Snapchat Baby Kitten {L.S}

By stylinsonpride

177K 6.4K 3.8K

(@thecurlyboy) Harry- hey Liam is this even the right user? (@mybaby) Louis- um no? Can I see a pic of you're... More

•Twenty One
•Twenty Two
•Twenty Three
•Twenty Four
•Twenty Five
•Twenty Six
•Twenty Seven
•Twenty Eight
•Twenty Nine
•Thirty One
•Thirty Two
•Thirty Three
•Thirty Four
•Thirty Five
•Thirty Six
•Thirty Seven
•Thirty Eight
•Thirty Nine


5.5K 216 101
By stylinsonpride


(Comment at every paragraph of you like them :) )

~Known each other for 16 days~

[Louis' P.O.V]

As soon as Niall sees Liam he gasps loudly before rushing forward and embracing Liam into a hug tightly.

And I ruin the monument by cooing loudly as they pull away.

"Oh my god what the fuck are you doing here?!" Niall yells and then quickly looks down.

"Shit my clothes" he says before running toward what I'm assuming is his room.

"You look fine Nialler" Liam yells and chuckles.

"Why don't you have a seat? I'll get the food out" Harry says and motions for me and Liam to sit down.

"No, no we already are-"

"None of that lewis William tommo" Harry teases and I pout. And Liam laughs loudly.

"Okay, sorry love I'll just go sit down at the table then for I'm guessing dinner?" I say as he gasps loudly.

"My stomach just tingled" he says making me roll my eyes.

"And why was that?" I ask.

"Cuz you called me love babe" he says and this time it's for me to gasp.

"Woah, I think I just felt butterflies" I say and he chuckles fondly.

"Okay, enough of the talk Hun go sit on the table with Liam and me and Niall will come join you" Harrys says making me blush madly.

I nod and walk over to the dining room as Liam follows behind.

"I'm back!" Niall yells running into the kitchen. He was now wearing a black pair of skin jeans and a plain white shirt instead of his plaid pyjama pants and black shirt.

I hear them talking in the kitchen and look over at Liam who was sitting on the opposite side of me.

"So you and Harry finally met huh?" Liam says. And I see a small type of sadness in his eyes. And so I just nod.

I actually have a idea to get him and Niall together since Harry told me Niall's not straight at all.

Minutes later Harry and Niall walk into the dining room and places a dish full of pasta and glasses of possibly lemonade.

"Eat up" Harry says as they sit down. Harry next to me.

I smile and take some, maybe just a spoon since I'm trying to lose weight.

As Harry frowns at my choice.

"Get more love" Harry says and I just shake my head.

"Nah I'm good" I say as his frown deepens.

He grabs the spoon from the pasta and scoops up some pasta before placing it in my plate.

"What? No babe I didn't want more" I say as he just smirks.

"Just shut up and eat Lou" he says in amusement and I just sign and eat my food. Making sure to finish it all.

It was some good ass pasta. And I ate it all just so I don't seem rude by chucking them.

So after we finish Harry washes the dishes despite my protest.

So as soon as he finishes he walks into the living he gives me a wink unknown to the other two who were in their own little world.

"Lou why don't we let these two stay here? We can go into my room I'll show my room" he says making me roll my eyes.

What could be so cool about his room anyways?

"Yeah, okay sure" I says an get up as Liam and Niall don't even notice our presence.

He grabs my arms and drags me towards his room down the hallway.

And when he opens the door, it's when I realise what was so cool about his room.

It was pretty much a 14 year old fangirls room.

Except his walls were painted black.

The walls were covered in all 5sos pictures of Luke Ashton Calum and Michael.

There were also a few pics or gigi Hadid and Perrie Edwards.

I chuckle loudly at his teenaged like room as he pouts.

"No likey?" He asks and I shake my, laughing.

"How old are you? 15?" I ask as he pouts yet again.

"I would never have a boyfriend at 15" he says making me grin.

"Oh, so now you're saying I'm not you're boyfriend?" I ask.

"Just shut up" he says and pushes me against the wall. Smirking.

(AN- new update. I'm so fucked out I did a ton of homework and it's 7:30 and school sucks add and I'm so done. But any aye vote and comment)

(4+ votes and 7+ comments)

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