The Gangster's Girl (Process...

By Ironically_

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Cover By ArabelleWinchester "Please Jack, I'm sorry," I begged him. I knew I looked like shit while he looke... More

Chapter 8: ice pack
Chapter 9: You voice may say something but your eyes saying something else
Chapter 10: haha your soooo funny
Chapter 11: Katie
Chapter 12: Truth or joke?
Chapter 13: I. Don't. Need. Help.
Chapter 14: I'm so confused it makes me want to die in a hole
Chapter 16: I need to stop with the lists!!
Chapter 17: I'm not good at this ok?
Chapter 19: Australian Dingo
Chapter 20: Me dead? Yeah right, I'm a freakin' ninja.
Chapter 21: Dead on the dance floor
Chapter 22: Last time I watched that I pee myself every time I was in the dark.
Chapter 23: Cookie dough coffee
Chapter 24: Well, this is clichรฉ.
Chapter 25: Tires bullshit!
Chapter 26: The race is on.

Chapter 18: Ok, that sounded way more dramatic than it should.

7.4K 178 10
By Ironically_


Chapter 18: Ok, that sounded way more dramatic than it should.


  “Give me your phone,” Jack growled. Somebody’s grumpy. I snorted but still threw him my phone, which wasn’t a good idea because he could have dropped it, not that I actually like that phone. It’s a piece of crap. Cassy was actually being quiet. I couldn’t tell if that was good or bad. Maybe she is like Rover, (My grandparents puppy, who my grandfather ran over with a freaking truck that had lifts.) when that dog is quiet you better find it. Let’s just say that…


       “Sooooo, what are ya goin’ to do with my phone?” I asked Jack  trying to make conversation. He didn’t even look up or make a sign that he heard me, he just kept tapping away. Loser.


       “Hey Katie,” Jack greeted in the phone. I narrowed my eyes. Ok, maybe I’m not over Katie ditching me. “Yea. Ok, see ya.” I rolled my eyes. Great, I had to see her. “Alright everyone listen and listen closely. There is a back way out of here. That’s the way we are taking to get out of this hell hole, then there is going to be a black van, which we will get into. No  you are not getting raped. Cassy, we will drop you off at home. Do not tell anyone of this Cassy.” With that Jack stood up and made his way up different stairs.

“People tried to kill me,” Cassy said in a baby voice but then again she is a baby, kind of

“Cassy we are just playing game,” I told her.

       “Then why were you crying?” She asked. Her big eyes told me everything. She did not believe me.

       “To make it more dramatic,” I told her, nodding my head.

       “She is very dramatic. Now let’s go,” Jack said walking out the door.

       We trudged up the damn stairs to a wooden door. As I stepped out the door, I saw the black van. I knew as soon as I got into that van my life will be totally different. Ok, that sounded way more dramatic than it should. But my life would change and who knew, I just might get myself shot.

       “Come on, Alana!” A voice shouted from the van. I looked around me. Jack and Cassy were already in the van.  I looked up at the open door to see a black haired girl yelling at me. She looked so damn familiar. I hustled my way over to the van, diving into the van making my entrance more dramatic.

       “Go! Go!” I yelled, waving my hands around like a crazy person.

       “Could you be a little more dramatic?” The black haired girl asked, rolling her blue eyes. Wait, I know those blue eyes. Katie! When the hell did she do her hair? I liked it!

       “When the hell did you get your hair done? While there are people trying to kill us?” I asked.

       “One, they are trying to kill you and Jack, not me. Second, this was not my idea. I woke up like this,” Katie said shooting Dingo and Brad a glare. I couldn’t help but let a little smile on my face. Brad held his hands up in surrender.

       The rest of the ride was nice and quiet. Ok it wasn’t quiet because of Katie blabbing her mouth about random things while the rest of us stayed quiet.

       Once we dropped Cassy off, the driver hit high speed. I still didn’t know who was driving but I didn’t give two fucks. I sighed and ran a hand through my darkening brown hair. I swear, I was not going to have no hair left by the time I was twenty if I lived that long.

       After driving for twelve hours and having on and off naps, we finally made it to a motel. It looked abandoned but you could see an open sign lightening up the night.  

       “Alright, we are sleeping here for tonight then at seven we’ll hit the road again. That mean we are in the car at seven not getting up at seven,” Dingo said taking charge of the problem.

       “When are we going to kill them?” I asked, the words coming out of my mouth as a blur.

       “Don’t know that yet,” Dingo said calmly. I felt my hands twitch.

       “What do you mean by you don’t know yet?” I asked.  

       “As far as we know he could be half way across country. Maybe in Mexico with come cheap stripper,” Brad said jumping in the conversation. I licked my lips, not wanting to drop the conversation.

       “How are we going to find him?” I asked. My eyebrows scrunched up.

       “That’s for me to know and take care of,” Dingo growled.

       “Why can’t I know?”

       “Not your problem,” he said shrugging. I felt my mouth drop ten stores. How could he say that?!

       “He killed my mother,” I growled. “He wrecked my family, tried to fuckin’ kill me AND called me kitten.”

       “He calls you what?” Jack asked eyes wide.

       “You talked with him?!” Katie yelled. Katie looked like she was going to lunge at me and rip my throat to shreds. I shouldn’t have said that.

       “We may or may not have met once or twice,” I told them uneasy.

       “Alright, its one am and I have not got any sleep,” A manly voice said getting out of the driver’s side. Max. I guess I should have seen that coming.  “We are all going to sleep then we will talk tomorrow.” With that, Max walked away.

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