Gideon's Chair

By Kittkitt

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An Explosive Tangle of Love, Power, Betrayal and Destruction Now Available On Amazon Kindle http://www.amaz... More

Gideons Chair
The Prologue
Prologue Pt 2
Chapter 1 Near Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 2 Near Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 3 Five Acres Nottinghamshire 1820
Chapter 4 Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 5 The Great Tutbury Mill Nottingham 1820
Chapter 7 Gideon Tutbury 1820
Chapter 8 The Peoples Facility Salford Present Day
Chapter 9 Gideon Tutbury 1832
Chapter 10 Giscard Roulle De Gisors Paris 1863
Chapter 11 Gideon Tutbury 1863
Chapter 12 Peoples Facility Salford Present Day
Chapter 13 The Paris Exhibition July 1863
Gideon Tutbury - Giscard Roulle de Gisors The Meeting Paris 1863
Gideon Tutbury The Bloodline Paris 1863
Gideons Return
Gideons Death Christmas Day 1864
Part 2 The Peoples Facility Present Day
title of your story
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
The Phelps Society Headquarters New York Present Day
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Phelps Society New York
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
The American Embassy London
Chapter 39
The Gideon Society
Mancini's Office New York
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 6 Five Acres Nottingham Present Day

252 22 19
By Kittkitt

Chapter Six

Five Acres Nottinghamshire England  2013

The early morning sun woke me as it streamed through the leaded windows , I hoped waking me to a better day . Visiting was at 11am today but I thought I might go into town early  as I had two passport forms to drop in at the larger Post Office .

I parked up outside still eating the apple I'd grabbed for breakfast . Glancing across the road the library was just opening . The lady I'd met yesterday was turning the sign in the window from closed to open. The town was a hive of activity , with early morning shoppers . Two old women chatted busily , whilst a young girl was having an animated conversation on her mobile phone . A street cleaner passed in front of me pushing his yellow trolley whistling as a convertible car slowed to the lights Jay Z playing loudly on its sound system.

Noticing me across the road the library lady waved and shouted

" I say ...hello"

I walked over to her

" Hi good morning " I waved back .

" Oh I'm so pleased that I've met you this morning she said picking something from her extremely tailored black suit jacket pocket " You know I said I'd do some digging " She looked around as if about to tell a secret " Well , I haven't had much chance yet , but here " handing me the leaflet she had picked from her pocket .

" Thank you " I opened the leaflet

She leaned forward and whispered " It's for the Peoples Museum in Salford " she was so close I could smell extremely expensive perfume .

I started to thank her but she interrupted me .

" Lots of info on Tutbury there ....see directions on the back " pointing at a small map "On one floor is a museum called The Peoples Facility " it's an absolute treasure trove about industrial stuff , lots of mill stuff"

" Oh that will be really helpful .....thank you " I said folding the leaflet

She pointed again at the leaflet in my hand " Well...I read you have to make an appointment to visit that bit , but the numbers right there" ....prodding my hand and the leaflet

" Thanks , thank you ....I really appreciate your help " I smiled , stuffing the leaflet into my pocket ..." I will make an appointment and try and go tomorrow"

As usual the queue to the hospital trailed back onto the main road . This time the cause was a digging machine blocking the way which didn't appear to have a driver . Expecting a long wait , I took the leaflet from my pocket . Might be useful I thought . Punching the numbers into my mobile phone I made an appointment for the following morning , explaining that I wanted to find out as much as I could about Joshua Tutbury . The lady took my contact details and confirmed the appointment .

The hospital corridors were starting to look familiar and staff were beginning to acknowledge me . The walls off white with a series of meandering coloured arrows and lines directing you to a particular zone .

Just before Carols room a nurse popped her head out of the staff room as if she was expecting me . I hadn't seen her before .

" Oh Mr Tutbury"


She walked out to me taking my arm in a sort of guiding manner

" Your wife isn't in there , we've moved her "

" She's ok isn't she " I stopped

" Yes Yes , it will all be explained , don't worry ......Dr Blake  would like to meet you , he's just through here " leading me by the arm along the corridor pointing with the other to a blue door

" She's ok though " I must have sounded anxious as she squeezed my arm

" He will explain everything , we're here now "

She knocked on the door and without waiting for a reply she walked straight in still holding my arm . I noticed the name sign Dr R M Forrester

A distinguished man in his late fifties wearing a dark suit and tie walked from behind his desk and met me his hand outstretched .

