Chapter 8: I WANT MY DRACHMAS!!!!!

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(At 5:00)

"Hey, Arty! Can we wait a few more minutes before I unleash my secret weapon? I'm waiting for it to arrive." I asked.

She nodded, probably thinking it was a package of some sort. I was startled when I heard a voice behind me.

"Umm, hi? My name's Daphne and I was sent here by Aphrodite. She said to look for a girl named Belle. Is that you?"

I turned to see a stunning water nymph. She had a perfect tan and flowing auburn hair, and was wearing a simple chiton, the all-popular day dress that all Grecan girls wore. With the exception of me and Arty, of course.

"Yeah. Hey, Daphne? Can you wait right here?" I asked.

"Is this -" Artemis whispered and gestured towards Daphne, who was studying a leaf, "your secret weapon?"

"Well, obviously!" I whispered back fiercely.

"Okay, my brother's over there," she replied with a shrug.

"Apollo!" Artemis and I called simultaneously, then we bolted swiftly and stealthily to the nearest tree and hid ourselves amongst the leaves and branches.

Apollo stopped spouting haikus and looked around, spotting Daphne. The nymph looked up and barely uttered, "Oh, no," before bolting out of the clearing with Apollo hot on her heels.

We leaped out of the tree, landed on our feet, and laughed.

"That should keep him busy for he rest of the day," I smirked. "Hand the drachmas over, Arty!"

"Not happening!" Artemis smirked back at my shocked face and bolted in the opposite direction that her brother and his new love took.

"I WANT MY DRACHMAS!!!!! THE STYX WILL HAVE YOUR SOUL!!!!" I screamed, running after her.

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