Larry Stylinson One-Shots

By AJ_Taekook827

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A series of one-shots of Larry. May include Mpreg, triggering events, fluff and smut. More

1. Not Love At First Sight
2. Destiny Baby
3. Accidents aren't always Accidents
4. Just Not Meant To Be
6. Tattoos and Flower crowns
7. Brought back down to earth
8. Goals ⚽
9. I'm in love with a Stripper
10. One Night Stand
11. Wait For Me to Come Home
12. I'll Never Forget You
13. Ready to Run

5. Your love is my Drug

689 12 5
By AJ_Taekook827

Hello! Cheers to another update! Thanks for the reads, and I am happy to announce that the AIMH tweet has reached 2M re-tweets! I'm so happy! Also this isn't Mpreg. I managed to write something completely different, and I think this might actually be my favorite one shot so far. ok enjoy! Happy Valentine's day!

Harry's P.O.V.

I was sat in the passenger seat of my sister's car, driving to a place I never wanted to go to. I was forced to, obviously, by my sister, Gemma. She thought it would be what's best for me, but I could strongly disagree. We drove down the darkened street as the rain pounded on the hood of the car. I enjoyed the sound of the war of water going on outside. It was soothing and peaceful, sending all of my evil thoughts away. But that had to come to an end when the car pulled up to a small building that I'd wish never existed.
Gemma put the car in park, shutting off the engine. We sat in silence, me not making any move to leave the car. Gemma watched me, her eyes grilling into mine. It was as if we were having a battle with our eyes. The first one to look away gave the other the satisfaction of being more dominant. Unfortunately, that wasn't me.

"Harry, please just do this. It won't kill you to try to get better." Gemma pleaded, shifting in her seat.

"It killed them, so what's the point?" I shot back, looking out the window.

"I'm serious, Harry. You need this--"

"I don't need anything!" I shouted, taking my sister back. "I don't need medication! I don't need pity or therapy, and I certainly don't need you! Okay?! So back off!" I shouted, breathing heavily.

Gemma didn't say anything for the longest time. We both sat in silence, unaware of what we were supposed to do next. But Gemma being Gemma, she didn't give in. "Harry...I'm only going to say this once. Please just try to get better. For them..."

I looked over at her, my curls hiding my teary eyes as I sighed. I gave in, but only because this fight could go on forever, and I really didn't want to participate in it anymore than I had to.
I nodded my head as I opened the door, a deep frown upon my face. Gemma waited for me to walk in the building before she drove away.
The building was indeed very small. A lot smaller than I had anticipated it would be. There were only three halls. One that lead to this waiting room of some sort, another that lead to the bathrooms, and the last leading to the room I had to be in. I contemplated just running out and coming back when Gemma had to pick me up, but I found myself walking down the narrow hallway and entering the room where the session was being held. I looked around to see that the meeting hadn't started quite yet, and everyone around was just talking to one another.
I closed the door behind me and sat in one of the chairs in the huge circle that the rest had made. After a long while, everyone began to gather around, taking a seat in silence. The person leading the group stood up and clasped his hands together.

"Thank you all for coming today. It was very brave and strong of you to make a difference for yourself. Just a reminder, this is a judgement free zone and we only give advice. We really are here for you. Okay, let's begin."

Soon, everyone began to say their names and what they're here for. I felt that that was pushing it a bit because that's way too blunt for the first meeting. I wasn't just going to straight up introduce myself as someone who has this problem. That's no way to do it.
Before it could get to me, the door opened and someone walked in, smoke following behind them. I watched in confusion as the bloke sat in the last empty seat across the circle from me. He had on a navy blue sweater with a black hood covering his face, a vapor in hand. He slouthed, not even apologizing for interrupting. The leader of the group, Samuel, cleared his throat and said, "Nice of you to join us, Tomlinson." The boy didn't say anything back, just continued to inhale the cinnamon scented smoke. "Okay then. Where were we? Oh, new member. Please, share with us."

All eyes were on me instantly as if they were a hurd of zombies smelling fresh human meat. I slouched in my seat, hating the intense stares. I decided I'd jump for it, but only my name. Nothing else. "H-Harry Styles." I said, simply. And just like that, the boy in the hood looked up at me. He caught me staring at him and grinned, pressing his lips against the tip of the vapor. His ice cold blue eyes pierced into my dark emerald green eyes. Shivers ran up my spine.

