Her Humanity ⇒ Katherine Pier...

By Insanity69

679K 17.8K 5K

Natalie Makarov was Katherine Pierce's secret love. For obvious reasons they kept their love a secret. Kather... More

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54.8K 1.4K 354
By Insanity69


Katerina and Natalia made their way to England where they have lived for 2 years in secret together. One day they stumbled upon a man named Trevor.

He asked them to attend a party one night for the birthday of Lord Niklaus. They felt honored so they didn't turn the invitation down.

Natalia's POV

Katerina and I were at Lord Niklaus' party. We have been talk to some nice men and women. The man Trevor was still with us. He excused himself and walked off to where, I do not know.

A few moments he came back with another man.

"My dears." He said. Katerina and I turn fully to face him.

"Hello." Katerina said politely as the man stared at her in awe. I felt slight jealousy from that. She offered her hand which he took and gently kissed her knuckles.

"This is Elijah." Trevor has told us as Elijah took my hand and gently kisses my knuckles.

"Elijah this is Katerina Petrova." He gestured to my love. "And Natalia Makarov." He introduced us.

Elijah smiled at both Katerina and I.

"So where is this mysterious host we heard so much about?" Katerina asked.

"Fashionably late. He likes to make an entrance." Elijah responded as we came to a halt. "Here he is." Katerina and I turned around and saw a man, making his way over.

"Katerina, Natalia may I introduce you , the Lord Niklaus." Katerina and I curtsy. Lord Niklaus took both of our hands and kissed out knuckles.

"Niklaus is the name my father gave me." He spoke. "Please call me Klaus." I politely smiled.
"So. Where have you come Katerina, Natalia?"

"From town my lord." She responded before I could answer Elijah spoke.

"Katerina and Natalia both come from Bulgaria before that Natalia lived in Russia."

"Strave Katerina." Katerina giggled.

"Very good." She said impressed.

"Do you mind brother." Lord Klaus said. "I'd like a moment alone with her."

"No not at all brother. Happy Birthday. Um, Natalia care to join me in the gardens?" I shook my head.

"Not at all." I said sparing one last glance at Katerina before walking off with him.

After Lord Niklaus's birthday Katerina and I were welcomed to stay with them.

I've met Lord Niklaus's sister Rebekah. She seems like a nice person. She's very beautiful but nothing compared to Katerina. I have not seen her these past 2 weeks. She's been with Lord Niklaus. But Elijah and Rebekah kept me company. Elijah more then Rebekah though, but I did not mind.

I brushed my long ebony hair, letting it fall into its waves. I decided on braiding a small portion of my hair letting it be.

There was a  knock on the door. It sounded frantic. I stood up and opened the door revealing Katerina. I quickly grab her hand and pulling her inside shutting and locking the door behind her. She quickly pushed me lightly into the door her lips on mine.

"I have missed you Natalia. I barely saw you all week."

"I know." I whispered. "You were with Lord Niklaus, yes?" She nodded before giving me a light peck on the cheek before stepping back and taking a seat on my seat. She was oddly quiet.

"What is the matter?" I asked her walking over, sitting down beside her.

I saw the tears in her eyes. I cupped her face making her look at me.

"Katerina please. Tell me. What is it?"

"Lord Niklaus and I...we are to be joined by union." She said. My hands dropped from her face.

"And what did you say?" I asked her." She looked down to her hands. I stood up.

"You said yes?!" I nearly shouted. She nodded. I felt my heart crack. "How...How could you? We were happy! I thought you loved me." I whispered turning away from her. I do not want to look at her.

""I do!" She yelled startling me. I've never heard her shout before. I turn her way. Her look softened once I looked at her. I wiped the tears away from my face. Her face hardened again. "And what about Elijah?" She asked. I look at her incredulously.

"What of him?" I asked her.

"You think I have not noticed how close you two have grown?" I scoffed.

"If you believe I have feelings for him you are wrong." I told her.

"Am I?" She asked with a hardened look on her face.

"You really believe I.....I love you!" I yelled the last part.

"It doesn't feel like you do!" She yelled back.

"Perhaps it's because you have been with Lord Klaus these past few weeks! I love you, I always have." I said the last part quietly as a tear she's down my face. "You are the one who ruined this." I whispered before quickly leaving the room with Katerina yelling for me as I ran out to the gardens.


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