You don't own me (A Dean Ambr...

By firefly88

5K 150 9

Cassie was never good with the men. Her relationships never lasted long. But what will happen when innocent C... More

Unlikely Hero
Meeting the main man
Your not who I was hoping you we're
Caught in the act
Giving into you
Jealousy is how I roll
A violent outburst
The decision
Getting in over my head part 1
Getting in over my head part 2
Lack of motivation
An awkward situation
The lie begins
A talk with the father
It all came from nowhere
Rushed arrangements
Dress shopping

A slap in the dark

276 9 0
By firefly88

"Your fucking kidding me! He what?!" Chloe shrieked in anger. I told her what had happened. I had to after she let herself in and found me on the floor in a state. "I know your not in a fit state right now but get some rest. Tomorrow Jack is visiting. It was going to be a surprise but I think you should know now. Just to avoid you staying depressed and him hearing about this. Go bed now!" She ordered. I climbed in after stripping down to my underwear. I pulled the covers up to cover me fully and closed my eyes letting myself drift off into a sleep. 

"You mean everything to me" Dean sweetly said as I leaned my face into his hand. So soft and gentle. His eyes we're so sincere. This was all I wanted. A gentle caring person. But my eyes became wide as Dean began to smirk, his eyes turned black and blood started to pour from them. He began to laugh sounding more like a demon. 

I shot up in bed sweating like crazy. My alarm was going off in the background signalling it was Later than I meant to sleep in. It was my back up alarm for 10am. I looked at my phone and saw I had a few miss calls and two texts. The miss calls we're Chloe and Dean, great! And the two texts we're both from Dean. One from last night which read "I am so sorry. I don't know what came over me. I am just so crazy about you I felt hurt when you wouldn't believe me. Please forgive me". The second was this morning and read "Waking up knowing your not in my life anymore is making every day difficult to get through. I can't even get out of bed right now. Please forgive me Cassie". I moaned to myself in annoyance. I rushed to get a shower and get myself sorted. I was happy to be seeing Jack. I hadn't seen him since that night we spent together. I hadn't been with anyone since. I just hoped it wasn't awkward. I finally was sorted and began to make my way to meet Chloe and Jack. I saw them as I walked down the high street talking. As I got closer I noticed Seth was with them. Great! I didn't want Dean knowing anything about me or what I had been doing. No doubt he would question Seth later. "Cassie!" Jack beamed happy rushing towards me. I smiled as he lifter me off my feet in a tight hug. He set me down and looked at me taking my older self in. "Wow you got hot!" He laughed. I blushed and laughed also at his comment. "Right guys lets get going!" Chloe laughed and we began to follow her. We was heading to a Cafe, the whole way me and Jack was chatting catching up. "So I also proposed to her the night before I left, she said yes!" I smiled feeling happy for him. "Awww Jack. She is lucky to have someone so kind hearted like you" we finally got there and sat down. I ordered myself a light breakfast seen as I hadn't eaten yet. I just caught it before they started serving lunch.  The rest of them got coffee. "How long are you here for?" I asked Jack. "I am only passing through. I will be leaving for around five ish" I nodded feeling a bit sad. I missed Jack. "But I promise I will come and visit for longer some time soon" He smiled seeing the sadness in my face. At that I felt myself feel happy again. 