"And why are you here today, Mr. Styles?" Samuel asked.

My gaze never left the hooded boy as I responded to the question. "My sister made me." The room caved in with laughter which soon died down when Samuel shushed everyone.

"Okay, but why did she bring you here?" Samuel continued.

I shrugged, licking my lips as the hooded boy, "Tomlinson", exhaled the thick smoke from his parted lips. "I guess that's something for me to know and you to find out."

Samuel smiled half-heartedly, giving up and moving on. When it got to the hooded boy, I suddenly became excited. I don't know why exactly, but I was eager to hear his voice, to see his face. "Alright, Tomlinson. Your turn." Samuel said excitedly.

The boy took his hood off allowing his full head of long shaggy dark brown hair to flow in front of his eyes, dangling by his nose. "Well, 'cause of you, they already know my name. And everyone here knows you only come here to get help, so that's why I'm here: to get help."

His smooth, raspy angelic voice made me shiver. "How about more specific?" Samuel questioned.

Tomlinson laughed and sat back in his chair, taking another hit from his vapor. "You of all people know I'll never tell, Sam." Then he kept quiet, but his gaze remained on me for the rest of the session.

~ ~ ~

It had been a week since I had gone to the therapy clinic. I forced myself not to go all of last week, for I was just simply stubborn. I didn't believe I needed help, nor did I believe that they would help me in anyway if I did need help. Which I don't. But unfortunately for me, Gemma was done with my attitude and forced me to go.
Now, here I am, sitting in the same seat that I had the last time I came. And like the first time, Tomlinson came in late, but somehow earlier than last time. The session started the same as always, everyone saying their names and why they're here. I, once again, only said my name. "It's great to have you back, Mr. Styles." Samuel said when I refused to say anything more.

"Okay, today we're going to do something different. Instead of giving advice from everyone in a circle, we're going to split off into partners to give one-on-one advice sessions. Okay? Alright, everyone go and find your partner."

I made no move to get up. I just sat in my seat with my arms folded and beanie low on my head. While everyone else found their partners, I saw that Tomlinson was still in his same spot as well. When everyone was pared up and conversating, Samuel stood between us and smiled. "It looks like you two are partners." And with that, he left. Tomlinson and I stared at each other for a good bit until he got up, placing a chair in front of me and sitting down, quietly. Once again; staring.

"Take a picture. It lasts longer." I said sarcastically.

Tomlinson laughed and pulled his vapor out of his pocket, instantly inhaling as it reached his lips. "You're a funny one."

"Then what does that make you?" I asked, stupid questions escaping my mouth.

"The sexy one." He stated. I laughed and shook my head, looking anywhere but at him. "So, curly, tell me about yourself. Why so mysterious?"

"I don't like feelings, people or comfort." I said, no emotions in my voice. "Tell me, why Tomlinson?"

"Because I'm just as mysterious as you."

We sat there in silence for a really long time. So long that the session was almost over. Most people would find that creepy, but I found it very intriguing. His eyes studied me like a book on a shelf, memorizing every crease, page and fold. I studied back. At the moment though, he seemed like an empty book with wordless pages. Little to no imagery cascading on the faded paper. But I guess that's what made me so interested.
Both of us were pulled out of our intense staring when everyone began to return to their seats. Tomlinson smiled and put the chairs back, making his way over to the seat that he once was in. Samuel stood up, getting everyone's attention as he clapped his hands together.

"Thank you all for coming. I hope you found what you were looking for, and that you would please come back again. We really are here for you."

When the session had finally ended, I rose from my seat, exiting the room as quickly as I could. I stood outside, waiting for Gemma to show up when I suddenly smelt honey, tickling my nose. I turned around to see Tomlinson leaning up against the wall, eyeing me so casually as the scented smoke left his mouth and nose.

"What is it with you and staring at me?" I asked, turning away from him.

"Don't pretend you don't do it," Tomlinson said as he walked up beside me. "Or like it." He whispered into my ear. "So why are you out here all alone?"

"My sister is supposed to pick me up. I guess she's running late today." I replied, resting my head on one of the pillars.

