Daughter Of Olympus

By LynseyFrederick024

5K 138 17

Belle, a young teenager living on the island of Crete, must survive grief and find sanctuary as she finds her... More

Credits & Dedications
Chapter 1: Goodbyes and Grief
Chapter 2: What?!?
Chapter 3: A Nice Little Talk
Chapter 4: The Shock of Ultimate Power
Chapter 5: Meeting Family
Chapter 6: Fun & Torture, I Mean, Training With The Twins
Chapter 7: Help From A Love Goddess
Chapter 8: I WANT MY DRACHMAS!!!!!
Chapter 9: The Horrible Truth
Chapter 10: Absolutely No Privacy
Chapter 11: She's Run Away
Chapter 12: Back to School
Chapter 13: Newfound Pride
Chapter 14: Tamed Beasts
Chapter 15: Tough Competition
Chapter 16: Party Planning With A Big Surprise
Chapter 17: Reunited Once Again
Chapter 18: First Day Back
Chapter 19: Lost & Found
Chapter 20: Epilogue
oh. you're still reading this. thanks, i guess...

Prologue Of The Prologue

402 9 3
By LynseyFrederick024

A long time ago, on Mount Olympus, a newborn's cry was heard.

Lord Chaos and Lady Void had given birth to a daughter. Her name was - nothing.

Nothing could be heard. No more cries, no more wailing. Something was wrong. No newborn baby is quiet, even the the most perfect godlings.

"My daughter! She's gone!" Lady Void wailed.

"Lord Chaos! The child has been kidnapped!" A nurse screamed.

"No! Where is she?" Chaos frantically searched throughout the universe.

"Hello, brother," a sinister voice said from behind Chaos.

"End, what have you done with my daughter?!" Chaos calmly asked.

"I'm afraid you'll never find her. I've hidden her amongst the millions and millions of mortals. Also, no immortality!" End cruelly smiled.

"I, Lord Chaos, banish End to oblivion, to never reform, his atoms scattered throughout my kingdom, never to form consciousness." Chaos chanted, banishing End.

"You will never find her!" End screamed as he combusted.

"I will stop at nothing to find her, End." Chaos proclaimed through gritted teeth.

"Olympians! Gather for an emergency Primordial and Godly Council meeting! NOW!!!" He yelled.

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