I looked across at Seth to notice he was texting an awful lot and not really saying anything. He looked a bit aggravated. I continued to listen to Jack filling me in on what he has been up to but was paying more attention to their conversation. "What's wrong?" Chloe whispered to him. "He's asking if we wanna meet up at the bar when it opens" Chloe pulled an angry expression. "After what he did last night? I don't think so" I nodded along to what Jack was saying making out I was fully enveloped in his words. "I spoke to him about it. Roman warned him also. He won't lay another finger on her again" She nodded. Why would she be ok with it? After what he did?! He terrified me and not only that he was dangerous. I pretended I didn't hear and decided to forget about him. An hour later the bar was open and we headed over. We was stood at the bar waiting to be served when I saw Dean sat at a table with some girl. They was allover each other. I felt slightly shocked by this sudden situation. He was going on about how crazy he was for me, went as far as he did last night yet had moved on fast. Guess I was just a bit of fun for him, even though it never got that far. We grabbed our drinks and the other's headed to Dean and sat down. I sat on the other side to Dean next to Jack. The girl was allover him, her leg thrown over his thighs as she made out with his neck. Dean smirked as he saw my reaction. Jealousy game huh? Or he just couldn't give a shit. "This is my girlfriend, Marie"Dean introduced. The girl unlatched from his neck and gave a smile and a wave to us all. Chloe looked at my reaction as Dean smirked at me. The girl was really pretty, blonde hair, fake boobs and clothes that left nothing to the imagination. She looked more like his type. I ignored his smirk and continued my conversation with Jack. 

A few drinks later Jack said his good byes to me and Chloe. I stood up and gave him a tight hug. "I promise I will come and visit for a few days soon" I nodded as we pulled apart. Seth and Chloe headed to the bar. Jack slid a peace of hair behind my ear then placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. He only did this with me. Not meaning anything, we just was this close as friends. We had no feelings for each other at all. He left the bar and I sat back down. It was suddenly even more awkward. Dean and Marie we're sucking faces as I sat looking at my phone trying my best to ignore them. Every now and again I looked up towards Seth and Chloe to see if they had been served yet. The bar was now packed. I sighed out knowing I would be waiting a while for their return. "I need the ladies room" Marie smiled getting up and leaving us alone. I continued to tap away on my phone now playing candy crush. I could feel Deans eyes on me. "You and Jack seem close" He suddenly piped up. I didn't remove my eyes from my phone and nodded. "So do you and Marie" I thought out loud. I hid the fact I didn't mean to say that. I heard him laugh at me. "Jealous are we?" I shook my head no. "Why would I be. I don't need any man and I certainly don't need you" I snapped. Was I jealous? I was coming across that way. Dean smirked at me staring me down. I still didn't look up then he snatched my phone from me. "Excuse me!" I snapped demanding my phone back with my hand. His eyes caught mine, he had a look in them. I couldn't read it but it made me feel very small under his stare. "Anyway, she seems nice. When did you meet her?" I now said in a normal tone. "We have been dating on and off. We just got back together today" I nodded and folded my arms over my chest and looked into the crowd at the bar. Dean fiddled with my phone as he watched me. "I hope it goes well for you both" I added, I didn't really mean that though. 

My eyes suddenly caught another mans eyes stood at the bar. I looked away and then back and he was smiling checking me out. I ignored it and looked down to my lap. "Miss me?" Marie smiled as she sat back down. Seth and Chloe sat down with our drinks moments after. Dean slid my phone under the table to me without anyone noticing. I was relieved to have my get away back. I hated being the third wheel here right now, especially when the man who obsessed over me was sucking face with some bimbo who was much more than I felt I could ever be. "So back to mine then?" Chloe smiled once we finished our drinks. I looked up at her as she waited for my reply. I nodded agreeing as myself Seth and Chloe got up. I refused to look over at Dean and walked right out the bar. "We can continue the party at mine" She smiled as we headed back down the street. An hour later I was feeling very merry, not wasted but enough to make me relax and have fun. Chloe was having a party, I had no clue till people started showing up. I was talking to people I knew when I felt eyes on me. I looked around to see the same guy from the bar earlier smiling at me. I smiled back to be polite, he took that as a signal to come talk to me. " You must be Cassie" He smiled. I nodded. "I know Chloe from work, she has told me all about you, Sam" He introduced himself. "I hope she said only good things" I added trying to act casual. "Oh you met her already!" Chloe came across. I looked up at her confused. "I thought you two would hit it off straight away, he would take your mind off you know who so I invited him. Be nice and give him a chance" She whispered in my ear. I nodded not really bothered either way right now. He was talking to Seth while Chloe started telling me a few things about him. I looked him up and down and decided he was actually pretty hot. The more I looked the more I liked. But I wasn't like this really. I didn't like meeting guys while drinking. I didn't want to pull a Chloe and regret it later.