"So, what are you? Like...fifteen?" Tomlinson asked, taking another drag from his vap.

"Seventeen." I replied.

"Oh, I figured. Most fifteen year olds aren't as gorgeous as you." Tomlinson stated, licking his bottom lip.

"Are you flirting with me, Tomlinson?" I asked, more sarcastically than curious.

"Maybe I am. I guess it depends on how you respond."

"Well, I'm responding with 'I've got to go'." I said as my sister's car pulled up.

I began to walk down the few steps and out into the parking lot where my sister was waiting for me. I turned around to face Tomlinson, seeing that he was standing in the same position as he had before. I waved, slightly, before hopping into the car. Gemma drove off in silence for only a few minutes when she had asked, "Who's that?"

I sighed as I leaned my head against the window. Honestly, I had no idea who he really was. He only ever spoke of his name and how conceded he is. I know nothing about him, nor do I even know his age, let alone real name. So, I just shrugged when she asked and carried on with the rest of my helpless day.

The blades only seem to be getting colder every time I use them. The thick stain of my oozing red paint spilled onto shinning metal. The glimmer reflected onto my torn skin as a single tear smeared into the crimson liquid. The sting would've been painful if I hadn't enjoyed it so much. The tearing of my skin looked as if it was a new tattoo engraving the small memories of my anger and frustration with only a single end.
The temptation became too much as I awoke from yet another nightmare of when I had lost the only people who understood me and what I was going through. The night when I had lost all of my sanity. The night I lost myself. I fell out of bed, so much emotion built up inside me as I reached for my hidden stash under my bed. I couldn't help but smile as I felt the sharp blade tickle at my finger tips. I laughed, madly, when I slid the blade through my fingers, sewing my forbidden conscious to a dead silence. All of my common sense disappeared into thin air as the blade made contact with my wrists, drawing all of the sorrow from moments ago.
Images of that night flashed before my very eyes, blinding me of the real world. The sounds became a loud crescendo of my heart beating louder and louder as the car spun out of control. Glass shattered like my heart as blood spilled across the seats and onto shards of the broken windows. I couldn't see anything or feel anything, but I could hear everything. From the loud bang of the car finally coming to a halt to the sound of my mother's head beating viciously onto the dashboard in front of her. It all was too vivid, and before I knew it, I had lost all consciousness.
I jerked my head up when I heard the door creek open. Gemma rushed into the room, engulfing me into a soft yet protective hug. She snatched the blade from me as I cried out in pain, missing the feeling of my veins spilling out. Gemma tried her best to calm me down, but it only made things worse. I was broken and there was nothing she could do about it. She was already too late.

~ ~ ~

The last few weeks have been extremely rough for me. I couldn't find myself eating or slepping or even leaving my room. I wasn't ready to be taken out of the comfort of the dark four walls that surrounded me, but Gemma thought that I should continue going to the sessions that I had hated so much. I didn't argue with her this time. I just went with it, not really in the mood to fight, let alone have the energy to do so.
I arrived at the clinic not long after and found my way to my seat. There seemed to be less people here for some reason, but I didn't pay attention to that very much. I was sat alone for many minutes when I felt a presence linger beside me. I turned my head to be greeted with strawberry smoke and icey blue eyes.

"And he finally arrived," Tomlinson said in a cheerful voice. When I payed no attention to him, he continued. "Where've you been, curly?"

I folded my arms, not really wanting to talk to the boy at the moment. I didn't reply to his question as Samuel had everyone gather to start the session. Tomlinson didn't pester any further, but he still sat by me for he entire session.
Once the session ended, I slowly left the building, deciding to walk home instead of getting a ride. The air was cool but soothing and clear. Fog took up the streets, but it didn't hurt to breathe in. I tried getting lost in my thoughts, shutting out the world around me when I felt someone walk up by me. I turned to see that it was once again Tomlinson. I tried to speed up my pace, but he bounced right back.

"What the hell do you want?!" I shouted at him.

"I asked you a question and I'm still waiting for an answer." He replied back.

"I don't want to talk to you, so leave me alone!" I shot back.

"Why are you acting like such a bitch? I was just wondering where you've--"

"Can you please just shut the fuck up?!" I yelled, stopping in my tracks. "What do you not understand about me not wanting you here?! I just want to be alone! Is that too much to ask?!"

