Chapter 10

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Days past, Delilah and Louis arrived home. Today was the day Louis and the rest out the boys left for Ireland, and the UK.

Louis packed his suitcase. All he needed was a few pairs of pajamas pants, some t-shirts, and a pair of jeans. He also needed his headphones, laptop, and his chargers.

"It's gonna be so differant, without you next to me." Delilah hugged him. "How am I supposed to sleep?"

"Delilah, don't say that, I'll call you every night, and I'll always be here when you need me." He sat her on his lap. "I'm just a phone call away."

"I'm just emotional." Delilah laughed lightly, "Don't worry about me, just have fun." She smiled, hiding how upset she was.

"Your lady hormones have been out the window." Louis teased her.

"Please, you're like this all the time." She dragged her voice out. She kissed him passionately , he rubbed her back.

"I'm gonna be late for my flight." He mummbled inbetween their kisses.

"Well come on then." She got off his lap and grabbed her jacket heading to their car, the ride to the airport was quiet. Delilah knew if she opened her mouth to speak she would cry. She didn't want Louis to see just how upset she was.

Louis rubbed her leg. "I'm gonna miss you more." He said

"I doubt it." Delilah laughed. She got out of the car. Louis went to the back, grabbed his gray and black suitcase, and rolled it beside him. He put his arm around Delilah.

"I'll call you when we land, are you sure you'll be alright? With the baby and all?" Louis said walking twoards security

"Of course, I'm a grown women, I can take care of myself." She smiled at him. "Anyway, I don't have to worry about much until I'm at least five months." She patted her belly.

"You're gonna be so adorable waddling around like a obease penguin." Louis poked her, joking.

"Gee, thanks." Delilah poked him back. "Just keep talking, you know they make this machine that give men the same amount of pain that a women goes through during labor?"

Louis shook his head, disgusted. "Ow."

"Yeah...but I'll be fine. Waverly will take care of me!" She laughed, as she say Waverly and Niall approached them.

"No Waverly won't." Waverly laughed sarcastically.

"Well..." Delilah rolled her eyes, joking.

"The other boys are behind us, Louis, the plane leaves in 10 minutes." Niall sighed. Pulling Waverly away.

"I'm gonna miss you so much Waverly..." Niall combed his fingers through his hair.

"Awh, come on baby, I'll be fine." She told him, hugging him.

"Don't go making to many guys fall in love with you." He played with with a strand of her chocolate brown hair. Waverly hoped that Niall wouldn't see the shock in her eyes. It was January fifth, the day she needed to see what Ed wanted.

She promised to go, see what he needed, and then leave. Maybe he wanted to stay friends. She needed to know.

"I'll try not to break to many hearts." She bit her lip.

"That's mah girl." He replied.

"FLIGHT 304, IRELAND, READY TO BE BOARDED." A voice interupted over the loud speakers.

"That's my flight..." He sighed. He pulled Waverly in and gave her a kiss. "I'll call you when I land." He hugged her tight, "I'm already missing you."

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