"So you two have fun, I shall see you in a bit" Chloe winked at me leaving us both stood alone. "You want another drink?" 

Chloe's pov

My plan was going great. Just an hour ago I introduced them both and already they was dancing together, laughing. I knew Cassie was drunk but this would help her take her mind off that jerk. I didn't know what he was playing at bringing that girl to the bar naming her his girlfriend. What a prick! "He's here!" Seth whispered to me pointing towards the door. I looked across and immediately felt pissed. Dean! And that whore. He hadn't noticed Cassie with Sam yet. We had to make sure nothing kicked off. Not that he should care with bimbo on his arm. 

Cassie's pov

I flung my arm around Sam's neck and we began to move in sync. I made more of an effort to dance sexy to impress him. I was getting drunker by the minute, the buzz of the party sending me into a I don't give a crap mood. His hands clung to my hips, then his lips moved into mine. Our lips moved in sync and he pulled me into him more. Now both my arms around his neck we kissed for a while longer. It wasn't anything special, just nice. When we pulled apart and continued to dance I turned my back to him and rested into his back. His hands back on my hips I continued to dance in sync with the music. I looked across at Chloe to see her smiling at me. I smiled back. I'm glad I met Sam. For now he was making tonight more enjoyable. "I'm gonna go get some drinks. I'll be right back" Sam kissed my neck and headed towards the kitchen. I continued to dance on my own downing the last of my beer. I placed it down on a surface near me then I heard a massive crash over the music. I ignored it and continued to dance till it happened again and I heard Chloe shouting. I immediately headed towards the kitchen to see Sam unconscious on the floor and Dean stood over him, blood covered his still clenched fist. "Baby what's taking you so long...." Marie trailed off stopping when she stood next to me. "Dean stop!" Chloe screamed at him as he went in to punch Sam again. I didn't know what to do. He was going to kill him. Seth tried to pull Dean away but he flung his fist back throwing Seth into the wall. "Cassie! Do something!" Chloe shrieked at me. I panicked and froze. What could I do? I was as scared as she was. "Dean stop!" I shouted at him in a shaky voice. He laid another punch on him. "This is what you fucking get for touching her!" He screamed punching again. "Dean! Stop!" I screamed at him more assertive. His eyes snapped to mine and he stood up panting with rage. I whimpered and stepped back a step. "Baby?" Marie whimpered at him. His eyes stayed firmly on me with pure rage. 

"It's over Marie!" Dean snapped. She looked at me then back at Dean. "What?! Her?! Your fucking kidding me right?!" I moved away from her as I felt rage now forming in her. I didn't fight well even with girls. "It's over Marie! Now leave!" everyone in the party was watching the scene now. Marie sighed out. "Fine! But not until..." She started then she pounced on me knocking me to the floor. Everyone ran at us to pull her off me but she managed to lay a punch on me busting my lip just as she was yanked off of me. I pulled myself up to my feet wiping my mouth then noticing the blood on my hand. I looked across at Dean to see his eyes just smirking at me like he wanted that to happen. Everyone was silent except for Marie who was struggling to lunge at me again. I felt like I had just been made a fool of, anger began to build inside. I stared Dean down allowing the rage to build within myself. He cockily folded his arms over his chest smirking at me. Marie was thrown into the hallway where she continued to shout stuff at me. "Cassie?" Chloe mumbled trying to touch my arm but I wacked it away. I smirked back at Dean. I was so mad right now I had to hurt someone. "You fucking think he really cares about you?! Your a fucking plain Jane easy fucking bitch!" Marie screamed at me. I ran at her. Punching her in the face and then smashing her face into the wall repeatedly. She somehow managed to bite my leg and I screamed out but composed my momentum and kneed her in the jaw. She fell back grabbing her face but I wasn't done yet. Dean and the others watched, not trying to separate us. I grabbed her hair and dragged her into the center of the hall and jumped on her again laying punch after punch into her face. She began to scream, blood flying everywhere. 

