Simply Difficult

By Jazzia15

133K 6.5K 555

They were taught to never look them in the eye, never speak, never fight, and never disobey. All of the Royal... More

Simply Difficult
A Choice to be Made
New Maid
The Good Doctor
In My Skin
In Love and War
Inside The Mind of Daemon
Stolen Kiss
Bloody Entrée
Break Down
The Note
Follow the Clichè Moonlight
Vigrin Promise
Keep it to Yourself
The Wise Teacher
Hush Hush
City of Blood
The Truth
Green Eyes
Bright Light
Since You've Been Gone
Goodbye for Now
Decisions Decisions
Just Go With It
One of Us
Soul Claiming
Stupid Decisions
Blood Promise
Mistakenly Perfect

Fallen Angel

2.4K 96 17
By Jazzia15

I stare in horror as my eyes meet with Roman. Dimitri stood by his side, his jaw dropped almost to the floor. Roman looked furious, his gaze made me tremble. I could see his jaw clench and his hazel eyes darken.

I quickly try to step away from Moreau but he has a hold of my arm keeping me in place. He pushes me behind him and faces Roman, his jade eyes narrowing with annoyance.

"A word Moreau." Roman summons, desperately trying to calm himself. I know he's cold but I knew his AV blood was simply boiling inside him. Moreau doesn't move and his eyes never leave Roman's as if he was ready if he tried to attack him.

"You heard him Moreau, move your ass!" Dimitri shouted. I don't think I've ever heard him sound so furious.

Moreau resentfully releases my arm, and begins to follow Roman, but not before he quickly turns and places a chaste kiss on my lips with Roman in full view.

I could hear Roman growl, as Moreau stepped away from me, his missing presence leaving me feeling surprisingly detached and alone. Roman waits for him at the door, and as Moreau leaves, Roman turns and gives me one last glare. The door is shut leaving me alone with Dimitri.

I stood silently waiting for the scolding I could feel coming.

"OMI-fucking-GODS I can't believe you did that!"


"I'm so proud of you!" He screams, clapping his hands. Wait what? "Your finally over Daemon! I thought this day would never come!" he cried doing a little victory dance.

"You're not angry?"

"Angry for what?"

"I just kissed Moreau, a married man with an infant to raise," I say my guilt finally settling in. Dimitri continues dancing and snapping his fingers with glee.

"Did you use tongue?"


"Awe baby girl I got to teach you how to kiss! If Moreau put his lips on my face my tongue would be everywhere but in my mouth! Damn that man is sexy!"

"What about Adelle?" I whisper. He stops his dancing, his face becoming more serious.

"Don't worry about Adelle."


"Trust me." He says, his voice more stern then ever. "She's not even in the picture anymore, don't worry about her."

"How do you know?" I gulp at his sudden change in emotions.

"I definitely can't tell you, so don't worry about it, okay?" I shake my head unsure. "Would I lie to you?"


I followed Dimitri down the hall not knowing what to do with myself. My lesson was suppose to capture the morning but sadly it was cut short.

"What's Roman going to do with Moreau?" I murmur, curiosity leaking from my tone.

"I don't know. They're probably just talking. Roman might blackmail him a bit, but they're friends so nothing to steep." he guesses. I release the air that I've been holding in for quite a long time, relieved by his words. "They might brawl a bit though, I've never really seen Roman get worked up over something like this. Wonder why?" He said the last sentence with sarcasm obvious in his voice as he looked back at me grinning like an idiot. I roll my eyes and turn away, roses blooming in my cheeks.

"Hey you have your secrets and I have mine honey."

"So speaking of secrets, why were you with Roman in the first place?" I question.

"That's not a secret," he chuckles. "I was talking to him about things I've been seeing. He is a doctor."

"What have you been seeing?" My voice rises with wonder. Could he be seeing Seth too?

"I told you, I've been seeing weird things with Mara."


"What did you think I saw?" He smirks.


"So I didn't know you had it in for Moreau," he grinned.

"I don't," I groan. "I mean I do like him-"

"Who wouldn't?" Dimitri sang.

"But the kiss was really about his wife."

"Oh. Okay then all the more reason the kiss should have happened."

"You hate his wife too?"

"What no. I just think they shouldn't be together. I really don't have a reason to hate her...yet."

