The Last Daughter

Door Ava-Lily-Rose

403 63 25

I always knew I was different, I mean no one could have the bad luck I've been given and be normal. I just di... Meer

I set fire to my school
My best friend is useless
Theres a Minotaur in my back garden
My father's who!
My Uncles try to kill me
I go to a Magical House of Doom
My Tour Guide Is Crazy
The Prophecy

Ice cream solves all problems

33 6 1
Door Ava-Lily-Rose

Hey guys good to see you again, or I should say good to write to you again. I left the last chapter at quite a big shock, I know I'm sorry. I know how annoying it is when you discover something new and then it just ends and you want to know what's happened, but never fear I'm back. I've had quite a busy time here, we're getting for a festival here, I can't tell you what it is, as that would be spoilers. It's safe to say I've had my hands full though, but nothing can keep me away from talking with you guys. Well, I guess some things could like being kidnapped or killed. If either of those things happened to me I'd find it rather hard to carry on writing. Anyway, I won't keep you any longer as I know you'd much rather read the story rather than listen to me talk, so I won't keep you.

Several minutes had passed since I had slain the Minotaur and I had confirmed that my father was Hades. I wasn't sure what to do at that moment, so I did what came naturally I walked to the kitchen, or what was left of it, went in the fridge and took out the tub of ice cream. I then took one of the spoons that lay on the floor, the drawer where we kept all the cutlery had been smashed, and walked over to the remanence of the sofa, sat down opening the tub of ice cream as I went. When I had sat down I used the spoon to get a big dollop of the ice cream and placed it in my mouth. I felt the sofa sag further down and turned to see that my mother had joined, with a spoon of her own. We ate in silence, we didn't need any words to convey our emotions. Before long they were nothing but an empty tub. To my surprise, it was my mother that broke the silence first.
"I always wanted to tell you, I hope you know that I was just scared. I was scared, scared of what you'd think what you'd say" I stared at the tub blankly, much like a Minotaur had when he had seen the hole in the floor. I guess the craziness of this situation had finally hit me. It was crazy, I was a child of a God, a Greek one to add to that. Yesterday I thought I was normal, going to school like a normal person would, hanging out with my friend like normal people do. Now all of that had changed, now my life was at risk and I was this so-called chosen one, whatever that meant.
"I know" I responded, I did know, I did understand. I mean if I hadn't seen what I had today I would think my mother was crazy for telling me I was the child of Hades. I would probably debate having her see a physiatrist or something like that. Before all this happened I was the kind of person who had to see something to believe it, after today I knew that would all change.

My mother seemed relieved that I had understood her, understood her motives behind everything. She had a small smile playing on her face and she seemed to be breathing a little easier. She still seemed a little shaken up over what happened, but then who wouldn't be.
"I knew you could do it" that caught my attention and l lifted my head the look at her, the small smile had transformed into a large grin, her eyes were sparkling with pride. I couldn't help but smile too, her grin was so contagious. She raised her hand and ruffled my hair, I let out a noise of disapproval and tried to flatten my hair that she had messed up. A bubble of laughter escaped my mum's lips and before long she had thrown her head as her laughter shook her entire body. It wasn't that funny, but after what had happened I guess we needed a good laugh.

It took us a few minutes to calm down and even then you could still see the residue of our tears, caused by our laughter. I took a deep gulp of air trying to get my breathing under control.
"I wish we could stay like this forever" I whispered. My mum looked at me with understanding, how nice it would be if we could forget everything that had just happened and lay on this sofa with some ice cream, but we couldn't. I knew everything would change now, nothing would ever be the same. I felt my mum stroke my hair, she used to do this when I was younger, whenever I had a nightmare, it always comforted me. I realised that feeling hadn't changed, I still felt this warm comforting feeling corse through my body, a feeling that made me feel safe, a feeling only a mother can bring to you.

Never underestimate the power of ice cream, it's power is beyond imaginable. Sorry, I had to do it, but it does amaze me what ice cream can do. How rude of me I haven't said hi. Hi again guys, I know I'm interrupting you, geez you must find me so annoying. You guys can't deny the power of ice cream, it has the power to solve any situation, unless someone's planning to kill you, in that situation I'm not sure how helpful ice cream might be. I've heard frying pans are good, I mean if you've seen any film it seems a frying pan does more damage to a person than a gun. I've always thought to myself that my weapon of choice should be a frying pan, I mean that's how most people defeat their enemy, not with a sword or gun, but with a frying pan. Honestly, I don't understand why the heroes of films don't just have a frying pan as that's what they're probably going to end up using to defeat the villain. Whoops, I got a bit sidetracked there, whenever I bring up frying pans I go off on a bit of a rant. Although that's something not entirely uncommon for me, as I think you've probably worked out. Well all wanted to do was say my line about ice cream and instead, I ended talking about frying pans, what has my world come to?

