A Virgin Princess and the Pre...

By AnabelleRomano123

332K 8.9K 362

Princess Arabella Lauraine Nadine Grimaldi of Monaco had the perfect life in a beautiful castle and people wh... More

The Virgin Princess and the President's Party Son
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter Thirty

Chapter 9

9.5K 294 5
By AnabelleRomano123

We were in guitar class the teacher teaching us a few chords. I stretched my arms, not bothering to even pay attention to Mr.Rocker. He explained to us about some type of G and A. Stuff I didn't understand at all. Even though I knew paying attention would help me. Jayden glanced at me, leaning back on his chair. He already knew all of this stuff, knowing how to play practically every song you gave him.

" Princess, are you okay?" Mr. Rocker asked stopping the class. Everyone's eyes were trained on me as I nodded my head lightly.

In reality I wasn't fine. Another week passed by full of hateful glares from Ashley and her friends. Mean words directed towards me for no reason at all. Audrey said she was jealous, I was a princess. Which I thought was ridiculous.

My parents called a few times in the past week talking about the large ball that I was supposed to be in, a dance and everything. It was stupid but they wanted it done. The President saying it would be good to have me introduced to everyone here in the states.

All I wanted to do was go home. A month passed and I was homesick. Especially since Nina developed some virus and had to go to the hospital. I couldn't even see my best friend because it would be a waste of time according to my parents.

" Princess, would you like to take a walk to the nurse ? " Mr. Rocker asked once again. This time concerned about me. I nodded my head slowly, thinking this would be a good time to just think things over.

I walked up to the front of the classroom taking the pass. Only to have Jayden come up also, stating I needed a person beside me at all times. Which wasn't true at all, and besides Alex would have gone. We walked out of the classroom, making our way around the school.

" can we talk about why your ignoring me" He asked , glancing at me.

" I'm not ignoring you" I stated knowing it was a complete lie.

" yes you are! "

" what does it matter to you"

" it matters a lot" He muttered, shoving his hands in the his khakis. I adjusted my shirt, looking around the place. Trying not to scream at him. Explain why I've been ignoring him. He wouldn't understand that his girlfriend is too jealous.

" whatever, I just have to survive until Christmas break" I whisper , spinning around on my boot only to be stopped by Jayden.

" what do you mean with that"

" I mean , I'd rather go back to living a boring life in the palace then sit here and be constantly put down by Ashley," I shout, instantly regretting it. A few onlookers , stare at us arguing. But walk away once they notice were glaring at them.

Jayden sighed running a hand through his hair before walking away from me. Going down the hallway and turning until I couldn't see him anymore. Why was he always so keen on making things right. Just because his parents said so. I was done with Ashley's crap. It was time that her dad learned of what she was doing. From what Autumn said, Ashley's parents were very strict religious people and thought their daughter wore a purity ring.


I walked up the stairs and over to the oval office. Where the President was along with some of his people that helped. Ashley's dad being one of them, since his job was to protect the president. Secret Service stood around the doors, looking like mad people.

The looked down at me before opening the door. I smiled taking a step inside. President Chris looked up from where he was sitting and grinned. Motioning me to sit down on the chair in front of his desk. Another man stood beside him, talking to a woman. I presumed it was Ashley's dad.

" Mr. Lowell ?" I ask, giving him a small smile.

" hello there Princess, what can I do for you" He asks taking off his glasses.

" can we speak a bit more privately" I asked pointing to the hallway. He nodded looking a bit worried as we both stepped out. Secret Service moving over to the side, giving us some space.

" what is it dear?"

' I don't want to be the one telling you this, but the other day I heard you daughter talking about having sex with a guy and I tried talking her out of it, and she said it wasn't her first, and I'm a religious person and think this is wrong, sir you should speak with your daughter, she should save her virginity for her husband" I reply with a slight frown on my face. Pretending to actually care about Ashley and what she's doing with her sex life.

" what! thank you for telling me Princess and thank you for showing you care about her, I will speak to her, that girl will not see daylight" He muttered grabbing his phone and tapping away a number. Turning on my heel I smirked walking past secret service and back downstairs.

Jayden passed by me, starring at my smile. He grabbed my arm, eyeing me carefully as if searching for something. I shook my arm away from his grip, putting a hand on my hip.

" you said something to him didn't you" He asked, a bit angry. Running his hand through his hair a couple of times.

" karma is a bitch, you should get a new sex buddy since your regular is going to be inside a house for a while"

" you are such a -" He began to say but stopped himself. Walking away from me and straight into his room, slamming the door.

I laughed to myself knowing he was really pissed off. Right now I didn't care , he could be as angry as he liked. It wouldn't change my mind about giving Ashley a taste of her own medicine. Not because she keeps talking about me, instead she keeps talking smack about Autumn something I wasn't going to let happen.

