asks him.

Was he talking about me? What was Jason planning on asking me?

"I didn't get the chance to." He says.

Well I honestly can't blame him for saying that because he really didn't get a chance with Jeydon shooting him questions a few minutes ago. But now I was getting really curious on what he wanted to ask me. They made it seem as if it were pretty serious.

He then turns his head to me. "Abby, I was meaning to ask you this. Ever since my dad told me we were moving here, my first thought was getting back with you. I just thought we were so good together and now that I'm here we can finally be together again. So, do you want to get back together?"

I almost spit out my water. Okay, I might have saw this coming but I didn't think he would talk about this in front of everyone! I sit there, trying to think of some excuse. But for some reason, nothing comes to mind.

"Abby, aren't you single?" Dad asks.

 I want to roll my eyes at him but I know I shouldn't since people are watching me. No, actually I'm not but I can't say that right now because our relationship is kind of a secret.

"Well, yeah." I tell him.

"So what's your excuse?"

My excuse is that I'm dating my freaking stepbrother! But I can't tell Jason that. Especially not with my parents in the room. I don't even know if I can ever tell him. It would just be too weird to tell someone I'm dating my stepbrother. Not only that, but Jason is close with my dad so I don't want to risk that information accidentally slipping out. The only person who knows right now is Lulu, but I can trust her with my life.

"If you don't have one, then don't keep the boy waiting and say yes already!" He says after I don't answer

Everyone's eyes are on me, waiting for an answer. I can feel my face burning trying to think of one. There is no way I'm admitting that Jeydon and I are dating. But I have to give an answer so no one will get suspicious and think that we still have something. I also hate having everyone stare at me for so long.

"O-okay." I stutter.

Dad slaps his hand onto Jason's back. "That's a yes, my friend! Welcome back to the family." They both do their special handshake they used to do all the time. I'm surprised they still get it perfectly.

I wonder what Jeydon thinks of this. He probably hates me. I sneak a glance to see him frowning down at his plate, resting his chin on his hand. Great. He catches me staring at him and I quickly look away, knowing I won't be able to handle his sad face.

Jason's dad looks at the watch on his wrist. "Well, it's getting late. We better get going." He gets up and pushes his chair in. "Thank you for the meal, Ashley. It was delicious."

Ashley smiles and Jason and his mother get out of their seats as well. We all walk to the front door as they put on their coats and shoes.

"So, Abby." Jason says, zipping up his jacket. "I was wondering if you could show me around New York City. Maybe tomorrow?"

"She'd love to!" Dad grins, putting his arm around my shoulder.

Wow, thanks Dad. Because you know, I can't answer people for myself. Now I was really thinking that somehow he actually did get his dad's company to move here.

"Great." Jason smiles. "So it's a date."

Why a date? Why can't it be just a friendly thing? I honestly liked being friends with Jason so much better than being in a relationship with him. Even when we were dating, we were more like friends. You know how sometimes people might mistake your guy friend as your boyfriend? Well, back in Indiana that was the opposite for us. People would mistake him as just my friend sometimes.

 And again, why did this have to be a date? Oh, that's right. We're now dating. While I was dating my stepbrother. I am officially a cheating slut.

I bite down on my lip to help me from screaming. "Y-yeah. I guess you could call it that..."

He leans down and kisses my cheek. "Bye." With that, he walks out the front door and follows his parents into the car.

I turn around to see Jeydon glaring at me while Dad and Ashley start to clean up the table. Since they're not looking at us, I grab his arm and pull Jeydon up to my room and lock the door behind us.

"I am so sorry." I tell him.

"You had to say yes?? You couldn't just say that you weren't ready for a boyfriend right now or something?"

Now that he says this, I realize that it would've been a good excuse. Too bad I was stupid and didn't use that earlier.

"I just did it because my dad was watching! You know how much he doesn't like us together. He obviously set this up so I could get over you and be with Jason. I'll just break up with him tomorrow, okay?" I wrap my arms around his neck and plant a kiss onto his cheek. "You have nothing to worry about. It's you that I like, not him."

He leans his forehead against mine and sighs. "Then why'd you have to go on a date with him? And let him kiss you cheek?"

"We won't do anything!" I promise. "It'll just be as innocent as the day you showed me around New York."

He laughs. "Well, I wasn't going to make a move on you the first day I met you!"

I laugh and playfully punch his chest. "It's okay, I don't blame you. I still thought you were cute, anyway."

