Gideon's Chair

By Kittkitt

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An Explosive Tangle of Love, Power, Betrayal and Destruction Now Available On Amazon Kindle http://www.amaz... More

Gideons Chair
The Prologue
Prologue Pt 2
Chapter 1 Near Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 2 Near Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 3 Five Acres Nottinghamshire 1820
Chapter 4 Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 5 The Great Tutbury Mill Nottingham 1820
Chapter 6 Five Acres Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 7 Gideon Tutbury 1820
Chapter 8 The Peoples Facility Salford Present Day
Chapter 9 Gideon Tutbury 1832
Chapter 10 Giscard Roulle De Gisors Paris 1863
Chapter 11 Gideon Tutbury 1863
Chapter 12 Peoples Facility Salford Present Day
Chapter 13 The Paris Exhibition July 1863
Gideon Tutbury - Giscard Roulle de Gisors The Meeting Paris 1863
Gideon Tutbury The Bloodline Paris 1863
Gideons Return
Gideons Death Christmas Day 1864
Part 2 The Peoples Facility Present Day
title of your story
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
The Phelps Society Headquarters New York Present Day
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Phelps Society New York
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
The American Embassy London
Chapter 39
The Gideon Society
Mancini's Office New York
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 21

217 22 22
By Kittkitt

Fuck you , Now , was just about to emerge from my lips , which seemed totally appropriate when the door the Gideon entourage had walked through opened again making me jump and draw in my words

I turned to see the blonde lady who had held my arm earlier walk in with a set of  huge buff files , held in both hands in front of her which virtually covered her from waist to chin , her eyes just looking over them . She placed them on the table to Fludd's left . Immediately turning on her heels in a military style and standing five or six feet from them as if guarding .

Fludd cleared his throat " The other Tutbury , Joshua Tutbury was a very clever , very cruel , very ambitious and very greedy man. He embraced the world trying to extend his trade routes and his wealth " Fludd patted the files like you would stroke a dog. Looking up at me , his fingers sliding slowly off the files towards him. Looking at his nails he continued .

" He uncovered stories about the stars from Arab and Moroccan traders . Tutbury initially saw this only as a way to make money , but with knowledge comes money comes power...and he just wanted power. He wanted to be seen as all powerful .....that he was above God . He placed himself above religion ....Oh yes he knew of the star . But , he didn't realise it's full importance ...He just thought the Church wanted it back "

I interrupted

" Wanted it back"

" Yes Tutbury , your house plus other buildings were built after Joshua Tutbury pulled down the part derelict monastery in the village of Five Acres , this is the monastery that held the star "

" The Monastery of Magdala " I asked

" Yes have to understand that he was so wealthy he could have got stone from anywhere in the world but he knew he could defy the church by destroying the monastery "

" Like Henry the 8th" I added

" Yes very similar " Fludd replied " but he knew the star was in it somewhere "

" Did he find it then"

Fludd looked toward me

" We believe that to be so , either that or he pretended to find it . We think he then deddided to taunt the church even more . Firstly by not allowing a church to be built on his land and ........and bearing in mind he owned hundreds of square miles of land . Secondly he sent a priest to the prison ships from his courthouse for preaching on his land . .......We have reason to believe the clue might be in amongst these "

Again he patted the bunch of files

Fludd took a deep breath and continued " His son Gideon spent his last months searching for the star but all in vain , his important work in all in here .........You Mr Tutbury .........will find the star for us "

The room went deathly quiet , I felt the intensity of a million eyes on me

I felt like an actor in one of those films you find ridiculous " What you on about Fludd , find it ....I wouldn't know were to start , I know nothing about digging , excavation ....I am not a detective " And then I said the most stupid of comments " I don't even own a spade"

Fludd again smiled " Whem you find it , your wife will publically recover and as we have said it will be seen as God's will "

I looked down shaking my head in absolute disbelief ....then slowly looking up at Fludd

" You are absolutely bloody mad ....I am not digging for any star "

" No , not mad " Fludd replied " Not mad at all .....But this world is .....So really Mr Fludd  its like the nursery rhyme

' A Ring o Ring O Roses

A pocket full of posies

A tish you a tish you will your wife fall down'

I paused to reply , silence fell over the room , maybe thirty seconds passed .

I looked at Fludd

" Presumably I will have that file "

"Yes "

I thought for a moment

" Ok, but not until I know my wife is alive and I can see her .....That's my last word "

Fludd looked to the blonde lady , who produced a remote control , he nodded .

She pointed it at the wall . A piece of panelling slid back to reveal a tv monitor , a second press and it flickered to show a medical scene . Two nurses stood busily working around a hospital bed which was surrounded by monitors , lines and drips. One of the nurses stepped away from the bed looking up at the camera . As she moved the patient became easier to see . It was Carol .

" Carol " I gasped  " Carol"  tears welled in my eyes

" She is very safe Mr Tutbury . that is whilst ever you do as you are told " Fludd chillingly and slowly said

The screen closed

" One thing " I asked

" Yes .....what"

I looked at Fludd " Why would the bloodline from a Catholic crusader knight or whatever he was be seen as acceptable to Muslims"

Fludd put his hands together as if to clap " Oh what a good question Mr Tutbury "

" And " I said

" John de Gisor the Grand Master , well he married Fatima Syan , daughter of Saladdin and direct descendant to one of the strongest Muslim warrior and noble bloodlines .......So you see Mr Tutbury we have both faiths irreversibly linked by the strongest bloodline possible .....History has always taught us that it would have been impossible to unite the Muslim forces and Christian .......What we can show is that a huge effort was made to unify both "

" Right ok " I rather wearily answered , my mind still on seeing Carol.

Fludd clicked his fingers

" Right Mr Tutbury , that is all .......your point of contact will be Mr Stephen Krey " he pointed at the door again ...The doors opened with a creak , and a second blonde lady walked in . With her was a man who smiled holding out his hand to me . I reached out and shook his hand

" Mr Tutbury I am Mr Krey " he introduced himself , I am the religious advisor to the Phelps Trust in New York "

" Hello " I volunteered

" So Mr Tutbury , if you will follow me "

Krey took me by the arm and led me back through the the door I had arrived from and seemingly within minutes I was back in the facility reception, on the chess board . Very apt I thought .

We walked out through the grand entrance doors and onto the street , Krey was still holding my arm.

The sun was burning down

" That's my car " I exclaimed pointing

" Yes " Krey replied " We took the liberty of bringing it from the Hotel you stayed in , oh we have reimbursed your hotel stay money back into your back account and the cost of the few drinks you had last night "

Passing me a mobile phone he continued " With this you can ring me , only me and can receive calls only from me , is that clear "

" Yes " I replied

He pointed to the car " We have filled you up with petrol and in the envelope on the passenger seat you will find an envelope , it has £5000 in it . This is for out of pocket expenses " . He opened the car door for me .

" Goodbye Mr Tutbury , I will be in touch "

I got into the car and Krey pushed the door closed .

I looked back to where he had just been as I drove away  , he was gone

Fuck what now I thought

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