Amoré- Book 1 {Amoré Series}

By Miss_perezz

102K 2.4K 193

"I'll kill you fast, I would say you won't feel a thing," he shrugged. "but that's total bullshit." Enzo said... More

Uno- Back again
Due- Resse
Tre- Fabioloso
Quattro- Graduation
Sei- Blue eyes
Sette- Dark knight
Otto- Black eyes
Nove- tesoro
Dieci- Run!
Undici- My Beauty

Cinque- Angelique

8.1K 216 15
By Miss_perezz

"Amò essere amato dà tè."

"I love being loved by you."


I pace outside of Aubrey's room.


That woman knows how to get under my fucken skin.

"You need to tell her, ya know." My head snaps up and I see Reese peeking her head out of the room next to Aubrey's. She slowly makes her way out and stands in front of me with a frown on her face.

"I am not going to hurt her. Plus, she won't believe me." I talk low for Aubrey won't hear me. I rub my face with both hands and sigh.

"Since when do you care about hurting her?" She snaps at me. I glare at her. "Either you tell her, or I will." I grab her arm and yank her into the room across hers.

"Let go of my arm, Fabio." She says through gritted teeth.

"Don't push my buttons, Reese!"

She tilts her head "Or what? Are you going to kill me? Or are you going to lock me up in the basement again?" I let go of her arm.

I meet her angry gaze "Get your nose out of our business. I'm not like Dino, or Emilio. I won't take your bullshit. Tell me; what do you know. Let me rephrase; what do you think you know?" I cross my arms and wait for her answer. I know for a fact she doesn't know shit about this situation.

"I know Tanner owes y'all a lot of money."

"Oh? Is that all?" I challenge.

"Look. Does it really matter? You can't send him to new York. The Chinese Mafia will kill him or worse; torture him until he's begging for death! So he owes you money, so what." She shrugs. "He can pay it. Tanner will pay you. He always pays you back. Just please, Fabio." Reese says, begging with her eyes.

I stare at her blankly, trying not to get too angry.

This is, after all, Aubrey's bff. I roll my eyes.

"Gesù Cristo. Stay out of our fucken business. If I have to tell you again; I'll make sure Emilio locks your ass up in the basement." I get in her face. "And this time, I will leave you there for a month." And this time I'll throw away the god damn key! Don't test me." I move past her, but stop when I remember Aubrey being hungry "Oh, and tell Amy to make food for Aubrey."

I open the heavy brown door and leave.

Woman. They think they know everything.

* *


Twenty minutes later there's a knock on the door.

I'm laying on my stomach so I roll over and groan. My God, why can't they leave me alone already?

I lay there for a couple of more seconds before getting up to open it.

"Aubrey, dear. Thank God you are okay. Come here." Angelique, Fabio's mother, says and pulls me into a hug. When she let's me go, she starts looking at my face, arms, and legs.

I frown at her.

"Um, what are you...?" She cuts me off.

"Did they hurt you? I promise you if they even tried anything: I will kill them myself."  I flinch at her anger.

What? I frown at her.

"The only one that hurt me was that son of yours." I tell her dryly.

"Fabio will get it, si? It does not matter that he is twenty seven, no." She shakes her head "I am his mother, I can beat him, I will beat him. What did he do to you, dear?" I have to smile. Angelique has always had this way of making you smile. She can also be very intimidating when she wants to be and has to be.

"It doesn't matter now, I guess. Come in." I move aside for she can come inside. I sit on the bed and she sits on the white sofa crossing her legs.  "what were you talking about earlier? About someone hurting me."

"Oh, nothing." She waves me off.

Oh hell no.

"Angelique, I have the right to know. I know Fabio wouldn't show up at my apartment for nothing. So please, What is going on?"

I know begging does nothing. She sits there, but doesn't say anything. I sigh and run my fingers through my brown hair.

"It is not that I don't want to tell you. I just think it's better not to." She finally says after a minute of silence.

