Something Beautiful

By Britalie84

764 38 13

What happens when two world famous singers, who happen to be friends, are attracted to the same girl.That's w... More

Something Beautiful
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 8

23 1 0
By Britalie84

Delilah woke up early a week later. She felt sick. She splashed water on her face using the fluffy white towel on her face. She still felt like she was going to become sick so she drunk a large glass of water.

She laid back down on the bed, she was too hot to get back under the covers. Louis felt around for her.

"Babe?" Louis said sleepily. His voice scruffy and drunken.

"I don't feel very good. I feel a little sick." Delilah managed a light chuckle.

"Awh," Louis mocked her "Are you sure you're ok?" He rubbed her thigh.

"I don't know, I'm gonna try and go to the doctor later." Delilah said. Taking Louis hand in her own.

"Just get some rest, I am sure you're just nervous."

Delilah was a bit nervous. It was Christmas time, Her and Louis we're going house hunting.

Louis couldn't stay awake, he dozed off minutes later.

At 8 Delilah got up again and ran to the bathroom. She was sick again.

"Louis, I think I have a stomach virus." Delilah said when Louis woke up.

"Let's to to the doctor, I don't want you to be sick."

"No. I'll be fine."

"Let's go, come on. Better to be safe than sorry" Louis said aloud.

"Ok." Delilah put on some clothes, brushed out her hair and put on some make-up.

The hospital was a good ways from the hotel.

They pulled into the parking lot, heading into the emergency room.

Soon they were taking back. Delilah got her throat checked. Her blood tested and many others.

Almost an hour later Doctor. Potters came in. Wearing his scrugs that were teal green and a white doctor jacket.

"Good news, Mrs. Tomlinson!" The doctor said. "You're Pregnant!"

Color drained from Delilah face, before filling back up.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" Louis and Delilah said the same time. They looked at eachother and hugged.

"Yepp, You're actually three and a half weeks along." The doctor flipped through some papers.

"Then the test was wrong." Louis said looking at Delilah.

"I can't believe it, oh my god. Louis!" Delilah basically jumped up and down with excitement.

They thanked the doctor and signed out of the hospital. Delilah had only one person to call.

And it wasn't her mom. She wanted to surprise her parents. Louis agreed to not tell Jay either.

Delilah was shaking so hard that she could barely hit speed Dial in order to call her best friend.

"Hello?" Waverly answered on the opposite end. She was just waking up, getting ready to go to work.

"WAVES! You can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you." Delilah said.

"I won't, what is it?" Waverly was getting curious.

"I'm going to be a mommy!"Delilah said excitedly. "Louis going to be a Daddy!"

"What?" Waverly wasn't sure if she heard Delilah right. "Did you say you're Pregnant?" Waverly said.

"Yes! Oh my god! Yes!"

"Oh my GoD! I'm going to be an aunt! oh my god! Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tomlinson!" Waverly said basically screaming.

Waverly and Delilah talked awhile longer. Talking about all that the doctor had said and how excited Louis was.

When the phone call ended Louis took out his own. "Mind if I tell my best friends since you told yours?" Louis shook his phone.

"No! Tell them. Put it on speaker!".

Louis dialed each of the boys putting them onto a group call.

"Is everyone Here?" Louis said holding the phone so Delilah could hear.

"Yah I'm here" Zayn said.

"Right here!" Niall laughed.

"Here!" Liam replied.

"I can here you." Harry said.

"Okay boys, well I have some really exciting news. Only for your ears! Don't not tell anyone." Louis ordered

"Yes, sir" Liam laughed.

"Well, I'm going to be the first One Direction Daddy!"

"No Way! Congrats Mate." Zayn said.

"Remeber when I was Daddy Direction during the X factor Haha" Liam laughed.

"I'M GOING TO BE AN UNCLE! AHH!"Harry screamed.

"Drinks for Louis and D!" Niall said, laughing.

Delilah giggled at how excited the boys were. Louis chuckled before speaking. "Yes, boys. You are all going to be uncles!, You're on speaker so Talk to Delilah."

"Hi Delilah! " The boys said all at once. "Congrats on being a mummy!"

"Thanks boys! I cannot wait to see you all! You're coming to the Christmas party right?"

"Of course!" Niall said. "Wouldn't miss it."

"Me and Perrie are coming. Half to leave early though. Going home to visit mum!" Zayn replied.

