By Im_Just_That_Awkward

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Chapter 1- My Car Broke Down
Chapter 2- Those Red Velvet Cupcakes
Chapter 3- The Noble Knight.
Chapter 4- Mr Pierce Gave Us A Quickie
Chapter 5- The Lone Stranger
Chapter 6- The Cave Has V.I.P's
Chapter 7- It's A Blushing Marathon
Chapter 8- Talk About Being Grumpy
Chapter 9- Baby's Can Erupt Into Volcanoes
Chapter 10- Too Many Awkward Silences
Chapter 11- Alex Fights The Beasts
Chapter 12- His Heavenly Hugs
Chapter 13- The Dog Days Are Not Over
Chapter 15- Day 1: Majestical Taco's
Chapter 16- Day 2: Those Perfect Eyebrows
Chapter 17- Day 3: A Night As A Sinner
Chapter 18- Day 4: Deja Vu's And Drunk Conversations
Chapter 19- Day 5: Sunscreen Lotions.
Chapter 20- Day 6: Blank Faces On Fleek
Chapter 21- Rainbow Smiles
Chapter 22- Arrow In Bear Beer
Chapter 23- A Cheesy Moon
Chapter 24- The Devil's Dollhouse
Chapter 25- Pretty Pumpkins
Chapter 26- The Scare
Chapter 27- Frost Bites.
Chapter 28- White Silk And Lace
Chapter 29- Frothy Bubbles.
Chapter 30- Stubbed Toes
Chapter 31- Crybaby and Filthy
overdue author's note.

Chapter 14- This Cat Has Some Sassy Pants

54.8K 1.8K 591
By Im_Just_That_Awkward

Hello Beautiful Creatures. How is everyone?? I hope the last chapter was good because I giggled quite a bit while writing it. Send me some ship names for any guy suitable for Ana.. :) Who do you think she suits?? 

Thank you MaryJaneAlize for the beautiful cover. It is amazing thank babe. ;) I love it. 

By the way guys, if you wanna talk to me, ask me questions go ahead. I don't bite. Unless you are a piece of chocolate, or a slice of cookies and cream cheesecake. I mean besides the fact that I am kinda creepy, im nice-ish.

Also can I tell you guys a secret?? Don't be mad. I finished this chapter 4 days ago. Ohhh don't kill me for not updating sooner. Sorry babes. 

Anyway mama/papa bears. Just a question, are there any guys reading my books? Cause I'm totally fine with that. It's cool beans. I just wanted to let you know that you guys are sooooooo confusing. Like more confusing than Mr Grumpy. But I love you all jelly beans.

Anyway lets rock and roll....

Anastasia's POV

"Sweetie please change the channel for the love of sweet Jesus." Mom sighed out reading her health magazine. She shook her head before turning another page.

 Alex was giving me a slight glare as he stuttered past me, probably because I accidentally kicked him off my bed last night. I still felt a bit guilty but that cat did nothing to ease the guilt. He just kept giving me the cold shoulder all morning. What a sassy pants. 

"But mum," I whined out to her as I pointed at Spongebob's adorable face. Well I mean as adorable as a yellow sponge could. I was curled up on the couch with mom next to me. I was still in my Hello Kitty pj's with a bowl of Lucky Charms. I shoved another spoonful of the yummy goodness into my mouth. 

 Mom gave me a look when she heard the loud crunches of the charms. I just gave her grin and shoved another spoonful down.

"Please sweetie? I really don't know how much longer I can listen to that annoying laugh. Is this what they allow kids to watch?" She looked at me for a second before reading another page. Her other hand curled around her mug of green tea. She sipped her green tea and wiggled her green painted toes.

I stared at mum huffing before switching it to a different channel. I hummed softly as I looked for something to watch. I looked down at my bowl and frowned when it was empty. I dropped the spoon inside the bowl then place it onto the long wooden table in front of me. 

I then remembered something. 

"Mom." I suddenly squealed earning an eyebrow raise from her as I wiggled my body closer to her side.

"What do you want?" She huffed and closed her magazine. I pouted out and stretched my arms out wrapping them around myself. 

"What makes you think I want something?" I furrowed my eyebrows at her and turned my body facing her. I was curious as to how she knew. I thought I was being secretive. Guess not.

"Honey." She deadpanned. "You're doing the pout and the cute innocent big eyes. And oh the sweet dimples are out."

I blushed bashfully when I realized that I did do that. I sighed, "Well you now how Spring break is in 2 weeks?"

She raised her brows at me, "Yes, and?"

