All Natural

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            We headed down to the gym in the lower levels.  Obsidarian was slightly taken aback by my confession at having never handled a blade in my life before, but he seemed to take it in stride, realizing his new role as teacher.  I also threatened to slit his throat if he spilled my secret, even if I didn’t think I would be able to carry out the act.  I sounded like a typical pirate anyway, doing anything to blend in and seem….. well, not clueless.  I had no intention of being attacked for my ignorance of the art of swordsmanship.

            When we entered the gym he climbed immediately onto the platform and ducked under the ropes that formed a square similar to a boxing ring.  He drew his rapier and motioned me up to the platform as well.  I clambered up and dragged myself beneath the rope on my belly, scrambling to my feet quickly as to draw attention away from the incredibly ungainly entrance I had made.  Unfortunately, I don’t think it worked in the slightest; Obsidarian was fighting to hide his smile as he watched me fumbling slightly to draw my new sword from its scabbard.

            He began to explain to me, managing to sound only slightly patronizing, “We’re going to fight, just to assess where you already are, but there are a few rules though.  No maiming, deep cutting or cheap shots.  Anything else is free game.  Got it? Got it, good, we begin.”

            I was still processing the information when he came at me.  His sword came down at my face, and my own sword flew up and blocked it viciously.  I didn’t recall initiating the movement, it had happened of its own will, reflex.  I felt a new sensation running through me, my body coursed with power.  I suddenly knew I could handle my sword.  After a blocking a few more of Obsidarian’s direct attacks I decided to try the offensive.  I went forward aggressively but indirectly, I feinted to both sides and put all of my weight on the balls of my feet as I bobbed back and forth.  He lunged at me wildly, trying to regain control of our experiment.  I calmly sidestepped his attack, sticking out my foot as I did so, tripping him and, sending him sprawling onto the floor.  He rolled onto his back and gaped at me, bewildered.

            “Get up Obsidarian.  I need to test myself remember?  I expected better of the elite.  Face me.”  I couldn’t help but smile to myself; I could practically feel my eyes gleaming in triumph.

            He shakily got to his feet and cautiously advanced this time, treating me more as a threat and less of a novice.  I leapt at him and he parried my strike, sending a flurry of sparks into the air.  His left hand shot out and hit the side of my head, not hard, but just as a warning.  He backed away from me slightly and danced out of my reach.  I stared at him, confused as to what had just happened.

            “I thought we were fighting with swords!  Not boxing like street kids, that was a cheap shot!”

            He scolded me gently, “You are still new Piratess, if I had been an enemy that would have been the end of you.  Many choose to carry a dagger that they use in their left hand.  That tap just now would have been a slit throat or a blade to the brain.  Use caution and watch my left hand sneaking in when our swords are crossed. Now, again.”

            I too proceeded with caution when we circled each other again.  I didn’t attack boldly again, and kept his “dagger” hand within my sight at all times.  It didn’t do me much good though, I was still hit often with it, in my face, my arms, and my stomach.  I was beginning to wonder how many bruises I was going to have tomorrow when I got hit in the face again, causing me to see stars.

            “How am I learning anything when you keep hitting me?” I complained.

            He struck out again and hit my left shoulder, “I’m teaching you to stay alive.  And we will be done when you learn it.”

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