The fourth Lab rat season 2

By Music1995

33.5K 584 119

Here is season 2 of lab rats I hope you love this one even more and don't forget to check out season 1 of my... More

Speed trapped
Spy fly
Missin' the Mission
Robot Fight Club
Bro Down
The Rats Strike Back
Spike's Got Talent
Leo vs. Evil
Hole in One
Trucked Out
The Bionic 500
Bionic Showdown: Pt. 1
Bionic showdown: Pt. 2
Im so sorry!!

Parallel Universe

1.5K 33 4
By Music1995

I was sitting in the lab writing in my journal while listening to music when Adam, Bree, Chase, Leo, and Mr.Davenport walked in. "Inventing the wheel? boring. Discovering electricity? snooze. Sliced bread? lame. But now, Davenport industries introduces the world's first...Proton Fuser!" Mr. Davenport says while snapping his fingers and then pointing his fingers at his invention with his thumbs up. We all just look at him weirdly. " Ya know for a scientist you'd think your payoffs would be a bit more proportionate to your buildups." leo said and I nodded. "Uh, the payoff is that it allows us to see the orgins of the universe. This thing fuses sub-atomic particles, so we can understand how planets form." Mr . Davenport says and I just roll my eyes at him. "Well, we already understand how boredom forms." Bree said and I laughed while giving her a high five. "Haven't you ever wondered where stuff comes from? Galaxies? Stars? Planets?" He asked us and I thought about it. "This stuff, NO. Onion rings, YES." Adam said and I just rolled my eyes at his stupidity. "Guys, I have always wanted to build this thing, and now it's reality. It's an important life lesson: if you have a dream, believe in it, 'cause it can happen." Mr. Davenport said. "Um, Mr. Davenport, isn't it dangerous to tinker with the fabric of the universe?" Chase said and Adam laughed. "He said tinker." Adam said and I smacked the back of his head. "Yes, technically, it could destabilize the earth, or open up a wormhole into a parallel universe. But, I made it and I want to play with it, so..." Mr. Davenport said and walked over to its control pad and doing something. He turned it on and blue lasers came out of the sides and into the middle. "Prepare to be amazed!" Mr. Davenport said and Chase turned to Adam, Bree, and I. "Or gravely injured." He told us and I nodded. The proton fuser started to work until it stopped. "Once again, big buildup, teeny, tiny payoff." Leo said and I nodded. The lab doors opened and Tasha walked in. "Okay, the popcorn is popping and the movie is uploaded. Or downloaded. Whatever, the red thingy is blinking green. Just head upstairs, it's movie time!" Tasha told us and Adam, Bree, Chase, and I walked to the elevator and got in.


We were watching the movie and we started laughing. I glanced at Leo and could tell that he was trying to look at the tv. He got close to the couch, laughing when Tasha caught him. "Leo!" She yelled causing him to shriek and drop the plate he was holding onto the floor causing it to break. She started yelling at him and it kind of go annoying.

Leo POV:

I walked into the lab angry. "Stupid chores." I said and looked at the proton fuser, which was on and a big hole was forming wind blowing on me. "I'm just gonna go ahead and say it. This isn't gonna end well. Help! Help! Help!" I yelled while being sucked into the hole. "Help! Please help!" I yelled but it was too late.

*in parallel universe*

I got dropped down to the floor and I was in the lab. I stood up and looked around while cleaning myself off. "I do not know what just happened, but I need a bathroom!" I said and ran to the elevator getting in.


When I got upstairs, most of the furniture in the living room was white or grey. "Whoa." I said and touched the white piano that was in the living room. Just then mom walked in on the phone. "Oh, you don't like my software design? Well, that doesn't really matter, because you are fired!" She said. My hand accidentally nudged the white vase that was on the piano and dropped to the floor breaking. 'Why would you put a vase there?!' I thought to myself. "Mom I'm so sorry, I didn't even know that was there." I said and she walked to the living room. "Break what ever you want Leo, I can afford a thousand of those." She said. "You can?" I asked curious. "Of course. One of the many perks of being a billionaire. Well, that and being able to tease millionaire." She told me and I walked over to her, making sure to step over the broken vase on the floor. "Wait, where is everybody? I thought we were watching a movie? And when did we move into an Italian furniture showroom?" I asked and she closed her iPad and looked at me. "I don't have time for this, Leo. Tasha technologies isn't going to run itself." She said walking away. "Tasha technologies?" I asked myself. "Honey, toss me my keys." She told me and I grabbed her keys. I tossed the keys hoping she would catch them but they shot through the door making a hole. "Mom, did you see what I just did?" I asked. She smiled. "Yeah, that was a good one. You took out the Goldberg's mailbox. Now remember honey, no using your bionics at school." She said opening the door and walking out. "What bionics?" I said looking at my hands until lightning came out of my fingers, hitting the chandelier causing it to fall to the ground. Mr. Davenport ran into the room. "Leo I heard a crash. Are you okay?" He asked me and I told him what happened. And told me what that was and we started talking about it. I then left to go to school.