"Okay," I sigh hoping to encourage silence to the conversation.

"To be honest I was rooting for your mystery boy."

"What?" I halt. "What mystery boy?"

"The one Daemon always hears you talking to." he says casually.

"What?! How do you-"

"He talks about it all the time. He's really jealous." I grin at the thought of Daemon being jealous at someone who might not even be real. "Hey what are you smiling about?" My grin falters when I see he's serious again. "I don't like seeing Daemon hurt."

"Since when do you guys even talk to one another?"

"Since ever. He saved me." He states suddenly sounding dramatic. I chuckle at his dramatic change of mood. "Plus that boy is beautiful! I can honestly say he'a my best friend."

"Then what am I?"

"You're my little angel." he states. I grin fondly at him grabbing his hand leaning on his shoulder.

"Remember I still have to do your hair. You wanna start now?"

"No, I think I wanna go see Daemon," I say. I can't believe he discusses my paranoia with other people. I planned to really get on him about that.

"Okay, come to me when you're ready...but if you get a chance can you do me a favor?" he grins mischievously at me.

"Sure..." I say cautious.

"Stop by Moreau's room at around three-ish."


"I left a bottle of nail polish in there."

"What were you doing in Moreau's room?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." He calls over his shoulder as he turns a corner and begins to walk a different way.

"Is this just a ploy to get me to bump into him, alone, with a bed nearby?"

He doesn't answer and I smile to myself, making a mental note to do as told.


I made my way to Daemon's room, and enter to find him pacing the floor.

"There you are!" He exclaims.

"What's wrong?" I ask worried. I cross my fingers that Roman didn't tell Daemon anything.

"I need your help...your kind of my maid."

"Oh, right," I chuckle nervously and he arches a brow at me. "What do you need?"

"I need you to pick out something for me to wear for when the Eastern Clan comes this afternoon." The reminder is a brutal one, resurfacing one of the many problems I have yet to face.

Losing Daemon.

"When are they coming?" I mumble.

"They should be here at five, why?"

"No reason," I say wondering into his walk in closest. Rows of clothes and shoes greet me, most of them dark colors.

"Their national colors are black, green, and gold, so try to lean towards those colors," he calls to me.

"Why do you need my help?"

"I need a woman's output." I grin pleased by his answer. "I am meeting one today anyway, I need to look my best." That stung like acid. I almost lose my balance when he says it. He actually cares about this. This, I can't let this happen. Despite all the men in my fantasies and reality, he has to be number one. Well...

Number one if Seth isn't real.

I pick out every color but green or gold, trying desperately to ruin his appearance. There is no way I'm letting him show off for another woman.

"Here," I step out with a pile of his worst suits and formal clothing. Which by the way was hard since most of his clothes were amazing.

I plop them on his bed and he shakes his head in disapproval.

"Did you not hear me?"

"Dressing in those colors are so cliche. Try to be more independent." I said convincingly. I actually sound like I care about him looking amazing.

"Okay," he agrees grinning at me. He pulls the black v-neck he was wearing over his head and discards it to the floor. I stare in awe as his chest was suddenly in view. Gods, he was so built it made my mouth water. He wore nothing but pants his muscles beautifully sculpted, his abs looking hard and strong.

"What are you doing?" I stare, my eyes never leaving his chest.

"Trying on some clothes. You can leave if you want-"

"I'll stay!" I almost yell, my eyes still glued to his pecs. "Your gonna need my um..."

"Output?" He chuckles.

"Yeah," I agree. "That."


He tried on clothes for a good two hours, each outfit I denied just so I could watch him take of his clothes again. I push all my morals and self scolding away, and I duck-tape my conscience's mouth shut. I don't care how wrong this is, a beautiful view is meant to last.

"We've gone through everything Angel, and you haven't said yes, or even maybe to anything."

"Then I'll go get more," I offer. I grab all the other clothes and throw them back in the closest, then I look around for something, anything else.

"Angel it's getting late."

"Don't you want to look your best?!" I shout at him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"What do you mean? I'm trying to help you," I say innocently.

"Exactly! If anybody I thought it would be you talking me out of this!" No!

What? He thinks I want this? He thinks I'm actually trying to help him?! If only he knew this was a sabotage/modeling show for me. He angrily turns away from me and I scurry behind him.

"Daemon wait! I have to tell you something." I murmur with guilt.

