Race Relations

By ladyinwaiting

1.6M 57.9K 10.1K

Leila is a young and sexy magazine editor. Open minded and accepting of everything and everyone. She loves di... More

It's never a Matter of Black and White
Coffee Stain
Doubts and Interrogations
Bumping Heads
Coffee and Milk
Chinese in Bed?
I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up
Doctor's Office
Office Date
Elevator Fright
White Chocolate
Univited Guest
Suprise Guest?
Explanations and Realizations
Controllers have the power
Sad Realization
British Jealousy
Lets have a distraction
I missed you
Make love to me please...
Goodmorning Drunkie, Id like to have my sex now if you please
boys and their urges and jealous ways
Our first fight
Accelerated emotions
Call me when you want a serious guy
Until I am no longer addicted
Going to Rehab (part 1)
"Laura Meet Mike, the Manwhore!"
Hold on to that
Wanting to be part of something real
First comes the rainbow, Then comes the rain
The skin she's in
How love is selfish
I'm Perfectly Fine!
Confessions, Confessions and Hidden Secrets
Blossoming Love
The End Of An Era
The Decision

Long lost cousins

32.4K 1K 105
By ladyinwaiting

Leila watched as Nathaniel left the apartment and her heart sunk. She could do this, she told herself, it only a week and a half. I mean, how it could be. She slept alone every night before Nathaniel, well not counting the times that Thomas slept over, but once he got in a relationship, that had ended also.  She stood in the empty apartment, the silence deafening. God needed his presence needed in this apartment. At this exact moment, her phone rang, thinking it was her boyfriend; she rushed to respond to it. Seeing the number, she felt slightly disappointed that it hadn’t been him. But relieved that it was her cousin. Aside from Thomas, Laura was her best female friend, not to mention they were cousins. Laura had big brown eyes, and the most beautiful ebony skin. Even. Her skin was very darken brown, but not dark. It was though it had been perfectly roasted to give the perfect complexion.

“My love!” Laura’s voice came at the end of the receiver.

“Bitch; now you remember I exist?” She yelled at the phone playfully.

“Look it here slut, you see that phone that you’re holding. That shit works both ways,” Laura answered back.  They’d always been comfortable with each other in that way. And it felt nice to hear her voice.

“Really Bitch, really? How many times I texted you?”



“Yeah but…”

“Yes bitch, stay on silent mode. That’s what I thought.”

“Man, Whatever, it’s not like you got time for people; with your man and all anyways.”

“No, I do. I go out with the girls, include Thomas please a lot and Nathaniel usually hangs with Mike and his new best buddy Marco”

“Oh yeah, Merlina was telling me about those three.”

“No Laura, it’s disgusting.  You don’t understand, it’s like they coordinate what each other say these days. Not to mention, now that they have a system, they support each other when I’m mad Nathaniel or Melina is mad at Marco and Mike serves as the instigator, to tell them not to fold. ”

“I’ve never met Mike. I’ve heard about him.”

“Mike, Mike’s a character. You’d like him though; as a person. Who doesn’t? He’s funny. But I don’t think I could be around him all day... He’s like a twenty four hour comic; he never takes shits seriously.” Leila told her cousin.

“Yeah, he does sound like a character. But anyways, I called you because I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out or something.  I’ve finally gotten some time off from work and I thought we could catch up”

“Good I need a distraction”


“Nate went to Europe on some business trip and he won’t be back for like a week and a half.”

“Oh... So then bitch, I’m your second option... Fuck you then”

“Look you piece of shit! You’re going to stop insulting me or its going to be world war three in that apartment when I get over.”

“I ain’t scared you... I got peoples.”

“I got machetes”

“Look, just I’m going to take a shower.  When I get back... You better be on your way over here. Ok.”

“Dale... I’ll call when I’m almost there” With that Leila hung up the phone and ran to the shower.

            As she dried herself, her phone began to ring again. Laura she thought; but received a greater surprise when she saw Nathaniel’s face and number on her screen. The minute she placed. “I miss you beautiful” his husky voice came at the other end.

“You’ve barely gone an hour” she teased him playfully.

“So you haven’t missed me?” he asked. Shocked filled his voice,

“I’m kidding, I have! I want you home. With me! So I can cuddle against you and fall asleep in your arms.”

“Leils stop. You’re tempting me not to board this flight.”

