Fight to the Finish

By emma10811

704 32 10

When a teenage girl can see the future, she sees a war coming and there's no way of escape. She loses her fam... More

Sophia the Great
Moving forward
The Plan
Game time
Hot Air Balloon Ride
Leavin' Lily
The Real Michael
C.A.P.C {Chaldiean Army Prison Camp}
Into the camp
The Escape
Plan B
Change of mind
11 prisoners and 4 guards
The Argument
Sing about me

Mama and the Siblings

25 2 0
By emma10811

Papa- Let's hurry and get to Cell W.

Me- Ok. If a guard asks why you are with us, I'll tell them that I'm taking you to the warden because you purposely disrespected me. Is that fine with you Pop?

Papa- Yes. Like I said, do what you have to do to get us out of this rancid dump.

Oliver- I don't think that would be necessary.

Me- Why? Its the only excuse we got.

Oliver- Even though this wasn't in the plan, I asked Lily to bring along extra uniforms to disguise your family like us. Before she took care of those patrol officers, she gave them to me. I have them here. Put this on Mr......

Papa- Call me Jone. Mr.Jone

Oliver- Ok Mr.Jone. Put this uniform on to disguise yourself to look like one of us.

Papa put on the uniform.

Me- Ok. Now we are ready to go to cell W.

It took less than 2 minutes to get to Cell W. After all, it was next to Cell V.

Me- Hey Ruby. My mom and siblings are in this cell. They were moved here by another guard. Let's free them and leave the prison.

Ruby- There is only one problem with that. Another family is in this cell too. I mean think about it. If we free the rest of your family, we'll have to free them as well. If we don't they could blow our cover and reveal what we our doing to other guards.

Me- Oh ok then. We are freeing them too.

I walked toward to the cell. Inside my mama and five siblings were sitting on the ground. Their faces looked worried. Also, there was another family. The rowdy Wynoski family. They didn't look rowdy after all. It seemed like depression and worry got them. The news I was about to give them was going to be a ray of sunlight in their dark gloomy world.

Me- Hi Mom and Sadie, Westley, Austin, Selena, and little baby Jone the II. Its me your sister and mom your daughter Sophia.

Mom- Oh you've come! Oh you're here. We've been waiting for you for so long! We've missed and we still strongly love you. Subject to this situation, I never gave up hope that would come. Children, get up and greet your sister.

Austin- Sophia! I missed you. How are you? I have so many questions to ask you.

Selena- Hey Sophiella( the nickname Selena gave me)!

Sadie- Hi Sooophia! Where were yous? I haven't sheen you in a yong yong time.

Sadie was a little kid so sometimes, her words were slurred together.

Westley- Hey sis. Thank you for coming to rescue us. Your the best sister in the world.

Baby Jone the II- Yya yaa ue kfjdhd. Hee hee.

(Baby language and laughing)

Me- I missed all of you more than all of you missed me combined.

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