All That We Could Be

By Andene

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Fallon never dreamed about falling in love until she met him...Daniel...a soccer player who seems to be perfe... More

All That We Could Be
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Twenty Five

244 8 4
By Andene

Chapter Twenty Five

The flight to Toronto was exhilarating. Fallon had stayed awake during the entire eight hour flight. Fallon had never been able to sleep during these flights. She’d always looked out the window, or read her books. Occasionally she had watched the movie that would be playing on the television.

By the time she had reached Pearson Airport, Fallon could hardly contain her excitement. In a few moments she’d be home with her cousins. Her family.

Her cousin Maria was going to be picking her up. Maria and Fallon had always been the closest from Maria and her two older sisters. Not only did they share the same middle initial of ‘L’, which stood for Lira in Fallon’s name, and Lily in Maria’s name; but they were also the closest in age and birthdates. Maria had been born on the 27th of June, while Fallon had been born a year later on the 26th of June. Fallon had always joked that she was Maria’s early birthday present.

Fallon walked out of the terminal to see Maria shout her name. Fallon ran to her cousin. Maria gave her younger cousin a warm embrace. Fallon was happy to be home. It was three in the morning and for Maria to come and get her, Fallon thought that it was a huge sacrifice of sleep.

“Thanks for picking me up.” Fallon told the older girl. “No problem Fallon. I was way too excited to sleep. I can’t believe you’re finally home!” Maria said pulling Fallon into another tight hug. “I missed you so much!” Maria squealed. Fallon laughed. “Yea, I missed you a ton!” Maria let go of Fallon. “Come on, my mom made loads of food for you, and there is tons of ice cream for you to finish.” Maria said. The two girls had a long tradition of eating ice cream in the early hours of the morning.

Maria led the way to the car. The whole family had the same model. A Dodge Caravan. The only difference between Maria’s and the one Fallon’s father owned was the colour. Maria and Fallon were related by their fathers; who were brothers. Maria’s father owned a printing press. In total Fallon’s father had six brothers and two sisters. The whole family lived in and around Brampton. One of his brothers worked at the Chrysler assembly plant in Brampton. That was why the family favored Dodge.

During the ride to Maria’s house, Fallon asked what she had been up to. Maria had graduated from college the year before. Fallon found out that Maria had gotten a promotion at her work. It was some insurance company. Fallon was happy that Maria was doing well.

As they reached the house, Fallon couldn’t help but feel relaxed. Home was a place where everything made you feel welcome. Although this was her oldest uncle’s home, he treated her like she was one of his own. This was why Fallon felt at home.

Fallon and Maria crept carefully through the hall leading to Maria’s room. They both struggled to stay silent. The whole house was asleep. Fallon had always had trouble with staying silent when the two of them had crept along the halls as children. Whenever Maria had told her to stay silent, Fallon had always started to laugh; her nerves always got the better of her. It was hard for her to follow those instructions…especially when she would be the one to walk into the wall. Today was not an exception. Within moments of reaching Maria’s room, Fallon had walked into the desk in the dark. A giggle escaped her. Maria was next to laugh. Clearly Maria was remembering the same aspects of their childhood.

As teenagers whenever Fallon had slept over, the two of them would watch movies until the morning. They would eat and watch until it was almost seven in the morning. Maria would sleep until the afternoon, when they did this. It was Fallon who would sleep less, and be up the next morning at or before ten o’clock…which was her latest.

Apparently today was no exception. Since it was already 4:30 in the morning, when they put away Fallon’s things, Maria decided that they would watch something. Maria had taken a week off, since she had not gone on winter vacation. Had this not been the case, they would probably sleep. At least Maria would…Fallon was too excited to sleep.

Fallon agreed to watch ‘Atonement’. First Maria marched Fallon down to get something to eat. Fallon settled on a salad and a little bit of ice cream. They both tried to get up the stairs before one of them cracked up. This time they made it.

Fallon settled on the large bed in Maria’s room. Maria had gone into her closet to get her lap top. They watched the movie in the silence of the early morning. Fallon was content.

The next morning Fallon was the first one up again. She left a sleeping Maria to go and wash up. She wanted to greet her aunt and uncle, as well as her grandparents, and her two other cousins. Maria had two older sisters, of which one had gotten married and moved to Calgary last summer. Maria also had one younger brother. He had started his first year of university.