“Yeah, but I guess business is more important... But hurry back okay.”

“I will try my best... I promise. My goal is to cut this stupid trip in half.”

“Nate, as much as I want you here, you should take your time and not rush into bad business deals, and besides, we’ll Skype every night. How long till you take off?”

“About thirty minutes or so”

“Guess that’s the upside to a private jet”

“Leils, I don’t care how much you think it wasted natural resources... I am not getting rid of the jet.”  He said with a chuckle.

“I didn’t say anything”

“Yeah, but you were thinking it. ‘Why couldn’t you take a normal plane? Why waste this amount of gas on one person?” Am I right? Or am I right?”  He asked mockingly.

“What is this? Did Mike let you borrow his sense of humor?”

“No, it sort of runs in the family.”  He says slyly.

“Look here mister’ I’ll make you pay for that when you get back”

“Oh really; is that a promise?”


“Ok I’m going to hold you to that. I have to go sweetheart.  But I really just wanted to hear your voice before we lifted off. I’ll call as soon as I land, and I believe they are seven hours ahead... Well till I’m in England and then when I fly to the other countries I’ll tell you when I’ll call; depends on the country okay gorgeous’

“Okay, have a safe flight. I really miss you”

“Me too sweetheart, bye.”


            “Hey” Laura screamed as Leila opens the door, letting her into Nathaniel’s apartment. She sported casual blue washed denim skinny jeans with a ruffled white shit, nude pumps and a big nude bag to match.  While Leila threw on Nathaniel

“Hey, how are you”

“Good; living life.” Laura answers as she looked around the apartment and inspecting it with her eyes. “I don’t even have to ask you how you are doing; because from the look of it; you doing more than good. How the hell did you snag one of those?”

“You’re retarded. I didn’t snag him”

“Yes you did! And look at this! You are set up! Penthouse and everything; he leaves and he leaves you in charge. That’s big.  You don’t understand Leils, that’s really big! This is a sign that you are wife material!” she exclaimed.

“No, its not. We’ve only been dating three months and although I know we’re crazy about each other. I doubt it’s to the level you think, especially marriage.”  Leila told her cousin with as she sad on the dark leather couch.

“Why do you say that?”

“Well for one thing, none of us has met each other’s parents. I mean I kind of understand his reason for his parents. His parents wouldn’t be so thrilled let just say if they knew he was dating me.”

“And has he met…”

“Mom and dad, no, I haven’t asked him.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t know, it’s just weird, like it’s never something that’s brought up in our relationship. So I guess I get scared to bring it up.”

“Leil’s, “ Laura said as she looked directly into her cousin’s eyes. “You really like this guy and you guys need to start talking about these things. I know you; too much. And I know after a while, this, not including the family wont be enough. And by then, you’ll have too much invested and you’re going to get hurt. Talk to him; see his reaction. So what his parents don’t have a soft spot for black people. The fact is; he needs to acknowledge his relationship with you with them.”

“I know,” Leila said as she placed her head in her hands. “I do know that. I guess I’ve just been putting it off. Making excuses. But you’re right. It’s been three months. Going on four.”

“Exactly! Now how about we go get some food.”

“Sounds good. Let me just change out of these” Leila points to her boyfriend attire.

“You two are a mess. Constantly wanting to smell each other”

“Look, don’t make fun of it. It’s our thing. I don’t know Laura. I’ve never had to be so close to someone all the time. You know me. I’ve always been okay by myself and with a good book. Now its like, he’s not there and half of my body is numb.”

“Aw… you guys are so… disgusting.

            Nathaniel looked out the window of his private plane. A week and a half it would be. Without seeing her, without touching her, without kissing her. He closed his eyes and imagined she was there with him. Calming him. This was a big move for the company and he was ultimately responsible. This would prove that he like his dad was able to manage the company. That he was strong enough to sustain it.


            “I needed this. Thanks Laura.”

“You’re welcome.  But remember what we talked about at lunch. It’s either all in or all out. He cannot half ass it”        

“I will.  I’m going to figure out how to bring it up. But I definitely will. I really like Nathaniel, I think I might even…” she started to say but stopped herself in the tracks. “Yeah, you’re right. It’s either all in or all out. I cant keep investing  only to find out there is no hope there.


This chapter is really not great, but its necessary as the story moves along. That is all.

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