
By AndreanaRiot

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"My name changed before my eyes, the paper before me read "Welcome Gittoran Scarlet", I felt a searing pain i... More

People like Pipit
Blood Thicker than Water, NOT
Marked for Deception
Dreaded Standard
All Natural
New Kid
Focus Frenzy
Raid and Revenge
Gold's Lust
Call me a Liar
Names and Chocolate
Not a Common Vagabond
Think Again
Night's Compass
Moments of Morality
A Living Legend
Flint and a few sparks
A new ring of power
A Sign
Never trust a pirate
Sing to me softly
A personal rain cloud
Heat of the sun
One Chance
Better a cannonball than a rose
Pink Ninja Band
Flat of the Blade
Sweet Irony
More than Surprises
Maji's Story
Red Tips and Yellow Irises
Two Steps Forward
My Ship
Plots and Preparation
A Dagger's Destiny
The Truth about the Prophesy
No Mistake

Storm Struck

702 28 1
By AndreanaRiot

                The inside of the fort was a bunch of low-lying buildings that resembled cabins.  Everything seemed to be built of wood. The walls held no trace of metallic reinforcement or technology.  The only shine of metal came from the naked blades thrust into belts and sashes. The main courtyard seemed to be devoid of decoration, serving only as a necessary common area. I could see groups of the cabins on my right, looking like a living area, a bunkhouse and a common kitchen area maybe?  I couldn’t fully tell, but that was my best guess.  The far side of the fort looked like a target range, with various types of targets for different styles of fighting, I assumed.  In this area there were many of the blue bandanas practice fighting or working out.  Every person in the compound was wearing a blue bandana around their forehead like some sort of wannabe ninja and had a blade of some sort thrust into a white cloth that acted like a belt around their waist.  The entire perimeter of the fort was ringed by the river moat that I had seen outside the walls.  It turns out that this was their normal entryway.  Shadow and Kaelo had simply swam underneath the wall and pulled the door open for us from the inside.

            As I entered the camp, every guy stopped what they were doing and stared at me.  I don’t mean that I felt like I was being watched.  I mean that they dropped what they were holding, quit their conversations, turned toward me and openly stared.  I took a few steps closer to Red and Shinyé, it was a habit from the past, back when I used to call Red my brother. 

            Shinyé and Red kept their heads held high, eyes straight ahead to our destination.  They were leading me to what seemed to the biggest building within the camp.  I assumed that this is where Captain Storm stayed and judged others.  The building itself wasn’t all that impressive.  It looked just like all of the others, but it looked a little more cared for and the flagpole was in front of it.  So to me, that was a dead giveaway for the captain’s quarters.  The blue front door wasn’t guarded at all, which surprised me.  It only made sense in my mind that their precious captain would be important enough to warrant protection from harm at all costs.  But security for the building was nonexistent.  We simply strolled right in and down the hallway to another blue door; this one had a grey and gold stripe running through it.  Red turned me and Shinyé and said a single word to us as we stood in front of the door.  “Wait.”  With that he knocked twice on the door and let himself in. 

            After a minute or two he reopened the door and Shinyé entered the room as well, but the door was shut before I could see anything.  I could hear the arguing from where I stood outside the room.  It was mainly Shinyé, yelling things like “She’s a freaking tag-a-long! You know that’s not allowed here!” and “I always told you pretty boy here wasn’t what he pretended to be!  There’s no such thing as a noble mate.”  I had no idea what all of this meant, but I knew they were obviously discussing me and my future in this place, or lack of future here. 

            Several minutes more it was Shinyé who opened the door this time, saying, “Cap’n wants to see you now, wench.  Tell him the truth or else.” 

            Shinyé didn’t really scare me all that much anymore, but I didn’t need to be told twice.  I breathed deeply and strode into the room with my head held high and defiance in my eyes.  I wouldn’t let this Storm guy push me around, captain or not. 

            The room was some sort of teenage office.  Captain Tempest Storm looked like he had just turned 18.  He had his feet up on the messy wooden table and was leaning back in his chair.  He was flipping a knife in the air and catching the hilt with the opposite hand.  His expression was neither angry nor judgmental, merely amused.  The light coming in from the back window lit up his platinum hair and highlighted the stripe of blonde running across it.  He studied me as I studied the room.  There were no books or charts here, just a couple of trophy swords and one exceptionally large blue gem.  There was a small crate in the corner holding more new looking blue bandanas and a few older looking knives.  But otherwise the place was barren of interest.  He gave me a few more seconds and then nodded to the chair in front of his table and said, “Sit.”