"Me and Liam will be there." Harry said.

"So do you want a boy?" Niall asked.

"Of course!" Louis said. Already dreaming about all the fun. How he teach him football, how to sing, and all The other fun Father/Son things.

"I don't care! I'm fine with a boy or girl." Delilah laughed. She couldn't stop smiling.

"She or he will have a wonderful mother and father!" Liam replied "I'll talk to you later Lou! OCngrats again!" Liam clicked the phone off.

"Yeah, I'mm\ gonna go to." Harry said. "I can't wait to see Delilah walkin' around funny" Delilah snorted, and the entire phone called erruputed into laughter.

"Bye boys!" Delilah called, adn Louis said his goodbyes and hung up the phone.

"You're going to be a daddy!" Delilah said again, it felt so good to say it.

"This is the best birthday slash Christmas presant ever. " Louis kissed his wife. "So we actually do need to go Christmas shopping, sense were already I town."

"Yeah, let's go!" Louis pulled off out of the hospital parking lot. He was finally going to have a kid. That's all he ever wanted.

They drove around for a bit, looking for the mall. They parked near the front and Delilah took Louis hand in her on.

"So we need to get things for your Mum, and my parents." Delilah stated

"And all my little sisters." Louis added

"Don't forget the boys, and Waverly." Delilah replied. A light giggle coing fromk her mouth.

"Ughhh..." Louis fake groaned. They walked around, everything in Nashvillie was pretty straight forward. You got your shirts from Hollister and American Eagle, your athletics came from the Under armor and Hibbit. Shoes would be paid for at the local Shoe Show, and everything else was from Dillards and Belks.

Louis and Delilah continue wandering around the mall, taking there time. The walked into the shoe show, hoping to fine the girls something.

"Lottie and Fizzy love shoes." Louis looked at a pair of black stillettos.

"I'm pretty sure Jay won't like them wearing those!" Delilah took the shoe from Louis and put it on her own foot. One side of her body was 3 inches taller than her husband, while the other half stayed the slight two inches below his head. 'What do you think?" Dellah flexed her calves.

"Sexy and Elegant" Louis smirked. "You should get those for the party."

"Really? You know they'll look really cute with my red dress." Delilah took the heel off her foot and placed it back in the box. "Awh, Lottie will love those!" Delilah reached for a pair of light blue flats with a big blue bow on the toe. "Hey look, they're her size and everything!" Delilah turned the shoe in her hand.

"You know her better than I do, all that time you to spent together" Louis laughed. Lottie couldn't get away from Delilah, they would talk and hang out backstage at most of the concerts.

"We can get Fizz a pocketbook, and the twins would like some make-up I bet. Not the real kind, like the little girl kind in like heart shaped bottles." Louis said, acting like a girl. HE talked with hs hands.

"Stop it, you're embrassing me." Delilah said, but inside she loved how childish he acted. How funny he was. The wandered around the store for a while longer before taking thier items to the register.

Louis spoke as they walked out of the shop. "I really like ti here in Nashville, to be honest. Like they like us, but the really just focus on Dolly Parton and singers like that."

"Yeah, but they like regular music too. It is a bit calm though, never much paparazi looking for you!"

A familar head of blonde hair walked in front of them. "Niall?" Louis asked.

Niall turned around and smile when he say them. "Hey guys!"

"Waht are ya doing here mate?" Louis and Delilah stopped walking after they caught up with them.

"Oh just trying to find Waverly a Christmas presant, I was going to visit her at work too." Niall chuckled.

"I'm glad everything work out." Delilah smiled.Shifting the bag back up onto her shoulder.

"By the way, congratulation again! This is a big deal to everyone in the band." Niall patted Louis on the shoulder.

"Yeah, remember it's on the down low, we're surprising everyone at the Christmas party next friday!" Delilah beamed.

"Yeah, I know!" Niall hugged her "Congrats again!" Niall waved goodbye and swaggered down the towards sunglasses hut.

"So what should we get the boys?" Delilah asked her husband, walking in time with him.

"Well, Niall said something Bout needing a new jumper, and Harry needs some new boots, he wears the same ones every bloody day. We could get Zayn some hair products, for when Lou isn't around, and Liam, well I don't know what he'd want."

Louis chatted.

"Well, let's head to American Eagle, and then to Beauty and Co. for Hair gel!" Delilah

"We still need things for our parents, and Waverly too!" Louis said as they walked past the chick fa la.

