You don't own me (A Dean Ambr...

By firefly88

5K 150 9

Cassie was never good with the men. Her relationships never lasted long. But what will happen when innocent C... More

Unlikely Hero
Meeting the main man
Your not who I was hoping you we're
A slap in the dark
Caught in the act
Giving into you
Jealousy is how I roll
A violent outburst
The decision
Getting in over my head part 1
Getting in over my head part 2
Lack of motivation
An awkward situation
The lie begins
A talk with the father
It all came from nowhere
Rushed arrangements
Dress shopping


679 13 1
By firefly88

I finished my beer and placed it on the bar. Chloe was being loud and obnoxious as usual. The complete opposite to myself. I was always quiet and laid back. I hated attention and liked a quiet life. Chloe on the other hand loved to be the center of everything. But she is my best friend. She continued to laugh really loud as the strange guy next to her chatted her up. I knew I was going home alone tonight. Chloe always ended up pulling some random poor soul. I ordered another beer and turned on my bar stool with my back to the bar. I felt like a third wheel. I felt the bass of the sound system run through my body trying to enjoy the music. I didn't want to leave just yet. I had a hard week at work and this was my first day of my two weeks off. I needed to relax tonight. "Hey Cassie?" I turned my head to her knowing exactly what was coming. "You ok going home alone tonight?" I nodded not saying a word as I sipped my beer. "Thanks chick!" She chirped jumping off the bar stool leaving me alone...again. It didn't bother me, she was her own person and could do her own thing. I just could never do what she did every weekend. A different guy every time. I had a bit more respect for myself than that. I was a bit drunk by now and felt the need to dance. This was also a occurrence each night out. Chloe would leave, I would dance alone. Nobody ever bothered me or tried anything. I hopped off the stool beer in hand and moved towards the dancing crowd. I closed my eyes to block out the other people dancing around me and began to move to the music. I was having fun, in my own world. I preferred it this way. 

My beer was empty a few songs later and I moved back to the bar for another drink. I ordered myself two shots also. After downing my shots and grabbed my fresh beer and moved back onto the dance floor continuing to enjoy myself. Another song came on and I felt a hand rest on my waist. Oh no! I turned to the stranger to politely tell the I wasn't interested but I froze when I saw him. He smiled down at me and pulled me into him moving us both along with the music. I didn't know what to do. This had never happened to me before. I knew he was a bad person and I didn't want to get him mad. He never said a word to me, my body automatically moved in sync with his but deep inside I was scared. What did he want from me? The song ended and he stopped. "Your drinks empty beautiful. Let me buy you another" He suggested. I shook my head no. "Sorry erm...I was about to leave anyway but thanks" I turned on my heels and began to head to the door. I placed my bottle on a table I passed but before I even got near the door I felt a hand gently pull me back. The alcohol I consumed got the best of me and I stumbled straight into his chest. His eyes firmly on mine. My heart rate began to pick up with fear. I should have left when Chloe did. "Come on. Just one drink?" He suggested. I agreed just literally out of fear. He took my hand and led me to the bar. A few people out for a good night watched us knowing exactly who he was and wondering who the hell I was. I didn't look like his usual type at all. He always went for the slutty easy girls, Chloe's type. No offence to her but it was true. 

He ordered some drinks holding onto my hand the whole time. He just wasn't letting go. Probably to stop me escaping. He handed me mine and led me towards a sofa where his friend's we're sat. Now I was scared. They all greeted us, Dean pulled me down next to him and placed the arm that was holding me with him around my shoulders. I didn't know what to do or how to react. "What's your name sweety?" He asked in my ear over the music. "Cassie" I responded regretting it instantly. Damn it! I should have made a name up! "That name suits you. I'm Dean" "I know who you are" I said abruptly. I regretted that too. Clearly fear made me out spoken or at least not think before I spoke. He chuckled looking down on me. "I hope you heard good things?" He teased. He knew people only spoke bad things about him. It's why so many people feared him and his friends. Not only did they get into a lot of fights, they was always in trouble with the law. They acted like they ran this town. I never responded. I decided to try and be as quiet as possible without showing my fear. His friends never really paid attention to me. They was too busy with other girls I presumed they picked up tonight in this bar. "Did your friend leave you alone?" I thought for a moment. Should I tell him the truth? "I saw her leave with that guy. She hasn't come back yet" He continued. "Yeah, she does it a lot". I left it at that. "So you going home alone?" I shuddered under his arm as he asked me that. I hoped he didn't expect me to be leaving with him.  I tried to not respond. "Are you scared of me?" I looked right back into his eyes. He was looking at me waiting for an answer. "I want the truth" I nodded then his eyes softened yet a smirk spread on his face. "No need to be scared of me beautiful. I am not everything people say I am. I am not going to hurt you. I just wanted to meet you. You looked like you was having fun alone and It made me notice you" I worried wondering what he wanted but luckily something caught his and his friends attention. 

The music cut and a fight broke out near our table. Dean and his friends jumped up to attack one of the groups of people in the fight. They didn't look local at all. I stood to my feet a bit shocked by what was happening. I guy got thrown into the table in front of me and I knew it was time for me to leave before I got hurt. I grabbed my purse that had been over my shoulder all this time on a spaghetti strap and pulled my phone out. I rushed away from the chaos outside and into the parking lot. Without checking if I was being followed I began to walk briskly down the street and dialed Chloe's number. It rung out to answer machine. That meant she was already fucking him. I pulled a cab and jumped in. The cab drove past the bar I just left, people we're being dragged outside and continued to fight in the street. I was glad to get away. I didn't want to go to that bar again after my encounter with Dean.

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