By Mintyhippo95

171K 5.7K 2.3K

Elsa's parents were the greatest spies in the world, and owned a spy agency. From the time Elsa could walk sh... More

Grown Up
The Big 4
Sleep Over
I Will Fight
Red Mercury
Ruined Cake
Years Pass By
The Snow Queen
Mystery Bomber
The Island
Get my level
Don't Leave Me
Tiny Miracles
Agent #1
Trouble in Paradise
Best Birthday Ever
I'm Sorry
Memory Loss
Survival of the Fittest
Survival of the Fittest Part 2
Secrets of the Forest
Be Strong
Separate Missions
Mr. & Mrs. Overland
Bye Felicia
Forgetting Again
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
I Remember
Together Again
Our Future
Harmless Secret
We're Good
Together Again
Into the Artic
Confession Time
My Everything
Thank Yous'
Watermelons and Grapes
Always Right

Reverse Psychology

1.8K 71 38
By Mintyhippo95

Elsa's POV

I have waited for Jack to come back for 6 days. I keep trying to contact him and he hasn't answered any of my calls or texts! I thought he promised to never do this shit again to me!

Still I have been a patient good fiancée, but now on the seventh morning I've had enough.

"Alright baby. Today mommy is going to teach you how to be a badass lesson 101. So pay close attention, cause you are learning from the best of the best." I said to my stomach and got up. I took a shower, and did my hair and makeup.

"It is important to always look your best in battles. Beauty throws your enemies off, makes them underestimate you or hesitate. Always use that to your advantage. Never though look too pretty, add a little darkness in there. You want them to know that you are not just a baby doll, you are a killer and will fuck them up if necessary, and will do it with a smile on your face."

I looked at my reflection and smiled. My long hair was straightened and pulled back into a ponytail with a few clips to keep the stragglers out of my face. My eye makeup was dark and smoky with red lip stick.

I then walked into the closet, and looked around.

"Now, another tip. When going into a fighting zone, always choose leather. It is tough and durable, yet flexible for movement, the choice of a true warrior. You also want it tight so it won't catch on anything."

I picked out a black leather vest, black leather pants, and black leather combat boots. I added a few studded bracelets and a ring to the look, then grabbed two knives. I went down to our garage and got on my motorcycle, and drove straight to Manny's house. When I got there I jumped off the bike.

"Normally mommy would use her big ass guns on my bike to blow through the door, but since we wouldn't want to hurt daddy, we are going to do something different." I said standing right up next to the door, "We are going to kick the door down."

I took a deep breath in, then kicked the huge wooden door. The whole thing splintered and flew off its hinges, and I strutted in. Jack and Manny were both looking at me wide eyed, but I was glaring at Jack.

"You know when you promised you wouldn't ignore me or shut me out?" I asked, "Cause I do, and I remember it being a lot like this."

"Elsa, just go home, I'll be there soon." Jack said.

"Yeah, you sort of said that a week ago, and I'm not a patient woman." I said, "Now get your ass home now or you aren't going to be coming home."

"Elsa, this is important. Besides, you can't just kick me out of my house." Jack said.

Oh... how little he knows me. If there is one thing I'm good at, it's being dominant in every aspect in life.

"Actually I can. I paid for the majority of the house, I bought all the furniture, all of the cars are mine except the one which you took here, and I would honestly like to see you try and stop me." I spat, "Now one last time come home now, or you are not coming home at all."

"Fine, just tell me what the hell you two are hiding from me?" he said, "I've never kept any secrets from you."

"Jack, neither have I. I have always been completely honest with you, so please, just trust me." I said and he chuckled.

"Elsa, you are an excellent liar, always have been, Manny however is not." he said.

"Jack, not all secrets are best known. Just please leave it, we have a mission to do. That is the most important thing that we need to focus on."

"Just fucking tell me already!" he yelled.

"Jack, I can't. If I told you that would mess up everything for the mission. I'll tell you after everything is done and over with. Just please, trust me."

"NO! TELL ME NOW!!!" he screamed.

Fuck this shit!


I let out a sigh, and rubbed my temples. Great now everything I tried to prevent will happen. Jack will panic about every little thing and become overly cautious. He will try to stop me from going on the mission, I'm obviously going to sneak along, and he'll be really pissed about that. He won't follow my orders, try to protect me from unnecessary threats, and mess everything up. He will become overly worried and protective of me, will totally wreck my plan trying to protect me, and get everyone killed. All of that planning and preparation is gone, over with. Unless......................

Oh.... that's genus! It's evil, but there is a 93.4% chance that it will work.

"What?" Jack breathed out shocked.

