Gideon's Chair

By Kittkitt

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An Explosive Tangle of Love, Power, Betrayal and Destruction Now Available On Amazon Kindle http://www.amaz... More

Gideons Chair
The Prologue
Prologue Pt 2
Chapter 1 Near Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 2 Near Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 3 Five Acres Nottinghamshire 1820
Chapter 4 Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 5 The Great Tutbury Mill Nottingham 1820
Chapter 6 Five Acres Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 7 Gideon Tutbury 1820
Chapter 8 The Peoples Facility Salford Present Day
Chapter 9 Gideon Tutbury 1832
Chapter 10 Giscard Roulle De Gisors Paris 1863
Chapter 11 Gideon Tutbury 1863
Chapter 12 Peoples Facility Salford Present Day
Chapter 13 The Paris Exhibition July 1863
Gideon Tutbury - Giscard Roulle de Gisors The Meeting Paris 1863
Gideon Tutbury The Bloodline Paris 1863
Gideons Return
Gideons Death Christmas Day 1864
Part 2 The Peoples Facility Present Day
title of your story
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
The Phelps Society Headquarters New York Present Day
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Phelps Society New York
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
The American Embassy London
Chapter 39
The Gideon Society
Mancini's Office New York
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 28

203 22 21
By Kittkitt

Impossible to sleep , due to the Mediterranean temperature I opened the bedroom window and walked downstairs to get a cold drink .

Suddenly the security lights all around the building flashed into life . Lazer lighting strobed up and down . I had been persuaded to install this incredibly expensive security system and I was seeing it first hand in action.

I jumped and felt that cold shiver of fear

Rushing to the window , I noticed a shadowy dark figure run across the courtyard

" Oi " I shouted loudly  banging on the kitchen window .

I ran to the door grabbing a pasta ladle and turned the key in the lock . I managed to undo the stiff lock and dashed outside and stood in the middle of the courtyard my bathrobe had come undone in the effort . Both hands holding the ladle as if it was a baseball bat . Slowly I walked to the gates which were slightly open as a car fired up in the distance and sped into the night , wheels spinning .

Closing the gates I stared as far as I could into the village ....Nothing

I walked back into the house picking bits of gravel from underfoot  tossing the ladle onto the side unit . Reflecting on the fact they wouldn't have dared to come around here had my dog still been alive .

Walking back into the kitchen I picked an orange carton from the fridge drinking straight from it , wiping my mouth with the back of my hand . What the fuck next I wondered placing the carton back into the fridge

Deciding to not go back , as it seemed pointless due to the heat and the ridiculous situation . Ordinarily anyone would ring the Police and say I have had an intruder , but I can't . I banged my fist down onto the kitchen unit .

It was five am and I was utterly pissed off , tired hot and as I glanced in the kitchen mirror looking like a hundred years old .

Thinking I may as well get the day started I showered and found grabbed a shirt and some jeans and walked down into the kitchen. My mind playing over and over again scenarios of What if this or what if that . Gideon versus Joshua . What was I missing . I don't know .

I prepared some of Suzannah's coffee and put a couple of croissants in the oven . I had to remain positive. Pouring myself a cup I waited for Suzannah to aarive.

The gate rattled at about eight fifteen and glancing out of the window I watched her walk down the courtyard . She was back to her blue jeans and white blouse hanging loosely over a white low cut vest which displayed plenty of cleavage .

" Come on in " I greeted her at the door with a cup of coffee . After the night I'd had she was just the tonic I needed

" You look great " I said " Very summery "

" Why thankyer kind sir " she jokingly replied " I'm sorry that I'm early I've not had a good night "

I was just about to recount my evening when she said angrily

" You just won't believe it , won't believe it . I got back last night and someone had been through my things , moving stuff about in my room at the guest house . Been in my drawers and opened a case "

" Really " I replied " Who" Thinking to myself there after Suzannah as well now

" Yes " she still obviously angry continued " It can only have been Mrs bloody Stanhope or her interfering slob of a husband......I'm the only guest , who else can it be"

I nodded " Gotta be them " The reality was I wasn't sure and feared the worst

Calming a little she sipped her coffee " Well John I confronted Mrs Stanhope and she went mad , stark raving dare I suggest it ...She had never been so insulted in all her life ...all that I got both barrels .....Anyway long and short of it is that I have got to vacate my room by tonight " She laughed .." Not been a good week has it for God's sake "

" No ....we can both say that " I agreed " Look stay here , till you get fixed up , I've got eight bedrooms and I'm rattling around a bit at the moment "

" Well thank you , if you're sure " Suzannah replied

" Yes of course , look we can pick your stuff up later , you don't want to be staying in a bloody guest house anyway "

She smiled " Thanks John that would be great

We walked together into the study " Have you got any more ideas" Suzannah asked as we entered

" Not many " I said , " but I'm pretty sure that if he did find the Star the clues in five Acres "

Suzannah looked at the files then looked at me me " John , have we a picture of , or have we got any idea of what this Star thing looks like "

" Yes " but only a drawing I replied " Sketched by one of Gideon's lot"

Suzannah laughed so we are looking for something that no one has seen for maybe 800 years , no one really knows what it looks like and to be honest no one really knows that it exists ..." she paused raising her coffee cup " Good luck to us "

I rummaged through the files , " Here Here " I exclaimed excitedly placing a picture of the star on the table

Suzannah  picked up the picture " Oh , I nearly forgot , just remembered I found your mobile on the courtyard by the gates , you must have dropped it , it's in my bag in the hallway "

" Oh ok , I had no idea , thanks " perhaps I had dropped it

We both looked at the drawing of the star

" You know Suzannah, I've seen this image someplace else this village "

" Where , come on John think "

" In this village I think " Then grabbing Suzannah by the arm " Fucking hell sorry ....yes of course...I know I bloody Know , I know , I will show you "

Locking the door behind us we ran to the car

In seconds we were at the church and walking through the newer graveyard .

" This way " I said

Suzannah struggled through the undergrowth " I haven't been here in thirty years " she said panting a little

I reached out my hand , " Come on Suzannah "

We pushed the creaking gate open and walked into the old graveyard , walking gingerly over the run down area .

" Through here " I pointed in front of me

Suzannah stepped over the hugging sweeping oak branches , climbing over the stump of the other oak which had been cut down .

We found ourselves at Tutbury's tomb

I held her by the hand helping her over the fallen stones

" Look Look Look Suzannah here "  I pointed at the six point star carved into the tomb " That's it it's been staring at us all along , he did know about it ..for fucks sake he knew about it "

" John " Suzanna rubbed her hand along the carved star " But it's different , the star we are looking for has a star within a star .....this has a 7 in the middle "

" It does , you're right " I felt massively deflated

" Suzannah , why did he he change it , whats the seven mean " We looked at each other

" I don't know John " but I think we have found the hook . Don't forget they buried him , thought he'd got the plague and that he was the devil .No one would ever come near here ...look around you it's like hell "

I pointed upwards " Look there " pointing at the upside down crescent moon " What's all that about "

" You know John , I don't know , but I think we have found the hook  .....lets get back and research this "

We headed for the car

" We may as well pick up your stuff on the way back " I suggested as we drove away from the church

" Good idea John  "

A stern looking lady with a face like she was chewing a wasp , hands on her broad hips with a husband wearing exactly the same sweatshirt standing behind  her glared at us as Suzannah put her cases into my boot and got into the car .

We drove away , Suzannah turned toward me " You've got to laugh , One day I'm a librarian , then I'm sacked for gross misconduct , move out of the marital home , next thing I move into a strange mans my age "

I laughed " And move in with the devil "

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