Selena Gomez/You

By MusicLover_97

39K 770 96

Y/N Y/LN is a 20 year old who is trying to make ends meet so she doesn't have a lot of time to herself so whe... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 9.
chapter 10
chapter 11.
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 8.

2.5K 53 4
By MusicLover_97

The next few days I moved with a lot of help and Demi was the main person who got everything organized and I couldn't be more thankful, we were all done and we were relaxing on the couch when Selena face times me, it's weird because she will go hours without anything then I realize the stupid fucking time zones and shes sleeping, kinda sucks not knowing when the others awake but I answer it with a smile and Selena's beauitful face appears "hi baby" she says cutely "hi babe, what's up?" She smiled going through the whole day with me it's only like 6 pm here but where she is its 12 am and she looks exhausted "hey Lena?" She hums "you should get some sleep baby, you look really tired and I'm worried" she smiles "don't worry I'm fine, is it a crime to talk to my amazing girlfriend after missing her?" She pouts and I giggle but then I hear the wicked bitch of the west "you in here Selena?" I roll my eyes and Selena giggles "yeah busy facetiming" I smirk and her eyebrow goes up "Go away you guys are like cockroaches" I practically yell and both her and Demi's eyes widen looking at me and I hear Jessicas voice "its time for make up" she says annoyed with me and walked out I smirk and they both laugh "really do you need to be mean?" I nod "when it comes to people tryna steal my girl I have to at least try something" a little while later Selena passes out and I smile ending the facetime wishing I could pull her into me and cuddle. Demi convinces me to meet her family because she wants me to meet her family, I asked why but she smiled and said I was her best friend other than Selena and I was touched so I agreed and we both went to bed. I make it to Selena's room and climb in between the sheets where me and her were not to long ago and it's crazy how much I want to be with her, I crave her touch and I miss her laugh and smile and everything. I slowly start to fall asleep little did I know or Selena know that Jessica was cuddling her and enjoy every seconds before returning to her bed.

I awoke to a phone call and I start patting around until my hand lands on it and I bring it to my ear "hello?" I say trying to come to when I hear my baby's voice "God your morning voice is sexy" she practically moans well that was a nice pair of boxers "uh hey Selena, what you doing?" I ask getting up but Selena tells me to lay back down and I oblige and she hits the face time button and she was shirtless with not much covering her breasts and I was in awe " Jesus Selena a little warning" I say looking up to her face and she had a smirk on face "we've seen each other's boobs before babe" I blush and she moves so I got a better look "doesn't mean I'm not in awe of your beauty Selena" she blushes and I didn't hear Demi come in "hey y/n I'm getting almost ready are you awa-" I drop my phone soon as she came in "jesus you gave me a heart attack" she laughed "damm you're jumpy, are you ready to go?" She asks and I nod picking up the phone "give me a second" Selena laughed and I grumble "don't worry babe but that was so funny, your face" I blush harder "yeah funny for you" she giggles and tells me to go get ready but to make sure to send her a selfie and I wink ending the call with an I love you and get ready.

I get into the car with Demi and it only took me 20 minutes but Demi kept yelling to hurry so here we are.
I took a picture earlier when I was changing and I quickly send the photo but it was more of a tease, I had my jeans on with my hand pushing them down a bit and sports bra. I knew she'd love it because she sends teasing photos all the time and I only send selfies, this was my first time ever sending something like that but I want to, I want her to open her phone and her jaw drop because that's what she does to me and I love it so I don't have a problem sending one but it was a little excited but so nervous for the reply and soon my thoughts are stopped by my phone ringing and Demi pulls into a gas station "answer it, I'll just got get some gas" I smile and go to hand her money because just who I am but she rolled her eyes "nice try y/n" I answer my ringing phone and put it to my ear "I have never seen someone who looks that good in a photo and even hotter in person" I blush and laugh "thanks baby, I'm glad you liked it" I hear her giggle "you're so cute, god I miss you already" I blush "I miss you too I'll be there soon, baby I'll have to call you back, we're heading to Demi's mom's" I say as Demi gets in and she whines "shes not your girlfriend! I hate she gets to spend time with you and I also hate you for spending so much time with my best friend who I love very much" she says louder at the end knowing she wants Demi to hear and she smile "love you to Selena!" I giggle and she gets called to start getting ready as its 2 pm and she moved cities last night and now is only a few hours a head which makes us awake at the same time. Thankfully. We arrive at the house and I'm met with everyone then I get into a conversation with Dallas who was pretty funny and even exchanged numbers because she was Demi's sister and I didn't even know she was flirting but when we leave she pulls me into a long hug but is pushed aside by Madison and she wrapped her twelve years old self around me and smiles "you are super cool like Dems and Selena" I smile upon hearing her name and Demi laughs "she might take her last name so better get used to having her around" Madison looked up to me like I knew all the answers "your the reason she sounds so happy when she calls to check up" I blush "hopefully or I'll have to beat up somebody" she laughs along with everyone else and we head out.