Fallon went down the stairs. Her aunt, uncle, and grandparents were all eating breakfast. Fallon greeted them. One by one, they all gave her a warm hug, welcoming her back. Her aunt offered to make her breakfast, but Fallon declined politely. She was going to wait for Maria, and wasn’t hungry just yet. Fallon got herself a glass of fruit juice and after drinking it, returned upstairs.

Instead of returning to Maria’s room, Fallon went to the room across the hall. It belonged to Maria’s second oldest sister, Sophia. Sophia’s door was open, but she was still sleeping. Fallon had thought maybe she would be up to go to university. Since she wasn’t, and Fallon was feeling a little mischievous, Fallon decided to wake her up.

Fallon jumped onto the large bed. “Sophie! Wake up! You’re late!” Fallon said loudly, all the while shaking Sophia. Sophia’s first reaction was turning onto her other side, but Fallon was relentless. She kept up the racket until Sophia finally got up.

“As happy as I am to have my alarm clock back from England, you could have waited a few hours longer.” Came Sophia’s voice, still heavy with sleep. “Nah, you’ve had plenty of sleep. It was either you or Maria. The only reason I didn’t go after Maria was because of her great sleep sacrifice last night.” Fallon said with a laugh. Sophia smiled.

“Well I’m up. What do you want to do?” She asked Fallon. “I thought you had class.” Fallon said. “No, I have a late class today. It starts at seven and ends at ten. Oh, that reminds me. I have my group members for our project. Let me make some phone calls while you wake up Maria. Then we’ll go out or something.” Sophia said, as she got off her bed and went to get dressed.

Fallon got off of Sophia’s bed and started on her way back to Maria’s room. “’Morning Fallon” Came a voice heavy with sleep. “Morning Ivan, how are you?” Fallon asked her younger cousin. “Good, I have to go to school though…which totally sucks.” The younger boy said. “Don’t you have summer break?” Fallon asked. “No, Sophia pushed me into taking summer classes.” Ivan told her with regret. They talked a little while longer, until Ivan went to get dressed.

Fallon made it back to Maria’s room only to find Maria still asleep. Fallon couldn’t watch her sleep any longer. It was like an itch that Fallon had to scratch. Fallon pounced onto the bed next to Maria’s sleeping form. “Wake up! You’re late.” As Fallon yelled loudly, she got a face full of pillow; she lost her balance and fell on the bed. “Come on get up! We have loads to do today!” Fallon said. Maria sat up groggily. “I was expecting you to do that. It’s always the same with you isn’t it Fallon.” Maria said. The two of them laughed. “Alright, for this week I won’t be difficult about waking up. But the next time you come…don’t do this to me.” Maria pleaded. “Alright…” Fallon said solemnly. Although they both knew that come next time, they would be repeating this routine.

The two of them came downstairs fully dressed. By this time Maria’s parents had gone off to work, while their grandparents had gone off to their room. Sophia could be heard talking loudly on the phone in the living room. Ivan came downstairs to say goodbye, as he headed off to school, but not before grabbing some food to eat along the way.

Fallon and Maria sat down to eat. Fallon was eating some yogurt, while Maria was eating pancakes. “So how is living in merry old England?” Maria asked as the two of them ate. She tried to imitate an English accent. “It’s alright. I miss home sometimes…okay well a lot of the time.” Fallon told her. “You know, you still don’t have a real English accent. It’s like a cross between our Canadian accent and their English accent.” Maria told her, laughing. “Really? I guess I’ve tried hard to keep my true north accent. Alas I failed.” Fallon laughed along with her. “Don’t worry, hopefully by the end of the week your Canadian accent will be back.” Maria giggled. Fallon found that hard to believe since she would be returning to England for a longer time than her stay here.

“So what have you been up to? Other than work.” Fallon asked. “Not much. I call Ava sometimes, but usually when I come home from work…I’m too tired. Oh, but I have been keeping up with you. What’s this I hear about some mystery man and a womanizer?” Maria asked. Fallon shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Before she could respond, Sophia came into the room. Fallon was safe for now. No doubt Maria would get it out of her tonight.

“Has anyone seen my black binder? It has my notes from my philosophy class.” Sophia asked them. Both Maria and Fallon shrugged. Neither of them had seen the binder. Sophia left to go find the binder.

