YouTuber One-Shots

By Luucent

8.5K 333 58

This is a book of YouTuber stories. Some of which are very sad. Also I don't own any of these characters but... More

Forbidden Love (ZeRoyalChaos)
Tragic Couple (MiniCat)
Breakeven (SeaChaos)
Flares (SeaChaos)
Insanity (H20Vanoss)
If We Fall (MiniCat)
Little Things (Krinx)
Coffee? (ZeRoyalChaos)
Welcome Home (Surprise)
Open Those Eye's (H20Vanoss)
Would You? (MiniCat)
Soldier (Surprise)
Boredom Leads To Great Things (Phan)
Cheese (ZeRoyalChaos)
Heart Problems (SeaChaos)
A Vist, Some Pasta, and a Knife (ChilledMexican)
Behind The Lake (Phan)
Star Gazing (H20Vanoss)
This Point Onwards
Our First Dance [MiniCat]
Truth in Lies [SeaMexican]
Angel's Light [Krinx]
Secrets Should be Said [MiniCat]
This is for Tags. Soo... Yeah
Apple Hill [Surprise]
Letters To A Crime Committer [SeaMexican]
Photographs Are Not Worth 1,000 Words, More Like 3 [TehFawkes]
Flower Of Spring [SeaMexican]
Gaming Contest [Surprise]
Help + Sorry
Rich [Surprise]
I Want To See My World [Phan]
Noise {Phan}
Papa [Surprise]
End {Surprise}

The Pattern Is Broken, But Someone Was Hurt [H20Vanoss]

253 5 7
By Luucent

Welcome to my 150 votes and 2K (almost 3k) reads celebration one-shot. Be ready because your in for a great time and for the long haul, good luck. Also tell me what you think the timeline is      -Marsh.


I was at the funeral of my latest servant. His name was Tyler and was by far the best servant I have ever had. He was kind and he was the first one to have enough courage to joke around with me. He was the first one to treat me like an actual human being and not just an emotionless royal prick. I was very sad when I heard he had been diagnosed with lung cancer and if not treated, would die.

The first thing I did was go to my father and demand for him to get him treated. Of course I was automatically dismissed, him telling me that "He is just a servant and when he dies, he can be replaced. So don't ever come to me for such a petty thing as a servants life ever again, okay?" My reply to that was to stomp away, but not before I turned around and gave him a look of absolute hatred.

Just thinking about made my blood boil. Though I calmed myself enough to pay attention to the funeral.

"-ow his highness will now come up and give a speech."

I slowly got up and held back the tears that were threatening to spill down my face, I'd imagine them to look like waterfalls by how much effort it is taking to hold them back. Sniffling I cracked a small, sad smile. I got up and made my way to the podium. Tyler was yet another taken by the curse. The curse that killed all my servants. Everybody knew, yet nobody acknowledged it. It was an unspoken pact to not mention it in front of me. Yet I could hear the servants talk, always afraid to serve me or even look at me. It was honestly one of the worst feelings, but I couldn't blame them I mea-

"Please your highness, give your speech,"

"Oh yeah, sorry," I said rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly. My expression darkened and I began my speech.

"Tyler Wilde was by far the best servant I have ever had. He was kind and daring. He treated me like someone would a friend and that's what I loved most about him. His willingness to be someone's friend, no matter who they are. Actually that was one of the many good traits about him. Tyler could look at someone and pick out their flaws, yet he always kept to himself. Yes, he could be harsh at times but it is just part of his personality.

So when I heard that he was gonna die I wanted to do something, but I was too late. And thanks to that my good friend and butler is now going 6 feet under. I'm s-sorry everyone. I failed. A-Anyways I have taken enough of your time. " I said and quickly got off the podium. I made my way back to my seat, keeping my head down to avoid any particularity nasty looks.

Soon I was sitting through the burial and staring at the grave stone that towered over the freshly packed dirt. It read:

Tyler Wilde


Amazing Person and Son,

Suddenly the angels came ,

And they needed another,

The pristine wings will guide you,

Stay safe and help your brothers.

It was at that point the waterfalls started flowing.


It's been about 4 days and I've already had someone request to be my personal servant. It was quiet odd considering that, that has never happened before because of the so call 'curse'. The fact I was still mourning didn't help but what could you do? I accepted the request and was soon headed out to see my new personal servant. I can only hope for the best.

Soon I was in the limousine and driving down the road. I had no clue where we would go, so I just stared out the window as the trees and houses alike started to blur together. It wasn't long until we stopped in an old dingy parking lot. Holes, trash, homeless people, rusted down old cars, squirrels, cats, dogs. You name it and it was probably here.

My driver, Nogla opened the door and lead me inside a restaurant called Starbucks. It was an older shop and the product had defiantly gone out of business considering I haven't seen it around. Then again it's probably been a good 100 years since they opened.

As he lead me inside I was starting to wonder if I was gonna die her. Honestly I don't really care either way. Both my parents were dead and I had no other relatives to go to. My only good quality was he fact I run a big business, but I'm mostly the face. My friend Criag is the one behind the scenes making deals with other company's, making sure all employees are being faithful, that kind of thing. So if I do the company will be fine.