Tomlinson stood there, not making any movements, just standing there as shocked as I was. I couldn't tell if he was mad, sad, angry--he just stood there, saying nothing. I didn't know what I was doing, but I soon found myself crying on his shoulder with my arms wrapped around him. He seemed a bit taken back but wrapped his arms around my waist none the less. I was flat out balling, and it worried me because I only cry like this during my...moments. I've never cried for the comfort of someone. Not since the accident.
Tomlinson rubbed my back, not saying anything as I continued to cry. It wouldn't surprise me if his shirt was soaked from where I was crying. I pulled away when I felt like I let out what I needed to. I rubbed my eyes, looking at Tomlinson with an innocent plea with my teary eyes. "Sorry," I mumbled.

Louis just smiled and lead me down the road. We walked for another twenty minutes before we came upon this abandoned building. It looked like an old dance studio, and my theory was confirmed when we entered through the back. Though the outside looked like the building hadn't been touched in years, the inside looked brand new. The mirrors against the wall were clear and clean as if they've never been touched. The light wooden floors were polished and smooth. The rails on the walls were stable and clean. But what stood out to me was a blow up mattress laying on the floor in the far corner with a few pillows and blankets on it. Above it, on a shelf, was a radio that looked older than I.

"Where are we?" I asked after looking around the tiny room.

"This is my get away place. It's been closed down for years and no one owns it, so I just took it in for myself. Neat, isn't it?" Tomlinson said, walking over to the radio and messing with the stations.

"How long have you been coming here?" I asked as an old Elvis Presley song came on.

"About two years, give or take." He replied. "If you'd like, you can come here if you ever need to. I don't mind."

I walked around the room some more, finding a spot on the wall with a heart carved into the wall with the initials "LT" in the center of it. Usually there would be another set of initials, but there was only one.

"LT? Who's that?" I asked, tracing over the clean carving.

"That's me," he said as he walked up behind me. "Louis Tomlinson."

"Louis...that's your real name?" Louis nodded. "Why do you go by Tomlinson then?"

"Because the only thing that has ever mattered to everyone else is my last name. They judged me about it because that last name made me who I am, and unfortunately it's...not who I want to be."

I nodded, not pressing forward in the subject, knowing that it might be a bit touchy for him. "Why is it just your initials?"

"I haven't found anyone to fill that spot yet." He answered, walking away with a sway in his step, the song changing to "Let it be" by the Beatles. "Do you dance, Harry?" I shook my head as I walked up to him. "Let me teach you."

Louis pulled me into him, our chests being pressed together. He lifted my left hand up onto his shoulder and took my right hand in his left as he placed his right hand on my hip. We sway for a little bit until he began to move his feet in a box rotation. Soon we were spinning and dipping and all of that fun stuff. Our laughs echoed around the small room every time either of us stepped or tripped on each other's feet. After about fifteen minutes of that, we just settled with being close to each other. My head rested on his shoulder, my lips close to touching his neck, and both of his hands were resting on my hips. It was so soothing and peaceful being in his arms. I hadn't felt so relaxed in a very long time.

"I did something bad and I wouldn't leave my room." I whispered. Louis hummed in confusion at my words. "You were wondering where I've been. I did something bad and then shut the rest of the world out. That's why I didn't show for a few weeks."

Louis nodded in understanding. "What did you do?"

I sighed as I lifted my head up from his shoulder. "Something only cowards do."

Louis didn't ask what I meant. Just by reading his eyes, I could tell he knew what I was talking about. He lifted up my arms, sliding the sleeves down to expose my red and pink scars. He shook his head, bringing my wrists up to his lips, leaving a feathery kiss upon my wounds. "Come to me if you ever feel like doing this. I'm a lot more pleasurable than a blade." Louis whispered, looking me in the eyes.

My body shivered from his words, going weak at the knees. I literally had to grip his arms so that I wouldn't fall over. He didn't stop looking at me, and I didn't stop looking at him. His hand made its way to the nap of my neck, his fingers lacing with the small hairs. He took a step forward, his breath hitting my open lips, tasting of faint strawberries. I licked my lips, watching a devilish grin project onto his face. I felt myself tighten in my jeans just by looking at him.