“So what are we going to do today?” Fallon asked, steering away from the subject. “I thought maybe we could go to the ‘Pickle Barrel’ for dinner, Sophia will probably join us there. But if you want I can take you to your place. You said you had stuff to drop off.” This reminded Fallon. “Come upstairs.” Fallon said to Maria. Fallon climbed the stairs quickly and went to the room she was sharing with Maria. She opened up her suitcase. She got out the gifts she had gotten for Maria and her family.

“This is for all of you.” She said, as she laid out the things for Maria. For Maria, Fallon had gotten one of the bags Maria had always loved. For Sophia, Fallon had gotten her a summer dress. For Ivan, Fallon had gotten him a Manchester United jersey with his name printed on it. For her aunt she had gotten a set of jewellery. For her uncle she had gotten him the book he had told her about last time she had talked to him. For her grandparents she had gotten new quilts.

“Fallon, why did you go and bring all of this?” Maria asked in awe. “I was bored one day and I tagged along with Cheryl for her shopping trip. When I saw this stuff I bought it because I thought you’d like it.” Fallon told her. “You were dead on, I love the bag. Mom is gonna freak on you, but she’ll love the necklace and earrings. Sophia will love this! What did you get for Ava and Ethan?” Maria asked curiously.

Ava was the oldest; she had married Ethan last summer. They had moved to Ethan’s home in Calgary, shortly after the wedding. It was Ava’s room that Maria had gotten, once the older girl left. Both Fallon and Maria had died laughing when Ava told them that she hadn’t cleaned out her university locker which was full of stuffed animals she had bought and hidden from her mother. This had been about two days before the wedding.

“For Ava, I got a make up set. I couldn’t think of which stuffed animal she didn’t have so I gave up. For Ethan I ended up getting this really nice watch. I mean what do you get your new brother in law?” Fallon asked. “Good question, I still haven’t figured that one out. I let my mom worry about that.” Maria said as she contemplated the question.

The two of them set off for Fallon’s house soon after. It was only a fifteen minute drive. Fallon walked up the front steps of her house. There was no car in the drive way. Fallon knew it was probably parked in the garage. She decided to check on it once she got inside. Maria was right behind her as they entered the house in which Fallon had grown up in.

“You still have the key?” Maria asked. “Yea. It’s my house.” Fallon told her as she took off her shoes. “How do you know which key is which?” Maria asked. “This house has a triangular key; my house in England has a square key. My car key is way too easy to recognize. It has the ram for Dodge on it.” Fallon told her.

Fallon walked into the laundry room. It was from there that there was an entrance to the garage. Fallon opened it and sighed with relief. ‘Big Blue’ was still there. She had named the van that since it fit into the garage just barely, and because of its butane blue colour.

Fallon went upstairs and into her room. The bunk bed which she had shared with her sister was still there, as was the computer table and bookshelf. It was apparent her sister hadn’t given the room up to anyone. Her brothers’ room looked much the same…all cluttered. Fallon went to her parents’ room next. It was crisp and clean, just like it had always been. Fallon went into her mother’s walk in closet and placed the package she had brought for them all in there. On top was a note from her.

Fallon and Maria left as soon as she came back downstairs. Fallon made sure to check the locks around the house before leaving. She even double checked the front door lock after she locked the door. Fallon had always been a little paranoid about doors and locks.

Maria decided to go to the mall, so the both of them headed there for a couple of hours, before heading to dinner where they would be meeting Sophia.

It was at night when Fallon got ambushed. “Okay now that everyone is asleep, you’re going to tell me about what you’ve been up to in England. That includes the mystery guy and the womanizer.” Maria told her stubbornly. Fallon sighed. “Promise me you won’t say anything…not even to my parents or your parents for that matter…not even Sophia, Ivan and Ava.” Fallon said. The two of them had always said the same thing before telling the other anything. It was a ritual. Although both of them knew that neither of them would say a word to anyone else.

“I promise I won’t say anything. Now dish!” Maria said excitedly. Fallon sighed, exasperatedly. How was it that Maria could get excited over these things?

“Okay well…I kinda met this guy in a café…his name was Daniel and so we went out for a while…and then he found out about my career…and later I found out he was a soccer player from Portugal, he was trying to get on to Manchester United. We broke up a little while after. Well it was more like he broke up because he thought that the clubs weren’t taking him seriously once they saw articles printed on us.” Fallon told her.

“So then who’s the womanizer dude?” Maria asked, trying to keep her voice down. “That would be William. He asked me out…I said no a million times…and Cheryl told me to say yes…so I did…but he was weird…he always asked me to come over to his place. I broke up with him.” Fallon told her.

