Diary of the dead

By JackKelly101

750 50 25

As the zombie virus destroys Ireland and all its beauty Jack and his two best friends Lauren and Rebecca try... More

Deep breath
House keeping
Up in flames


250 11 3
By JackKelly101

!!!!I really apologise for the bad writing, I was very new to writing but trust me the writing and the story gets much better so please keep reading!!!!
2020: why did I even publish this 😂

Running faster and faster trying to escape the horde of students trying to get to the canteen for lunch.
Jack ran to the line but had a while to get up to the front of the line. When he finally got to the front of the line he ordered his lunch, a doughnut, a sandwich and a can of Coke. Even though he had such a fat eating habit he was still fit and didn't gain any weight.
Jack sat down at the table that his friends were at, Lauren, Rebecca, Lorna and Jazmine. Lauren was a pretty blonde who you could always count on for a laugh, Lauren added to the dumb blonde stereotype cause she wasn't the sharpest tool in the box. Rebecca was the fun nerdy best friend that everyone needs to have, and Jazmine and Lorna were the two emos that acted like lesbians but they were just the best of friends I can't think of a time that they weren't together.
"So Rebecca did you see the vamps new song, " Jack asked
"Yeah I love it, it makes me wanna go see the new kung fu panda"

"So it's Friday night what's the plan?" Lauren asks she loved going out and having fun.
"I don't know, temple bar maybe" Lorna suggested
"Lauren and Lorna are you forgetting that Jazmine and I are the only ones here that are 18 while the three of you are only 17" Jack said with a giggle
"Shut up ya party pooper," Lauren said with a frown
"How about this, a few cans and the field tonight" Jack suggested
"Fine" Lauren said with a smile. Lauren didn't care what we did as long as we did something fun she's a bit like her sister
The sound of the Coolmine school bell calling its students to class. Jack, Lauren, Rebecca, JazmineLornaall said there goodbyes and headed in the direction of the class's.
When Jack got to his science class the door was already open so he went in sat down and took out his books for class.
when the teacher walked everyone looked at her as she walked past the row of tables.
"Okay class today we will be looking at the body and viruses, can anyone give me a vires" Mrs van veen asked
"Ebola," someone in the back of the class said.
"Nah, give me a fictional virus like the zombie virus, we will be looking at how the virus would enter the body, the affects and our bodies defensive against the virus"
Mrs van veen was always the fun teacher that everyone liked.
When the class end Jack could go home since he didn't have any classes for the last class.
20 minutes later Jack was home, he opened the kitchen door to the sight of his two brothers Luke and Adan packing suitcases to go to Amsterdam, they've been waiting weeks to go to Amsterdam today was the day that they go, but it looks like they're going to miss there're flight for leaving the packing to the last minute.
"You know at this rate of packing you're gonna miss your flight," Jack said
"Shut up we're going as fast as we can" Luke replied

"Bet you €20 if you miss your flight," Jack said with a giggle

"Deal," Luke and Adam said at the same time
When Luke and Adam finally finished packing there taxi had arrived, they quickly walked to the door to let the driver know they were coming. Luke turned to Jack and gave him a hug " Okay you be good and don't get into any trouble"
"Don't worry Luke I'll be fine"
And with that they broke there embrace and Luke and Adam walked out the door.
"Oh Luke don't smoke to much weed at the dam"
"No promises"
Luke and Adam entered the taxi and the car drove off

Jack ran up to his room and turned on the lights, he quickly plugged his phone into his speakers and put on one of his favourite songs Burn by the vamps.

He went on to Facebook and started to scroll through his newsfeed, it was just the same old crap oh look and my new pic I'm so ugly or the best friend squad pics. Jack was about to get off Facebook until he seen a post that got his attention "WARNING, the dead are returning to life and are attacking the living" Jack was just thinking about the stuff that Mrs van veen said about zombies and all that, how the can infect humans and how it could be real, Jack was about to click on to the link but the got a message from Lauren "knock for me in 20 and we'll get the cans" I texted her back right away "yeah sure I'll be there in 20"

It didn't take Jack long to get to Lauren's house, he knocked at her door, waiting for Lauren to answer but was met with her sister Shannon who was only two years older than Lauren
"She'll be right down Jack"
And with that i stepped into the hallway. "Hey Shannon what's that on your arm," Jack asked
" Oh can you believe it some guy tried to rob my bag but he bit me instead"
"Wow what a guy, you might wanna get checked for AIDS or something"
"Yeah you're right about that"
Lauren finally got down stairs and was ready to leave.
It only took us 5 minutes to get to the shops, when they were about to walk in Jack got a text he pulled out his phone to see that it was Luke "Guess who's not getting €20" Jack laughed when he seen the message.
When they walked into the shops Jack was met with a sigh he didn't was to see, his ex Craig. They hadn't spoken to each other in over a year, why did he have to be there Jack though, why now why here.
Jack and Craig ignored each other for not wanting to cause a fight between them both.
Jack kept walking as he could feel the awkwardness build up. Jack and Lauren walk to the alcohol section, they were deciding on what to get, then Jack got a text he pulled out to see that it was from his mam "Jack you need to get home now I need you help it's an emergency" I quickly texted her back "What's wrong"
"It's your dad he was just attacked"
The message sent a shiver down his spine, without hesitation Jack ran for the door passing Lauren and Craig, Lauren shouted to Jack "Where are you going" "it's my dad, he's, I have to go" Jack said with fear in his voice.