"You know what, I can't take this right now. I'm leaving." I said.

"What!" Jack yelled, "Elsa, you can't leave. Where will you go? What will you do? Who will protect you?"

"I don't know Jack, but I figure it out, I always do." I responded, "And I don't need you to protect me. I've done fine on my own for the past... like 9 years now."

"Elsa, please..... I'm sorry. Don't go, I love you." he begged giving me these pathetic puppy dong eyes that made him looked like a whipped puppy and me the one who whipped him.

If puppy dog eyes actually worked on me, then I would totally have gave in by now.... if they worked... if.

"I know you do Jack, but I just need some time to think.... alone... without you." I said.

"What is so important that you can't just think about it at home?" he asked.

"Us Jack, I need some time to think about us, this baby, our engagement, everything." I said, "We aren't even married yet, and you are ignoring me and putting Manny under house arrest for a week. That is a serious wake up call. If we can't even make it till after marriage to have a fight like this, then how are we going to last throughout the years? I need don't need a partner in the field, but more so a partner in life. Right now seeing how much you don't trust me and respect my decisions, I'm not sure did I find the right partner."

"Elsa, you can't just leave, that is my baby too." he said.

"Jack my body is already having enough trouble keeping this baby in the way it is, and the stress you are putting on me is not appreciated right now. I have never kept a secret from you ever and have always trusted your decisions and wishes, all I ask is you do the same, but obviously the feeling is not mutual. You should have known by now that if I keep a secret then it was for a damn good reason, but you chose not to trust me" I said, "As for the baby thing. You are my sperm donor and we never signed any papers saying that there was an open relationship allowed. Plus me and the baby are a package deal right now, so where I go, it goes. So if I choose, yes I can take this baby away from you. Even if you take this to court, in almost every circumstance, the mother always gets the child. Don't ever underestimate me Jack, I may not have as high as an I.Q as you, but I always use more of my brain than you."

Jack looked shocked, but had no response.

"Now I'm going to go, and think long and hard about this. I'm going to make a decision that is best for both me and the baby. Please, don't follow me or try to find me." I said, then turned to Manny.

"Manny, I'm sorry for all of this. Thank you for keeping my secret and dealing with the house arrest for a week. I'll be back when everyone else comes back. I'll finish the mission and take over the agency after you pass, but I just need time."

"I understand Elsa. Be safe." he said.

"Thank you, and I will." I said, then walked out onto my motorcycle. I quickly drove off and went to my privet airfield before Jack could catch me. I parked my bike, and jumped on the plan.

"Alright baby, how do you feel about the Tahiti?" I asked looking down at my stomach, "I'm going to assume your speechless from excitement and are thinking, 'Hell yah mom!'" I said and typed in the coordinates.

I then took a seat in the lounging area as the plane started to take off. I saw Jack outside running along side the plane. He was yelling and banging against the plane, but I turned my back, and ignored him. Ironically what he has basically been doing to me for the past week. Moment we were in the air, I looked out the window and saw him on his knees and I smiled.

"Don't you worry baby, you are going to have a daddy, mommy's just doing a little reverse psychology on daddy right now. You see daddy thinks I am going off to think about our relationship, when in reality he is going to do the real thinking. Us two, we are going to have some fun instead. We are going to catch a few rays of sun, going swimming, have the local cuisine, get our nails done, have a massage, go sight seeing, go shopping, and enjoy ourselves." I said to my flat stomach, "You are going to love my house there, it is just perfect for the two of us. Yes it is, yes it is!"

Yes, I admit, I am diabolical. I was taught to manipulate people to think how I want them to when I  was growing up, so I am using that training now. It is unethical, but I can't have Jack mess up this mission, and this is the best thing I could think of to prevent that. Still unethical as it is, my methods are going to prove effective. Jack obviously has trust issues with me, and that is a huge issue. I know if he keeps a secret or lies to me, it is usually for a good reason. Even if I was suspicious I wouldn't ignore over 3,000 texts and calls from him while I put someone under house arrest for a week, that is crazy people shit! Hopefully he will use this week wisely and give him time to think about stuff. I honestly want him in our child's life, but mistrust is something that I've seen tear families apart and bring out the worst in people. I don't want my kid to have to deal with any of that. Jack is a smart guy though, and with the wisdom of Manny to guide him I know he'll come to the proper conclusion.

Jack's POV


I tried to stop her, but I couldn't.

She really is leaving, and with our baby! She is like dead serious!

I quickly drove back to Manny's house, and ran in.

"Manny, do you have anything that can possibly track down where Elsa is going?" I asked.