“Why?” Maria asked. “I didn’t like him that way, and he was using Cheryl to get me.” Fallon told her. “Really how?” Maria asked. Fallon patiently told her the whole story. “So Cheryl didn’t tell you until a little while ago? That’s got to sting.” Maria said, pin pointing the exact feeling Fallon had. “You have no idea.” Muttered Fallon, darkly.

“So do you still talk to Daniel?” Maria’s curiosity was insatiable. “No, I haven’t seen him since we parted ways.” Fallon told her. “You really liked him, didn’t you?” Maria asked. “No, what makes you say that?” Fallon asked, slightly stunned. “Cause of the look on your face when you were talking about him. You look miserable.” Maria said with a knowing chuckle. “You read way too much into these things, Ria. I’m not miserable.” Fallon told her. “Fallon Lira Stevens, I know for a fact you like this guy way more than you’re saying. Simply because I’m family. I know you. You are so easy to read.” Maria said, as she nimbly missed the pillow Fallon had flung at her.

“Quit it Maria. You’re making something out of nothing.” Fallon told her off. “Oh am I? Fallon you’ve always been like this. It’s always me having to pull it out of you. It’s okay to admit you like him. I know you feel hurt that he broke it off, but maybe he’ll come back. Why don’t you tell me the whole story? I want to know how you both met.” Maria prodded her. Fallon smiled, Maria had always s known how to get it out of her.

The two girls talked well into the night. After Maria had gotten the full story out of Fallon, she made it harder for Fallon.

“I think you might just love him.” Maria exclaimed. This time the pillow Fallon flung met its mark. “What was that for?” Scowled Maria. “For assuming…and sounding just like Cheryl.” Fallon said calmly, although she could feel the heat rising to her face.

“You’ve got it bad, cuz. Remember when you had that crush in high school. You tried denying it…but I got it out of you eventually.” Maria told her, reminiscing about their high school days. “Yea…and fat load of good that did.” Fallon told her.

“You know what your problem is?” Maria said to Fallon. “No, but I’m guessing you’re about to tell me.” Fallon retorted. “You’re scared that he’ll reject you if you try to see him again. Maybe when you go back you can call him up, go out as friends. I mean what if he still likes you. Maybe he just did that so he could get signed.” Maria said, acting all knowledgeable. “He already rejected me when we broke up. What difference does it make? I’m not going to chase after him…that’s so demeaning.” Fallon complained. “Fallon, from what you told me, it sounds like his cousin must have said something. Daniel really sounds like your type of guy. I think he just got scared that you were going to shadow his career. That’s why he called it quits. Otherwise it doesn’t make sense.” Maria said, her tone softening.

Fallon wondered if this could be a possibility. The words Maria had just said to her, they opened a whole new set of doors. Maybe if she did reach out to him, maybe it would be a start. Fallon shook her head. That day wasn’t going to be coming any time soon. She wasn’t sure she could do this.

Fallon decided to change the subject. “Enough about me and my life, so have you met anyone? What’s been going on in your life?” Fallon asked. The two of them talked for the remainder of the night.

It wasn’t until a couple of days afterwards that Fallon found out what the consequence of her breaking up with William were. Fallon had been on Sophia’s laptop, while next to her on the bed was Maria on her own laptop. Fallon had decided to see what was going on in England, so she typed in the web address for ‘The Mail on Sunday’, that was when she got the hit.

On the top of the site was a picture of her and William. The head line was ludicrous: ‘The Truth Behind Why Fallon Left William, And The Other Man.’

Fallon let out a hoarse laugh. Luckily she wasn’t in England, or William would have had something to worry about. Maria’s attention shifted to Fallon, who had just opened the page. Maria saw the title and laughed. The two of the scrolled down the article, reading it.

It was mainly an interview with William. He had apparently told the reporter that Fallon had been seeing some guy behind his back, and when he found out, Fallon had broken up with him. It went on to say that William had tried hard to make Fallon stay, but in the end she broke his heart. Luckily Christopher’s name hadn’t been mentioned.

Both Fallon and Maria laughed while reading the article. Fallon knew that Craig wouldn’t be too happy, but at least she had nothing to do with it since she wasn’t in the country, and because he knew why she left William.

Although Fallon would have liked the chance to settle the score with William, she knew that there was no way she would stoop that low. It was better if she didn’t give this fire any more fuel.

Fallon turned off the computer, and Fallon and Maria went out to get some lunch.

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