"Well we could get Waverly some books. You can never go wring with smelly perfumes for moms. Oh we almost forgot Daddy!" Delilah face palmed herself.

"Sounds good, hmm We could yet him a mug and a sports shirt or something." Louis shrugged. He never really got to know Delilah's that well. He was kind but he didn't look like it. He wasn't one to great you with a hug. He would know you were there, sometimes he'd laugh, but all in all he just watched sports and nodded.

"He does like coffee and North Carolina!" Delilah sparkled. She loved Christmas time. Everything felt better, brighter, and happier. All her favorite memories happened in the months of August - December.

They purchase the remaining presants before heading out to the car. Louis popped the trimming of the sleek black car and they sat their bags inside.

They got in and Louis turned the.engine. Delilah shivered in her jacket as heat filled the car.

"We have to meet that realistate lady soon,we could grabbed some lunch and then head over there." Louis pulled out of the parking lot sitting leaning back in his seat, one hand on the wheel, the other in Delilah's.

They made a quick trip through the Mcdonalds drive through. Ordering a 20 piece with a large fry and a tea. They shared the meal as they drove down the rode, which soon changed to a .snowy dirt path.

Louis pulled into the gravel drive way of a small blue house, a big wooden sign read "Home Bound Realistate"

"That's a catchy name for a business" Louis put his arm around Delilah's waist.

The entered and a bell that was tied to the handle with ribbon jingled.

A wreath Hung on the wall far right and a small real Christmas tree stood in the corner, decorated with priceless family treasures.

"How can I help ya?" An older man, maybe in his late fifties or early sixties said in his old gruff cowboy voice.

"We're looking to buy a house, Linda Reeds is supposed to take us around today." Delilah replied to the man.

"Alrighty" He smiled, his cheeks red like the Santa Clause on the desk. "Linda!" He called over his shoulder.

A women, maybe in her late thirties came around the corner. She was wearing a pair of blue jeans, a red plaid shirt and brown boots.

"Hey y'all, I'm Linda." She stuck out her hand. Louis shook it kindly. "Do ya know what your looking for?"

"Well, We just married last monthsl and we've been staying in a aparment downtown. We need cozy, but big enough for a family. So maybe 3 bedrooms, 2 baths?" Louis responded.

"Oh and a big living room and a window over the kichen sink" Delilah added.

"Good! Now what about landscape, do ya want a big yard with a lot of trees? or something a bit more city?"

Delilah exchanged a glance with Louis and he nodded. "Trees and a big front yard." Delilah beamed.

"Ahh! I've got just the house for you two!" Linda grabbed her keys and they left the building .going towards her rental car. Linda got in a fummbled with the paperwork in her hands.

"So the house we're visiting is 2 stories, three bed, three bath. Large living space and a beautiful kichen.It was just remodeled this past summer so everything is brand new!" she said as the car started, "But let's visit a few more on the way."

They drove back down a rree covered rode, they past a few horse pasters and barns. "So what do you do exactly?" Linda asked, trying to make converstation

"well, I'm in a band. You've probably heard of it. One Direction." Louis chuckled.

"No way! My daughter is just in love with you boys, I'm surprised I didn't recognize you. What about you Mrs. Tomlinson?"

"Well, I was planning on going to school for English and Arts." Deliah said. "I'm not sure if I wanna finish school or what, we're just taking one day at a time."

Waverly had gotten up early the next day to get some Christmas shopping done.

She knew if she didn't get it done within the next week Delilah would pitch a fit and would make Waverly go with her and Louis.

Waverly hated shopping.

It was a lot colder than usual and Waverly was hoping for a white Christmas.

Christmas. It was only two weeks away and Delilah had already begun hiring people for their Christmas party.

Usually Delilah did all the decorting and things like that but at this time of year she liked to focus on shopping.

Once Waverly got to the mall she found a parking spot and got out of her jeep.

She walked into Saks first and begun looking for Delilah and Louis something.

To be honest Waverly didn't have much money but she always started saving around October so she would have enough to buy a little something for everyone.

She looked through the clothing until she found a cute multicolored chevron scarf by Marc Jacobs.

It was the most beautiful scarf she had seen in her life and she knew Delilah would think the exact same thing.

She checked the price tag.

Two Hundred bucks.