"What?" He snaps.

"I didn't make you try on half your wardrobe to help you with your... presentation." I say distastefully.

"Then why are you helping me?"

I sigh still staring shamefully at his biceps and chest.

"Oh..." he says chuckling. My cheeks bloom fresh roses as I keep my head down.

"You looked your best in the black suit." I admit with a sigh. "And if you still care about the national colors you can wear your gold tie."

"Your still wearing it."

"Wearing what?" I ask looking up into his dark eyes. He pulls at the angel wings around my neck and I bashfully smile.

"It was a thoughtful gift," I admit. "I'm sorry I don't have much to give back." I say, my voice a near whisper.

"Wanna fix that?" He says, his voice a low seducing whisper. I lean forward brushing my lips against his, then he presses forward and our lips smash together. His tongue immediately passes my lips and strangles mine. I wrap my arms around him and it shocks me when he firmly grips my ass crushing me to him. I try to mutter in protest but it comes out as a groan.

Suddenly I feel him push me back until I feel something at the back of my knees.

His bed.

He swiftly grabs a hold of my mini lace dress and pulls it up and off. Before I blink I'm in my bra and panties on my back, hitching my self up with my elbows.

This is going to far...

He's on top of me trailing kisses down my neck and gods, it feels so good, but I made a promise. His lips are on mine before I can protest, and I simply go with it. His hands are on my waist, and he parts my legs resting between them.

My breathing goes raggedy and rough from panic. His fingers hook to the waist band of my panties and starts to tug them down.

Then there was a haste loud knock at the door, and he freezes. I mentally thank the gods for the perfect timing.

"Put your clothes back on," he says hastily with alert. He's off me and strides towards the door while I grab my dress and quickly slip it over my head. He swings the door open, and I blink with shock when I see Mara.

She looks at me and brings her index finger to her lips to hush me.

"Huh," Daemon says. "Nobody's here." I gape at Mara and she hushes me again this time with more force. "That's strange." Daemon says looking around. He closes the door but not before she slips in right past him.

She sits on the bed next to me, her weight making the mattress make a noise. Daemon snaps his head in my direction at the sound. When he sees nothing his attention is back to me. I stand before he decided to continue what we started and make my way to the door.

"Well, you should be getting ready," I say bolting for the door handle. He was about to argue but I jump forward and kiss him on the lips to silence him. It was meant to be chaste but he grabs my elbows making it last. I almost forget Mara is here before she clears her throat as a reminder. I regretfully pull away and walk towards the door. I keep it open for a second so Mara can follow, but she takes her time so I look stupid holding the door open and standing there.

When she's out I rush behind her and shut the door.


"What the fuck! He couldn't see you!"

"I know," Mara says blankly.


"Old eastern spell." she pushes the subject away.

"Why are you here?" I yell as I follow her as she casually walks away.

"To stop you from giving up your virginity to Daemon. Your so untrustworthy. You shouldn't be given power over your own life. So I came to help you."


"You heard me, I don't like repeating myself."

"How'd you know to-"

"I'm psychic."

"How are you-"

"It's a defect."

"But you're not-"

"A Royal?" She grabs my hand, her grasp surprisingly strong. "That's what you think." Her skin was icy cold to the touch, lifeless, almost glass. I pull my arm away in alarm.

"Don't tell anyone I spoke to you," she orders, handing me a tissue before turning to leave. When I blink she was gone, and I fearfully back away in shock.

I look down at the tissue she handed me, reminding myself that what just happened really did happen. Why the hell did she give me this? I clutch it in my hand and look around again quizzically.

I turn to leave and bump into someone. Stumbling back, I see it's Audrey. When I examine her, I notice her face is soaked with tears, and her eyes are tinted red.

"A-are you okay?" I stutter. She quickly shakes her head, and I look around, not knowing what to do. Then I feel the tissue in my hand, and raise it towards her finally understanding.

"Here," I say as I offer it to her.


I was in Audrey's room, for the very first time. It was right across the hall from Erica's room, much to my displeasure.

Her room was a dark blue, the floors wooden like Daemon's. Her bed was huge, king size. I could only guess that it was made for her now deceased husband, Simon.

She's been sobbing in my lap for a good twenty minutes now allowing thousands of questions to race a marathon through my head.

