Worry About Me Later •Niam

By niamlovechildren

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Niall had his own problems while Liam did too.But one of the main ones is the small crush one had for the oth... More

Author's note


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By niamlovechildren

Their bodies pressed against each other as light snores escaped Niall's mouth.Liam raised himself up, leaning on his elbow as his other hand wrapped around his boyfriend.

His eyes scanned his peaceful state, waiting nothing more than to call Niall his official boyfriend.

Yes, they've gotten 'permission' from Niall's mother but now Liam's parents were the only 'parental guidance' they had in their relationship.

Liam knew his parents wouldn't approve of their son dating a boy but Liam wished to be able to have Niall over for any holiday so he wouldn't feel alone.

But he couldn't.

"Liam"Niall groaned, turning around to look up at him with a goofy smile.Cuddling closer to Liam's bare chest.

"Yes?"Liam said, snapping back to the beautiful reality of having a wonderful boyfriend like Niall.

"Why are you staring at me?"Niall giggled, bashfully hiding his pink cheeks.

"Because you're so fucking beautiful"Liam said charmingly, smirking.

Niall playfully gasped."Don't use bad words."

"Like you didn't say it."Liam paused, bring his mouth closer to Niall's ear"When I was pounding into you."

Niall stayed quiet, feeling his blush darken as Liam saw the affects he had on the boy."Liam"He groaned, feeling very embarrassed.

Liam laughed, getting his chest slapped as Niall giggled along with him.The brunet turned to grab his phone to check the time, his parents wouldn't be home for another couple of hours so he still had time to enjoy with Niall.

"Do you want anything to eat?"Liam asked.

"No"Niall shook his head"But can I take a shower, I feel a bit sticky."


Niall sat in the passenger seat,Liam was driving him home and he was scared shitless that he hadn't done the best job in covering the hickeys Liam had left.

"Alright babe"Liam stopped infront of Niall's house, Niall opened the door as Liam leaned in to give him a small peck as Niall walked with a small limp to the door.Liam chuckled as he noticed how he was walking and drove off after seeing Niall go inside.

It was seven at night and Niall knew Greg wasn't asleep so he had to go through the obstacle of avoiding him."Niall?"


"Yeah?"Niall asked, turning as he was already by the stairs.

"How was-What is that?"Greg questioned, his eyebrows furrowing as he pointed to Niall's body.

"What are you talking about?"Niall laughed nervously.

"Is that a hickey?"He said loudly, Denise heard as she came inside.

"What's all this noise about?"Denise asked.

"Niall has a hickey!"Greg yelled, making Niall want to disappear as he blushes deeply.

Denise rolled her eyes."Greg we fu-"

Greg covered her mouth quickly before she could continue the sentence."Niall, did Liam do that?"

"Well who else would have?"Denise answered.

Niall nodded, lowering his head as looked at his shoes.

"Denise."Greg looked at her."Niall-"

"Greg let's go talk before you start being all over protective daddy mode.You know if Theo would do this when he was older, you would feel proud."

"But he's my baby brother."Greg defended.

"He's not baby anymore."She sighed.

"Let me deal with my brother."Greg rolled his eyes, watching as Denise stomped out of the room, clearly upset.
"You're fifteen Niall, how can you be doing that stuff."

"I'm sorry"Niall lied, he didn't feel the need to apologize.His brother had no rules over him, as long as he isn't hurting himself or others, it's okay.

"Okay, just promise me you'll be using protection and stuff."

"Greg!"Niall blushed, not wanting to talk about that stuff.


Liam laid on the couch, his parents of to work.Lately that's all they've been doing, having a stressful week and not much resting.Liam took this as a sign not to tell them just yet, but this secret has been storages so long that Liam wanted to so bad.

Ever since he was in sixth grade, it was comfirmed he wasn't attracted sexually to females.Nothing 'big' happened to make him realize this but he just knew he was far more attracted to boys.