Before I knew it I was in front of a broken glass door with a logo on it. I might have almost broke my ankle, hands, nose, and other body parts several times but I made it.

Stepping through the small opening in the glass door, Nogla still close behind me, I looked around. The place was actually pretty clean for something that looked so run down. The counters were clean and the floor had barley -almost none- derbies. The tables were clean and sitting at one was a man with brown hair and brown eyes. He was sipping a cup of something while looking dead at me. Suddenly he pushed another cup in front of him towards me, it was also steaming. 

"Yo, you're so tense. You should calm down with my famous coffee, and don't you dare say you don't drink coffee." The mysterious man told me with a grin. It was actually scary how he could grin in this situation. 

In any case I cautiously sat down in front of him and took the cup. I looked down to see my reflection in the black drink. I sighed and took a sip. At first I though it burned my tongue but it didn't. Surprisingly it was warm and not hot, just the way I liked it.  

 "So is it a yes?" The man asked. 

 "On one condition!" I said while raising my finger. Nogla immediately started spluttering random things like 'How can you trust him', 'Why are you considering', and other things. I turned around and bopped him on his nose while shushing him.

 "What condition?" The man asked while leaning over the table looking me straight in the eye, as if he was daring me to challenge him.

 "I get your name." His eyes widened considerably. 

 "How could I forget something as simple as my name?" I could hear him mutter under his breathe.

 Leaning back in his chair he put his hands together and to be blunt. He looked like an evil mastermind. He had this look in his eyes as he opened his mouth to speak.

 "I'm Jonathan Del." 



 He was just here. He was just here. HE WAS JUST HERE. 

 Why did he leave me. Was I not good enough? 

 "Stop it!" I said as I slapped myself. He promised.


 When we got to the mansion his eyes lit up like the fourth of July. 

 "I get a room in here?" Jonathan asked.

 "Your room is literally next to mine you idiot. You are my servant." I told him with a grin. 

 "Really? Oh yeah, I get to bring you meals and all that other stuff. though I swear I'll quit if you work me to the bone, Masters like that are always so annoying."

 "First off don't call me Master, I wasn't born by that name nor do I like to be called it. I would prefer Evan. Second do I look like a guy who would work you to the bone? Third you're kinda more for my appearances because according to Craig I have to have a servant, but I can predict I'll only use you to get my food because the Kitchen is like on the other half of the mansion. Speaking of, we're here." I said then got out of the car. 

 I grabbed his hand and the started leading him towards the mansion. First I lead him to the kitchen, the the dinning room where I let him pick out a chair. he pointed to the one right beside me where Tyler used to sit....

 Then I led him to my room and showed him the door that led to his room. His room was about 3/4 the size of mine, so it was pretty big. He was still gawking by the time I showed him his room so I pushed him on his bed and told him to go to sleep. Soon I was in my PJ's and in my bed. Dreaming of a certain brown eyed butler. 


It's been 3 weeks since we started dating. Everyone in the mansion knew about it. So i didn't have to kid the little kisses we shared or the many cuddles we shared. Honestly he was probably the only thing that made me happy in the while. The only person other than Tyler who has gotten me to smile since my parents death.

 Right now I was asking him what his favorite movie was because I was hopping to watch it. Considering the fact we had many of the same interests i was pretty confident that I had the movie. It turns out I was right and was currently putting the  movie in the DVD player, we cuddled and watched it together. The ending even made him (and me) cry a bit. Okay that's a lie we were totally bawling out eyes out. 

 I mean, ugh the movie feels.

 I looked over at Jonathan and saw him smiling down at me. I kissed his nose and turned around to turn the lamp off. When I turned back to him I saw him laying down with open arms. I immediately jumped into them and we started snuggling.  

 I can confidently say that his room won't be used in a while. 


 Today is the second week Jonathan had been working here. I can confidently say I have a gigantic crush on him.

 Not only his looks but his personality. He is so childish, but carefree. 

 "Yo Evan, c'mon!" Jonathan said and gestured for me to follow him. 

 "'Kay!" I yelled and jogged to catch up with the big oaf. We were going to the garden. Every night since he first joined we started walking around the gardens sharing stories of our past, or even making up stories and acting them out. 

 I actually started the tradition because I wanted to confess to him out in the garden but so I haven't had the courage. I kicked a rock and then it came right back at me. I looked up to see a smiling Jonathan who had kicked the rock back at me. 

 Soon we were running around the yard playing rock soccer. About 20 minutes later we were sitting on the edge of the fountain, both trying to catch our breaths. The sun was setting and was reflecting off Jonathan's eyes, and making the sweat on his head stand out even more. 

 I realized what I  was doing then stared at my lap with a slight blush dusting my cheeks. 

 "Hey..." Jonathan said. 

 "Hello," I said back.

 "Can I tell you something?" He asked.

 I nodded telling him to go ahead. 

 "Well these past 2 weeks have been wonderful, but not possible without you. Evan I t-think I'm failing in love with you and I want to know if you'll be their to catch me!" He said while looking down at his hands. His face was completely red and anyone would think he was waiting to see whether he would die or not by his expression. 