"Calm down!" A voice shouted as someone lifted me off Marie and continued to drag me into Chloe's bedroom. They threw me into the bed and I landed with a bounce. I sat up to see Roman, Chloe and Seth looking at me. Chloe looked worried, Seth looked shocked. Roman looked furious. "Get Dean" Roman ordered Seth. "But..." "NOW!" Roman interrupted Seth. Chloe rushed into her bathroom and grabbed a towel, she sat next to me and placed it to my mouth. Blood was just pouring out of me. The cut was so deep I needed stitches. I looked up at Roman, he kept his eyes on me as Dean and Seth came back in. Seth locked the bedroom door so nobody would come in. The music blared back up allowing the party outside to continue. "This is going to stop right now!" Roman snapped moving towards Dean. He stood in his face, both of them staring each other down. Dean laughed cockily. "I didn't do anything" He held his hands up innocently. "You attacked her date" Chloe added. "He wasn't her date! He was some guy after an easy lay, nobody touches her. She is mine and mine only!" He began to yell pointing at me. Roman took a step back as I now stood in front of Dean feeling myself get mad again. "Nobody fucking owns me!" I snapped pointing into his chest. "Oh yeah? And what you gonna do about it sweet thing?" He spat grabbing my ass like I was his possession. I slapped him hard across the face. "Don't fucking touch me" His face moved back to look at me. He was going a dark shade of red. I don't think it was humiliation causing that either. "Don't you ever raise a fucking hand to me!" He screamed in my face. I flinched as he stepped closer to me. Everyone in the room watched in silence. "Why are you so fucking obsessed with me? Just leave me alone!" "Because you belong to me! I want you and I always get what I want so just fucking live with it!" I began to breath shakily. I couldn't win. No matter what I said he acted like I had no choice in the matter. 

Tears began to fall as I sobbed begging him with my eyes to just stop. "Oh look" He copied my motion of the sobs. "I made you cry" He then laughed. "You heartless fucking bastard!" I slapped him again, I was about to swing again in a fit of anger but he grabbed my wrist and flung me into the wall. pinning me I sobbed even more. I felt humiliated and not only that, I just wished I never met him. "Let her go Dean!" Roman ordered. Dean gritted his teeth, his face in mine for a second or two long then let go. My feet dropped to the floor the few inches he had been holding me against the wall from. I stepped towards the door and was about to unlock it but Roman put his hand gently on my shoulder stopping me. "Sit back down Cassie" He asked me in a sincere voice. I didn't want to, I wanted to leave. I looked back at Dean. He was acting like he couldn't give a crap right now. I did as he said when he pulled me back and led me to sit down. "You two are going to talk this out! If you lay one hand on her again Dean you are no longer my brother!" Dean shrugged "What ever!" As they all left the room. Chloe tried to protest but they pulled her outside. I heard a bolt get pulled across from the other side locking us in. Great! We both stayed silent, I grabbed the towel again and placed it against my lip. I looked down into my lap and sobbed quietly. He was hurting me so much being like this. He was acting like he hated me. "I don't hear talking in there!" Roman called through after ten minutes of sitting in silence. He must have come to check on us. "Yeah Yeah!" Dean snapped back. He had calmed down a little since they left the room. "Why are you doing this to me?" I sobbed out finally.  He didn't reply, just shrugged. "Stop crying, I hate it when women cry" He snarled at me nastily. "I can't help it, It hurts so much" I honestly explained. "Your hurt? Your the one playing games!" He was right, I should have been honest from the start. "I didn't mean to! I was scared to be honest with you! I was scared you would hurt me if I said no!" I complained. 