Seth could be could just be an eastern spell that made him invisible, like Mara. Unless, she was lying. But if she wasn't, I technically just cheated on him big time. Gods, I feel like such a whore.

Audrey's tears slow down, and her sobs calm. I soothingly pat her bronze colored hair, trying my best to console her. Finally her crying ceases, and silence stretches between us.

"Are you going to tell me why you were crying?" I ask. She sighs and sits up to face me.

"I'm in love with Leonardo."

I bolt from the bed in shock starring at her as if she lost her mind. Did my ears just lie to me or did she really just say that? She never even shows it! I'll believe Dimitri isn't gay before I believe she loves Leo!

"Leonardo? The soulless asshole, who does nothing but insult and intimidate me. The cruel jackass that has a reputation for being cruel sneaky and judgmental. The guy that has been nothing but a pain in my ass? Did I mention that by the way he is an ass?!" I yell at her, which only causes more tears to form in her eyes. "No no no! Don't cry! Okay, you love him! Hurray!" I say unconvincingly. "So what's the problem?"

"I can't be with him."

"Why? I mean yes, he's your brother, but not biologically."

"I can't be with him." She repeats.

"Why? Who cares if you're together? It's not like he's a mortal. It's perfectly legal."

"I can't be with him."

"Why? Cause your mother will disapprove? She's not even your real mom, she can't boss you around." I point out.

"I can't be with him."

"Why cause he's an ass?"

"No, because he loves someone else."

"Does this person love him back?"

"I don't know."

"Is it legal for her to be with him?" I ask. She thinks for a moment, her face lighting up.

"No, it's not." Oh, so he must be in love with a mortal.

"Then what's the problem? Nothing is for sure, and you shouldn't give up. How do you know he loves her?"

"Dimitri told me."

"So you don't even know for sure?" I chuckled. She shakes her head and I push her, plopping on her bed. "Your crying over someone who's out there to grab for the taking while the guy I love is about to be married to a random woman?" I groan. I mentally note how I just said love in that sentence and let it go.

"I'm sorry. But you already belong to him, what more do you want?"

Her words take an unexpected stab at me, but I push the feeling away, glad she's perking up. I grab her hand and squeeze it comfortingly tight.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" She chuckles a bit and smiles at me.

"Do me a favor, and track down Mara for me. She's gone missing...again."

"Sure thing," I say standing to leave.

"You know," she calls to me when I'm at the door. "She really comes alive when she's around you, she barely ever talks to anyone else. You should spend more time with her." she regretfully admits.

"That's just not going to happen."


I wonder around calling Mara's name over and over. As I walk around I run into servants, each one bowing to me. Each time made me feel more and more awkward. The fifth time it happened I lost it and yelled, "Im not one of them!" Which earned me a fearful apologetic look from the servant.

I've been around this family much too long.

I groan mindlessly walking into the first room I see. I look around admiring the large bathroom with a new century decor. It had black marble flooring, and there was a gleaming large bathtub in the middle of the room, two walk-in showers flanking each side of it.

I look in the mirror above the sparkling clean black china glass sink. I'm all flushed and worn out looking. My clothes were wrinkled and ruffled by Daemon's hands on me. My complicated hair design has finally given out, and it now hangs almost wildly on my shoulders lining with my waist. I can't stand my hair this long. The thought making me smile. I haven't had a simple normal thought running through my mind in ages. I'm glad I had no makeup on too, I hated that black shit on my eyelashes. I look up and for the first time I notice my own eyes. They suddenly look big and bluer than the ocean itself.

I don't think I've ever stopped to simply look at myself. My eyes trail down to my neck, and I gaze at my necklace.

Audrey's words float back up in my head.

'You already belong to him...'

I clutch the necklace suddenly feeling detained and claustrophobic. Come to think of it, it did feel like a collar, a sign of ownership. It was probably why all those servants were bowing to me. The thought made me angry and I quickly removed it from my neck shuttering.

"Finally, I thought you'd never take that thing of."

I look up in the mirror to see Seth standing behind me. I jump shocked and swiftly turn bumping into him.

"Oh my gods you scared me!"

He steps forward and hugs me tightly, and I clutch at his arms baffled.

"I've missed you." I push him away and sigh.

"Your not real."


"I went to the doctor-"

"You mean Roman?" He interrupts.

"And he said you weren't real." I finish.