When I got to school I headed for the water fountain when I heard a familiar voice. "Good morning Leo!" The voice said causing me to turn around to see perry dressed weirdly and smiling at me. "Leo? You never call me by my first name. And according to legend, you haven't smiled since the sixties." I said and she rolled her eyes still smiling. "I always smile when I see you! School approved air hug?" She said trying to hug me causing me to move away a little bit. "Oh that is good." She said. She then grabbed a tray of cookies and asked me if I wanted one. I took one and bit into it. My eyes went wide and I looked at her. "These are amazing!" I said and she smiled wider. "They're from our gourmet cafeteria." She said and I looked at her confused. "Gourmet? Says the lady who says mold is a vegetable." I said and we walked into the cafeteria. I looked at the lunch ladies and they were gorgeous super models. "Those are the lunch ladies?!" I asked and perry chuckled. "We tried to find prettier ones but they'll do." Perry said walking out of the cafeteria. I saw four people get up from a table and noticed that they were Adam, Bree, Chase, and Dani but they looked different. "Guys, there you are!" I said and they looked confused. "This is unbelievable!" I said but chase cut me off. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, everyone check it out. We got an exchange student from nerdistan. Ha!" Chase said pointing at me. Laughing and raised his hand up for Adam, Bree, and Dani to hit. Chase was a jock, Dani was a cheerleader, Bree was a popular girl, and Adam was smart. "Yeah, like step off. We don't know you. And FYI, I wouldn't put my poodle in that outfit." Bree told me and Dani laughed while nodding. "Come on, guys. It's me, Leo. And you're Adam, Bree, Chase, and Dani Davenport." I said and they all looked confused. "Uh, we're Adam, Bree, Chase, and Dani Henderson." Adam told me and kneeled down a little bit. "Are you lost, little guy?" He asked me and the bell rung. "I don't understand." I said and Adam sighed. "There's so much to not understand in life, isn't there? Like, what would happen if we all just stopped for a second and just existed. Plus ca change, et les plus c'est la meme chose." Adam said before opening his little notebook up and writing in it. "Plus-ah-what? Okay, what is going on? Bree and Dani, help me out of here." I said and they walked up to me. "Okay, it's pronounced breh. Like breath but without the th." Bree said then Dani walked up. "And it's pronounced Daniella to you, not Dani. My siblings, my mom and dad, and my friends get to call me that." Dani said and they started to walk off. "What is wrong with you guys? We're all best friends. And the best part is, I'm bionic now! See I didn't even get to show you my lightning fingers!" I said until lightning shot out of my hands and hit the trash can. They all looked at me and screamed before running off.


I walked down the stairs and was about to leave until someone called my name. I turned around to see big D. "Hey what are doing here?" I asked him. "I always pick you up from school. A, your mother consists on it. B, it's the few minutes a day I can enjoy natural sunlight." He replied smiling at me. "This world is so much different from my world." I said and he chuckled. "Well, my world is limited to the lab. That and of course the thrill I get for fifteen minutes a day, coming to pick you up. Stop lights are awesome!" He told me and I smiled. Adam, Bree, Chase, and 'Daniella' then walked up to us. "Hey Leo." Adam said and big d started talking and he didn't recognize them. "Oh, hey, look, it's the dude who gets all excited at stop lights." Chase said and waved stupidly at big d. "Um, you guys, uh, take your time. I'm gonna be in the car, playing with the windows." Big D said before running out the door. "Leo, we have a confession. We believe what you said earlier." Bree said. "Yeah, and we want you to know that your bionic secret is safe within us." Adam said and I smiled in relief. "Finally. It's good to have you guys back!" I said before giving them a group hug, them hugging back. Then an agent walked in and grabbed me.


I then got shot out of the wormhole and back into a lab. "Hello?"I said and ran to the elevator getting in.


When I got upstairs everyone was watching the movie and agent gordan walked out of the kitchen. "Ah." I said holding my arms up. "Relax Leo. That's Gordan. He's my new head of corporate security." Big D said. Gordan took his glasses off and smiled at me. "Well, hey there, little buddy! Nice to meet you!" Gordan said before grabbing my hand and shaking it. Then he mocked me which ticked me off a little bit. I then ran to mom and hugged her talking to her and Adam, Bree, Chase, and Dani.


Dani POV:

I was in the lab with Adam, Bree, Chase, and Mr. Davenport and Mr. Davenport was showing us something. "Oh what does this do?" Adam asked trying to touch it but I pushed his hand away. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Let's hope it cures boredom." I said and Bree nodded. "It's not a toy. This is my new cell replicator. With it, we can map any organism's DNA and replicate any creature living or dead." Mr. Davenport told us. "Again. Isn't that dangerous?" Chase asked and I nodded and looked at Mr. Davenport. "Yes, technically, I mean, it could, uh, reintroduce a dormant disease that we have no ability to combat, but, I mean, the chances of--" he was saying but got cut of by Leo smashing the invention. "No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! Bad! No! Not! Again!" Leo yelled smashing the thing then putting the hammer down and sighing. I then smiled. "Well, that cured my boredom." I said and Bree nodded.

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