Flat of the Blade

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Author's Note:    There is a new cover :) and I am terribly excited about it seeing as I made my first cover on Paint.  It is by NightFreedom and I believe she did a wonderful job.. so SHOUT OUT to NightFreedom. 


Mají was silent on the way back to the ship.  His thumb rubbed worried circles on the back of my hand, but he brushed off my attempts to ask what was on his mind.  He pulled me close as we approached the ship, hugging me tightly before kissing my forehead absentmindedly and climbing the rope ladder up the ship.  I moved to follow him, but was cut off by Flint’s beaming face.

“Bet’cha didn’t hear me coming that time, did ya Flame?” he rushed out excitedly, bouncing on his toes. 

“No… I didn’t,” I said slowly, glancing up the side of the ship once more.

A hand brushed against my shoulder.  I glanced over to meet Briamy’s knowing eyes.

“We can do this another time,” she whispered.

I shook my head.  “I’ve been putting this off for long enough, with both of you.”

Briamy stepped to my side, never taking her hand from me as I led her and Flint back into the forest, headed for the clearing where I used to train with Obsidarian.

“It’s not fair that you can hear my thoughts but I can’t hear yours,” I muttered.  “That’s what you should be learning to do.”

“I have been practicing a little,” she said.  “I’ve gotten a little bit better at distance, but it’s still only with those who are close to me.  I can’t tell you what Flint is….. never mind now I can.”

“You can tell what he’s thinking?” I asked.  “You mean he actually has thoughts?”

She smiled at me, shaking her head and laughing.  “He’s wants to know what we are talking about.  I can hear him because his thoughts concern me remember?  It’s like when he called me from the floor above, when you learned he was in your debt.  He was able to call me because he was focused on me.”

“So I can send you messages if I’m focused on you?” I said thoughtfully.

I stopped suddenly, pulling my shoulder out of Briamy’s grasp as I backpedalled to stand by Flint.  He looked at me curiously, smirking at Briamy as I began to walk beside him instead.  I focused on Briamy, the gentle smile on her face as she shook her head at Flint’s petty jealousy. 

Briamy?  I thought.

She raised her right hand in the air, waving nonchalantly as she walked ahead of us.

Did you hear me?  Raise your hand like that again if you did.

She waved her hand again and I grinned.  She could hear me.

“Flint,” I said softly.  “I want you to sneak up on Briamy.”

“I can hear your thoughts!” Briamy sang out.  “He can’t sneak up on me while he’s thinking about me!”

Flint growled and I laughed. 

“She has been practicing every moment she is not aboard that ship,” he grumbled.  “I thought you were training me today.”

“I didn’t know she had really been working on her own,” I said, shrugging.  “I’m focusing on you today anyway.  She is going to sit on the sideline and try to figure out how to speak to me with her thoughts.”

Flint nodded, putting more spring in his step as we entered the clearing.

“Alright,” he asked.  “What’s first?”

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