He groaned running his hands through his hair. "I always get what I want! Nobody ever says no to me!" I scrunched my eyebrows. "You can't always get what you want in life, it's my choice. I am not an object Dean" I said the last part softly. He stood in front of me as I stayed silent clinging to the bloody towel. He took it from my hands and placed it next to me. "Stand up" He told me. I refused to do as he said. "Cassie stand up!" He said more sternly making me flinch. "Fucking stand...please!" He snapped pulling me to stand gripping me tight. I kept my eyes on his chest. I didn't want him near me. His hand moved through my hair. My body tingled under his touch. Why did my body betray me when it concerned Dean? His other hand lifted my chin but I yanked my face away. "You can't say you don't want me like I want you" His lips moved down to my neck. I inhaled sharply, tears beginning to fall. If he wasn't so unpredictable then maybe I would have wanted him. "I want you Cassie" He whispered against the skin on my neck trailing kisses to my collar bone. He hit my sweet spot, my body trembled showing him what he was doing to me. "See, your body can't resist me" he continued now gripping me on my waist. I stood there sobbing, unable to push him away. He stepped us back a step and laid me down under him on the bed keep his lips tracing my skin. "Give in to me Cassie" He spoke now moving onto the bare skin visible on my chest. I turned my head to look at the wall. My body reacted exactly the way he wanted to. I refused to react. His hands trailed my torso, firmly gripping me his way around. I closed my eyes. I wanted him to stop but at the same time I was enjoying his touch. I was messed up on so many levels right now. He slid the bottom of my top up to just below my bust, his bare hands trailing along my bare skin. My chest began to rise rapidly with every breath. "I can't" I sobbed out. "Yes you can, just let go" His voice was now soft and gentle. I exhaled out sharply when his hand slid up my top and rested cupping my bra. He lifted his head to look at me. "Open your eyes" He ran his nose along my jaw bone and looked ta me again. "Please Cassie" I fluttered my eyes open slowly, blinking away any tears still wanting to come out. 

"Your so beautiful" his soft blue eyes no longer full of rage now lovingly looking into my tear filled ones. He rested his forehead against mine keeping our gaze locked. "I can't let anyone else have you because the moment I laid eyes on you I knew we was made for each other" I refused to believe him. This must be a tactic to make me give in. My voice hitched in my throat as his gently rested his lips on mine. He gently kissed me, my lips involuntarily moved in sync with his. I wanted to stop him but my body wanted him. I was filled with anger, hate and upset. Yet I was helpless to his touch. He took my kissing back as permission to kiss me deeper. His hand slid down my body and lifted my leg up around his waist. He ground his hips into mine earning a whimper from me. I felt his bulge hardening with each time he pushed against me. My hands moved up to his forceps gripping them, I could feel the strength in him as his muscles tensed as he moved. "Oh my god!" Chloe shrieked as she entered the room without us hearing her. Dean stopped his movements and kept his eyes on mine. I was shell socked. I couldn't move. "What are you doing?!" She yelled at Dean. "Get off her!" Dean groaned with annoyance and moved off of me. I laid breathing heavy and yanked my top down to cover my stomach. I sat up and straightened myself out more looking down feeling ashamed. "I'll see you later" He stated leaving the room barging past Chloe. I kept my eyes down. Chloe looking at me in disbelief. "What was that?" She folded her arms over her chest. "Nothing, it was nothing" I tried standing to my feet. "Didn't look like nothing. And don't deny kissing. He has blood on his mouth, your blood" I shrugged. How could I explain this one away? "He didn't force himself onto you did he?" I shook my head no. Her eyes became soft with sympathy. "Cassie I will support you no matter what but that bastard is abusive. He will destroy you as a person...but if this is what you want I will be there when you need me. Just please think before you dive in" I nodded. I felt so lost. What the hell was I going to do? 

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