"Okay then, answer me this." I take a deep breath "how much money does Tanner owe this time? Maybe I can help with something." Tanner has always had a gambling problem. But it got worst once we moved to Las Vegas. I mean it's kinda hard to not gamble when there's machines everywhere. When we first moved here, we stopped at a gas station. Me and Reese were waiting for Tanner for twenty minutes. I got down to see what was taking him long.

When I pushed open the door there he was, on the game machine.

He had wasted 100 bucks. I'm not sure how much more he would of wasted if I hadn't went looking for him.

"It's not your problem, caro. Tanner got himself into it, he'll get himself out of it." She murmurs something that sound like maybe under her breath.

"That wasn't my question, Angelique." I say frustrated. Her eyebrows slowly lift.

"No, it was not, but that's my answer." She says evenly. I know when I should stop trying to get something out of her. She stands and straightens up her red dress. "I should get going. I just wanted to check on you before I we leave. It's date night with my love." When she says that her eyes light up.

That's so cute. I wonder if I'll ever be as them...

She starts to leave but I stop her, by grabbing her arm gently.

"Can I at least talk to him? Please." I beg.

She sighs and shakes her head "I'm sorry, Aubrey." She gives me a sad smile.

When she leaves, I let out a frustrated sigh I've been holding in. Goddamnit!

Does tanner owe that much money? If Angelique wouldn't tell me, then that means he does owe more than the last two times.

The last time he borrowed money, he had to get a second job, and almost sell his car.

I'm about to go lay down again when There's another knock on the door.

I hesitate before answering it. I hope it's not Fabio. Or Gino.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"Amy, hon."

This time I don't hesitate. I throw open the door.

"Amy!" I squeal hugging her. She laughs and hugs me back.

"I hope you're hungry. I brought food." Amy says when I let her go.

"Starving." I replied.

She walks inside "Reese asked if I can bring food up here for you. Here you go." She hands me a bag. Immediately, I start digging through it. My stomach grumbles. I haven't eaten since earlier.

"Elaine?" She nods, smiling "my God, I'm in heaven." I say after I take a bite of the home made biscuit. That woman can cook. Hell, all Italian woman can cook.

"Hey, can we sit outside? I've always loved the view from this room."

"Sure." She makes her way outside. I put the food down and grab a sweater from the closet. After putting on the light pink sweater, I make my way outside.

Amy's sitting on one of the white sofas. I put down the bag down and lift the table.

"I've been trying to ask Fabio if I can have this room. But every time I try, he cuts me off and stomps off like a five year old." She grins at me "what the fucken fly did you do to him?"

"Not you too." I groan and take another bite of the biscuit.

"I'm a nosy bitch, You know this already." I roll my eyes. That she is "fine." She pouts "how've you been? I haven't talked to you in forever! Man, since you left nothing has been the same. Do you know how boring it is? You left me with Gino! All he likes to talk about is his penis. 'Oh, Amy, let's go into the bedroom for you can give me a blowjob' Amy, just touch it once please? Just once and I won't ask you no more'." She imitates him and I begin chuckling "The worst part is, there's not just one Bree, there's two of them!"

I laugh. "So dramatic, Amy. I'm sure it was not that bad."

She stares at me with raised eyebrows "Dramatic? Bree, he ripped up my shirt. In front of everybody one morning. I didn't have a fucken bra on! You know how I hate sleeping with bras!"

The soda I'm drinking suddenly decides it doesn't want to be drank, it comes back out through my nose.

Holy fuck that burns.

"Amy," I say trying to stop laughing. "he did not."

She nods.

"I missed you, Bree." she says quietly, looking at the mountain view. My laughter stops altogether.

"I missed you too." I say to her with guilt.

"Don't ever leave again. Okay?" She says looking me straight in the eyes. "You're my best friend."

I sigh but don't say anything. They probably lock me up before letting me go this time.

* *


Hey y'all!

It's been forever! Hopefully I get to update more, now that I'm on vacation.

Like this chapter if ya liked it! : )

Thank you Amorès !

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