It was a lot of money but Waverly had saved a lot of money and Delilah was worth it.

She went to the home decor and looked at the vases.

Her mom loved flowers and every year Waverly got her a vase filled with her moms favorite flowers.

"Can I help you with anything?" A young attractive guy asked Waverly.

He didn't seem to have on a name plate or a shirt that matched the others who worked there.

"Do you work here?" Waverly asked as the boy came closer.

The boy laughed, "No but I figured I help a pretty girl like you."

"Actually I'm just Christmas shopping."

"Maybe you could have a mans opinion." The boy raised his eyebrows.

"Um, ok." Waverly said picking up a vase, "What do you think of this one?"

She held a pink vase that was shaped like a heart at the bottom and came into a thin tube at the top.

"It's nice," the guy said, "I like this one a lot better."

He handed Waverly a red vase that was a bubbly texture that was like a ball at that bottom that turned into a long thin tube.

"I didn't even see this one!" Waverly gasped.

"I've been told I have an eye for things like this, I'm Jess by the way."

He shook Waverlys hand. He had black hair with blue eyes and was about six foot.

"I'm Waverly." She smiled.

"Well Waverly can I take you out to lunch?"

"Actually I need to finish shopping and I-"

"I understand you have a boyfriend."

Acutally Waverly wasn't sure if she did or not.

Was Niall her boyfriend?

"Um, yeah. I think so." Waverly smiled.

"You think so?" Jess asked.

"Yeah it's uh, complicated."


"Yeah I'm gonna get going but thanks for helping me." Waverly said walking twoards the check-outs.

"Anytime." Jess smiled and waved.

Waverly walked to the check-out and paid for her stuff and finished shopping for her dad and brother.

Once Waverly got home she texted Niall to see if he wanted to go watch a movie.

A minute later he texted back and said he would pick her up in thirty minutes.

Waverly was already dressed so she brushed through her and teeth and started wrapping presents.

Sh took the scarf and put it into a medium-sized green and red bag with little cartoon santas and reindeer on the sides.

She took out the green and red tissue paper and wrote "To Delilah" in a pretty cursive font on the small tag.

She then moved to her dad and brothers presants.

She had gotten her dad a yellow drill.

She had no idea what to get him so she just asked the lady at the desk and she recommended this.

After it was wrapped she placed the baseball cards, signed baseball (from the Yankees), and a gift card for fifty bucks to WalMart in a small bag and sat everything by the tv.

She never wrapped her mothers presant, it was much too easy to break so she always filled it with her moms favorite flowers and tied a festive string around it.

By this time Waverly heard a knock on her door, "Coming!".

She picked up her purse and opened the door.

"Hi, beautiful." Niall said pecking a small kiss on Waverlys lips.

"Hi to you to." Waverly said smiling.

The locked the door to her apartment and grabbed Nialls hand.

Once they got to the car he opened her door as always.

Once he got in they pulled out of the lot and twoards the movies.

"So," Waverly asked, "What do you want for Christmas?"

"I don't want anything." Niall said driving.

"Come on you have to want something! Just tell me I want to get you a presant you will like!" Waverly said tugging on Nialls arm.

"You don't need to get me anything." Niall smiled at her.

"But I want to!" Waverly said.

"Fine, hmmm, what about a jumper?"

"Thats it? A sweater?" Waverly asked dissapointed.

"Yeah that is all I need." Niall said, "What about you what do you want?"

"You just got me earrings I don't need anything else." Waverly said putting her hand on his thigh.

"That was just a little something, not Christmas! Come on."

"No, that was probably a lot of money and really all I want is to have a good Christmas with my family, friends and boyfriend." Waverly said and blushed, she didn't mean for boyfriend to slip out.

They pulled into the parking spot and Niall found a spot and parked.

He quietly sat there for a few seconds.

Waverly felt stupid.

"Boyfriend?" Niall asked grabbing Waverlys hand, "I like that."

Niall smiled and kissed Waverly.

The kiss deepened and Niall was leaning over the dash and was holding on to Waverlys waist.

"Niall." Waverly said through the kiss, "Niall!"

Waverly broke the kiss.

"There are kids here!" Waverly laughed.

"It doesn't matter Waves!" Niall smiled and jumped out of the car and opened Waverlys car door.

He closed the door as she got out and put his arm around her waist.

"Niall I have a question."