" why are you laughing to yourself" Ian questioned coming out of the elevator. I shrugged, opening the door to my room.

" you are one weird princess" He muttered going into his separate room. I went into my bathroom deciding on a quick shower.

Grabbing my pajamas I went in the room. Locking the door and stepping into the shower. Turning it on, the hot water startling me a bit. I hummed along to my phone which was currently playing some Miley Cyrus.

" Arie, I have to pee" Ian knocked on the door, more like slamming his fist on it.

" I'm taking a shower, besides you have your own bathroom" I shouted, rinsing the soap off myself.

" it's under renovation and Jayden is being a little drama queen not letting me in, come on Princess, I'll get you some ice cream" He whined, his knocking continuing to annoy me. I groaned turning around and hanging a few towels from the top of the shower door so he won't see me.

" fine " I finally yell back. The door opened and closed as I heard Ian coming in. I grabbed my shampoo, putting some in my hand.

" nice ass" Ian shouted, chuckling to himself.

" you idiot get out" I shouted, moving over to the side so he won't see me that well.

" fine I'm going, see you in a few" He said walking out of the bathroom. I sighed , finishing my shower , and getting out. Wrapping the towel around myself.

It was only 9 at night from what the clock was telling me. Enough time to get some ice cream and devour the whole box. Walking into my room, I saw Ian perched on my bed. A sleeping Thor beside him.

" I have cookie dough and strawberry shortcake" He held up the two boxes full of ice cream. I grinned grabbing the strawberry shortcake and taking one of the spoons away from him. Beginning to eat the sweetness.

We settled ourselves on my bed and under the covers. Watching some stupid comedy that was being replayed for the tenth time this week. It was pretty stupid but still got us laughing at some parts. Ian looked over at me, taking a spoonful of my ice cream.

" tastes good," He mumbled through a mouth full of ice cream. I nodded ,taking a spoonful of his ice cream also.

He kept trying to get more, but every time I would smack his hand with my spoon. Trying to protect the remaining ice cream. He finished his own box, and sat it on top of my little table.

" get away from my creaminess loser" I grabbed another spoonful, putting it in my mouth only to be pulled out and going into his mouth. I gasped taking my spoon away from him. He pouted taking his own spoon and getting a few scoops.

" go exercise, freaking big ass" I muttered, looking down at my empty box. Ian pouted, putting the empty contained beside his own.

" hey Arie do-" Jayden walked into the room , asking something.

Stopping when he saw me and Ian on the bed. It didn't look bad, since we were both covered in ice cream and watching a movie. Jayden shook his head walking back out. Ian smirked, letting out a small chuckle. I turned my head to him, tilting it sideways.

" it's nothing, my brother is dumb" Ian whispered, grabbing one of my pillow pets and hugging it tightly.

" wait shouldn't you be in school?"

" I should but I'm not, I took the week off all my professors at some college meeting for the week"

' so your all mine" I asked, pointing to the carton of ice cream. He sighed getting out of the bed and throwing both boxes out. Before leaving the room to get us some more.

" love you " I shouted after him. He nodded his head, closing the door behind himself. Thor jumped over to where Ian sat and sniffed the place around.

A few minutes passed and I decided to get out of bed and get into my pajamas. Not wanting to stay in my undergarments for the whole night. I picked up a button ups shirt and slid it on, leaving it unbuttoned while pulling on some yoga shorts.

" there was fudge and cheesecake" Ian held up the two cartons full of ice cream. I tapped my chin going for the fudge since Ian didn't like chocolate ice cream at all. Which was weird because chocolate ice cream was amazing.

" come on cuddle buddy we have until midnight, since I have school tomorrow' I say settling back into bed. He nodded his head, laying down beside me. Handing me the carton and red spoon. Thor jumped off and went to his small bed in the corner of the room. Cuddling under the blankets set up.

" can't you skip tomorrow?' Ian asked switching the channel to some romantic movie. He left it on as we ignored the make out scene.

" I did last week, like 2 days"

" so? another one won't do any harm" He said, pulling the covers up over us.  I shrugged, turning my attention back to the TV.

We both couldn't finish our ice cream leaving them on the side not caring if they melted or not. I snuggled deeper into the blanket on top of us. Laying my head on his shoulder.

" did you know Jayden thinks I like you" Ian laughed, glancing at me.

" seriously? but your like my best friend , who's a guy" I chuckle, kissing his cheek. He grins wrapping an arm around me.

" exactly best friend, so we should probably get sleeping" He whispered after a while. I nodded my head , yawning a bit. He shut the TV off and turned all the lights off.

Why would Jayden even care if I was remotely interested in his brother. He had his own girlfriend and Ian was somebody I wouldn't date. Since it would just feel wrong. He took the role of my fake brother meanwhile Jayden was just the guy who I didn't like.

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