"U-Um well my friend Jasper-"

"Oh the cute one?" She beams at me and I blushed at her word. Jasper was pretty cute. Like a little puppy. I guess. A bit more manly though. 

"U-Uh yeah." I mumbled and heard her giggling. "Well Jasper asked if I could come with him to this beach house his parents owns in Maine. It's only for like 5 nights." I begged mom. I twirled the bracelet on my wrist around.

She was silent for a bit just looking at me with her watchful eyes. "Who's going with?" A small smile formed on my face. I think I have a chance.

"Bethany, Reece, Cameron and of course Jasper. But he said he's bringing some friends." I gave her a hopeful grin. I really really wanted to go. Honestly it would be so fun. Just hanging with my amazing friends in a beach house in Maine.

"Did Becca agree with this?" Moms eyes stayed tight on me and I nodded quickly. I gripped the remote tighter in my hand.

"Yes she did. And if anything goes wrong, which I doubt it, we have Reece and Cam." I replied and wiggled my body further back into the couch. God this couch was so comfortable. I sighed when I got even more comfortable.

This couch should be named comfortable. Or a comfortable couch. But it is. But would the couch be named Comfortable or would it be a brand. Isn't it the same thing? I stopped thinking about the couch see as how I was confusing myself.

There was silence for a few long seconds and I sat there on edge. To be honest I had no Idea of what her reply would be. "Okay." The words barely got out before I started squealing and hugged her tightly and almost knocked her tea out of her hand. "But we need to discuss this with your father." She pointed her finger at me and laughed. I nodded my head and fist pumped the air beaming.

My dad was completely fine with the idea of me going. He knew that Reece and Cam was going to be there so he was good.

* * * *

I was walking through the mall just gazing through the windows of the stores. Today the mall was a bit full, so it was normal for me to bump into some people. And I may or may have not accidentally hit some guy in his right eye. It actually wasn't my fault. Really. The guy had it coming, he tried to trip me. I was sure of it.

I was looking through a window at a really cute jacket when someone bumped into me. The person was probably really strong since I was fell on my butt.

"Oh my goodness, my butt is in serious pain right now! Holy gooses, someone call the police!" I shrieked out and totally forgot that I was in public. My jaw dropped as I felt my cheeks redden when I saw everyone staring at me with amusement. Some probably thought I was a patient from a mental institution.

"Sorry," A voice told me and helped me up. I wished that the floor would open up like a baby getting food and swallow me whole like a snake. When I looked up I was extremely surprised to see who it was.

"Blade?" His name was rushed out and I attacked him into a hug. I buried my face into his shirt hoping people would move on. Oh gosh, I hope no one I knew saw that. He seemed very startled but hugged me back. 

He was a bit tense. But I didn't fret over it. I couldn't help but think about Mr Grumpy's hugs. I mean honestly he gave the best hugs despite his cold self. I pulled back with a smile plastered on my face.

"Little one?" The surprise was clear in his voice. I looked at him, he looked way different than the last time. Like really different. He didn't have his tattoos on his head. As a matter of fact he had hair! Hair! The once bald guy with tattoos had short blonde curls.

"U-Um where are your tattoos?" I was really confused by this and stared curiously at his head. I then stood on my toes and poked his head. He gave me a weird stare, like he couldn't believe that I had done that. 

He couldn't of gotten them removed. I mean if he did he sure was tough seeing as how painful that would be. Now that I think about it, he was actually quite good looking. The blonde curls matched his slightly scary dark brown eyes perfectly.

He laughed out and scratched the back of his neck, "Uh that was a disguise."

"Why?" I was a really curious person. Ooh this was exciting.

"Because I was undercover." He nervously said looking around. Oh so this was like top secret.

"Like," I pause and whispered, "a spy?" That is so cool. I've always wanted to be a spy.

"Yes Little one, a spy." He chuckles at me. "So um what are you doing here?"

"Oh I just felt like it, you?" I shrugged my shoulders at him and ran my hand through my hair. My hair needed a trim. I should probably get that sorted out soon. 

"Oh I was just heading to the food court, wanna come?" He offered me and gave me a boyish smile. I blushed a little before squeaking out a yes.

We walked side by side to the food court dodging people. Lucky this time I didn't bump into someone.

I had Nachos in front of me, I was feeling a bit Mexicanie. Was that even a word? I didn't think so. I picked up one and popped it into my mouth. I gave out a silent moan and appreciated who ever made this Nachos.

"Good?" Blade sat opposite me and smirked at me wiggling his eyebrows.