"Not that a mind, at all, but how come we don't have paparazzi following us around?"

"Well that's because I tweet that I'm going to be somewhere else, playing golf, shooting basketball, hanging with Liam."

"Oh." Waverly said happy Niall and she could enjoy days out without being bombarded with photographers.

"Once you're ready I want the whole world to know you're mine."

"And I want the whole world to know you're mine." Waverly smiled up at him.

They got to the register and waited 9in line to get their tickets.

"What do you wanna see?" Niall asked.

"What about 'The Heat'?" Waverly asked.

"Oh yeah, I really wanted to see that movie."

"Can I help you?" The lady asked.

"Yes two for 'The Heat'." Niall said.

"That will be fifteen seventy five." The lady said handing Niall the tickets.

He paid and they went inside.

They bought a large popcorn and two waters and went into the theater.

"Where do you wanna sit?" Waverly asked.

"Very top and center." Niall said walking up the steps behind her.


Once the movie was over they picked up their trash and made their way to the trashcan.

After they threw their stuff away the went to the car.

"That is the funniest movie I've seen in awhile!" Niall said.

"I know, oh my gosh I might have to come see that again." Waverly laughed.

"Maybe we will! Are you hungry?"

"A little." Waverly said.

"Ok I'm starved even though I ate all the popcorn!"

Waverly laughed.

"You wanna go through the Taco Bell drive-thru?"

"Mmm yeah a quesidilia sounds really good right now." Waverly said rubbing her stomach.

They drove until they made it to Taco Bell and Niall ordered.

Once they got their food they ate in the car.

Niall had the radio turned down but you could still hear the song.

Waverly recognized it and turned it up.

It was "She's So High" by Tal Bachman.

Waverly began singing to herself.

"She's so high, high above me she's so lovely, she's so high, high above me like Cleopatra, Joan Of Arc, or Aphrodite."

"Waverly even though you suck and I mean suck at singing, I still love it."

"Well thanks I guess."

Niall chuckled. "What I mean is it's cute."

"Ah,"Waverly said, "well I think it's cute that you can sing."

"Doesn't everyone?" Niall joked. "Hey do you wanna come over to my house for a bit? We could watch tv and hang out."

"Niall I don't know rem-"

"Waves if you don't want to come over I'm not gonna be mad, and I won't ever pressure you into anything you don't wanna do."

"Do you want to, ya know..." Waverly asked.

"Of course I do, who won't your a beautiful, lovely, sweet, smart girl, but if you don't want to I don't want you to."

"I do, I want to just not yet, I don't know I've never actually had sex before."

"Never?" Niall asked.

"No, where I come from it's frowned upon to have sex before marriage." Waverly blushed, embarassed to admit it.

"Yeah me too, I just don't want you to feel like I want you to have sex with me just because I invite you over."

"Thank you, and yes I want to come over."

Niall and Waverly talked randomly about things until they reached his apartment.

He went to her side and opened her door.

Once they got inside Niall took Waverlys jacket and put it on the table.

"Do you wanna watch tv?" Niall asked.

"Yeah." Waverly said walking twoards the living room taking off her shoes.

Niall sat down on the couch and put his arm around the back of it.

Wavery smiled and sat in his arms putting her feet up on the couch.

Niall put his arm around her and lay his head on hers.

He turned on the tv to find it was on an adult channel.

They saw two people going at it.

Niall hurridly changed the channel.

"Shit." He muttered.

Waverly laughed."Oh my God you watch porn."

"No, it was probably one of the other boys." Niall blushed.

"Niall don't feel bad, it's ok, I think it's kinda funny."

"I swear Waves-"

"Niall it's ok, I read Fifty Shades Of Grey, so I guess we're even."

Niall chuckled.

"So what do you wanna watch?"

"Hmm, is Teen Wolf on?" Waverly asked.

"What channel?"


They flipped to the channel and sure enough Teen Wolf had just started.

"What the hell is this?" Niall asked as Dereks uncle was chasing Lydias boyfriend through the movie store.

"Oh, Teen Wolf is the best, espically Stiles."

"Whose Stiles?" Niall asked.

The screen changed scenes to Scott and Stiles.

"Thats Stiles." Waverly pointed to the talking boy.

"Oh he is cute." Niall joked. "I'm sorry Waverly but I might have to turn gay for him."

Waverly kissed Niall, "Are you sure?"

