Simply Difficult

By Jazzia15

133K 6.5K 555

They were taught to never look them in the eye, never speak, never fight, and never disobey. All of the Royal... More

Simply Difficult
A Choice to be Made
New Maid
The Good Doctor
In Love and War
Inside The Mind of Daemon
Stolen Kiss
Bloody Entrée
Break Down
The Note
Follow the Clichè Moonlight
Vigrin Promise
Keep it to Yourself
The Wise Teacher
Hush Hush
City of Blood
The Truth
Green Eyes
Fallen Angel
Bright Light
Since You've Been Gone
Goodbye for Now
Decisions Decisions
Just Go With It
One of Us
Soul Claiming
Stupid Decisions
Blood Promise
Mistakenly Perfect

In My Skin

3.6K 204 18
By Jazzia15

The clothes I wore nearly sucked the

life out of me, I could barely choke down air to my lungs. They put me in a tight black lace dress that barely covered my knees. The dress had one of my arms covered with a sleeve of see through lace patterns and the other exposed. To me the design of the dress was strange but if the Royals claim it's beautiful than it must be.

A choker circled my throat and a loop now hung from my punctured left ear. I miss my simple shirt and pants work clothes. This fabric felt unknown and strange to my skin. I didn't feel like myself at all, and for the first time ever I really actually hated being in my own skin. My arm still burned from being stripped of skin and drawn on, my ear throbbed from having a needled pierced through it, and my skin felt flushed from being exposed in so many areas. I actually have a cleavage showing! How was I suppose to work in a dress anyway?

Which reminds me, what exactly would I be doing as a personal maid? I study my tattooed schedule for the first time, and to my surprise its not a schedule at all. It was more like a list of rules or guidelines. I struggled to read each word, but eventually I understood it.

It read:

•Chores and labor will be instructed by the Royal you are assigned to.

•Never speak back in a harsh or inappropriate tone.

•Follow no other orders instructed by any other Royal other than the Royal you are assigned to.

• Take initiative to your assigned Royal's needs and wants.

•Only make eye contact if ordered to do so.

•Bow respectively whenever a Royal enters a room.

•Always listen attentively to the Royal you are assigned to.

•Never disobey or show hesitation towards demands or orders.

•~Property Of Daemon Victorian II~•

The last statement written on my arm filled me with annoyance. The whole thing was bullshit. This goes against everything I've been taught while working here. I was taught to never acknowledge the existence of a Royal. To be invisible and silent. Now I have to bow whenever he walks in a room? I might as well kiss the ground he walks on.


I stand on the outside of Daemon Victorian's door. The place he had offered for me to meet him only a day ago. To think if I had just swallowed my pride and my fear and taken his offer I might not be here now in the most sex appealing dress ever preparing to wait on him hand and foot.

I quickly go over the different ideas in my head to get myself out of this.

I could tighten this ridiculous choker around my neck and let death take me, that seemed like a simple way out. Or I could fail at my job all together, then he'd probably let me be a house servant again, or he'd kill me. Both ideas seemed inevitably tempting....decisions...decisions.

I take a deep breathe and decide to face matters head on, just to see how it pans out. My shaking hands grip the handle of the door, and I push open walking through the threshold. I walk in and my eyes meet with the the boy standing on the opposite side of the room.

It wasn't Daemon.

"Hey Angel."



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