"Very good." I giggled softly and watched him eat.

"Sooo, do you have a girlfriend?" I was curious, I mean I he looks like he has one.

"Nope," He shakes his head chuckling, "Why? Would you like to be mine?" He winked at me and I held my hands against my heated cheeks. Amused, he he gave out another chuckle. 

"U-Um no. I mean not in a mean way or anything. Because that would be mean. I'm not saying that you're not cute or anything. Because you are. I mean how come you don't have a girlfriend? You're like so cut- Oh my god. I just told you that. Did I? I did. I just said that backwards. Backwards that said," I paused thinking, "just I. Oh my god I am a genius. But back to the point. Um you're-"

"Damn Little one, you can speak." He laughed loudly causing some people to look at us but he just gave them a glare. Seems like a thing that Mr Grumpy would do. Oh my goodness child, stop thinking about him. The blush on my face had me heating up more than chillies. Maybe they put jalapenos in my Nachos. Yeah. Who even likes them? I don't really like them. There really weird looking too. Like weirdo alert. 

"Thanks for calling me cute, but I don't know if that fits my description." He winks and smirks at me before taking a bit of his burger. "Have a boyfriend?"

I was silent for a second before I muttered a low, "no."

He looked surprised by this, and I could tell by when his eyebrows rose. "You don't have one?"

"Nope," I nervously said, and looked away.

 My eyes landed on a little girl. I mean it is pretty common to see a little girl in the mall. But this girl was standing on top of a tall statue with adults surrounding it. It looked like they were trying to get her down. How she got there we may never know. I mean how could you even climb it? It was a statue of some old guy. I watched the girl stick her tongue out at everyone. Poor child, bless her soul. 

"Seriously?" He asked with disbelief in his voice. 

"Yes." I drew the word out slowly when he was staring intensely at me like he was figuring me out.

"I mean look at you, totally gorgeous and sweet." He smirks and sips his drinks casually. Where as I was turning into a freaken tomato. My cheeks felt hot. Why the heck is it so easy for me to blush? Did I have a disease or something? Dr Yonks would inform me right? 

"Um thank you Blade." I smiled at him and looked down at my yummy nachos.

"No problem Little one."

* * * *

"I had fun Little one, we should hang again. Next time try not to fall for me." He smirks and I blush again. I was just too easy when it came to blushing.

I nodded eagerly. I did have so much fun with Blade. After we ate we just walked around the mall talking mostly. He was really easy to talk to. "Yeah most definitely. Do you want my numbe- Oh man." I frowned.

"What? Is something wrong?" He was concerned and looked at me. He moved his gaze to around us to look forany signs of danger. 

"Yeah. I don't have a phone, I broke it." I sulked, now he couldn't get my number. How sad is that? It's almost as sad as a me trying to bake. 

He chuckles and puts his hands in his pockets leaning against the wall outside the mall. Hey, that rhymed. "It's okay Little one. I'm sure I'll see you soon, it's a small town."

I stood there nodding still frowning. What if I didn't?

"Come here." He opened his arms and I wasn't one to refuse free hugs. I hugged me tightly before he pulled back. "I'll see you later." He nodded before he disappeared. Literally. Like I just blinked and he was gone. Was he a vampire? If so, does he sparkle or is he a veiny type?? 

Shaking my head, I headed to my cute little Volkswagen. Taking my keys out, I unlocked the car and just randomly blew hard out. I just felt like doing that. I probably looked like a fish. 

Once I was seated I started my car. I reversed out of the parking lot a bit too quickly and almost bumped into someones car. Ooops. "Oh my that was close." I sighed out. 

I then heard someone shouting. I looked to my left and noticed someone screaming at me. It was a talk slim girl with a weird green coloured hair. No offense to her or anything.

"You!" She pointed to me, wiggling her index finger. She narrowed her eyes and shot daggers with them at me. 

"Me?" I pointed to myself confused. 

"Yes you!" She spluttered out with her face turning red. What did I do wrong? "You almost crashed into my car." 

"Oops sorry?" I apologized to her and my eyes widened when she began to move forwards towards my car. I felt nervous and I put my foot on it.  All I saw in my mirrors was the girl screaming and showing me the middle finger.  That is so mean. 

"I am so sorry." I yelled out the window and kept driving. 

Once I was parked in my drive way, I gave out a sigh of relief. My fingers curled around the steering wheel still. I looked outside my windows and noticed nothing out of the ordinary. "Woah that was crazy." I whispered to myself. 