Niall begged for more but Waverly just closed her mouth and sat down.

"I think I'll stay straight." Niall chuckled.

"Good." Waverly entwined her fingers through his, she held up their hands and exaimined them.

"What are you doing?" Niall whispered.

"Comparing." Waverly twisted her hand so that she could see Niall's better. "I like the way, your fingers feel inbetween mine."

Niall chuckled, it was so light that it was a whisper. He brought her hand up to his lips. Faintly living traces of his kisses on her knuckles. "I like that too Waves." He said, petting her hair with his other hand.

Waverly adjusted herself, so that her feet were on the couch. She laid her head on Niall tone chest. With every raise and fall of his chest, Waverly heard his heart beat. At first it was fast and racing. In no time, it slowed, to a steady one-two beat. She rubbed his bicep.

"You always make me so nervous Waverly." Niall put his arm around her.

"If anything, you should be making me nervous Niall Horan."

Waverly turned so that she was now propped up in Niall's lap. "I like when you do that too." Niall said. Waverly lost herself in his sky blue eyes. He pushed a piece of auburn hair behind her ear. The touch sent shivers down both their spines. These simple touches. Waverly leaned in a stop as her lips brush his so lightly. She could feel Niall's breath on her lips. She tilted her year and placed her lips on his. He didn't ask for more, he let her take control. Waverly grazed his bottom lip with her teeth. He did the same to her.

"Oh Shit!" A voice said as the light flipped on. Waverly and Niall broke apart instantly, even though nothing was going on. There eyes adjusted to the light and the other three boys stood in the doorway. Carrying a couple bags.

"Dammit." Niall cursed under his breath. He rubbed his forehead.

"Sorry mate" Harry apologized,"Hi Waverly" Harry did a cute little wave in her direction.

"Hi Harry." Waverly smiled, but was still kinda mad that the moment was ruined. "Hi boys."

Zayn and Liam both nodded 'Hello's' before going to the kitchen.

"Well Niall, I think I'm gonna go..." Waverly sighed, scooting off his lap and off the couch.

"NO!" Niall partically yelped. "I mean...You don't have to leave.because the boys showed up."

"No, It's just getting late." Waverly glanced out the window. "Can you take me home?"

"Yeah, I will." Niall got up and walked with her to the door. Getting her jacket and helping her put it on her torso.

They used the stairs, instead of waiting on the crowed elevators.

Niall did as usual and opened her door. Before jogging back to his own.

"You know, I really appreciate how gentlemen like you are. but you don't have to open my doors, and get my seats and stuff." Waverly said.

"Well, I like doing it. It makes ke feel good, treating a girl how she should be treated. Plus I was raised to do that. It's a habit." Niall started Tue engine.

"I wish more guys were like you. when I was growing up"


"Yes, they were so mean. All they wanted was girls with big boobs and lace tops." Waverly sighed. "Me and Delilah were never like that. We liked jeans and hoodies." Waverly laughed lightly.

"I wish I would've been there, I'm sure you remember what I looked like in 2012." Niall sighed. " Girls would come and talk and hug and ask for pictures with all the lads except me." Niall sighed. "I always got told to leave the band, and I never got to sing a lot. I felt like even though I was in this band with these amazing lads...everyone still....hated me." Niall stopped at a red light.

"Niall..." Waverly took his hand.

"Managment help me get my teeth fixed, I wanted them fixed but not so that I would get more girls, I wanted to fix them for myself." Niall smiled big. Waverly chuckled. "And soon, girls started throwing theirselves at me. It was weird. Like I was still the same guy."

"I just want you to know, I love with Niall Horan, not Niall Horan's face." Waverly said. "That sounded better in my head." Waverly blushed.

"I love Waverly Smith, not Waverly Smith's singing voice." Niall declared.

"Oh stop!" Waverly playfully hit his arm. He pulled the car into the parking lot and grabbed her wrist.

"Stop abusing me or I'll call the cops!" Niall laughed.

"I'm so scared." Waverly replied with sarcasm.

"Don't make me, because I will. " Niall swiftly let go and tickled her sides.

"Niall....Niall James....stop..."Waverly pleaded kicking at him.

"Oh....Okay" He stopped. Pulling back.

"Bye. " Waverly kissed his cheek. Making a "mwah" sound.

"Mwah" Niall kissed her back.

