Love is War [Jon Snow/Robb St...

By SimplySammi

311K 7.1K 1K

I didn't mean to fall for him, it was pure accident. I was prepared to marry the Lords true son, not his bast... More

Love is war
Bipolar like winter
Never Again
Not Soon Enough
Liar Liar
Truth About Us
For An Apple
Shake It Off
Run Away
How To Break A Heart
Secret Love
Out of Control
Worth the Risk?
The Revenge of the Maid
You Found Me
Let It Rain
Thinking Of You

Childish Behavior

9K 228 50
By SimplySammi

This chapter has been edited, I wrote a lot more of it and I guess some of it got deleted, so there is more to the chapter. If you guys have any suggestions on plot twists let me know, thanks ((: 


It wasn't like yelling fighting, it was a fist fight. Jon already had a bruise forming on his cheek while Robbs lip was bleeding. Jon went to punch Robb, but Robb quickly reacted and kicked Jon in the shin causing him to fall on his knees.  

"STOP!" I screamed over the the cheering crowd. Neither boys heard me, Jon pulled Robb to the ground and started beating him in the face, Robb got a few punchs in there. I pushed harder through the tall crowd and screamed again  

"STOP IT!" They heard me that time, when both boys turned to find me the crowd broke and let me pass.  

"What on earth are you two doing?" My hands were on my hips, angry rushed through me. Children, they're acting like children right now.  

"Just... brotherly fun?" Robb questioned giving me a crocked smile. His face was cut and bruised, Jon looked a little better but not much. Part of me wanted to rush to Jon, make sure he was okay. But I restrained myself, I had to.  

"Right." I nodded sarcatically like I believed him. Both stood up and hung their heads low, like their father had just scolded them.  

"Why were you two fighting in the first place?" I finally had the courage to ask. Neither spoke for a moment, they both finally stood up from the dusty ground. "Jon was walking towards you."  

"So you hit him?" The look on my face made Robbs eyes widen.  

"No!" He protested, causing Jon to stare over at his older brother.  

"He said he wanted to talk to you." Robb continued "Then I hit him." Jon stood there staring at his brother, then me. I couldn't bare to look at either one of them any longer so I simply walked away.

*Days Later*

I hadn't seen Robb or Jon since the day they had a fight over me. To say that I was avoiding them was a big understatement. I literally sprinted away when I even saw a glance of either one of them. Was I over reacting? Maybe just a smidge. But I didn't care, I was furious with the both of them.  

While in deep thought, I ran into someone really hard. "Mmm sorffy" It sounded strange because my face was in the person's burried in the persons chest. The person started chuckling as I jumped back from them.

"Great." Was all I could say before I started to walk away.  

"Selena wait." He chased after me, which was kind of cute, but I wouldn't admit it to anyone.  

"No, If you haven't noticed I've been avoiding you." I spat walking faster.  

"I know, I think I saw a glimse of your hair once. Then you were gone." He chuckled causing me to halt and turn to face him. I was angry and I'm sure my face was a cherry red color.  

"Just stop it okay Jon, go back to your little whore and leave me alone!" I instantly felt guilty, Jons face was so sad, it almost made me want to cry. Almost.

"Selena just listen to me I'm-"

"Save it for someone who cares."

"Selena please-"

"Go away Jon."

"Listen to me!" The next thing I know Jon has me pushed up against the wall, I was to shocked to move or say anything. My heart was about to beat right out of my chest.  

"I didn't have sex with her." It was barly audible but I heard what he had said.

"But I saw you two together."

"We were going to, but I couldn't do it." Jon admited giving me a glum stare. The side of my face was pressed up against the cold wall, I refused to look at him. His brown puppy dog eyes would surly make me forgive him in an instant.

"Why because I stopped you?" My words dripped with vemon and a touch of hurt, I felt the man pressing his body against me sigh. I couldn't think about it to much or I'd go crazy with want. There was a silence before Jon touched my face and lightly pushed it so I would look at him. I gave in instantly at his touch, my green eyes searching his brown ones. 

"She wasn't you." He whispered hesitating, then he brushed his lips ever so softly against mine.  

"Right." I said flatly pushing the boy in front of me away. What did he think I was.. stupid? I know how guys are.  

"I'm serious Selena -" His sentence was cut short by a distressed looking maid scurrying by, her shirt was wrinkled and hanging off her shoulder. A couple seconds passed then Theon strutted by wearing a smug look. A frown tugged at my lips as he noticed us standing there. His smirk widened, causing shivers down my spine, "Hello there love birds."  

Jon scoffed and rolled his eyes without saying anything.  

"Oh don't look at me like that, bastard. You know it's true, hell, Selena here admitted it to me about a week ago." 

"Shut up." I hissed instantly avoiding a pair of brown eyes that were staring me down.  

"I don't want you, I want Jon!" Theon mocked in a horrible shrill voice that sounded nothing like me. "Remember saying that?" He continued loving my reaction.  

I couldn't think of anything clever to say, but a few colorful words popped into my head.

"Go away Theon." Jon finally said, relief washed over me as the horrid boy started to walk away.  

"Oh, Selena?" I looked up from the floor and looking into the cold eyes of Theon.  

"I'll keep your dirty little secret... for now." He smirked again and strutted off.  

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, "Selena?" Jon asked causing me to divert my attention to him. I couldn't read his face expression, but I knew it was something I didn't want him to think. 

"You want me?" He questioned after a moment of silence, my heart began racing again. What was I suppose to say? Yes? No? It was a mistake. He took my silence as a good sign, Jon cupped my cheek in his hand and looked down at me.  

"I want you too." His breath hit my face, I thought I imagined the words at first because they were so quiet. Clearing my throat I looked away from him, hoping he would drop it.  

His large fingers suddenly went under my chin, making me look back up at him. A smile played at his lips, he hesitated, but leaned down to kiss me. This kiss was different than the last one, it was passionate and deep, like he has wanted to do this all his life. My heart raced with anticipation, it took me a moment to urge my lips to kiss back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, Jon smiled into the kiss and deepened it more, if possible.

When we finally pulled away, we were out of breath. Who knew breathing would be such a hassle?  

"Jon." I said softly not knowing what to say. Apparently he knew what I wanted to say, what is this? What are we even doing? Sneaking around his brothers back?  

Tears brimmed my green eyes, can I lie to the world and marry a man I did not love?  

"We'll figure this out." Jon spoke in my ear as he wrapped his large arms around me, hugging my small figure.  

"I hope so." Was all I could mutter out.

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