About half way Demi looks over "whats going on between you and my sister?" I tilted my head "shes your sister that's what's going on" she cuts me off "Dallas was flirting" I was even more confused "she was nice and held a conversation, quite like me and your mom when you went to watch TV" she nods "I'm fucking with you" I let out a breathe of relief "Dallas is a very big flirt, its why I mentioned Selena, I saw you totally oblivious to her flirting and I knew my feeling about you and Selena was good" with confusion written all over my face I ask "when she was flirting with me?" She giggles and nods "I knew she found you attractive so I looked right at her talking about Selena" I nod and drop it because I can't believe she was flirting and I didn't catch on at all.

Finally the day where she gets to see Selena has come but she won't be seeing her for a bunch of hours cause Demi and I are taking a plane to Canada. Selena didn't know we were going to leave today but Demi came over and slyly left them of the table until I noticed and she laugh telling me she wanted me to come when Selena was in Canada and I could show them around my hometown and I couldn't agree faster, I've been packed up for a few days but there was still a week left in the month so I thought I would have to wait out the month but I guess not. Demi finally comes and I load my stuff in the car. On the way I was nervous on seeing her, I'm scared she might've caught feelings for the blonde hair bitch but Demi pulls me out of my thoughts "why are you nervous Y/n have you ever been on a plane?" I hold back a laugh but amusement written all over my face until she catches on "sorry forgot you aren't from here" I laugh "to be honest probably would've asked the same question" I say and she gives me a bright smile.

We board the plane and Demi threw on a random movie. When that ended she smirked and I raise my eyebrow, she ignored my silent question and it started to play and I smile stupidly when Selena's face appears on screen and I look to Demi when I realize it was princesses protection program and i enjoyed it, I probably would of loved it when I was younger because I loved movies with attractive girls after I realized it because I was totally gay.

We finally arrive in Toronto's Pearson airport and it feels like forever since I've been here. We go to Demi's hotel room to get ready for Selena's show and I was ecstatic so I quickly got ready and we head out, we took a taxi to the venue but I was starstruck by my favorite city, I used to love coming here and go watch a leaf game or Jays and then take the half hour drive back to my home town in the GTA and we pass C.N tower and I've been in it once and it was when I was 13 and it was scary at first but my 13 year old badass self took it like a champ. We arrive at the air Canada Centre and I felt giddy because I was seeing one of my favorite arenas and my baby. We walk in and I laugh and Demi looks to me with a tilted head "I saw you here live once" her eyes widen "you did?" I nod "I was a big fan Dems I even took down the poster I had of you because it felt like I was a weirdo or something" she laughs "at least I know you have good taste in music" I laugh "at least my ego fits in the building" she pushes making me stumble a few steps to the left and I look at her with a smile "pull it again and you'll regret it Lovato" she laughs "bring it Y/LN" I just laugh and shake my head and we go down a corridor until we hit Selena's dressing room and she knocks and not to long after a guy answers who I recognize as Selena's clothing guy Jake answers and he smiles "hey what a nice surprise" he says happily and pulls each of us into a hug and into the room "Lena is in rehearsals before the show because one of the back up dancers had a family emerge" I giggle and Demi pipes in "we should prank her" I raise my eyebrow and she tells us the plan. We all nod and get into potions once we hear Selena's rehearsals are done me and Demi are in her closet the ones you cant see but semi see out while Jake acts like nothing is happening and Demi whispers before Selena comes in "haven't been in here for a while huh" I laugh but quickly slap my hand over my mouth (my arm was finally healded because the physically therapy Demi forced me to take) to stop myself because the door opens and I see my beauitful girlfriend enter all sweaty " did you have rehearsals or were you thinking about Y/N I'm bed" he ends with a wink and Selena's face goes red " rehearsals.. I don't get to see her for another week" she grumbles and I awe in my head and Demi moves making it jiggle and both of their heads whip to the door "what was that? Is someone in there?" She asks moving closer to Jake "gurl you would die in a movie first you move to the last person to be able to save you and second why would anyone be in there but I mean the stories around here might be true" she raises her eyebrows looking at him before turning back "stories?" He hums "they are very well known around here, they say that a few spirits are roaming the arena, in 1989 there was a fire in the basement and only a few people came out alive and their spirits haven't moved on because of tragic way they died, someone told me about it today" he says nonchalantly and her eyes kept on the door with wide eyes but he tells her to shower and when she's in there we stretch before going back in and wait.