"Yes, but I'm not going to give it to you." he said.

"Why the hell not!" I yelled.

"She said she wanted to be alone, and I respect her wishes, like you should." he said.

"She lost the privilege of being alone when she became pregnant with our child." I said, "Now give it to me or I will cut your fucking hand off!" I yelled.

"Do you even hear yourself?" Manny asked, "This is why she didn't want to tell you, because she knew you would act like this."

"You don't understand! This baby means everything to us! We have been trying for so long now!" I said.

"And you don't think Elsa doesn't know that?" Manny said, "Jack, she is at war right now with her own body. She is so tiny it is going to be extremely hard for her to bare that child. If she wasn't as physically fit as she was, she would have lost it. She is trying everything to make sure she keeps that baby, and you are stressing her out. That isn't good for anyone expecting, especially someone in Elsa's situation."

"So I'm not allowed to be upset about this? I almost lost my baby for fuck sake!"

"Jack, you are allowed to be upset about it, but to a certain degree. If you think stressing Elsa out because of your anger is the appropriate approach, then you are mistaken. There was nothing any of you could have done to change the fact that it almost happened, it's in the past. There is no need to have a major freak out about something you can't change. You need to take your anger out on someone else, not her. I was there when she nearly lost the baby. She was torn up and shocked, I could tell, but she managed to maintain a calm demeanor. You need to have the same attitude as her, control your emotions to the best of your abilities."

I let out a sigh and rubbed my temples.

"Jack, I have known Elsa far longer than you, and I have learned a lot. She is bluntly honest, she will tell you what she thinks, even if it hurts someone's feelings. If she decides to keep a secret or lie though, it is always for a good reason. She always makes the best decisions, even if they are they hardest ones." Manny said, "She knew you would act exactly how you are acting now on the mission if you found out about the baby, so that is why she wanted to wait to tell you. Her plan, although brilliant, is dangerous and risky. If anything goes wrong, then everyone could die. She knew you would get over protective and go against her plan to try and protect her. That is why she made this decision. It's not that she didn't want to tell you or never was going to tell you, she was just waiting for the safest time... or the hardest decision."

"Why couldn't she just have told me all of this?" I asked.

"Would that have changed your reaction?" Manny asked, and I paused. He was right, it wouldn't have. I still would have freaked out.

"There seems to be a level of distrust in your relationship, and you have to be careful Jack. Elsa loves you, but she will make the decision that is best for her and that baby. If you want a role in their lives, then whatever this level of distrust is, you need to let it go." Manny said.

"I don't distrust her, it's just..........."

"Just what?"

"I don't know, I just think that if she keeps secrets it's because I'm doing something wrong or it's something that can get both or one of us killed. I want to know so I can fix whatever it is." I said, "I love her, and I don't want her to loose her."

"Jack, because of your distrust, you did loose her." Manny said, "Now Elsa is by far the most loyal person I have met. She may seem hostile and cruel, but you get her trust and she will stick by your side till the very end. She is also a very independent woman Jack, and a fierce personality. She doesn't need someone to constantly take care of her and protect her, she does a fine job on her own. She isn't looking for a body guard, she is looking for a partner to help her in aspects of life which she has trouble understanding; the full spectrum of human emotions, trust, and empathy are some of the few of many examples. That is why she was attracted to you, when she was dangerous you calmed her down and made her feel something inside which she normally was incapable of feeling. She felt like you completed that missing gap, which she alone never could."

"So, your apparently the wise one when it comes to Elsa. What do I do now?" I asked.

"Wait for her to come back, and just go from there."

"And if she leaves me and takes the baby?"

"As I said Jack, Elsa always makes the wisest decisions, even if they are the hardest ones. If she decides that, then all you can do is respect her wishes." Manny said.

"Okay." I said sadly. I knew he was right, "I'm going to go home now.... I'll see you in a week."

"Just.... don't do anything stupid." Manny said, "No decision has been made yet. You are no good to Elsa and the baby dead."

I nodded, and walked back out to my car. I drove back to my home, and carried all of Elsa's stuff inside. I should have done that a week ago.

Why am I suck an idiot?

I looked around and sighed. Here I was in this beautiful mansion that anyone would kill for, and all I wanted was to be on that plane with Elsa in my arms. I missed her so much, it was insane.

Still, I had to be hopeful and take care of myself. I walked upstairs and got my first shower in a week, then I crawled into bed. I grabbed Elsa's pillow, and curled up with it. It was soft like her smooth skin and smelled like her, but it wasn't the same, nothing will ever be the same.

I just want her back... both of them. I want both of them back.

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