"I asked you to stop talking to him about me." he murmurs.

"Why cause he'd tell me the truth?"

"Oh my god!" He laughs shocked. "You really think I'm imaginary?" Did he just say god, as in one?

"I know your imaginary."


"No one else can see you."

"Daemon couldn't see Mara." he states.

"How would you know that unless you were there?"


"But you weren't there."

"Yes, I was. And I saw you gawking at a damn Royal, Angel. You were practically throwing yourself at him!"

"You saw through me, because your all in my head."

"Are you serious?"

"And just now, I haven't seen you since I put this necklace on."

"I didn't want to talk to you until you took the fucking collar off. So what?"

"Exactly it's a collar."


"And it takes away my freedom right?"


"Like a dog right? Like someone owns me?"

"Hallelujah! Finally you get it!"

"The second my freedom was gone you disappeared because you are my freedom." I explain.


"Your just my head manifesting my freedom. And this proves it." I gloat dangling the necklace in front him.

"You don't know how insane you sound."

"Then prove me wrong. Hold the necklace."

"Angel I can't touch that thing it's disgusting!"

"No, you can't touch it because your not real."

"Okay, fine." He holds his hand out towards me from where he stood across the sink. "Put it in my hand." I don't hesitate to drop it in his hand, but instead he moves his hand so it falls into the sink, and down the drain.

I scream in horror, desperately reaching in the small whole but feeling nothing.

It's gone.

Oh my gods it's gone.

"What have you done?!"

"It's for your own good." He states.I scream again tears forming in my eyes. "Angel it's gone, get over it."

"I hate you!" I yell.


"No, go away! I hate you! Go away! I don't ever wanna see you again! Go away!"

"Fine," he says clenching his jaw and looking away from me. I blink and he's thankfully gone.


I went back to Daemon's room, sad to find it vacant. So I sit on his bed bored and alone. My neck felt exposed and cold from the lost of my silver charm. I began to regret ever taking it off. Now I know for a fact that Seth isn't real. I'm more convinced then ever. Everything was finally starting to make sense, but there were still a few unanswered questions.

Thinking of unanswered questions made me think of Mara, and remember that I was told to find her. I groan and lazily fall back on the bed. Haven't I been through enough?

"Mara!" I yell to no one. "If you can hear me, please come out!"

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I sit up hastily and walk to the door. That was easy.

I open it, and my hopes lower, and curiosity builds, when I see Mrs.Victorian, Daemon's mother.

This bitch made me eat human meat. I'd barely ever spoken directly to her and I hate her more then Leo, Erica, and Adelle put together. But I didn't let that show on my facial expression.

"Mrs.Victorian, it's nice to see you," I lie. "Daemon isn't here." I smile putting on my best show of respect.

"That is quite alright, I came to see you." she said not returning my smile.

"Oh. What can I do for you?" I ask politely. She steps in the room, closing the door behind her, then out of nowhere she backhands me. Hard. I stumble back by the impact, my cheek beginning to sting.

"That's for whatever the fuck you might have already done with my son." she seethes. Then she hits me again, this one knocking me onto the floor. "And that's for whatever you were planning to do with him." I try my best not to cry, but that just knocked the tears right out of me. "Listen up you little disgusting slut, I won't let you taint him, or anyone of my sons. Daemon needs to be with one of his own kind. And I damn sure wont let him bless you with Royalty and bring you into my family. I won't let you fuck my family up, over my dead body."

"You know nothing about this family," I fume. "I couldn't possibly fuck it up anymore than it already is." I speak up, standing, my eyes never leaving hers. "And as for me and Daemon, who he wants to be with, is, and always will be his choice. He may take advice from his mother on who to be with, but since your not her, your shit out luck." She hits me again, this smack having more fury behind it knocking me down again. Then she turns to leave.

"If you go near my family mark my words," she said narrowing her eyes. "I. Will. Kill. You." She slams the door behind her and I blink disoriented.

"Gods I hate that bitch!" I yell out loud. I look up to see Mara standing over me. Her four year old body towering over me. "What do you want?" I snap at her, my anger still fresh. She rolled her eyes and pointed up. I follow her hand and look up to see a clock in the direction she was pointing. "So what?" I look back to see her gone and groan. I look back up to the clock curiously wondering what was so special about it. I read the time, and it was 3:00pm.