"Well how could you not?" He asks. "I've got the perfect hair, the smile, eyes. Oh, and the lip ring is a killer."

I lightly trace my finger around his lip ring. "You're right on that." I let out a yawn. "It's late, I'm going to get to sleep."

"Can I get a kiss before I leave?" He pleads, inching his lips closer to mine. "I mean, you can't just tease me like that and leave without a kiss." His lips softly brush against mine and I start to feel butterflies.

I smirk as I press my lips to his. He cups my face in his hand and I run my fingers through his hair. Just as the kiss starts to deepen, I quickly pull away, remembering that our parents are downstairs.

"Night, beautiful." Jeydon murmurs before walking out the door.

I sigh happily and fall back onto my bed.


No one should be at school this early. The sun had barely risen. Now that after today, there were two more days of school until winter break, the sky just seemed to become more and more gloomy. 

I stifle a yawn as I make my way to Granger's classroom ready to take this test I wasn't able to finish a few days ago. I'm actually feeling really confident this time, considering how long I've studied. I was sure to ace the midterm this time.

I walk into the classroom and notice a few kids sitting in the back, already working on their test. But one person sitting in the corner catches my attention. I hurry over and take the empty seat next to him.

"What are you doing here?!" I ask.

He raises an eyebrow with a smirk. "Shouldn't I be asking you that? I thought this was for the people who weren't here for midterms."

How could I forget this was for mostly new kids and Jason was a new student now?

I laugh. "Right, I didn't get a chance to finish mine so Granger gave me another chance to finish it.

Just at the sound of his name, Granger comes to my desk and drops my test onto it.

"Thank you." I say, flipping my test open.

I then remember what I told Jeydon last night. I said that I would break up with Jason. I look over at him to see him fishing a pencil out of his backpack. When he notices my stare, he smiles at me and whispers, "Good luck."

I sigh. How can I break up with him right before he takes his test? He might end up doing poorly on it because of me. I'd end up being known as the worst girlfriend ever. Maybe ending our relationship could wait until after the test?

After about half an hour, I was able to complete my test and check over all my answers. I felt proud of myself, knowing I'd done well. I turn to Jason to see him furrowing his eyebrows at a piece of paper with fold creases on it.

"Is this room three oh two?" He asks.

I shake my head. "No, this is one oh eight. Here, follow me. I'll take you to your class."

He smiles. "Thanks, Abby. You're the best."

No, I'm really not. Ugh, if only he knew I was planning on dumping him. I start to walk out the door with Jason close behind but end up walking right into someone, causing us both to collapse to the ground.

"Shit, Abby, I'm so sorry!"

Jeydon quickly gets up and holds out his hand for me. I take it and pull myself up.

"It's okay." I say.

He opens his mouth to say something but closes it and narrows his eyes at something behind me. I turn around to see what he's looking at and almost smack Jason in the face with my hair.

"Sorry!" I tell him.

He laughs. "It's fine."

I turn back around to face my boyfriend. I can tell by the way he's looking at me that he's trying to tell me something with his eyes.

"Hey, Jason? Can you just wait here and I'll take you to your class in a minute."

"Sure, take your time."

Ugh. Stop being nice! It's making it ten times harder to break up with you.

I grab Jeydon's arm and pull him into the hallway so we can talk.

"What?!" I ask him.

"You're the one that drags me into the hallway and you're asking me?"

I sigh. "What were you trying to tell me?"

"I thought I told you to stay away from him."

"I had no idea he was here! I just came to finish my midterm, remember?"

"Okay, well then why is he taking this so easy? Didn't you break up with him?"

I bite my lip, knowing he was right.

"Why didn't you do it yet?!" He asks.

"I will!" I say. "I just didn't want to do it right before he took his midterm! What if he ended up failing because of me?"

Jeydon sighs. "Well can you do it soon? I don't exactly like the idea of my girlfriend dating someone else. How would you feel if I were cheating on you with Elizabeth?"

I would not like that at all, actually.

"Jeydon, I'm sorry. I'll do it as soon as possible."

The bell rings.

"I have to go show him to his class. I'll talk to you later, okay?"


Picture of Jason on the side! He's Dustin from Zoey 101 if you remember and yes, puberty has done the boy well lol. ——————>

So what did you guys think of this chapter?? Make sure to comment, vote, and follow for the next chapter!


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