"Do you like strawberries?" Louis had asked, suddenly. I nodded my head, words not managing to escape my now closed lips. "Open your mouth, baby." Louis demanded seductively as he pulled his vapor out. I did as told, parting my lips once again. Louis kept his eyes gazing into mine as he inhaled a big puff of smoke. Then he closed his eyes, leaning closely into me. My heart began to race and legs shake as he opened his mouth and a huge whorl of smoke entered my mouth. I inhaled the smoke, my lungs filling with the nicotine free fix. I closed my eyes, enjoying the taste of strawberries when I felt Louis' lips press against mine.
I captured is lips with no hesitation. The mix between strawberries and Louis was overwhelming me. I had no choice but to press my body against his for support. He made me tremble, wanting more and more. Louis glided his tongue over my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I quickly accepted, taking his sweet tongue into my mouth. I sucked on the tip of it, causing Louis to moan, vibrations sent out through my body. I felt as if I was going crazy by how much of this I was taking in. Louis had no idea what he was doing to me, but I, frankly, couldn't help but want more of Louis Tomlinson.
When we finally pulled away, we rested out heads against one another's. Our breathing was heavy and uneven, but I don't believe that either of us cared about that. I looked up into Louis' eyes, a smile making it's way on my face. Louis soon following in tow.

"I enjoyed that more than I thought I would." Louis whispered, both of us laughing.

"Me too." I replied, feeling myself rock into Louis. "Sorry."

"I see someone's never had a vapor before." Louis laughed, pulling me over to the mattress. "You'll get used to it, and soon it won't be that bad." Louis reassured.

For a few hours more, we laid there on the bed, kissing here and there, but not moving any further. I arrived home very late that night with Gemma worried out of her own mind. I walked into the house just to be yelled at for over an hour. I knew she meant well, but I really didn't want her raining on my parade. I went up into my room, closing out the world. But this time, I wasn't sad. I was light on air. I was high on Louis.

~ ~ ~

It had been another week since Louis and I started...seeing ecah other? I don't quite know exactly what we are, but we've been kissing. A lot. Everyday after the sessions, we'd go to his secret hide out and dance, talk, kiss--just hang out. I've grown very fond of him over the passed week, but I didn't want to fall to far or too fast, for I don't want yo end up heart broken. I still don't know much about him, but I wanted to. But only of he was willing to let himself be known.
I walked into the clinic, about ready to turn down the hall where the session would be held, when I heard someone whisper my name. I turned down one of the other halls instead to see Louis peaking his head out from the boys bathroom. I curiously walked down the hall towards him, suddenly starttled when he yanked me into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. I stood by the wall, all confused when he stood by the door, bouncing his leg.

"Are you...okay--" I tried to say but was interrupted.

"I am so fucking hard right now." Louis exclaimed, bluntly.

My eyes widened as my eyes trailed down his body until it reached is crotch area. He was indeed severely hard. "Oh..."

"Can you please help me?" Louis begged. I looked up at him with even wider eyes, mouth agape but no words coming out. "Please Harry? I really need your help."

"Can't you...c-can't you just...wank or something?" I asked awkwardly.

"I tried but it didn't work. Please Harry. Just do something--anything?" Louis pleaded, looking as if he was in pain.

I looked down at his jeans, feeling all warm and tingly inside from how big the tent of his pants is. I looked back up at him and sighed. "Okay, but...I'm not sucking you off."

"I don't care, just get rid of it." Louis said, already latching himself onto me.

I kissed him, deeply, rough, no hesitation. I lead him into one of the stalls, not bothering to close it behind me. I sat Louis down on one of the closed toilet seats, strattling his waist. I kissed him harder, rolling my hips down into his. I felt his penis twitch as it was pressed against mine. Louis groaned loudly, sending shivers up my spine. I was instantly growing insanely hard in my pants as well, my body and I enjoying that pleasure that Louis was giving us. I kissed down his neck, scooting closer up onto his lap so that my bum was directly on top of his member. I dropped down onto him, both of us moaning like crazy. The room became really hot and condensed as we were nearing our highs.

"Oh, fuck, Harry! Oh, so good...ugh!" Louis shouted, burying his face into my curls, gripping my bum in his hands. I gasped loudly from the action, pleasure filling me to the top. "I-I'm so close..." Louis cried.