With the speed Jack was running at he got to his house in less then 10 minutes. Jack burst through the front door, seeing blood on the ground made his blood run ice cold. He ran to the kitchen which is where he found his mother hold his father who was bleeding from his neck, his mother crying while trying to put pressure on the wound.
"What the hell happened," Jack said as panic started to set in
"Some guy ran up to use outside the garden and bit him"
"Did you call an ambulance"
"Yes twenty minutes ago," Jack's mother said trying to hold her tears back.
" Peter, Peter oh my god no please answer me"

Jack could see with his own eyes, his father going limp and then stopped breathing. The colour ran from his face turning into a light grey colour, knowing what has happened Jack started cry. Noeleen stood up leave the body of her husband on the ground. "He's, he's dead," Noeleen said letting all of her tears that she was holding back out.

"Mam we have to go, we need to get help," Jack said as he started to let his tears fall.
As noeleen walked over to her son, the body of her husband suddenly jumped back to life and grabbed Noeleen back down to the floor, jack started to panic as his mother was being attacked by his father who was dead a minute ago. Peter jumped on noeleen and but her in the neck taken a lump of flesh off of her, at the sight of this Jack knew he had to act fast, he grabbed a knife that was on the table beside him, He took the knife and went for his father and drove it into his back causing him to fall off of noeleen. The corpse got back up off the ground and ran for Jack, not having any many options left Jack lifted the knife high into the air as his father ran for him, running at top speed the corpse of the previously deceased Peter Kelly slammed into the knife causing it to go through his head, splashing blood onto Jack's face and clothes, as he let the knife go the body fell to the ground. when he finally came back to the moment he realized what had happened to his mother just moments ago .

Jumping over the now hopefully dead body Jack ran to his mother who was badly hurt and crying for help on the ground. Dropping to his knees with a rag in his hand he tried to put pressure on the large wound, Jack wondered if the same thing would happen to his mother as it happened to his father. "Jack" Noeleen desperately said trying to get the words out "Don't you worry mam you're gonna be fine," Jack said as he began to cry "Jack, I need you to know that I always loved you"

"No don't say that you're gonna be fine, you're gonna be okay," Jack said as he let all his tears go.
"You need to go now I'll become like your father I don't want to hurt you, You need to go and find your brothers," Noeleen said as she tried to gasp for air.
"You're not gonna become one of them"
"Promised me one thing, promise me you'll never find yourself alone, now, please go"
"No mam I'm not going anywhere without you," Jack said as he tried to comfort her until he realised she had closed her eyes and stopped breathing and then the colour in her face turned to a light grey.

Jack slowly backed up off of the ground as he knew what was coming next, he slowly walked towards the door, walking then turned into running. Jack ran for the car keys that were on the ground covered in blood, he quickly picked them up and ran out the front door.

As the light shined in his eyes he could make out helicopters flying overhead and some people running on the street. Jack quickly unlocked and got into his Toyota 2012 SUV and roared the engine to life, putting the car into reverse Jack slammed on the ignition and sped out the driveway not caring if anyone was in the way of the car.

As he put the car into first gear, as Jack was about the press the ignition pedal he noticed the corpse of his mother walking out of the house with a bloody hole on her neck, Jack screamed to himself "Bloody hell!!" and the slammed on the pedal causing the car to speed off down the road.

The traffic on the main road was crazy, people driving all over the place trying to get out of the city and people trying to get home to loved ones. Jack didn't care about anyone in this moment so he slammed on the pedal to get the hell out of there.

2 minutes into driving at top speed Jack drove past the shop he was in 15 minutes earlier. Seeing Lauren standing outside looking in confusion as to what was going on. Jack knew she wouldn't survive and knowing what happened to her sister, he did a U turn so he would be driving in the direction of lauren. In a second he pulled up to lauren and opened a window "Get in now!! Jack screamed "Why, What the hell is going on??" Lauren questioned
"Just get in now, i'll explain later"
Lauren opened the car door and jumped in, Jack turned the car back in the direction he was going in and sped off, Jack turned to lauren and said "Buckle up, it's gonna be a bumpy ride".

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