I don't know how long we stayed on that sofa, maybe minutes, maybe hours I lost track of time after a while. I came back to my senses when I felt my mother move next to me. I looked up at her questioningly wondering what she was doing. It was as if she had read my beaches she said.
"We can't stay here, we need to leave before any more monsters show up to do you any more harm" as much as I wanted to argue with that I knew she was right, I mean two monsters have already attacked me, what's to stop more doing the same? I nodded numbly as a response and my mother pulled me to our feet.
"What about essentials, like food and clothing?" I asked, I mean we'd need clothes and food if we were leaving.
"Yes, yes of course, how silly me, gather your stuff, try and take as little as possible and we'll meet back here in five minutes, now longer" she replied, already heading towards her room to pack her things.

The first thing I noticed when I entered my room was how intact it was after the monster attacked. The room seemed to have been untouched during the attack, I was grateful for this as it would make it easier to grasp all the items I needed, I wasn't in the mood for picking through the rubble. I grabbed all the necessities I would need, I didn't need much I wasn't a very sentimental person, the only personal belonging that I brought with me was a silver ring with a skull, which had glistening ruby eyes. It was the only item of my father I owned, I received it on my fifth birthday. I don't know if he gave it to me or if it was someone else, as I found it lying on my bed, neatly wrapped in black wrapping paper. I had kept it with me ever since, only letting go of it when I had to. With that last item packed I headed back into my living room, I wasn't surprised to see my mother already there, packed and organised, ready to leave.
"Where will we go?" I asked, I didn't know where we were meant to go as the only family my mother had was a sister who lived in Australia, which happened to be the other side of the world from us. 
"Don't you worry I have the perfect place for us to go, we just need to pick up someone first" she told me. What? She knew the perfect to go, what does that mean? Does that mean there are more people like me? And who does she need to pick up? What if he was dangerous and tried to hurt us? My mum laughed at the expression I was pulling.
"Don't worry this place is perfectly safe and I meant we need to pick up Matt" she grinned, still finding my expression funny.

We climbed into the car, I looked back at my house and winced. It looked like it had just been hit by a tornado, with the roof caving in and all the windows shattered. It made me sad, it had been my home for nearly sixteen years, I never thought I'd ever see it in that state. The engine of the car roared into life, causing me to turn my mind elsewhere. I thought about my day, how crazy it had been and what I had learned. For starters I was a child of a God, and God of the underworld to add to that, and secondly, I could kick ass, I defeated that Minotaur with no help, Ok a bit, but it was mainly me. Thirdly I was attacked by two monsters and probably many more to come and finally, everyone seems to know all about this except for me. I mean even Matt knew and didn't tell me and he's was supposed to be my best friend, why does he get to know about these things before me, it's my life, not his. My mind flooded with emotions, ranging from and to sadness, but what I felt the most was betrayal. Matt had known everything and hadn't told me, deciding that he should be in charge of my life. Why can't I know about my own life? Why does everyone know about my life except me? I guess in a way it pissed me off as it meant people were controlling my life, does that mean that Matt is my friend or did he just put up with me because he had to? These questions circled my mind and I shook my head in an effort to get rid of them.

I noticed that we were pulling up to his old, dingy flat, that had more cobwebs in it than an unused castle. Since his parents had died the flat had fallen into decay, and because he was so young he had no money to repair it. He had only recently turned sixteen as he was only two months older than me, even though he acted a lot older. People would always mistake him for being older, believing that he was seventeen or eighteen. I remember one time we sneaked into a pub for fun and I dared him to order a drink. The person serving didn't even ask for ID, just believes that he was eighteen, it was safe to say I was very jealous, and I drank all his drink. Not that I was bitter about the whole situation, I don't know what you're talking about.

We walked up the rotten wooden steps that led to his apartment, no matter how many times I had wondered up these stairs I still felt like they would fall through and I would die. Happy I know. These were the stairs of doom, they lead to certain death, well that might be a slight exaggeration, but these stairs looked so weak like even just putting one foot down would cause the stairs to crumble. We climbed up them anyway, well I spent the entire time clutched into the bannister, which in all fairness didn't look that much stronger than the stairs. The door of Matt's apartment was green, well it was green now it was a horrid grey colour and it was peeling off the door. The handle was so rusty that even touching it might cause you to contract some sort of disease. So instead I raised my hand and knocked firmly on the door.

Another chapter finished, at least I didn't leave it on a huge cliff hanger, making you wonder what's about to happen and what everything means. But we can now finally begin our journey, well it's my journey but saying our journey makes it sound less lonely. This is where the fun begins if you thought the Minotaur and Hell Hound were good wait until you see what's coming up, trust me those monsters will seem like child's play. They'll be heartache and fighting, and maybe you'll be able to meet one or two Gods. There is so much more left for you to read, this story has only just begun. But I can't spoil anything for you now, you'll just have to wait and see what happens and trust its quite an adventure.

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