Love with a Passion

By KingofThugs

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By KingofThugs


Tyree in mm 😋😍

"I'm going over my best friend house." I told Tyree on the phone.

Stephon lived a few blocks away so I decided to walk there. He said he could pick me up but I didn't feel like waiting for him, he took forever sometimes.

"When I'm going to see you again?"

"I just saw you yesterday Ty." I laughed.

"So what that mean, I got to see my baby everyday."

I smiled. "Tyree you play all day. What you doing though?"

"Shit. I'm bored, I just got off of work and I'm not even tired."

"Play the game or something."

"Come keep me company or something."

"You selfish, you stay keeping me to yourself."

"Sharing is not caring, I don't care."

"I just got here so imma text you."

"You want me to pick you up?" He asked me.

"No it's cool, I'll text you Tyree."

"Aight Empress." He said and we hung up.

I knocked on Stephon house door and his older brother opened the door.

"What's up Empress."

"Hey. Where Stephon?" I asked.

"He upstairs. I'm going to the store, tell Stephon text me if y'all want some stuff."

"Ok." He left out and I locked the door before going upstairs to Stephon room. I opened his door and the smell of smoke immediately hit me.

"I thought I told you I was picking you up." He said looking at me.

I shut his door and walked over to his bed. "You would've came hours later and i didn't feel like waiting." I looked over at his dresser. "You smoking and drinking, what got you stressed out."

"Nothing, I just wanted to feel good."

I laid across his bed on my stomach next to him. "Well stop cause I'm here." He looked down at me before putting the blunt back to his lips. "You don't listen." I said.

"Shut up." He pushed my lightly. I watched him put the blunt out then laid down propping his head up on his hand.

"Why you staring at me?" I asked.

"Cause you beautiful." He said looking in my eyes.

"I know thanks." I said with a laugh. He chuckled.

He leaned down closer and placed his two fingers under my chin lifting my head up.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I like you Empress, I love you as more than a best friend."

"Steph-." I was cut off when he attached his lips to mine giving me a kiss. I pulled away and sat up on the bed.

"Sorry. I just-."

"Stephon we're best friends, that's weird." I shook my head. I didn't know how to react.

"I love you Empress." He pulled me closer to him.

"I love you too, but-." I stopped talking when I felt him start to kiss and suck on my neck. "Steph.-" I moaned when he found my spot.

His lips traveled to mine and we began to kiss. He tugged my shirt up as he gripped my waist. His hands found the button to my jeans. We stopped kissing as he leaned up to pull my jeans down. He pulled his off and my eyes bulged at his size. He looked like a couple inches bigger than Iman but Iman was thinker.

He leaned over top of me and we started kissing again.

"I love you." He mumbled against my lips.

I moaned when I felt him start to enter me. I was going regret this after.

I laid there sweaty and tired. Stephon was laying right next to me. I got up and started to put my stuff back on.

"You good?" He asked.

"Mmhm." I nodded my head.

"What's wrong?" He sat up and looked at me.

"We shouldn't have done that." I said. "But it happened."

I'm dumb as fuck. I thought to myself. "I'm going home, but I'll text you later." I grabbed my coat and was about to walk out when I felt him grab my arm.

"Don't act all weird towards me Emp."

"I'm not, I'm fine. We good."

"Aight Empress." He looked at me for a minute to see if he believed what I was saying but I didn't even know if I believed what I said. "See you later." He kissed my cheek before letting me go.

I put my coat on as I walked down the steps. When I got home I walked pass Freedom room and she was on the phone.

"Freedom." I said walking into her room.


"I just did the dumbest thing."

"Zay I'm going call you back after I finish talking to my lil sister." She said then hung up. "What you do?"

I tell Freedom like everything so she knew about the whole thing that happened with Iman.

"I had sex with Stephon." I said.

"Empress." She said looking at me. "How did that happen?"

"Well he kissed me then I pulled away. Then he started kissing on my neck and it just happened. Freedom I feel so weird."

"You can't take it back now Empress. It's ok that you feel weird."

"He's my best friend, there isn't supposed to be any feelings." I said.

"It's ok, if you don't like him then you don't. You don't have to like him just because y'all had sex or cause he expressed his feelings to you." She told me.

"Thanks for listening but I need a shower."

"I'm going always listen."




"You done your homework?"

"Yea I'm done."

"Good." She wrapped her arms around me and placed a kiss on my lips.

"What you trying do?"

"You." She said innocently with a small giggle.

I been messing with this new girl for the past month. Her name is Cassie and she really cool but I'm not looking to get into nothing with her. Freedom and I been on the rocks the last few months and then I met Cassie. I wasn't expected it to last but we still talking.

"I got class in a hour and I want more than a hour with ya sexy ass." I grabbed her ass and gave it a squeeze.

"Well tomorrow we can have sex so don't make plans."

My phone stared ringing and it was FaceTime. Cassie got off of me and I answered it.

