Chapter 11

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Louis pulled into the driveway of his house, quickly running up the steps, unlocking the door.

"Louis!" Delilah screamed from her chair.

Louis rushed over to her. "Oh Delilah, sweetheart. I've missed you so much."

"It only been 4 weeks." Delilah rubbed her nose.

"It felt like 4 months." He smiled, rubbing her arms. "But look at you!" He moved to her belly, which poked out a little.

"I know." She put her hands on his. Looking up at him, she kissed him softly. The kissed deepend and Louis leaned into her.

"Louis...." Delilah moaned. She just wanted a kiss, nothing more, but now she had changed her mind.

He stopped, pulling a piece of her hair and tucking it behind her ear.

"I missed that." He said. Pulling off his jacket. He took a seat in the couch and Delilah lay beside him.

She lay with him feeling his heartbeat, they talked about the concerts and the baby. How she was due right after their annversary. How awkward the trip to the doctor had been.

"I'm gonna go shower.." Louis said. "You know I can't stand to feel dirty." He laughed.

Which was true, Louis hated for his hair to feel greasy or his skin dirty and oily.

Delilah waited until she heard the water turn on upstairs before she made her way up the stairs. She stripped to her underwear in the bedroom , slowly entering the bathroom. She had on a very sultry bra and panties. Though her belly poked out, she felt incredibly sexy.

"Delilah?" Louis said, he stuck his head out. "Oh.." He smirked.

"Just going to shower, don't mind me." She replied innocently. She began slowly taking off her panties, taking her time. She could feel him watching her. She pulled them off and held them on her finger, letting them drop to the floor.

"Mmm..." Louis sighed.

Delilah giggled to herself. She stayed turned around so Louis could see her behind. She slowly unhooked her bra, taking the straps off. She tossed her hands above her head.

She turned and got into the shower slowly. "Get over here." Louis commanded. Pulling himself next to her. Delilah giggled and bit her lip. She pushed away, and wet her hair.

"I'm just showering." She said, lathering the shampoo into her hair. She washed her body and got out.

Louis was so confused. Delilah put on a pair of his boxers and a one of his marvel t-shirts.

He dressed himself in a pair of briefs and pajamas pants, one of his own t-shirts over his head.

"I thought we'd be doing a lot more." He said, taking a seat on the bed.

"Well, we could." Delilah made herself look innocent. She sat on his lap. She grinded his hips.

"Yes..." He agreed. He began pulling off her shirt but she stopped him.

"No." She breathed as she kissed his neck.

Louis reverted to her bottoms, tugging at them.

"Na ah" She smiled as they kissed. She had control this time. "Drop em" She said. Louis did as he was commanded, he pulled off the plaid pants. His bulge coming through his underwear.

She gripped his hair. Letting her tongue slide around his.

He felt her breast through her shirt.

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