Gideon's Chair

By Kittkitt

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An Explosive Tangle of Love, Power, Betrayal and Destruction Now Available On Amazon Kindle http://www.amaz... More

Gideons Chair
The Prologue
Prologue Pt 2
Chapter 1 Near Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 2 Near Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 3 Five Acres Nottinghamshire 1820
Chapter 4 Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 5 The Great Tutbury Mill Nottingham 1820
Chapter 6 Five Acres Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 7 Gideon Tutbury 1820
Chapter 8 The Peoples Facility Salford Present Day
Chapter 9 Gideon Tutbury 1832
Chapter 10 Giscard Roulle De Gisors Paris 1863
Chapter 11 Gideon Tutbury 1863
Chapter 12 Peoples Facility Salford Present Day
Chapter 13 The Paris Exhibition July 1863
Gideon Tutbury - Giscard Roulle de Gisors The Meeting Paris 1863
Gideon Tutbury The Bloodline Paris 1863
Gideons Return
Gideons Death Christmas Day 1864
Part 2 The Peoples Facility Present Day
title of your story
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
The Phelps Society Headquarters New York Present Day
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Phelps Society New York
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
The American Embassy London
Chapter 39
The Gideon Society
Mancini's Office New York
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 25

207 19 20
By Kittkitt

Surprisingly I was woken by rain against my window .

Yawning , I picked up my alarm clock from the bedside table expecting it to read about 7am.

0845 , bloody hell , I thought throwing back the duvet . Suzannah is coming round at nine .

Putting my bathrobe on I glanced out of the window no sign of her yet , good . I must have been exhausted I thought , but today I felt upbeat and  certainly not tired . Lets hope today brings some good news .

Cleaning my teeth , I glanced around on the floor for my jeans and a shirt as the door bell rang . Hearing the door bell ring , I pulled my bath robe together tightening the belt .

" Good morning Suzannah , I'm sorry I over layed , pretty exhausted I guess "

" Not a problem " She replied " Shall I make us some coffee "

" Yes , sure you know where it is , I'm gonna grab a shower , get changed and be back down in a few minutes . Put your raincoat over that chair and I'll grab a hanger for it from upstairs , two minutes "

" Ok " she replied

I turned onto the stairs " Kitchen that door if you remember " pointing

"That coffee smells bloody good " I said as I walked into the kitchen

She turned pouring a cup for me " Do you take milk "

" Bloody hell " I exclaimed " you look different

She laughed " good or bad ? I was just happy to get out of my Library uniform "

She was dressed in tight black jeans . I didn't realise how slim she was , long legs into black strappy sandals and in a tight white blouse a few buttons undone . A few other buttons strained open a little testament to her extremely large breasts  . Her hair falling around her face and shoulders .

I hope she didn't catch me staring " Err good definitely good " I coughed the words out

" That's Ok then " She said " After you "

She followed  me into the study . I'd managed to collect the papers into two large piles placing them on the coffee table .

" How do you think we should start " I asked

" Why dont't I go through Gideon's stuff you go through Joshua's , a plan ? " I replied

" Suzanna nodded " If we concentrate on their own findings and make notes of all relevant things , see if we have any common ground , oh I took the liberty of bringing two note pads " She passed one to me "

We scoured through the notes and sheets of paper and cuttings for the rest of the morning only pausing to make further pots of coffee . The mantle clock struck 12 . With a sigh I leaned back into my chair .

" Fancy a sandwich , I have some cheese or ham and maybe some pickle if you're lucky " I suggested

" Ham be great" she replied , her head still buried in piles of notes .

I got up to walk to the kitchen,

" John"

" Yes"

I turned at the doorway ,

" You know " she said still looking partly into her notes " so much of mine refers to the bible "

" Yes , mine too " I replied turning into the kitchen .

" Do you think we should cross reference the Bible stuff " She replied As I looked for some butter and a knife .

I made the sandwiches bringing them back into the study .

" You think he found it John " she asked taking a bite

" I don't know , I really don't " I replied 

Suzannah picked up one of the ledgers " Look here , Gideons notes say he didn't "

She pointed at the note halfway down a page

'Star not in 5 Acres Never was ' it read

" Maybe " he was just frustrated " I said

" Maybe " she replied " Or maybe , he had it somewhere else other than 5 Acres "

" That's a point " I placed my plate down

" Have you seen this " I showed her Joshua's diary  " These are entries in the last months of his life , in his business diary "

She leaned in towards me

I pointed , continuing

" Four entries of Chinese visitors , four entries of Indian , I guess that was pretty normal as he traded out there "

" Yes " she nodded

" But look " I pointed further down " These meetings were each of one hour , almost on the dot , but this one Francois Pitan From France "

" Who's he " Suzannah asked

" Not sure , but he spent ten minutes that's all , it also cross references with Joshua visiting him two months earlier . Look at the letter , very formal ' I request the pleasure of etc'  I passed the letter over

She looked at it

" He even hand signed it " I said trying to emphasise my find " He never hand signed any letters "

" That's right , not sure the significance though just yet " She replied

I pushed the point further " The meeting in France only lasted ten minutes , long way to go for ten minutes "

Suzannah agreed " Maybe Joshua got what he wanted "

" Maybe , oh hows your sandwich "

Suzannah stretched " Very nice , I will do the honours tomorrow , oh and that reminds me , I might be a bit later tomorrow , I've got my disciplinary meeting at 0930 .

" Oh ok , come after that " I suggested , " Do you want picking up "

" No thanks , I'm probably going to have to get used to being unemployed , so I will walk , it will clear my head . Anyway enough of this lets crack on " She pointed at my files in a school teacher way

" Yes maam " I jokingly replied

At that moment my cell phone rang

fumbling around in my jeans I found it

" Hello "

It was Krey

" Just checking in Tutbury , how is your search going , come up with anything "

" Not yet " I replied . I found his attempt to speak with a cut glass English accent annoying as he was clearly American . " I'm just ploughing through stuff at the moment , but getting nearer "

" Good" he replied " I will call later "

" They checking up on you " Suzannah asked

" Yes , Looks that way "

Suzannah looked up " They must be very concerned or very annoyed " she replied

I didn't answer just mumbledand started looking at another piece

" You know , I think we will find the answer in Joshua's lot " I suggested " cross referencing common denominators with Gideons work may help"

" Good idea " She replied " You know how on television they always overlook the obvious "

I laughed " Yeah , but that's TV , always looks easier there , and we haven't got Columbo with us on this "

Suzannah looked at her watch as I glanced at the clock

" John crikey me it's half past six , would you mind if I got along now , I have got a bit of prep to do before I'm hauled in front of the Gestapo in the morning "

" No , of course not , you've been great , a great help "

She got up picking up the coffee cups as if by habit and taking them into the kitchen.

Putting on her raincoat she turned the latch on the door , she paused for a moment

" John you don't think you could pick me up tomorrow do you , you know from the disciplinary "

" Yes of course I will " I replied " What time "

She turned her collar up to face the evening

" Well around eleven would be about right I'd think "

" where is it being held " I asked as she opened her brolly

" If you wait some place near the Library that would be great "

With that I closed the door as she walked towards the gates and walked back into the study.For the first time that day I felt suddenly lost , a bit scared and a lot out of my depth . Should I just call the Police .

I perched on the edge of the chair Suzannah had been sitting on and started flicking through the files again . Page after page I turned

It must be in here , for God's sake it must be

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