The Secrets We Keep (Yumikuri...

By ShesNoGoddess

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FUTA!YmirxChrista. Ymir gets Christa pregnant. Christa doesn't know how to react to it all. And more so, she'... More

Christa's Pregnancy (SnK/Aot Fanfic) (Yumikuri)
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter 4
Chapter Five
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter Six

4.8K 180 246
By ShesNoGoddess


Sasha decided to drag Christa out of her room against her will. She knew that how big the blonde was feeling, that lately she hadn't wanted to do anything. Especially since how down she was feeling about losing her job. She had a child that she needed to be able to support and she was scared about how she could support it by herself when she had no income. She knew Sasha and Connie would do whatever they could to help her, but she felt awful about taking advantage of the two like that. Especially when it wasn't their child inside of her. "What if we see Ymir?" Christa whined as Sasha started her car, she always used this excuse to stay inside of the house. Sasha wasn't letting her get away with it again. Not just what if she sees Ymir, she was also worried if someone might see her who even some what knows Ymir.

Sasha giggled and patted her back. "Then I guess she'll see your stomach and know the truth. You can't hide forever in our house, Christa. You know that."

Biting her lower lip and nodding, the blonde looked down and feeling like she was about to cry with just the thought of Ymir because it swarmed up so many thoughts and memories Christa didn't know how to handle. She was so emotional lately, which she blamed on the pregnancy. "I don't want her to know that I'm still pregnant. She thinks I had an abortion."

"I know, and I think you should've been honest with her. Maybe she would've helped you." Sasha stated as she pulled out of her driveway and the two drove off to the mall.

Sasha wanted to do a little shopping, before a certain little one arrived. She wanted to look for items like blankets and bibs and start putting prices together so she'd know what they'd have to buy.

As soon as the two reached the mall, Christa darted off to the bathroom. Having a baby kick her bladder definitely wasn't a thing she could handle. When she exited the bathroom, she bumped into an overly muscular man and a fidgety tall friend who stood next to him -- and by tall, she meant he over-towered her like he was a skyscraper.

"U-um sorry." She looked up to the muscular guy, silently and secretly hoping he'd move so she could wobble her way back to Sasha.

"It's fine." He and the tall guy moved to the side to let her through.

And wobble, she did, all the way to Sasha awkwardly. Sasha glanced over to the guys standing outside the bathroom and then back to Christa. "Do you know those guys?"

Christa shook her head no, taking a peek back at them. "Should I?"

"They're friends with Ymir." Sasha looked at Christa with a worried expression.

Christa's entire body jolted as fear within her grew at the idea of Ymir's friends telling her that they saw her. But then she sighed with relief, especially since they didn't even seem to know who she was so she assumed she was in the clear. Plus she didn't know who they were, so she was sure she hadn't been noticed.


Ymir collapsed on the bed she now shares with Mina, the brunette was exhausted. Due to the bills she had to pay for Mina, herself and the future baby had caused her to get two jobs. And hoping that she was finally able to be alone and rest, Mina marches into the room and throws shopping bags on the floor of their bedroom door. "YMIR! GET UP!" The girl pleaded, hoping Ymir would actually get up eventually.

Groaning, Ymir sat up and looked over at Mina groggily. "I am up, what do you want?" She was honestly half tempted to pretend to be asleep just to get the girl to leave her alone, but that wasn't going to happen.

"I wanted to show you all the cute things I just got for the baby!" She giggled and smiled, Ymir was slightly pleased that the girl seemed so happy. Yet Ymir was so tortured currently inside.

"Okay show me." She sat up and moved to be sitting on the edge of the bed, all ready for Mina to show her everything.

The first thing Mina pulled out was a set of pacifiers, there was a green one, a yellow one and an orange one. The green one had a grass hopper on it, the yellow one had a duck, and the orange one a tiger on it. She had to point out since they didn't know the exact sex of the baby, that they had to pick things that were unisex. Mina showed her a few plain onesys she had bought, and then a teddy bear that was rainbow colored and she put everything back into the bags and sat on the bed next to Ymir.

"Ymir, I'm really glad we're doing this together." She smiled over towards the freckled brunette.

Sending Mina a half-assed smile, she was trying not to seem too pathetic. But she felt it. Christa would be about a month or two ahead of Mina in her pregnancy, if she hadn't terminated it. So even thinking about being a parent, to the kid she was having with Mina honestly was making her feel guilty. "I am too." Ever since Christa left and Mina moved herself in, Ymir was feeling guilty over everything. Especially because she knew Christa didn't deserve what happened, but there was no way to apologize to her because if Mina even had the slightest suspicion that Ymir was talking to her. She was afraid Mina would leave. With her child.