And like a forest set on fire, both of us moaned at the top of our lungs, the two of us releasing into our tight jeans. I fell, weakly, on top of him and his grip on me loosened. We tried to catch our breath, still coming down from our highs. In the heavy silence, Louis began to laugh. I sat up, looking at him with glossy eyes, red bitten lips and a confused face.

"For someone who seems so innocent...definitely knows how to ride." Louis said, looking as wrecked as I do. "We should do this more often."

We both laughed as I got up from him, both of us disgusted with the feeling of our sticky boxers. "Next time, we'll do it in a place where we won't have to sit in our dirty boxers." I said, washing my face.


~ ~ ~

I was laying in my bed that night, finally not reliving my night terrors. Instead, my dreams consisted of Louis' body pressed against mine. His lips leaving beautiful marks all over my skin as our sweaty bodies collided with one another. It all felt so real, but was immediately interrupted when there was a loud banging at the front door.
I jumped out of bed, startled by the sudden noise. I stood up, wrapping a blanket around myself. I slowly walked out of my room and down the stairs. I turned on the hallway light, knowing that I'd fall if I couldn't see. I approached the door as the banging continued. I unlocked the door, suddenly feeling scared for what might be on the other side of the door. I turned the handle and pulled the door open to reveal a bloody, bruised and soaked, shirtless Louis. He looked up at me as he leaned against the door frame, bloody tears streaming down his face. I stood there in shock as the very few words escaped his lips. "H-help m-me..." Then he collapsed to the floor as thunder was heard from outside. I dropped to the floor, resting his head on my lap and wrapping the blanket around his body as I lifted him up. I shouted for Gemma, tears soon escaping my eyes. Within a few minutes, Gemma was rushing into the room, confused and scared as to what was happening. When she saw Louis' state, she ran back up stairs and came back with with the first aid kit. She helped me clean him up as I tried to get him to wake up. After many long minutes, his eyes slowly began to open. He looked up at me and over at Gemma, completely out of it.

"Are you okay, Louis?" I asked with worry in my voice. "What happened?"

Louis went to speak when his eyes began to droop down again and he fell back to sleep. I looked over at Gemma with pleading eyes.

"Let him sleep. We'll talk to him in the morning." Gemma said, standing up from where she previously sat. "You should get some sleep too. Okay? He'll be here in the morning." Then she left upstairs.

I looked down at the sleeping boy in front of me, anticipating the morning to come. I knew I wasn't going to like what I hear when he wakes up.

Many hours later, I found myself still awake, watching the boy sleep. He began to stir and soon opened his eyes. His eyes locked with mine, and soon began to tear up. "H-Harry?" Louis asked, sitting up and reaching for me. I scooted closer towards him, embracing him in a soothing and careful hug. We didn't say anything for the longest time, and I don't think that he was ever going to.

~ ~ ~

A month has passed since that night and Louis had never brought it up. He acted as if it nerver happened and it really worried me. But if he wasn't ready to share anything, I wasn't going to push him to.
Currently, we were at the clinic, the session coming to an end. Louis was acting very touchy and flirty today, and bit kind of made me shaky inside. It was quite amusing to be dragged out of the clinic faster than lightning when the meeting had finally ended.
Louis and I raced to the hide out, Louis beating me by a long shot. Once we were there, Louis brought me into his arms, holding me close to him. He didn't let go for the longest time, but who was I to complain? When he pulled away, he went over to the radio and turned on a song by a band I didn't know the name of. Louis smirked as he walked over to me. He gripped my waist and pulled me incredibly close.

"I think of you when I listen to this song." Louis said as the lyrics from the song Vapor drilled into my brain as his lips nipped at my neck and collar bone. "You're so sweet...tastey." Louis moaned into my ear, turning me on instantly.

"Is there something you want, Mr. T.?" I asked, seductively.

Louis growled in my ear, rubbing his hard on against my leg. "Say that again..."

"Is there something you want..." I leaned down, biting his lower lip and licking at the now open wound. "Mr. T.?"