She comes out wrapped in a towel and my jaw drops and he tells her to grab something from the closet and she hesitates and moves toward the closet slowly and when she opens it we yell boo and she screams flying back a few feet and wide eyes until see realizes who we were and her eyes light up and she crashes into me and I laugh "hey baby I missed you" she pulls back pulling me into a long kiss before pulling away "I missed you so much babe" she says with a pout but then steps back with a glare "that wasn't nice" we all laugh and she kicks out Demi and Jake but tells me to sit and I obviously listen and when she closes the door she drops the towel and my eyes widen as shes only in panties and she slowly starts putting clothes on until she was fully dressed so I decided to make a sly comment "that was the worst strip tease ever" she lets out a laugh and I smile knowing I was the cause of it and she walked over pulling me into to a kiss and we get into a heated make out session when there's a knock and she groans "i just want to kiss my girlfriend like fuck me" I smirk when she gets up and right before she opens the door I speak "play your cards right and I might just make that happen" her hand freezes on the handle and look back at me with a mix of lust and humor on her face and then another knock comes scaring her and opening it "morning beautiful ready to get ready" I roll my eyes at the comment and she shakes her head "we can push it off for a bit, I'm busy" she says in the hot authoritative voice cause in the end what she says goes and I know the blonde bitch wants to spend time with my baby and if it were anyone else I wouldn't care but it's hard not to when she flirts with her while in in the room like the night of her first concert but I see her peer in and look to me and rolls her eyes "I thought it wouldn't be another week till she would be here" she says in a tone that sounds between annoyed and disgust which is funny because she hates me for a small stupid thing.

Selena looks taken back "it doesn't matter when she comes, she is welcome whenever just like how she's welcome in my hotel room" she slams the door and I was shocked "I'm so sick of her always trying to put you down or lower what kind of power you have around here. Everyone knows you are pretty much just as high up as me if not at the same around here and her constant flirting I'm getting sick of very fast, she doesn't know when to stop and I just want to throw her off-" I cut her off kissing her and she melts into it wrapping her arms around my neck and I wrap mine around her waist and I pull back "lets not have you arrested please I just got you back" she awe's and kisses my lips once again "don't worry baby now we have months together" my eyes light up at the mention of being by her side for the next while and then everyone bursts through the door and she rolls her eyes dramatically and rested her head on my shoulder until I feel her move and before I know it her lips come in contact with my neck then she moves to my ear "you are all mine tonight baby" my face goes red and I nod quickly and she smirks pulling away and sitting down and I was just in awe at her and I sit down while she had a conversation with Demi ignoring her hair stylist and smiling at me every so often and after a bit Jake comes and talks with me.

Once the concert is done she jumps into my arms kissing all over my face while I laugh then whispers in my ear "we are going back to the hotel right now" she says and I was more than happy room agree. We head back and I grab my stuff from Demi's and we say our good night's and go to our room because she didn't want me anywhere but her arms which I didn't mind because she said all I had to do was ask if I wanted another hotel room because she didn't want me thinking I had to be there be to be honest I'd probably never take her up on it I just went almost a month without seeing my baby.

After Selena comes down from the high she wraps herself around me "that was amazing, the best sex I've ever had" I smile "same baby but I'm not surprised I'm sure he's not that big and you probably didn't even cum" she laughs "and you are right" we laugh and she lays her head on my chest and before we fall asleep I laugh "I guess you played your cards right eh" she looks up to me with a smile "you said eh on no the Canadian is too strong! Pull back baby fight it!" I start laughing as does she "okay no more superhero movies for you my love" she giggles and kisses me once more before laying back down "I don't need to I have my own superhero" I softly smile and just feel amazing there's barely any words I could think of to describe it so imma settle for amazing. Man life was perfect right now a days. What could go wrong?

A/N Ou the famous last words of many, anyway I hope you enjoyed and thank you for everyone who likes my stuff, I enjoy just writing so thank you! Over and out-BS

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