Gideon's Chair

By Kittkitt

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An Explosive Tangle of Love, Power, Betrayal and Destruction Now Available On Amazon Kindle http://www.amaz... More

Gideons Chair
The Prologue
Prologue Pt 2
Chapter 1 Near Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 2 Near Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 4 Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 5 The Great Tutbury Mill Nottingham 1820
Chapter 6 Five Acres Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 7 Gideon Tutbury 1820
Chapter 8 The Peoples Facility Salford Present Day
Chapter 9 Gideon Tutbury 1832
Chapter 10 Giscard Roulle De Gisors Paris 1863
Chapter 11 Gideon Tutbury 1863
Chapter 12 Peoples Facility Salford Present Day
Chapter 13 The Paris Exhibition July 1863
Gideon Tutbury - Giscard Roulle de Gisors The Meeting Paris 1863
Gideon Tutbury The Bloodline Paris 1863
Gideons Return
Gideons Death Christmas Day 1864
Part 2 The Peoples Facility Present Day
title of your story
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
The Phelps Society Headquarters New York Present Day
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Phelps Society New York
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
The American Embassy London
Chapter 39
The Gideon Society
Mancini's Office New York
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 3 Five Acres Nottinghamshire 1820

293 23 28
By Kittkitt

Chapter Three

Five Acres Nottinghamshire 1820

The two woodsmen heaved the heavy tomb lid into place . A horrible grating noise resounded across the graveyard causing birds to scatter into the sky except a lone magpie which watched the two men.

Sitting on an adjoining wall the elder woodsman instructed his junior helper

" Seal in now lad , seal the old devil in and lets go "

" You weren't calling him an old devil when he gave us two guinees each to do this for him " the younger replied out of breath.

" Just do as your told , let me smoke and watch your lip lad " 

An hour or so later both men stood back admiring there work.

" He wont climb outa that" the older weezed and coughing patting the tomb lid .

They had just laid Joshua Tutbury to rest in the family tomb in Five Acres . Only days earlier they had done the same for his daughter and wife .

"We had better go and let his son know the jobs done " the old woodsman said picking up his tobacco pouch.

They set off beyond the Old Coaching Road in the direction of the Giant Tutbury Mill in the lower valley .

"Very tragic "  the young man mumbled turning to his old friend

"What is lad" the old man picked tobacco from his yellow teeth , wiping his hands on his shirt front .

" Well , a family wiped out ....him back int cemetery , tha knows ...the Judge....all we in two months " the young mans dialect more pronounced as he tried to emphasise his point.

The Joshua Tutbury Mill loomed like a great smokey city beneath them , vast chimneys billowed smoke into the all ready dark sky, like a mist over a valley , the sun never broke through the industrial vastness of the mill. As far as the eye could see , mill after mill after mill covered the land.

" How come the son survived " the young man asked , kicking some branches from the path.

The old man held his sides wheezing " I don't know.....they hated each other , you know some say he wasn't his son anyway , but one things for sure I'm glad he's gone "

They walked slowly onto the valley path , still high over the mill , they started to descened into the mushroom cloud of smog over the area.

"How long you work for him " the younger asked , turning to the old man

" You ask too many questions lad ...erm I don't know ....ten years at the first place "

"Really ....what was he like then "

The old man stopped

" The devil then the devil now "

The young man laughed " You mean he's with the devil now ......Tell me about him "

Joshua Tutbury originated from Manchester , although some say Sheffield . At the age of twenty five he set up a tiny mill on the spot were the giant mill is now. It is said he double crossed another mill owner in the valley , but soon Tutbury was running both Pond Mill sites . Within five years he had built another smaller mill between the two and had started working on the reservoir above the valley . By diverting water to this dam he fooded one village and cut off the water supply to Riversdale . The land surrounding the villages belonged to him , so what could folk do ? About this time he built the Court House in the town , the warehouses and large coaching stations so he could ship his goods.....But lad , it was the court house were he was worst . Monday, Wednesday and Friday he would rise in the morning at 10am proclaiming

All Come Afore The Judge'

Then anyone would be fined or land confiscated or or thrown into jail . The Government loved him , he could do what he wanted. The land he confiscated he kept for himself.

Maybe ten years later he met he met some trader from the far east in London I think. Over the next year he opened up huge trading links with that part of the world . He made fortunes and fortunes from it . But he wasn't always meeting demand ......He worked that place seven days a week , twenty four hours a day ...people died at their machines, he didn't care .

So he made plans to build a massive mill . The biggest in the world some say on the site of the three mills . With roads out of the valley and and the great canal links brought up to the gates. But whilst he prospered , he plundered and plundered . Anyone who crossed him became homeless they found themselves shipped off to the far east or swapped like slaves.