 I grabbed his chin and made him look into my eyes.

 "I've already caught you," I said as I kissed him.


 I was crying into my pillow. He had finally left. He has been gone for awhile now. About 2 or 3 years? I don't know. I probably haven't left my room but once or twice in those years. Mainly because I wanted to stay as close to what was left of him as I could. 

 Now even his scent that was permanently in my pillow was starting to leave me. I glanced over at the calendar to my right. Today was the anniversary of his departure. So I got up and grabbed the pillow. I made my way to the porch of my now small rural house. 

 I sat down on one of the rocking chairs and clutched the pillow tight. 

 Maybe today he'd finally keep his promise. 


 We were sitting on the fountain. The sun was setting and Jonathan was looking into my eyes. It was just like the time when we first kissed.

 "Hey Evan, you know these 2 years have been the best years of my life right? So I was wondering that maybe you'd do the honors of spending the rest of these years with me?" He said.

 He then got down one knee and opened a small box that held a silver band. 

 "So Evan Fong, would you do me the honors of making me the happiest man alive become Evan Del?" He asked. 

 "Nah," I said.

 "W-wha?" He stuttered. His face fell and his eyes started to water. He was about to get up and run off. 

 I grabbed his hand and pulled him close. I let him slip the ring onto my finger and I whispered, "How about you become Jonathan Fong?" 


 "I'm sorry Evan I have to go," Jonathan said with a small smile. 

 "You better keep your promise okay?" I told him. 

 "I won't dare break it, okay sweetheart?" He said while getting up on his horse. 

 He was right he had to go. 


 "Do you Evan Fong take Jonathan Del to be your lawfully wedded husband?" 

 "Of course, who could say no to that offer?" I said with a smirk to the priest who was now scowling at me. He looked away from me and to Jonathan who stood in front of me with a white tuxedo on, the perfect contrast to my black one. 

 "Do you Jonathan Del take Evan Fong to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He asked Jonathan.

 "Like Evan said, who could say no?" He replied to the priest who was now scowling at both of us. 

 "Now say your vows you hooligans." 

 I took out the piece of paper that was folded in my jacket pocket. Then I started reading the short speech. 

 "Jonathan you have have been the best thing in my life for a while now and I'm glad you will continue to be there through thick and thin, and all the other wedding crap. The bottom line is that I love you Jonathan and nothing will ever change that." I said.

 "Well Evan I am so glad you let someone as shady looking as me be your servant for a while because it's what led to this wonderful moment in my life. Heck the best moment in my life. It had been a long wait but I can finally say I love you Evan and I promise that I will never leave, and if I do I will always find my way back." Jonathan said without even needing a paper. 

 "You may kiss the groom!" The priest said.

 I grabbed Jonathan by his waist and pulled him into a kiss that lasted until my lungs started to burn. I clasped his hand in mine and felt the golden ring that had the words 'You are my home' engraved into it. 


 "Evan... I have found a lead on my Father's death and I need to follow it!" Jonathan told me. He had this desperate look in his eyes that I couldn't say no to.

 "Okay but you better come back.." I said to him.

 "Can you promise you I will be back by our anniversary! Just please, wait for me." 

 "I promise I will wait for how ever long it takes."


Today was moving day. We were moving out of the mansion and to a small rural house. It was quiet and would be a much deserved break for us.

 When we pulled up I jumped out and started pulling on Jonathan's sleeve, pulling him any where I could go around the property. It was a wonderful place that had so much to explore but first we had to unpack. 

 "Evan! I think we deserve a break," Jonathan told me. 

 "I knew you'd say that," I said and handed him some coffee.

 "But too bad! We are getting this done tonight!" I said glaring at him.

 "O-okay!" He said and started working like he had renewed energy even though he didn't drink any of my coffee.


 "Hello," I said with a welcoming smile. 

 "Who are you?" A gruff voice asked.

 "Oh, I'm a no-nobody. Why are you here?" I asked the old man. 

 "I was passing through and though this house looked familiar. You see around the age of 28 I had lost my memory in a tragic accident. My father took care of me and soon I found a lovely wife and we had 2 kids. They're such adorable little things." 

 "What are their names?" I asked.

 "Jonathan Jr. and Evan. I picked Evan because it was the only name I remembered when I woke up but I have no clue who he is.." He told me and I could hear my heart crack. He couldn't be...

 "That's sure is a sad story...I'm sorry I didn't ask your name." I asked. I was hopping he didn't say the name I had been longing to hear. 

 "It's Jonathan, Jonathan Fong." He said and my heart broke. My Jonathan, he is right in front of me. I could touch him. 

 "Well, I'm sorry for bothering you sir. I'll be off, I gotta get home to the wife and kids." Jonathan said while shaking my hand. I felt the cold metal that belonged to a ring, but the engraving didn't say 'You are my home' it said 'Love'. The one emotion I was feeling but couldn't act on.

 Then I watched as the person I was waiting for walk away.


Organize the timeline by the numbers, if you feel up to it. I'll tell you if you're right or wrong. Unedited and 3156 words.

See ya, Humans


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