Nearly All I Wanted

By xxWorthlessDreamerxx

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Hayley has everything she could possibly want. A good home, great friends and family, Taylor, her awesome boy... More

Nearly All I Wanted
First Day Part One
First Day Part Two
First Day Part Three
First Day Part Four
Home, Sweet, Home
I'm Sorry
Could It Be!?
I Think I Like You
I Can't Do This.
I Hate This Feeling
Watch Out Darling
I'm Back
The Aftermath
Happiness (Or Is It?)
I Need You
I'm Gonna Get Ya
Just Tell Me
Just You And Me (Appropriate Version)
Just You And Me (Lemon Version)
Well, What Do You Know?
Meeting The Friend and New Songs Revealed
A Song For You
Random Chapter
All About Taylor (I came up with this title btw)
What's Happened
Author's Note

The Perfect Date (According To The People On It)

382 12 3
By xxWorthlessDreamerxx

So, this is later on in life. On the date that happened Saturday night. Hayley asked Dakotah to give up her time, to be with a guy that could be just right. While on the date they just sat there and ate the food on their plates. But, when they started talking, they found out that they both like mates. Is it faith? Find out in the next chapter of Nearly All I Wanted!

*Dakotah's POV*

I'm in my room looking through closet trying to find an outfit to wear on my blind date Hayley and her ass of a boyfriend set up. I didn't even want to go, but I really would like someone to talk to. All of my friends have someone special and it's pretty awkward because they're always so kissy and lovey-dovey and it makes me want to puke. So, I guess I'm happy about this. In a way.

I'm putting on my sleeveless, emerald green dress that goes to the top of my knees. I put on some matching heels that are about six inches and they're skinny also. I dyed my hair completely blonde and added highlights to it. When I was finished with that, I curled all of my hair, but straightened my bangs and put it to the side. I put foundation on and put some green eyeshadow on. I put some liquid eyeliner on and added mascara. I put on a light redish-pinkish lipstick and added the shimmer and put some lip-liner on. I sprayed my face with hairspray and soon I was done. I almost forgot to, put on my favorite diamond hooped earrings and put in my nose ring, but I didn't. I sprayed on some Beyoncé Pulse. And with that, I was ready.

I told my parents that I was going out and they said ok. Which is good because I didn't feel like getting interrogated.

 I was on my porch waiting for my date to show up. It was like almost ten minutes later until my date finally showed up. He came in a gray sports car with black lines on it. When he came out of his car he was wearing: a plain white t (haha see what I just did there :D) with a black tuxedo jacket over it, a faded black pair of jeans and dress shoes. His hair was dark brown, and was short but not to short. Long, but it wasn't too long. At the top, his hair was spiked but it was really pretty. I was too busy admiring his physical appearance, that I didn't hear him ask me a question.

"Yeah?" I asked blushing.

 "I asked, 'Are you Dakotah?' And, were you just checking me out?" He asked smirking.

Great another arrogant bad-ass.

"No. Of course not." I retorted disgustedly.

"It's cool if you were. I was checking you out also." He replied shyly.

Correction. Hot, nice, arrogant bad-ass.

"Oh, really?" I asked smirking.

"Yeah." He replied sheepishly.

"Before we get going and all friendsy, are you Spencer?" I asked.

"Yeah. And you're Dakotah?"

"The one and only." I replied.

"Good. Now, shall we?" He asked being a gentleman and holding his hand out.

"We shall." I said grabbing his hand.

*Spencer's POV*

I'm in the car with the girl Brendon and Hayley set me up with. I really didn't want to go but they made me. When I pulled up to her house, I saw a figure sitting on the porch. I got out of my car and saw the most beautiful girl in the world. We had a conversation and she was the type of person who fights back if someone gives her crap. That is my type of girl.

Now, we're in a fancy restaurant Brendon and I made reservations for.

We were just sitting there eating and not really talking that much. Actually, we weren't talking at all.

All we talked about was the weather and random stuff until, Dakotah asked about mates in Dragonball Z fanfiction.

"Wait, you read that?" I asked shocked.

"Forget I even asked." She said more quietly.

I reached across the table and tilted her head up to look at me.

"I read it too Dakotah. Don't be ashamed of that." I said softly.

She smiled and nodded. Then we ended up talking about that stuff and about ourselves and family.

When we finished dinner, I took her to an ice cream shop down the street from the restaurant. We were sitting on a bench in this little park thingy that had a small little lake in the middle. She started humming and rocking her head back and forth and I started laughing. She looked at me crazy and asked me 'what'.

"Nothing. It's just that you look so cute rocking out to a song that's going on in your pretty, little head." I replied shyly.

She started blushing and looked down, her hair falling in the process. I tilted her head up and she looked at me crazy and I whispered in her ear, "You're beautiful, Dak. Remember that."

When I looked at her she was smiling and blushing and tears were falling from her eyes. Her wonderful, brown eyes that I can get lost in.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" I asked worried.

"Hell no! These are tears of happiness retard." She replied laughing. "No one has ever said something to me like that before. Thanks." She said.

We both sat there smiling at each other before finishing our ice cream. When we finished, Dakotah just sat there leaning on my shoulder with, my arm wrapped around her. We stayed there for about an hour before, Dak told me that she had to get home.

I pulled up to her house and opened her door for her so she could get out. She gave her thanks and we walked to the front door.

"Thanks, Spencer. I had a great time tonight. Probably, one of the best I've ever had with a guy." She told me smiling.

"You're welcome Dak. Anything for a beautiful girl." I replied.

We stood there until I leaned in to kiss her. She kissed me back softly and I was glad because I didn't want to get rejected. The kiss was soft and sweet and just perfect. We parted breathing hard and she gave me her number. We hugged and she walked in her house but before she did, she mouthed call me and winked and closed the door. I went to my car in the best mood I have ever had.

I'm finished! I just want to thank everyone reading this and commenting. I'm sorry for not updating sooner. I have been so busy with track, cross country, volleyball, homework for English two and ap geography. (I'm a freshman in case you're wondering.) But hopefully this is long enough. I might update tomorrow or a short one tonight if I'm not too tired. So everyone, Stay Quirky! :)

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