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A long time ago, in the kingdom of Crete, there lived the small family of Marina.

In the Marina family, there were two young girls, Belle, and Gen. They lived with their mother, Kathleen, and their father, Aaron, along the coast of their humble shoreline.

Many days did the young girls wish for adventure, as they heard the tales of the famous heros, such as Perseus, Jason, and Heracles.

Their role model was the heroine, Princess Atalanta of Arcadia, the favoured of Artemis, the Goddess of the Hunt. She had slain the Calydonian Boar. This deed earned her much fame and proposals of marriage, but as a maiden to Artemis, she turned them down.

The girls spend days talking to each other of what they would do to become heroines, as they do their chores and cleaning. This helps them forget about their worries and gives them happiness.

Until one sad day...

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