Fly High (Completed) (GirlxGi...

By themoonlightdemon

565K 16.6K 1.5K

What happen when a female pilot and a supermodel cross path? A story consist of money, popularity, paparazzi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 (End)

Chapter 20

14.9K 465 13
By themoonlightdemon

Damien Christ POV (Grandpapa)

As I entered the ward room, my heard broke at the scene. Before my eyes, lay my sleeping granddaughter. My heart ached of how much pain she must have been. Next to her was the one who holds her heart.

All the way here, I wanted to be angry at her for what happened. I had millions things to say to her. But now, all those things gone as I witnessed she hold Yasmine's hand, sobbing. This girl turned her gazed to me, afraid is written all over her face.

"Grandpapa?" a voice call me. I turned to see Lucas, holding two cups of coffee. "Lulu," he handed a cup to this girl and hugged me. "I'm so glad you came," Lucas said. He pulled away and waved the girl to meet me.

"Grandpapa, this is Cara. Yasmine's girlfriend," he introduced and she offered her hand. I shook it. I can feel she's nervous. "I'm Damien. Just call me grandpapa," "I'm Cara," I smiled. I am happy Yasmine finally found a person to replace Nadia. I'm glad .......

Cara's POV

Meeting Yasmine's grandfather was nerve wrecking. He's so serious. Now I know where Natasha stoic expression comes from. Yasmine was happy when she woke up to see her grandpapa talking to me. His face changed to happiness when he saw Yasmine smiling face.

"Grandpapa, you have been single for years. You should find a lady to be with you," Yasmine joked, earning a full laughter from her grandfather. "Princess, I'm old. No one would be caught dead to be with me," but before Yasmine could say anything, Natasha burst door opened, anger was visible.

"You, come with me," she glared through my soul. Yasmine caught my hand. "What are you doing?" Yasmine's voice cracked but she still keeps her eyes at her older sister. "Baby its ok. It will be a minute or two. Stay here with grandpapa and Lucas. I'll be right back," I assured her and kiss her cheek.

She nodded and let me go. I walked towards Natasha and follow her outside. She led me to a seat, where I can Harry and his men guarding the whole hall. "I know who tried to kill Yasmine," she started. "It's your friend, Kendall," I was about to say something but she cut me off.

"Look, she's lucky it's not grandpapa who handle this, I am. And since I'm in a good mood today, I'll let the police handle this," "I never knew Kendall be that crazy," I managed to say. "I'll handle the police. You take care of my sister. And you really need to take a shower. I can smell you mile away. I'll ask Harry to bring extra clothes," she stands up and took out her phone.

"Since grandpapa is here, get to know him. He might be a crime lord, but he's a great man. And I cancel every photo shoot that includes you. You will be working again after my sister recovered," I nodded. She gave me a soft smiled and walked away.

As I turning the door knob, I see Lucas, Yasmine and their grandfather talking animatedly. My mind went back to Tasha's word. Crime lord. He's a criminal? No wonder he's so intimidating. "Cara babe, come join us," I smiled at Yasmine.

I took a seat and looked at all of them. "So, what are you all talking about?" "I should ask the same thing about you and Natasha," Yasmine counter the question back. "She knows who the shooter is. That's all," "What will Tasha do?" grandpapa asked me. "She said she's letting the police handle it," he nodded.

"That's weird. Usually she will let grandpapa deal with it. What gives?" Lucas said. Grandpapa cleared his throat. "Tasha knows what she's doing. Let her be," we all nodded. Grandpapa look at his watch. "Oh. I have to go. I have things to do," he said and kissed both his grandkids.

He turned to me and hugged me. "I know what Kendall did. Be careful. Be safe," he whispered so that only I can hear him. He pulled away and waved at us. I resumed my seats next to Yasmine's bed. Lucas said he needed to go home and freshen up.

(Listen to LOVE IN VENICE by EDVIN MARTON to read this part)

Now, it's only Yasmine and I in the room. She asked me lay in the bed with her. I carefully move around so I won't hit her wound. I rested my head at the crook neck, smelling her scent. The only thing I won't be bored doing. My hand rested on her chest, hugging her.

Yasmine played with my hair, slowly caressing it. It feels good to be with her alone like this. I can hear her breathing, synchronizing with mine. It produces a soothing rhythm, making me at peace. Once a while she will kiss my head, saying how lucky she is to be with me.

"Hey Cara, once I'm fully back to my feet let's go on a vacation together,"

"Where to?" I asked her, getting excited.

"Anywhere you wanna go baby. I just want to make you feel happy," she said, kissing my head.

I should be the one who said that. Because of Kendall, she suffers a lot. Part of it is my fault. I was crying. I love her so much. I tighten my grip, carefully not to hurt her wound.

"Cara, why are you crying?" she asked me lovingly, I cry harder. How can someone be so gentle?

"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" I quickly shake my head no.

"Baby, I cry because, even I make you mad, disappointed, even hurt like this, you never yell at me. Yet, you treat me like I did nothing wrong," I said between tears. With her other free hand she lift my head.

"Babe, you never did anything wrong to me. Why would I be mad? I love you so much. Even if you decide to be annoying or moody, I just can't be mad. I know you didn't mean it," she smiled. "Besides, I just can't help it when you moody, you look so hot!" I laughed at her corny joke.

"You like me when I'm moody huh? I will moody always then," her face changed. I laughed at her sudden change.

"No, no. If you do that, I will never get kisses and hug and sex," seriously this girl. She's worried about sex and not her fresh wound. She pouts! Oh so cute.

"I'm joking baby," I kissed her jaw. I miss her so much. I don't want this to end. I want her to be at my side forever......

Kendall's POV

I can't find that bastard! He's gone! That son of a bitch! I just finished packing my stuff. These past few days, I feel like someone has been stalking me. I know it's not a feeling. It's happening. They found out.

"Where are you going Kendall?" Kylie asked me. "Away," with that said I leave the house to the airport. On the way, I turn off my phone, dispose the number and asked the driver to drive faster. I really don't want to get caught. It will be embarrassing!

"You never see me, understand?" I said to the driver and give him $200 bill. He nodded and drives away. I put on my sunglasses and walked inside the airport. Checking in my flight at the counter and wait for my flight to be called.

While waiting, I feel like someone is watching me. Or am I just being paranoid. I shake the thoughts away and continued to be busy with my phone. I just want to get out of the States immediately. "Miss Kendall Jenner?" I looked up to see a police officer. "Yes?" I said, as innocently as I can.

He took his hand cuffed and began to cuff me. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of Law. You have the right to have an attorney present during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you," WHAT THE FUCK!

"I'M INNOCENT! I'M NOT AT FAULT!" I squirmed under the police gripped. I was dragged to back of the police car. "That's what the guilty criminal always says," he said smugly and slammed the door at my face.

"I AM NOT A CRIMINAL!!!!!!!!" ............






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