Falling back onto the bed, on her back. Ymir closed her eyes and drifted back to sleep.


Getting back to the apartment with Sasha and Connie, the three unloaded bags of baby items.

It was full of things like diapers, little outfits and all sorts of other baby things. Christa was honestly starting to feel uncomfortable with them buying her things. She felt like now she'd owe them, and with every item they bought for her and her unborn child she felt like that dept was getting deeper and deeper. Plus Christa was really worried like what would happen once she and the baby would move out, Sasha and Connie must know that she won't live with them forever. This is their home after all, she was just a guest currently, and that was how it had to be.

Setting things up in the room was difficult, it was a small room with a full size bed that was positioned in the middle of the floor. But there was enough room for Christa to place a bassinet on the furthest side from the door. Christa placed the bags with the items they just bought on the floor right next to the bassinet and laid down on the bed. The bed was covered with sheets and blankets she had brought with her when she moved out Ymir's. The sheets were a pale pink, but luckily Sasha's and Connie's guest room had off-white walls, so the pale pink color didn't clash with anything.

Christa pulled up her shirt, just over her swollen belly and looked down at it. Her fingers were running along it, rubbing it as if she was trying to soothe the baby. Just as she was doing this, she felt it move and she giggled and rubbed it. "Come on, baby, we can do this." She smiled at it and closed her eyes.

~ 5 years later. ~

"Come on, Lily, you're gonna be late for school." Christa lightly shook her daughters body. The little girl had features that looked most like Ymir, the freckles and brown hair. But she had characteristics that also looked like Christa, like her blue eyes and her fair skin. Christa felt like she wasn't fit to be a parent after how she was raised, since she never really had a parent of her own. But, she wasn't about to let her daughter be raised the same way she was. She was trying her best for her.

Whining, Lily sleepily looked at Christa. "I don't want to go to school, mommy." She covered her face with the blanket.

Christa smiled, giggled and kissed Lily's forehead. "You have to, I'm sorry. Mommy has no choice in these things but you have to go to school so mommy can go to work."

"Mommy no." Lily pouted, looking up at Christa.

Christa couldn't help but smile at her, she loved the little girl with her entire being. She didn't think it was even possible to love someone as much as she loved Lily, but here she was willing to do anything for her little girl. "If you get up and go to school, after mommy gets off work she'll take you for ice cream."

Nearly jumping up out of bed, Lily sprung up and looked at Christa looking all excited. "Okay mommy!" She smiled at Christa.

Christa giggled, "Your clothes are on your dresser, come on you got to change. Do you need help?"

"I can do it myself!" Lily got up out of bed and went over to her dresser and began undressing and changing into her school outfit. Lily was required to wear a uniform, it was a plain blue skirt and a button up shirt, socks and they didn't really care about what colored shoes as long as they weren't a bright color.

"Fine, I'm going to go pack your lunch okay?" Christa got up from Lily's bed, and exited her room. Christa lived alone, in a two bedroom apartment.

The apartment had been being decorated and changed over the past 3 years, it's been about 3 years since she started living in this apartment after they moved out of Sasha's and Connie's and Christa still couldn't get used to it. Living alone and raising a child alone wasn't something that she could ever get used to, especially when her child acted so much like Ymir. The way Lily acted was just silly and she loved getting herself into trouble and then she laughed about it and she would constantly ask questions about everything.

Christa smiled thinking about her daughter. She was really glad that she hadn't gotten an abortion with her, or anything else. She loved her so much. Packing Lily's lunch was easy for Christa, she always packed her a sandwich and a juice. Sometimes, if Lily was good, Christa would surprise her with some sort of sweet for a treat.

After dropping Lily off at school, Christa went to just another day at work. Which she thought would be just like any other day. She started it out by calling Sasha to talk about her daughter Lily and the little things she keeps doing. This was just one of the many things she did every day. After she got off the phone with Sasha, Christa began to go through files at the Jeager Corporation she was currently working for. Shortly after having Lily, Christa started looking for a job and had found this job. Just as Christa began looking through paperwork, a familiar voice crept up into her ear.

"I came here to see Mr. Jeager. I have an appointment." It sounded just like--

Christa looked up and gasped. It was Ymir.

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