The Criminal(?)

Von pikachukite

16.2K 777 178


Kenchis house
Character list. (i need your help to name these kids and thier looks)
Meeting the family part 1
Meeting the family part 2
Samaus's Dream
Samaus's morning...
The Revelation
What happened?
Hello... where the hell am I?
the questions part one
the questions part two
Getting out
Samaus goes into town
Samaus meets more people!
Normal afternoon? Wait... what?!
nightmares after showers
Awkward moment
Kakashi's face!
readers choice!
Save me
Pain of the heart? Or the body?
Saving Sam
Waking up in the hospital

What's next? More crud?

136 10 8
Von pikachukite

The man came back with the shorter fellow from before.

The short man sighed frowning as he grabbed the Sam's hair and lifted his head to look up. All the man saw was half dead eyes that were unblinking looking at nothing. He let Sam's head fall back and glared at the taller man. "You imbecile! You almost killed him! We still need the kid! Go get the med kit and I'll fix his nose and check if you hit any vital parts in his stomach." He smirked as he knew the most about the human body as to him it was part of his fun. He pushed Sam to make him fall fully to the ground. He turned him over into his back and pulled out a Kumar and tore his shirt off down the middle. He tsked at the large purple bruising that he can see forming on the boy's stomach area and around his nose where the blood wasn't covering. He kept the boy's head turned so the blood would spill to the floor and not choke him. His hands glowed green after he did some hand signs as he allowed his chakra to surround his hand to check the boy's stomach. He growled slightly when he noticed that he had some internal bleeding and quickly healed it to where he wouldn't die anymore but left the bruising. He was gonna wait to fix the kids nose so he just waited to see if his teammate would bring water and washcloths to clean most of the blood off the boy's nose so it wouldn't clog. He locked his lips as he watched Sam breathe slowly as his chest moved up and down. He giggled in glee as he realized that he was alone with Sam. He frowned as he also realized that he wouldn't be able to keep him long. He moved his kunai to Sam's throat and nicked it slightly and watched as Sam flinched and winced in pain even though he was still unconscious. He chuckled softly and bent down to where he above Sam and licked Sam's neck where he cut it licking the blood off and then brought his lips to Sam's neck and sucked enough to leave a bruise and moaned in delight as Sam's blood filled his senses as he found it kind of intoxicating like a vampire even the taste of Sam's skin tasted like heaven to the man.

Sam moaned waking up slowly opening his eyes as he was awoken somewhat. He didn't even realize that someone was sucking his neck in one spot until he felt teeth start to nibble on him. He gasped in slight pain and surprise and quickly started to struggle.

The man felt Sam start to move and let go of his neck to sit on him so he wouldn't move and held his wrists down. He cackled. "You think I'll let you move do you? Your mine right now kid! Hahaha! The fool doesn't even realize that when he left me with you that I get to play and the med kit is with me at all times. Isn't it grand? I get my play toy while he searches for something he won't find!" He cackled again and then leaned down to be face to face with Sam. He locked Sam's cheek. "So good! Your body! I want more!" He cackled and used one hand to hold Sam's wrists down as he bent down to ravish Sam's chest.
(WARNING! Mentions of slight rape but it will be cut because the other guy comes back so if you want to skip you can)

The man licked Sam's neck again and went down to his chest and started to play with Sam's nipples. He bit and sucked leaving bruises on each nipple and started to spread the bruises all over Sam's neck and chest quickly.

Sam couldn't help but moan slightly but cried because he couldn't move to do anything to get him off of him and if he bucked him off or tried to he might turn the freak on more, so he decided to be still and keep his eyes closed as he cried silent tears. Sam whimpered when he felt the man's lips get lower to where they were now biting his pants line and pulling them down halfway. He felt some air on his hip area but then... Nothing.

(Rape be over now ladies and gentlemen)

The man was pulled off Sam and slammed to the ground across the room.

Sam didn't move in fear of what might happen next. He gasped in surprise and his eyes opened wide when he felt two stronger hands on his pants pulling them back up over his hips. He looked up and seen the man that had hit him a lot. He flinched as the man gently lifted him up some and placed Sam's back against the wall sitting down as the man knelt in front of him and started to clean Sam's face from the blood with water and a piece of cloth. Sam's frightened eyes stared at the man a little scared of him.

The man spoke. "It's okay kid. I won't do anything like my teammate. He plays with his victims. It's troublesome but I always have to stop the idiot." He looked over at his unconscious teammate on the ground further away. "At least you don't have to worry about him right now. Nor me. My other teammate doesn't want to hurt you anymore at the moment. So for now rest. We just want to get some money cause if we don't well... let's just say no one is happy."

Sam could only nod. He watched as the man left a bottle of water next to him before getting up and walking over to his companion and picking him up over his shoulder and left the room.

Sam blinked in confusion and seen the water. He hesitated but drank the water as he was very thirsty and it took away the bloody taste in his mouth. He coughed as he drank it too fast but laid down on the ground after finishing it off and closed his eyes resting. The other man man have tried to rape him but he did heal some of the worst pain Sam felt except his nose was still throbbing. He slowly fell asleep wondering when or if someone was going to save him.


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