He was called the riches commoner , richer than any royal.

It was around now that he met Naomi . God was she beautiful . We used to hide so as we could get a glimpse of her when she passed "

" You old sly dog " the youngster chipped in

" Are you listening or what " the old man retorted with a smile on his face " She was from London daughter of a trader . They married down there , real society wedding . Within two years they'd had two children ...Gideon and Deborah ......then he just got richer . He believed he was God , Gods servant on earth , answerable only to God .His empire grew . He traded all around the world , but still we couldn't work hard enough for him .....couldn't produce enough . He called in Thomas Harren , who had built his original mill machinery . Told him he wanted the worlds largest mill machinery  .....

The old man paused almost reflectively

" My wife died in that factory .....she just was worked to death "

The youngster opened his mouth to speak .....but the old woodsman shook his head and continued .

" Newspaper people came from all over , he said his legacy to the world would be the most advanced machinery the world had ever seen , he said he would revolutionise industrial mill work forever . Well, they completed it in just under three years .He proclaimed to the world .....he was as powerful as God , and could increase output twenty times over .......Then you know the Weston Dam ?

He pointed in its direction

" Well , that used to be the village of Hirchover ....they just flooded it , houses,  school the lot . Now he had another dam feeding the bloody thing. Villagers hated him more and more . But the one that hated him most was his son Gideon. They argued and cursed .Sometimes we saw them going at it . Gideon shouted at him about the terrible conditions everyone worked under . One day two old boys were crushed another day an old woman drowned ....He had this great nameplate over his machine , said BOAZ , no one knew why ...just a name I suppose ........But lad , he loved his daughter and his wife . He bought them the finest silks and perfumes , and they say that when they went to London people begged to be introduced to him at the huge house he had down there .  Wealthy , like you wouldn't believe ....beyond belief " He held his arms out as if to say this much

" Maybe he was the richest man in the world ? " the youngster asked

" Maybe , maybe " ...the old guy shrugged " Certainly richest in England"

They walked further along the winding path , the heather and wild flowers a beautiful contrast to the dark rolling mass of smog and industrial bleakness

" Did they live in the big house then "

" No Lad, they were all living at the west side of the mill ...there used to be a big house there , but it was getting swamped by the mill and the noise and the smoke wasn't good for his family " he laughed at the irony " All right for us to live in squalor and struggle to breathe but not for his family "

He bent down to pick some wild flowers , placing one in his shirt button hole

" Now aint I the gent " the old boy laughed .

" Anyway , they then built The Judges House ...the one that's there now ....but before all that he did the worst thing ever "

"What " the youngster stopped "What"

" Well about five years ago , building work began on his new place , The Judges House , by using stone from the derelict monastery , by his tomb back there . He owned the land the monastery was on ...Everyone was appalled , he didn't care ...The monastery was stripped of everything , stone , wood panelling , fireplaces .....all except for a few outbuildings . The Judges house was built ...well the first part of it was .....He was going to extend it ten times the size create a palace , but they ran out of time "

"You mean they died"

" Yes lad , exactly what I mean "

The youngster steadied his older friend as they descended the stony hillside .

" Did you work for him"

" Well I did a bit , a bit of wood gathering , but he wanted me to work over by the first dam . We never saw eye to eye . In fact with ten years of working for him , he didn't even know my name "

They both paused as the path levelled out

" So what happened then " the young woodsman enquired

" It just got busier , there were so many barges on the canal you couldn't see the water , never stopped , day and night ...he turned a field into a paupers communal grave , so many people died ."

He sucked further on his pipe , his creased face seemed to tell line by line the history of devastation it had witnessed.

" They moved into the big house , then it happened"

"What did"

" Both wife and daughter started with a rash on their arms , then they were dead . He brought in surgeons from all over the country , but no good ....they died .......Todays first time since then he's left the house ...feet first at that ......I got sent for last week"

The youngster leaned against a wall ,

" Go on......why you "

" Well he'd got the same thing , no one would go near the house , I got asked , got given the instructions and the money ...didn't hang around I wasn't gonna say no was I ...Everyone else  they thought he was the devil and he'd brought the plague to the village, I just heard he was gonna pay for the job doing  "

To their left Charlie Cranford looked up , leaning on his crook , his face gnarled  with years of living against the wild hillside elements and of hatred for The Judge . Charlie was the village carpenter , and a very good one , until Tutbury had sentenced him to three months for stealing an apple . No one dare employ him after that for fear of being evicted or worse . He lived on handouts and meagre wages for tending sheep .

" Tha burn him Ned , burn the devil " Charlie asked spitting his disgust as he finished " Cos if not he'll rise just like t'devil "

" Don't worry Charlie , he wont get outta that tomb"

A lone magpie sat on the far wall watching the three men

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