"Hey." Freedom said.

"What's up?"

"I'm so bored Eli, I swear all I do is work eat and sleep. I need some communication to other humans."

"Don't you do that at work?"

"I don't know them, I want to hold a conversation and Africa in class or she doing Jordan. Lucky bitch." She said making me laugh.

I licked my lips and I was about to say something real inappropriate but Cassie was still in the room.

"What? What you got to say cause I know you got something to say."

"Nothing." I shook my head. "I have nothing to say."

"You must be trying to change your ways."

"Elijah I'm going to head out." Cassie said making me look at her.

"Ok, well I'll see you later then."

She kissed my cheek before leaving out the room. I looked at Freedom and she had a certain look on her face.

"Why you look like that?"

"No reason, so I need to plan my baby shower and stuff. I'll let you know what day I'm having it so you can tell your dad."

"Aight but it's too soon for that. You only seven months."

"And I need to have my baby shower next month and you can help when y'all come home in a few weeks. I'm so happy y'all coming home and I'm done with another school year."

"You must miss me."

"Ah you wish. I miss my other friends, you not so much."

"Whatever babymom."

"I'll talk to you later babydaddy." She said making me laugh.

"You get on my nerves."

"And you get on mine but that's ok."

"Bye Free, take care of my baby."

"Bye." She hung up the phone and I shook my head.


"Aww this is cute." I said holding up this pink and white polo onsie.

I was in mall doing some baby shopping, I just couldn't stop myself from buying things.

"I'm buying this for her and these booties." Logan said showing me.

"Just wait until the babyshower, you already buy so much."

"Free hush, it's my money I spend it how I want it."

We walked up to the register and she brought the things then handed me the bag.

"Thank you Lo." I said.

"No problem, you so cute and pregnant."

I had on a olive green long sleeve dress that stopped a little above my knees. My hair was curled with a middle part.

"Thank you, I'm slaying my pregnancy to be honest."

Too many girls let themselves go when they become pregnant and they forget all about how they look.

Zay ☺️: why you so damn gorgeous?

I get it from my parents but that was random

Zay ☺️: I see you in the mall with your friend

I look up from my phone and looked around.

"Why you looking around?" Logan asked.

"Because-." I stopped once I saw Isaiah standing off to the side. "Isaiah said he seen me." I smiled walking up to him.

"You're a creep."

"At first I didn't even think it was you." He brought me into a hug. "You look nice by the way."

"Thank you."

"Hi." I hear Logan.

"Oh Logan this Isaiah and Isaiah this Logan."

"Nice to meet you."

"Yea you too."

"What you doing here? I thought you was home."

"I was but then I started feigning for some new shoes so I came."

"Sneaker head I swear." I said. "Text me when you get home though."

"Aight I'll see you Free." He gave me a hug and Logan and I walked off going into Pink.

"So what's up with y'all?" She asked me.

"Nothing, we kissed a while back but that's all. We're friends really." I said.

I didn't want to jump into anything and he understood that. I didn't need stress on me, Elijah was doing his own thing and I wasn't mad about that.

"I understand that. What about Elijah?"

"Nothing. He mess with some new girl I guess but I'm not mad. I feel like he going through some things but he don't know how to deal with it."

"I swear boys don't think at all, they do stuff just because."

"I'm not making excuses for him but he's still growing and he don't have it all together."

"I know but I think he needs to try harder." Logan said.

I don't care what nobody say but I know how I feel about Elijah and I know how he deals with his problems.

Once we were done at the mall I went home and was about to settle for a nap. Elijah was face timing me so I answered sitting on the bed.

"Let me see my baby." He said.

"Well hi to you too." I said.

As soon as she heard his voice she started to kick. I moved the camera down so it could show my stomach.

"You see her moving?"

"She happy to hear from daddy."

"Chloe is a mess. She was calm all day and as soon as I want to lay down for a nap she want to be active."

"What the doctors say?"

"Everything is fine and continue doing what I'm doing. I can't wait to welcome her here." My daughter literally became my best friend within a short period of time.

"I can't wait either. When I come home we got to go out and buy a crib. You know what room she being in yet?"

"She going have to be in my room because Emory and Empress can't share rooms, they too old for that. And I'll be closer with her during the night."

"That's cool. How you feeling?"

"I'm good. I'm ready to finish up finals then have my baby."

"That's good but I'm about to go to the gym with Bryson so I'll talk to you later."

"Ok. I love you."

"I love you too." He said and I hung up.

I went on IG and seen Elijah's post. It was a screen shot of the face time call we just had that showed part of my face and my stomach the caption read my heart in one pick, I'm bettering myself for them

I liked it and commented the ring emoji under neath.

"Chloe let's hope your daddy get him self together." I said rubbing my stomach.


20+ comments

Y'all excited for the baby?

How y'all feel about Elijah and Freedom?

Empress and Stephon though

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