He waited on her to go in as usual, he wanted to make sure she was safe inside.

She blew him a kiss from her balcony, he pretend caught it and shoved it in his pocket. She giggled and unlocked her door. Ready for another night full of perfect dreams.

Delilah and Louis unlocked the door to there apartment. Ready to spend one of their final nights in the small room.

They were exhausted. They spent the entire afternoon searching for houses not having any luck.

A few were so run down that they refused to even look in the inside. Louis was prepared to take only the best for his family. Linda became more and more frustrated

with every house the looked at.

All seemed hopeless as they pulled into a small suburb. The house were beside eavhother but not so close that you could talk through the Windows.

The house at the end of the street had a blue paint job, it was to stories high, the Windows were medium sized and the shutters were light gray.

The porch went around the house. A never ending circle around the building.Linda unlocked the doors and they all stepped into the house. In pure awe.

"It a brand new house, actually. A family lived here for a year maybe. The father has to switch jobs a lot I think." She walked around the living area, sputtering out random bits of information on the wooden floors and how the cabinets were made of oaks.

Delilah took Louis hand as they adventures up the spiral staircase. Once at the top, they noticed fours doors.

"This is a small bedroom." Linda opened the door to a cost looking room. It was white from the walls lacking a splash of color.

They looked around the room, examined the closet and floors, before heading towards the next room.

It was identical to the first room except it was shaped in a different way.

Inbetween the two rooms was a medium sized bathroom. The tub was oval shaped and the sink Hung from the wall.

"And this is the master." Linda turned the handle and opened the door, a large bedroom came into view.

"Oh my..." Delilah walked past her and turned in the room. It was huge, the walls were a soft blue with gray borders. At the back of the room was a giant, sharible, walk-in closet. On the opposite wall was a path leading to the master bath room. The floor was a marble and on it sat a huge tub. Big enough for two. In the corner was a gigantic shower and to counter hung from the wall. A big mirror made up most of the back wall.

"There is also a small bathroom, a office, another tiny bedroom, and room under the stairs." Linda offered.

Louis nodded. Looking at Delilah she smiled and nodded back. "I think we want this one." He smiled, rubbing Delilah's shoulder.

"Whoop!" Linda yelped. "Oh excuse me, Haha." She blushed.

They all laughed and rode back to the agency to finish the paperwork. They said the usual "Thank yous"

"Oh by the way. Merry Christmas!" The old man hollered .out the door.

"Merry Christmas to you too sir!" Louis offered.

Now they sat on the bed tired, Delilah rose and made her way to the bathroom, she wanted to take a long hot shower. "All the excitment today" She tought, as she slipped out of her clothes and turned on the hot water. The bathroom fogged up, She wet her hair, massaged the shampoo into her hair, and rinsed it. She began to hum a song she had heard in the radio earlier. She yelped as a pair of hands wrapped around her waist.

"Just joining you" Louis laughed. "Don't hit me, I didn't mean to frighten you babe."

"I thought it was a murderer or something." She laughed as Louis pushed her closer to him. Water ran down his face.

Louis kissed her, biting her lips and she wrapped her arms around his chest. The steam from the shower floating around them. He pulled her closer to him.

"It been such a great day...I'm going to be daddy, we bought a beautiful house, I get to fall asleep next to a gorgeous women every night." Louis rocked from foot to foot. Delilah laid her head in his shoulder.

"This is going to be amazing Lou." She spoke.

"But..." He squeezed her tighter. "When I leave, I'm going to miss so much. First steps, first words. You." Louis sighed. His fingers in her hair.

"That doesn't matter. We have nine long months before we to worry about any of that. You're going to be a wonderful daddy. He or she will love you so much,and be so proud of you." Delilah kissed his neck. "It doesn't matter what you miss, it only matters what your there for." She sighed. "That's why they make cameras and video recorders." She chuckled.

"Promise me you'll take pictures....of everything. His eyes, and her toes. It's smiled when he or she laughs." He whispered.

"I will, don't worry." They for put and dried off. Putting on pajamas and snuggling into eachothers arms. Louis rubbed Delilah's belly.

"She's not going to kick Louis." Delilah laughed, she was only three weeks along.

"But she's still there." He kissed her belly and then her lips. He sat up on his elbow and rubbed her hair out of her face. They kissed for a while, before falling asleep. Louis had his hand in Delilah's belly, her hand on top of his.

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