Winthin seconds, Louis was all over me. He kissed me so roughly, it wasn't even kissing anymore. He laid me down on the mattress, stripping himself of his shirt and pants. I went to pull down his boxers, but he moved my hands up above my head. "It's not fair that I'm the only one not dressed." Louis said, snaking his hands down to the hem of my shirt. He pulled it up ever so slowly then tossing it off to the side. He leaned down and glided his tongue over my stomach, leaving wet kisses all over my torso. I arched my back as he kissed along my hip bone. I moaned, for the touch of his lips were like fire licking at my skin. The burning sensation was like drugs to my brain and blood to my blade.
Louis unbuttoned my jeans, popping the buttons out one at a time and discarded the jeans. Before Louis could take off my boxers, I put my hands on his to make him stop. He looked at me, confused as to why I stopped his actions.

"Do you have your vapor with you?" I asked, my breathing uneven.

Louis laughed, catching on to what I'm wanting. In severe need of, that is. He leaned over to grab his pants and pulled out the metal vapor. He took a drag from it before blowing the smoke over my heated body. Strawberry, just how I like it. He leaned down, kissing me over and over for a minute or two, filling my mouth with the taste of his vapor. I wrapped my long legs around his waist, dragging his hard crotch over mine. I was desperate for friction. Louis pulled away, pulling my boxers down and tossing them somewhere, mindlessly. Then he pulled his off, his large, thick, hard member springing free. My mouth watered from the size of him. My body ached for him.

"Turn over, baby." Louis said, placing his vapor by my head.

"But I want to see you." I whined, taking his vapor into my mouth, my lips wrapping over the tip as I inhaled. Louis squirmed in his place, causing me to smile.

"You will, baby. It would hurt less for me to prep you if you were on your stomach. Okay?" Louis said, rubbing his hands over the junction of my hips and crotch. I nodded and turned over, exposing myself to the boy I have grown so attached to. At first nothing happened, Louis swearing under his breath for not bringing lube. "I'm going to try something, okay?" I nodded, just wanting him inside me.

For a few seconds, Louis was just adjusting us when suddenly I felt Louis' tongue press into my whole, a loud whining gasp escaping my mouth. His tongue carded into me, sending shivers up and down my spine, pleasure being shot into me like a drug. "Oh...Louis..." I moaned, burying my face into his pillow. He licked inside of me for another minute or two then pulled away. I whined from the loss of his tongue when I suddenly felt one of his fingers take the place of where his tongue had been previously. I hissed from the pain, but not telling Louis to stop. He kept his fingering at a slow pace, not wanting to hurt me.

"Okay, Harry. I'm going to offer you safe words, okay. If you want me to stop, say red. If you want me to stay at the pace I'm at, say yellow. If you want me to speed things up, say green. Okay?" Louis said as he pulled his single finger out.

I nodded, whining from the emptiness. Soon, he put two fingers in, immense pain coursing through me. "Red!" I shouted, the pain still baring inside me. I felt Louis pause what he was doing and leaning over my body. He kissed the back of my neck and held my hand in his. After the pain subsided, I relaxed and said, "Y-yellow..." Then Louis kept at the slow pace as he continued to prep me.

Once I was all prepped, I turned back around, desperate for Louis to be inside me. He hovered over me, lifting my legs up over his shoulders and said, "Same rules apply. Red--stop. Yellow--continue. Green--"

"Just make love to me, you fool." I said, crashing our lips together.

Louis had no hesitation as he crashed into me head on. I grunted in pain from the sudden stretch, but let him continue. His lips didn't leave mine, and his hands gripped my waist, rocking into me harder and harder. I was a moaning mess underneath him. With every thrust, my moans got louder. They turned into whines which turned into screams. I was on my all time high and I never wanted to come down.

"Oh, fuck, baby! Oh, so tight! So...beautiful, baby. Just so beautiful for me." Louis growled as his thrusts quickened.

I clawed at his back, screaming his name with every thrust that he pounded into me. "So!" I screamed, somehow words weren't able to form.

"Nobody else can see you like this." Louis said to me, sucking a love bite onto my neck. "Only I can see you like this...only me..."

"Y-yes..." I answered back, "uh, uh, uh's" flooding out of my mouth.

"Yes what?" Louis asked, slowing his thrusts down, making them hard and deep.

"Ye-yes...Mr. T.!" I shouted, my climax nearing. "I'm so c-close!"

"Hold on, baby, just a little longer." Louis said, groaning deeply from his throat.