It was a secret that he wanted to tell everyone, but it's a secret he would he shamed for.Not Payne is gay.

That what his father would say to them as they spoke bitterly about one of his brothers that had been disowned from the Payne family as Liam's grandparents found out he had a boyfriend.

Instead of driving himself insane with his thoughts, Liam called Zayn and Colin over.It had been a while since they've hung out, mostly because of their relationships.Since all three of them had a significant other, it was kinda hard to met up.Zayn was already on his way.

Liam rang Colin but colin declined his offer saying he was spending the day with Cristina because it's their one month anniversary.


Colin sat on the couch, cuddling with his girlfriend as they watched a How I Met Your Mother.

"Babe?"Christina asked, looking up at him.


"How's Niall doing? I haven't heard from him since finals started."

"His mom died, he hasn't had much time to talk to anyone."

For once, Christina didn't want to hurt Niall anymore.Her plan to bring her best friend and Niall, would hurt Niall instead of making things better.

So she stayed quiet.


"I don't know, he's a good friend and I've been wondering how he's been."She shrugged.


It's been hours since Zayn had arrived, mostlikely he would stay the night.Liam had avoided the topic of his relationship, not wanting to discuss his feeling with his friend.

"How's Niall doing?"Zayn asked, he had noticed Liam hadn't talked about his boyfriend even though before he could never be stopped.

"He's doing alright, he's being taken care of by his brother but you can tell the death of his mother took a toll on his feelings."Liam replied, feeling sad for his boyfriend.

"I bet, Harry been wanting to go see him but his parents said its best to let him and his family mourn for a bit."

"I don't think he'll mind"Liam shrugged, wanting no more than to vent but the topic they are discussing made his problem seem minuscule.

"Are you okay?"Zayn knew his bestfriend,his face showed all his worry even though he wore a smile.

"What?Of course-"

"Stop"Zayn interrupted"You're not okay, I can tell something is up.Now tell me what's up?"

Liam sighed, glancing up to see Zayn looking at him expectantly."I want to tell my parents that I'm with Niall, I know the consequences but Niall deserves better than having to come over when my parents aren't home."

"I'm all for you wanting to come out but don't do it for another person."Zayn said truthfully"If you're not ready, you don't need to.Niall shouldn't expect you to come out to them."

"He hasn't told me to."Liam defended."I want to do it, promise.I just don't know how."

"Do it when you think it's right."Zayn didn't have much advice on this situations, his coming out wasn't nearly as bad as the outcome of Liam's would be.His family was accepting while Liam's family seemed cold to him."When you guys are chilling, I think it's the best time."

Liam stayed silent, still contemplating whether or not he actually wanted to do it soon.

"How about we go to sleep and talk about it some more in the morning?"Zayn didn't wait for a response as he go up to lay on the mattress on the floor.


Niall snuck to the backyard, sitting in a garden chair that was surrounded by the small flowers Denise and Greg had planted together.

The garden/backyard was always Niall's favorite part of Greg's house.It was beutiful and isolated, letting Niall think in peace.

Everything going on lately had Niall going crazy, before his mother's passing he told himself he would be strong and that for so long he has been prepared for his mother dying.But really, you can never prepare yourself for that.

Niall and his boyfriend had grown closer than ever yet Niall felt as if he wasn't giving Liam what he wanted.For the past month, all he's been doing is crying or being sad.

He's so young and so is Liam, they had forever to be sad.Niall really hoped Liam hadn't gotten tired of him but there was always a doubt in his mind.

Not to mention he wasn't there for his last two finals, meaning he failed the two classes.So, now he had to get his grades together as well.

Niall promised himself as a child that he would make his mother and father proud.And he attends to make them both happy.

1509 words

This has taken so long, I've been having to read heart of darkness and a Spanish book.Then worry about other classes and I didn't have time to write.

And I've been having a few troubles at home that have prevented me as well.

I hoped you enjoyed this kinda filler chapter:)


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