A new ring of power

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            I was mortified.  It’s a poor play on words, but it’s the truth.  I didn’t want him indebted to me, or to be discovered, but I didn’t want him dead either.  Fortunately most of the pirates around me were so far out of their mind that a large fireball, potentially a small explosion, was not cause for alarm.

            Mají was not drunk enough to ignore the chaos unfortunately, he was knocking men aside within moments, swinging the flat of the kingblade to scatter those before him.  A few of the slower ones were struck with the blade.  They wouldn’t be rising for a while. 

            I was hot on the captain’s heels, ignoring those around us.  We reached Flint within a minute, but Narasia was there before us, her filthy body flung over his burned one.  I could see his half melted flesh….I watched as it softened from an angry scorched red to the pink of new skin.  She clung tight to him; I could see her hands curled into fists at the intensity of her concentration.  Mají-jalio said nothing; he stared as Flint was restored to health. 

            I stepped around my captain and knelt beside the pair.  “Flint?  Narasia?  I’m sorry…. I didn’t mean for this to happen.  He surprised me, and I wasn’t ready to explain him to everyone… I lost control.”

            Flint’s eyes fluttered open, and he smiled at me.  “All is forgiven Flame,” he croaked.  “I should have thought first, but next time you should give me an order.  I won’t disobey you.”

            I meant to scowl at him, to remind him that I didn’t need anyone taking orders from me.  But a traitorous smile crept across my face instead.  The boy didn’t seem to be able to take a hint.  He lifted his hand and stroked Narasia’s hair.

            “This is the second time she has restored me.  It drains her energy.  She is sleeping now,” he whispered.

            “She is a healer….”  Mají breathed.  He stepped forward, looking down at Narasia with awe.  He bent over and took her from Flint, walking up a few steps before he came face-to-face with Fame-jujio.

            “You know where to take her,” Mají said softly.  Fame grunted and took Narasia, holding her rag doll figure easily in his arms. 

            Mají did not move again until the door to above deck had shut behind Fame and Narasia.  I blinked, and he had one hand on Flint’s chest, the other holding a dagger to the boy’s throat.

            “I want your name and business aboard my ship with this member of my crew,” he snarled.

            Flint struggled, but was still weak from his near-death experience.  He gasped out Mají’s answer instead.

            “Flint, Flame owns me.”

            Mají-jalio released the boy and turned on me, hurt shining in his eyes.  I couldn’t help but sigh as I tried to move him away from Flint. 

            “I told you I needed to speak to you about something just before the explosion remember?  This is my problem,” I said, gesturing toward Flint.  “When you sent me to Carnie’s camp a group of rogues was attacking him.  The girls claimed him as a crew member, so I intervened, believing it to be my place to do so in your stead.  I knew of our crew’s pledge to protect Carnie’s crew.  I didn’t know the technicality was Carnie’s “girls” instead of “crew”.”

            “He owes you a life debt,” Mají said, narrowing his eyes at the boy. 

            “I don’t want him,” I said softly.

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