Soon, Louis and I were falling over the edge. By him just hearing my cries as I came caused him to spill into me, filling me up to the brim. He collapsed on top of me, my legs dropping from his shoulders. Our breathing was way out of control, but we just laughed as we kissed each other passionately. He pulled out of me not long after and cleaned both of us up. We laid in his little bed, grinning like fools from our previous events. I rested my head on his chest and wrapped my arm around his stomach. He had has arm wrapped around the back of my neck, pulling me closer to him.

"Louis?" I asked, just remembering that I don't know this easy information. Louis hummed in response. "How old are you?"

Louis laughed at my question, knowing why I'd asked. "I'm eighteen. Don't worry. I'm not some kind of perv."

I giggled and snuggled closer into him when an even darker question came to mind. "Why haven't you ever told anyone what happened to you? The reason why you're in therapy?"

Louis tensed under me, but soon relaxed and rubbed my shoulder. "Tell me first...why haven't you?"

I knew that he wouldn't tell me unless I spilled first, so I took a deep breath and explained. "I was always haunted with the thought that it was my fault. I didn't tell anyone because...I didn't want them to agree with me." Louis looked down at me with furrowed eyebrows as I continued. "I had been dealing with depression for five years now. My parents did whatever they could to help...fix it or whatever. One night, about a year ago...I was having an attack and...attempted to kill myself. I was already bleeding out everywhere and my parents rushed to get me to the hospital. My mum wasn't strapped in and neither was I...the storm became too much and my father lost control of the wheel, causing us to flip and slide off the road." I paused, trying my best to hold the tears back, but they escaped anyway.

"I don't remember much, but I knew well enough that they had died and I didn't. Ever since then...I've blamed myself for their death. If I could've just been normal and not cause them to worry about me so never would have happened."

It took everything out of me to tell him that I ended up just crying for many minutes on end. When I finally calmed down, Louis began to speak, rubbing my arm soothingly.

"My father was never accepting of me. No matter what I did or thought...he was always against it. One day...I came out to my family about my liking towards guys and...a-and ever since that day...he'd beat the living shit out of me, trying to make me realize that I was straight." Louis cried, the tears streaking his cheeks. "He went to jail a few months ago and I guess he came back. But...he showed up to my house in the middle of the night and just...beat me. I managed to get away, but I had no where else to go, so I went to your house."

My heart broke just from listening to his story, but it broke even more when I heard what Louis had said after. "I went by Tomlinson because that was what defined me. Everyone knew me as the gay kid who was beaten by his own father. Everyone knew me as the helpless Tomlinson boy. I wasn't myself when it came to everyone else. I wasn't Louis. I was Tomlinson's kid. So, I just went by that since that's what everyone else saw when they looked at me...Tomlinson."

Louis and I sat in silence, not sharing anything else. But then I realized that I wasn't in this sort of thing alone. I wasn't the only one facing something like this. I might've distanced myself from the world when things got hard, but I swear on my grave that I'll never shut Louis out when things got hard. I'd be more than happy to let him in.

"Louis...I just want to let you know that...even though it may seem that he doesn't love you...know that I do." I whispered, kissing his shoulder.

"You love me?" Louis asked, his voice cracking as tears spilled out of his eyes.

"I love you," I said, stating it more clearly. "More than you could ever imagine."

Louis smiled, turning over and kissing me deeply as he slid is sweaty body over mine. "I love you, so much." Louis said, kissing me anywhere that his lips could reach. "I love you so much."

~ ~ ~

I woke up in the middle of the night, still with Louis at the dance studio. I turned over, but didn't see my Louis. I got up and wrapped one of the blankets around my waist, looking around for Louis. I stood in my place when I saw a light and smoke surround Louis' petite figure. I walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his boxer clad waist, my bare member pressed against his bum.

"What are you doing?" I asked, kissing his shoulder from behind.

Louis lifted up the lighter he held in his hand up to the heart carving in the wall. My smile grew when I traced over the letters with my eyes: "LT + HS".

"You're the only one I want yo be with, and...I really care about you--and love you, of course. So, I decided that you would fit perfectly in this little heart with me." Louis said, blush coating his cheeks.

I kissed the crimson burning skin and smiled. "I wouldn't be happier anywhere else."

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