Chapter 6: Fun & Torture, I Mean, Training With The Twins

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Artemis' sacred forest was teeming with life, and it was beautiful. The ferns swayed in the wind, the leaves rustled, and deer leaped past.

As we approached a clearing, Artemis waved her hands, but nothing seemed to happen.

"Um... What did that do?" I asked nervously.

"I just put up an invisible force field to keep us safe from monsters," she replied casually.

"Shall we get started?" Apollo inquired.

I nodded in reply.

"Alright, let's start with archery," the twin gods said in unison.

"Um, okay." I stuttered.
(One Hour Later)

I could tell that I was improving. In the first five minutes, I couldn't even hold the bow and arrow correctly. Now, I can almost always shoot and get a bullseye. If we keep practicing, I could learn to get a bullseye each time!

"Belle! Can you hear me? Hello?!" Apollo waved his hands in front of my face, trying to get my attention.

Ugh, I thought, I get how Artemis sees him as annoying, sheesh!!

"Apollo, I can hear you fine. Sheesh! You guys are acting as if you are my older siblings." I muttered.

The truth is, I missed Gen. I had only gotten my partial immortality for a few hours now, but she and my mortal parents had found out after we Iris-Messaged them.

"She's spacing off again..." Artemis muttered to Apollo.

"I can still hear you, Artemis. Your little brother just proved that," I smirked as Artemis glared at me.

"Hahahahahaha!!! Arty, you should've seen your face!! LOL!!!" Apollo laughed.

"Don't call me 'Arty'!" Artemis practically screamed at Apollo.

"What does 'LOL' mean?" I inquired.

"Oh, it may means 'laugh out loud'." Apollo explained, tears streaming down his face as he laughed.

"So, technically, you're LOLing?" I asked, still confused.

"Yup!" Apollo grinned.

Artemis just stood there, rolling her eyes at her brother.

"So are we gonna start sword and dagger fighting? Or what?" Artemis said.

"Sure, sis! Wait - I feel a haiku coming on!" Apollo grinned.

"Oh, no!!" Artemis and I groaned.

As Apollo started his torturous poem, me and Artemis backed into the woods a safe distance away from the haiku spouting god.

"I'll make a deal with you, Artemis said. " If you can make Apollo stop spouting poems, I'll give you a million gold drachmas. Deal?"

Oh, boy. She drives a hard bargain, but I'm up to the challenge.

"Deal," I confirmed, shaking her hand.

"Have fun listening to Apollo spout haikus while I plan!" I called back.

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