Chapter 9

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Two weeks went by faster than anyone would expect.

More Santa's filled the grocery stores, more Salvation Army volunteers stood on the sidewalks ringing their golden bells.

It was hard to think about Christmas, it was so many wonderful things. It was Snoopy and Charlie Brown, praying there was someplace to park at the mall, expecting snow, paper and ribbons, family, music and Jesus.

But it also happened to be Waverly and Delilah's favorite holiday. The Christmas party was tommorrow, it was also Louis' birthday. Waverly and Delilah stood in the new house helping the decorators.

"Can you move that snowflake over just a little bit, yeah, that's it." Waverly told the man dressed in a sweater and khaki pants.

Delilah had done a great job picking out funiture. In the center of the room was a blue and gray rug, surrounding it was a gray leather "L" shaped couch.

"Yes, the table for the dishes need to be right there." Delilah pointed towards a small wall below the window to the kitchen. A young boy in a white dress shirt and blue jeans picked the table up easily and put it into place. "Thank you, sweetie."

"It looks so good!" Waverly gave her friend a happy dance.

"I know, thanks so much for coming over!" Delilah sat down on the couch as the decor people finished pinning tinsel to the tree. "So what do you think Niall's gonna get you?"

"Well, I honestly don't know. I told him I didn't want anything."

"Oh, he'll get you something though. Hmm, maybe a shirt or something."

"Well, he did get me this pair of gorgous earrings a few weeks ago." Waverly smiled.

"D'awwww, I remember what young love was like." Delilah sighed, laughing at herself.

"Oh please, you're only 22, you are in young love." Waverly laughed.

"So Louis birthday is tomorrow too! During the party I'm having the carterers bring him of a cake! And his parents and sisters are coming as a surprise! I called Jay this Monday and set it up!" Delilah was proud of herself.

"Oh he'll be so surprised!" Waverly smiled, before taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

"I hope so." Delilah sighed and put her hand on her still flat stomach. The door opened and Louis walked in, holding to sodas.

"Hey baby!" Louis walked through all the workers and planted a kiss on Delilah's forehead. "Waverly" He smiled and waved to her. She waved back. Louis handed Delilah a Dr. Pepper before unscrewing his own.

"It looks really good in here!" He pushed a snowflake, making it rock back and forth in the air.

"I know, the help is doing an amazing job." Delilah crossed her legs. "And Waverly's great at picking the stuff out!" She elbowed her best friend. "Did the shoot go well?"

The boys had been at a studio all day taking pictures for the Valentines Day edition of some magizine.

"So. many. hearts." Louis pretended to gag. The small group laughed. "They also interviewed us. I got to talk about the wedding and stuff."

"That's good." Delilah sipped her soda.

"Did Niall say anything...about me?" Waverly asked out loud. She blushed.

"Well kinda, he said He was talking to someone he really likes, and he kinda described this girl. I doubt it was you though." He winked.

"Oh hush!" They all laughed once again. Waverly looked at her cell phone, checking the time. A new message fluttered across her screen.

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