That's when I remember Dimitri, and his strange request to retrieve his nail polish from Moreau's room at precisely this time.


It took me a while to find his room, but a servant eventually led me to it. I anxiously stood outside the door, my heart pounding to see Moreau.

He was the only guy in my life who wasn't complicated with mysteries. He didn't have unnatural warm flesh, and strange almost unexplainable hazel eyes. He wasn't imaginary, or a liar. He wasn't being given off to a random immortal, and he wasn't threatening to take anything away from me. In fact, all he's ever done is help me. The only baggage he came with was Adelle, and Dimitri had assured me that, that baggage wasn't very heavy.

So I'm not lying when I say I eagerly rushed through the door, expecting to see Moreau.


Instead I saw the most DISTURBING scene my eyes had ever had the displeasure of viewing.

It was Adelle, competely naked, on top of Leonardo, who by the way was also completely naked. She was riding on top of him before I had pounced in. My stomach churned, and my eyes, despite how much I wanted to close them widened in shock. A meadow of roses bloomed on my cheeks as I tried to back away, but my stubborn feet refused to listen.

They stopped their sex-- thank gods-and stared at me aghast. At least Adelle looked somewhat embarrassed, almost shameful. Leonardo on the other hand looked ready to tear my head from my shoulders.

Leo suddenly bucked Adelle off him and stood shamelessly naked in front of me. I looked away appalled, though he was built as good as Daemon, and shake with fear.

"Leo," Adelle called to him. Our eyes dashed to her, thankfully she was covering herself with a blanket. "You have to kill her."

I dash out the room as fast as I can, panicking, my blood roaring in my ears. I pant and lean against a wall gasping for air. I look back to see Leonardo, now fully clothed walking slow behind me. As if catching me would be no effort at all.

I run again, my lungs screaming at me to stop, but I will myself to go on. I crash through doors, with no direction at all just one destination; away. I push through another door and trip over my own two feet. My exhaustion kept me down on the floor as I tried to run again. I look up and Leonardo is right in front of me. I thrash my body back in alarm, tears beginning to blur my vision. I gasp for air and back away from him scooting on the cold floor. He steps ominously towards me, his gold eyes holding a cold brutal promise.

"I don't know why you're running, it's inevitable. I was going to catch you regardless."

It all made sense now. Seeing him in the garden, he must have been there to meet Adelle. When he was speaking to Dimitri the other night, he must have told him. Then Dimitri must have told Audrey, which is why she was crying. How he said not to worry about Adelle being in the picture, she was in a whole knew frame all together. Dimitri why would he lead me here? was probably the time they'd meet each other. If he knew, why did he tell me to come here? Why?

Leo looms towards me, and I choke on my own sob. My stomach restricting and tightening in angst. My arms tremble, my whole body tense and timid.

I don't wanna die.

I don't wanna die.

I look past him to see Mara watching the whole scene intently, her face blank and emotionless.

He reaches down towards me and I scream with horror as he snatches me by the neck.

"It's a shame, such a pretty virgin had to be wasted on a stupid mistake." he lamented. He lifts me by my throat, my feet suspended from the ground, my scream chocking down my throat. His hand tightened slightly and I felt the bones in my neck crack, and slowly begin to crush. The vile taste of blood was in my mouth, the red crimson leaking from my lips. The air is prevented from entering my body, and he slowly adds more strength to his grasp, making my dying slower, and more painful. I felt tears appear in my eyes again, ready to fall, but they're halted by the deathly sound of my own neck cracking.

I immediately felt all the energy and life leave from my body, my vision going straight black....



...her body went still, and Leonardo dropped her. Her limp lifeless cage thudding as it hit the floor. I sigh at the brutality of it and shake my head. Daemon will be devastated, Seth, Alex and Roman will be horrified, and Moreau might just want to die too.

Kaden however will be furious.

I try to feel bad, but I can't help but grin. This is just too intriguing to feel sad.

Leo simply steps over her leaving her dead on the floor. I watch as he leaves her body for someone else to scavenge and find her. He will pay for this, one way or another. I think about the project ahead of me, all the secrets I have to spill without saying a word. I can predict the future now, and definitely won't be anything less than Simply Difficult.


**********END OF PART I**********

..............Part two coming soon............

___________ <3 ____________

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