            It was an order, not a suggestion, so I sat down on the wooden chair.  I looked at him; I really didn’t know what was going to happen to me.  This guy was supposed to be my judge? And was Red’s boss? The latter thought was pretty amusing.  I smirked at Captain Tempest Storm.  He flipped his feet off of the table and sat up a little straighter.  He leaned forward and asked me a single question, “Are you this guy’s sister?”

            I blinked at him, I didn’t mean to be caught so far off my guard but I had expected to be drilled and dragged over hot coals about my appearance here.  It was so simple.  So my answer was equally simple.  I said “No.”

            Tempest looked at me harder.  “You have never seen Red before today?”

            I looked at him, and still looked confused.  “No, of course not, I just got here, wherever here is, and he found me wandering around looking confused.  He said he would help me.” 

            Tempest Storm shrugged and suddenly appeared disinterested.  “Red you are free to go then.  Just give me a few moments with this wench and then you can get her out of my camp.  You know that we do not create bonds in this crew.”

            Red bobbed his head a couple times and rushed out of the room, looking relieved.  He didn’t even give me a “thank-you-for-saving-my-life-and-career-and-I’m-sorry-I-disowned-you” look.  He just ditched me, again.  I was really starting to hate that guy.

            The captain turned his attention back to me again.  “I don’t care if you lied to me or told me the truth.  I do know that after today I never want you to catch you in my camp again.  If I see you near here there will be hell to pay, do you understand?  Now if I were you I would go to Carnie, she takes in people like you and gives them a place to stay.  Wenches like you need to stay away from my crew.  We do not adopt weaklings here and will not take pity on your filth.  My name is Captain Tempest Storm, and don’t you forget that.  If you ever hear tale of my crew, you will know how lucky you are to have survived this encounter.  We are one of the best crews around, and will not hesitate to cut you down.”

            I glared at him.  That was beyond insulting.  I may have been inexperienced and a girl, but I was by no means weak.  I would prove it to him and Red and any other cocky arrogant pirate that said I was just another wench.  I stood up, and turned to leave.  I looked back over my shoulder at Tempest.

            “Who is the strongest captain here? The one everyone fears and wishes to serve under?” I asked. 

            He looked at me and laughed, “Little girl I will answer your question truthfully.  The most ruthless and elite crew in this world is captained by Mají-jalio.  He has not even brought on a new member in years, let alone a wench like you.  He will enslave you upon sight, if you’re lucky.  I will even be as kind as to tell you what his standard looks like so you can find the ship he uses as his den.  It’s crimson with a black cutlass.  A white jolly roger is in front of the sword, the sign of true pirates.  Now get out of my sight, and out of my camp.  The worst of luck to you and your blade.”

            I stalked out of the office, pride in my features.  Unfortunately I was tackled as soon as I walked out of the building, end of all pride.  Kealo and Shadow were literally dragging me out through the mud of the camp.  With this disgrace I lost it.  I began yelling at the world cursing them all and their sorry excuse for a captain.  As I said his name it began raining, typical.

            I just yelled louder, kicking and fighting the guys as I tried to speak my piece to those that were listening.  “I will show you all! Prove that I’m not weak; I’m not just another wench out there.  Someday it will be all of you that will taste my steel and wish you had shown me a little dignity, will be on your knees begging me for mercy.  Captain Tempest Storm will be the joke around here.  He will wish he had never met me.  You will hear my name from every crew whispered in every conversation.”

 Red walked near the gate, facing me.  “Shut up wench,” he said, “you are not wanted here.  You have no place and are tainting our air with your vile breath.” 

            I quit struggling at his words, glaring at him instead, hatred showing in my eyes.  I began speaking again, death in my voice now.  I didn’t have to yell, for a few moments it was as if time slowed down so I could promise him what I would accomplish.

  “Red, listen to me and listen up real good.  I will make your life hell; I will take everything from you.  You will be so miserable that no person will dare take pity on you and for that I will laugh.  You will come to me, begging for the sweet mercy of death before I am done with you.  This I swear.”  I left my final words to linger in the air as the door to the camp slammed shut behind me.  Kaelo and Shadow released me and dove away, returning to their master. 

            So I set off, truly alone, with determination in my heart.  I had no idea what would happen to me, and only one clue as to what direction I would head.  Mají-jalio. 

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