" You can leave us now nurse , please sit down Mr Tutbury "

I settled into the leather chair " You must be Mr Blake , Carol , what has anything wrong  " I garbled

" No Mr Tutbury let me explain . My name is Professor Blake , I'm a Bio Chemist , I specialise in rare diseases . Tell me Mr Tutbury what do you know about the plague ? "

I sat back " The plague ...erm nothing ...Rats and London years ago "

" Mr Tutbury " Blake continued " We have moved your wife into isolation , she has all the symptoms of the plague "

My head was now spinning

" Where is she ? " I stood up " Where is she " What the fuck is going on, fuck you Blake  " I felt my south Yorkshire accent grate the room

Blake held both arms out

" Please stay seated Mr Tutbury , she's undergoing tests we will know tomorrow "

I remained standing " Can I see her " panic running through my body as I spoke

" No ..........I'm sorry No........However Mr Tutbury we will need to take a blood sample from you check you're ok "

He pressed an intercom button on his desk phone and almost immediately a nurse walked into the room . She appeared to know what was required as she was all ready carrying a small tray with a needle and some cotton wool

She rolled my sleeve and quickly took a  blood sample and left the room

Blake took my arm , walking me back towards his door .

He smiled at Me

" Mr Tutbury , I am sure we will know more tomorrow..............goodbye "

The door shut behind me before I'd finished saying thank you

Confused I hurried towards the nearest exit and pushing it open I gasped for air .....starting to feel nauseus

A young porter pushed a trolley past me

" You ok sir "

I didn't answer just hurried blindly to my car .

I banged my fists in temper on the steering wheel .

Without thinking I started up , dropped the clutch and sped out of the car park.

The village church struck twelve as I parked up outside it

This was so ridiculous , I had to speak to a priest , why was he running from me , did he know something

I entered the church by the side entrance next to the rose garden. Which was a mass of blooms of reds yellow and white.

I paused ...I could hear two voices talking in hushed tones

I hid behind a stone pillar , pretty sure they hadn't seen me , just allowing myself enough room to see around it

The Priest was talking in French to a smaller smartly dressed man . I didn't speak French but kept hearing my name 'ce garcon tutbury .....ce garcon tutbury '

The Priest reacted angrily to something said and pointing at the other he turned away , but was spun back round by his arm .

"ce garcon Tutbury" repeated again

They both stopped speaking as a couple walked into the church

The smaller man leaned forward and whispered into the priests ear , then turned and left the church

Father Michael looked distracted , disturbed

I walked out from the pillar

" Hello Father " I raised my hand as if to wave

The Priest looked at me in horror

" Diable Diable No Non .......No"  he screamed

Father Michael tried to arrange some hymn books

Dropping one book , he ran down the aisle .

I ran after him

" Father Father "

In his haste the table of bibles crashed to the floor as he stumbled against it

I drew a deep breath

" What's happening "

I chased after him knocking a table flying in my chase

I caught him in seconds grabbing his arm

" What's Happening Father , Tell me ...What do you know " I pleaded

At that moment a voice from behind shouted

" You Ok Father"

I released my grip

Father Michael brushed his robes down

" Yes thank you , I'm fine " ....he then looked me straight in the eye and turned towards his office

I heard the door lock as I stared after him

" You bothering the Father" A hand jabbed me between the shoulder blades

I turned

A huge farmer , carrying a box of crops under one arm stared at me almost filling the aisle .

I looked at him

" No mate , it's ok , sorry "

I walked past him , and out of the church and into the sunlight .

I spent the rest of the afternoon scrubbing surfaces clean in the house . Was the house infected , I don't know ...I was now panicking.

Decciding to clear my head and maybe find someone to talk to , I picked up my wallet and set off walking to the Pub. It was a beautiful night , there had to be someone who might shed some light for me .

From the brow of the hill I could see most of the village and clearly see the church . The priest was pinning a notice to the door.

I crossed the narrow road  and walked down the short lane . The pavement was about six feet wide here with high bushes either side

A green handrail was in place

Two young women walked arm in arm past the church "your Fucking kidding one said "

I walked into the church

" Look father , I am so sorry for my previous comments"

The Priest turned to face me

It wasn't Father Michael , but another of similar age

" Oh I'm sorry .......I thought you were Father Michael "

The new priest looked at me

" That's ok son , I'm Father Thomas Reaney .....Father Michael left for a well deserved rest yesterday evening , I'm filling in for a while "

I looked at the new father

" But I only spoke with him a few hours ago , he never said this "

" No my must be mistaken .....he left around 9pm last night , by taxi "

He held his hand up and walked behind the alter .....with that a door slammed and he disappeared.

I stared in disbelief at the situation

I walked back toward the door , stopping in front of it. I paused my head spinning and raising my fist in anger . I shaped to hit the door .

" What the bloody hell" 

I just let my hand rest against the door ....staring at the ground

I am so sick and tired of this . just so sick and tired  ....I layed my head against the door

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