I opened my car door and pushed myself out. It took about 4 minutes for me to lock the car. I know. It was because my remote thingy was acting up. And then I almost ended up banging my head against the window. Lucky that didn't happen. I couldn't deal with anymore stress. 

I walked up the little steps of my house smiling. I finally made it home. Where I was safe. 

And then I just had to fall down on the top step, didn't I?  My bum landed on one of the steps. I felt my eyes go blurry for a second. The pain wasn't intense like getting shot or anything, but it did hurt badly. Great now I hurt my marshmallow twice.

"Ouch." I shrieked and suddenly the door was opened. My father stood in front of me with a worried face. He quickly rushed down the steps. My lips were quivering and I bit it to stop the quivering. My bum really hurt though. 

"Dad, it's sore." I softly mumbled when tears went down my cheeks. I used the back of my hand to wipe the saltiness away. 

"Sweetheart." He gave me a small smile and picked my little body up. I tightened my arms around his neck and he carried me into the house. 

"Where's mom?" I sniffled a bit and rubbed my eyes once I was place onto the couch. Dad sat next to me rubbing my back. The pain was dulling away now. Thank goodness. God I was so clumsy. Seriously I needed to get it checked out.

Dad leaned forward and grabbed a twinkie laying on the table. I grinned when he gave it to me. Ripping the wrapper off I took a bite of the cream filled sponge." Fank you." My mouth was full when I shoved the whole twinkie in. The crying had stopped now and all I could do was moan in delight as I swallowed the twinkie. 

"No problem sweetie. She is at work. Are you feeling better?" He asks and checks my forehead. "I know. I'm just checking if you have a fever. Cause you sure are extra clumsy this week. Seriously Ana, how on Earth did you land on your bum?" His face looked amused and a bit worried. I gave him a shrug and bit my lip. Honestly I had no clue. 

"Alright sweetheart, I am going to get dressed for work, i'm working tonight." I gave him a pout when he stood up. I disliked it when Dad had to work night shifts. But I knew that he was saving people, and I could not have been anymore prouder. 

"Okay dad, love you." I slipped off my flats and curled my feet besides me. 

"Love you too Sweetheart." He gave me a heartwarming smile and patted my shoulder.

I sighed and rubbed my face then let out a low groan. I couldn't believe it. For God's sakes, I fell down the small little steps outside and landed on my butt. There was also probably a bruise there. I reached for the remote and switched to Disney Channel. 

Yes I was a child at the heart.


Finally. Well at least he's not hissing this time. 

"Awhh come here Alex." I cooed gently, I patted the spot next to my feet as I watched as he stared at it before he jumped onto the spot. After he settled down I hesitantly rubbed his fur.

I had a good day today with Blade. He was super duper fun to talk to. Maybe Mr Grumpy would like him. And then Mr Grumpy could have more friends. What a great idea Ana, because it's not like he's anti-social or anything. 

I face palmed myself and shook my head. Sometimes my thoughts were a bit weird. Or mean. Or maybe just weird. 

Alex kept his eyes trained on me, analyzing my movements. I just gave him a smile. And then after the silent treatment he moved his heavy body on top of my lap. I grinned at the little devil-what Bethany calls him-and petted him. His purring becoming louder and louder. 

"Awhh you're such a cutie." I continued to rub him behind his ears. He opened his eyes for a bit to stare at me. I just smiled and after a bit he shut his eyes and he was off to dreamworld. 

I probably looked a bit creepy since I was grinning at Alex, but I just loved Alex with all my heart. I know. I sound like an obsessed cat lady. But it was true, I mean sure he was a bit mean and grumpy. But that didn't mean under all of the hard exterior there wasn't a huge softy hiding beneath it. 


Hey Aliens. I know this chapter was a bit boring, but I just needed a bit of a calm-ish chapter. Well, it's not really that calm considering that it's Ana life. Haha. But what to you guys think about the trip to Maine?? 

And I put Blade back into the book because of you hungry readers. Bloody hell. You lot are scary as fudge. 

Also please continue to Vote and Comment (nice things) because they really do help. So don't be a ghost reader. You are not ghosts! You are Aliens. And Aliens speak up and say good things. 

QOTD: Who is your favourite character so far, and why?  

Mine is Alex. Why you might ask? Well he has this amazing catitude that makes me laugh every time I write about him. Like to be honest he has a lot of sass in his pants. (That doesn't even make sense does it?) And he also kinda acts like an old grumpy cutie cat that thinks us humans/aliens are fools. Which I partly agree. And plus he is an adorable cat so why not love him? GO ALEX >.< 

Don't forget to





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