Chapter 12: Back to School

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(Belle's POV)

You might think that since I practiced with the professionals, I would be great at flashing, right? Well, nope! I ended up at the gates of China's Forbidden City.

I tried again and again, resulting in me traveling around the world in less than eighty days! (BEAT THAT, PHILEAS FOGG!(From Around the World in 80 Days))

Anyway, I went to multiple places around the world such as the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Alexandrian Lighthouse, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Colossus at Rhodes, the Temple to Artemis, and the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus.

Eventually, I neared Chiron's cave. Before I went in, I changed my appearance so that I had blonde hair in a messy braid and my complexion was paler. My eyes were now a pretty lavender, and my chiton was ripped and dirty. Now hopefully he wouldn't recognize me.

Chiron's cave was neat and tidy, but there were only the necessities and essentials needed. Smart, yet humble. I'm already starting to like this centaur.

As I arrived, I heard the distinct clomp, clomp, clomp of hooves. A centaur appeared behind a curtain holding a lyre. He quickly noticed he had a visitor.

"Hello, young one. What's your name? I won't hurt you. I'm Chiron," the centaur introduced himself.

"I-I-I'm Claire. I-I-I'm not sure I c-can trust you. I've seen centaurs before. T-t-they're scary. M-m-my mum was killed by some. How do I know your not like them?" I faked.

"I, Chiron, swear on the River Styx not to hurt this young lady, and if she agrees, to raise her as my own. Does that answer your question? If you want, I could adopt you," he swore solemnly.

"Alright, I trust you and I agree to become your adopted daughter, Father." I smiled and hugged him.

"Claire, now that you are my own, I wish to train you as I have for other children your age. You may have heard of them. I trained Jason, Perseus, Bellerophon, and Atalanta," Chiron explained.

"Okay. What do we start with?" I asked eagerly.

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