Forever #watty's fifteen (201...

By Gabrielly1

7.8K 156 22

Elise is just a normal girl with normal problems. Well, until she falls from the sky and is saved by people w... More

Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29

Ch. 8

249 2 0
By Gabrielly1

I bite the inside of my cheek to stop from shouting out. What is Avery doing here? 

He looks everywhere but me. 

"Avery, can I talk to you?" William gestures for him to walk out. 

"Oh my god!" one of the girls I recognize as Amber coos. "He is gorgeous!" 

Jealously builds up inside me. 

Claire taps me on the shoulder. "Now we have a hot teacher and a new cute student!" 

I moan and slam my head against my desk as they walk back in class. 

Avery sits in the back. 

I watch the clock as it ticks slowly away. Why can't time go by any faster? 

I frustratedly tap against the side of my desk to an unrhythmic tune. 


I hear someone talking but I'm in too much of a daze to register that someone is talking to me. I keep on tapping away. 

A piece of paper gets thrown at me. I blink a couple times before I turn around to see Amber.  

"What?" I ask impatiently. 

"Quit tapping!" she whispers. 

I roll my eyes and go back to my little tune that I've made up. 

"I said," she rolls up a paper and throws it at me. "Stop!" 

"Maybe if you'd stop throwing things at me!" I stand up, clenching my fists into balls.

"Is there a problem?" William asks. I ignore him and sit down. 

After class I rush out and go to my locker, grabbing a book and replacing it with another. 

I walk to art. 

I grab my drawing and sit down in my regular place with my supplies. I start to pencil in a circle, adding more to the doodles on the paper. 

I almost break my pencil when I see Avery walk into art. He stands next to an empty seat at my table. "Is this seat taken?" he smirks. 

"No," I grumble. 

He sits down and instantly Amber comes over and sits on Avery, straddling him. 

She stuns me. 

"You should help me study," she smiles. 

"Amber," I call her. 

She turns around to glare at me. "What do you want?" 

"Get off of him!" I clench my teeth. 

"Why?" she tries to look innocent. "Am I making you jealous?" she kisses his neck. 

I get up and walk over to her, grabbing the ugly bun on the top of her head and yank it so she falls to the ground. She yells out in pain. 

"If you ever put your grimy hands on him again I will be the first one to beat your ass," I grab Avery's hand and walk out of class. 

Kids murmur as I open the door and slam it after. 

"Why are you here?" I ask as I sit across from him at a bench. 

"Well I thought this would be the best way for us to see each other," he shrugs. 

I nod. 

He starts to laugh. 


"You should have seen your face in there. You were scary," he smiles. 

"I don't know what what came over me..." 

"I do. It's called jealously." 

"I know what it's called, trust me I've seen it in you plenty of times," I laugh. 

The door opens and the art teacher, Mrs. Dunn, walks out. "Can you two follow me back into class or do you just want to go to the office?" 

We follow her into class. 

I sit back down and my drawings are in ripped up pieces. 

Amber meets my eyes and smirks. 

"That little bitch!" I mumble. 

"What's wrong?" Avery looks over at Amber then back at my paper. 

"Here," he looks around and wipes a hand over the pieces. 

"Don't," I grab his hand. "You'll get caught." 

"Don't worry," he wipes his hand over the pieces and they come together, all of the wrinkles coming out and straightening. 

"Thanks," I nod. 

He winks and grabs a sheet of paper. He sits next to me. "So do you usually sit alone?" 

"No," I shake my head. "There's a kid who sits there," I nod to an empty seat. 

I look down at his feet. "Hey! You're wearing shoes!" 

He looks down too then crinkles his nose. "I really hate it. It feels like I have no room to run or move." 

"Don't worry, summer will come after a while and you won't have to wear shoes," I smile. 

After school I say goodbye to Avery and wait for Jacob to get on the bus with me. "How was your day?" he asks, just like any other day. 

"It was good," I look out of the window. 

"Is it because Avery is at our school now?"

My stomach turns upside down and I croak out, "what?" 

"I know you have classes with him," He goes on. 


"What's so special about him?" 

"Avery?" I ask. "Well...he cares about me and knows a lot. He's gentle and kind," I feel heat enter into my cheeks. Why am I telling him this?

"How long have you known him?" 

"A couple months," he stare out the window.

"...Do you love him?" 

I turn to look at my brother. I open my mouth but I have no answer, I haven't really given it a lot of thought. "I don't know," I murmur. 

I get off of the bus and walk to my house. I drop my back pack off at the door and walk upstairs. 

After a few minutes my mom knocks on my door before walking in. "So I heard who's at school now," she sits on my bed beside me. 

I shift myself so I'm not as close to her. "That's nice." 

"I would really you rather you not talk to him," she goes on. 

I shrug. "I know." 

She makes an irritated sound and gets up to leave.

I smile.

Avery's pov

I ride up the mountain, put my bike away, and walk to my room. 

"So..." Alexandrea walks in. "How did it go?" 

"Well," I can't help a smile creep onto my face. "She got really jealous." 

I tell her the humorous story. 

"Wow! I didn't know she could get like that," she laughs. 

"I don't know, she did yell at us, remember?" I ask, referring to when I wouldn't give Elise straight answers on the walk home from the town. 

In the morning I change and grab my motorcycle to ride to school. It's weird going back to school when I haven't been in so long. 

I park and take my helmet off, spotting Elise getting off of the bus. I smile and start to walk toward her. 

I frown when Jacob walks out, scanning the crowd of people and stopping when he sees me. He starts to walk over so I meet him half way. 

"Can I talk to you?" he asks, grabbing my arm and practically dragging me across the street. 

"What?" I yank my arm away. 

"I want you to stay away from Elise," he tightens his jaw. 

"I get that a lot," I nod. 

"Stay away from my sister!" 


"Because, I don't know you. Therefore I can't trust you," he answers. 

"You don't know who I am," I frown. 

"Exactly," he crosses his arms. "Stay away from her or I'll interfere again." 

I put up my hand. "Please, do not threaten me." 

"She's my sister," he says quietly. "My family. . .I will do whatever it takes to keep my family safe." 

He walks away, saying nothing more. I shake my head and walk back to school. 

In third period Elise wasn't there, or in fourth. I see her in lunch though. 

I start to walk over to her but Jacob gets in front of me. "What are you doing, Avery?" 

I clench my hands into fists, "What does it look like I'm doing Jacob? I'm going to talk to Elise."

Elise glances over and smiles, getting up. 

"Hey. . .Jacob what are you doing?" she tries to move around him but he gets in the way. "Jacob move!" 

"No," he says firmly. "I want you to stay away from him." 

"No," she says instantly. 


"Jacob move, I want to see Avery," she interrupts him. 

"Just go," he scowls at me. 

I rake a hand through my hair and walk to an empty table.


I hesitate on knocking on her window. Instead I open it silently and step down, making sure not to make any noise. She's standing by the door with her fists clenched. She lets out a small sigh.

I walk up behind her and snake my arms around her waist. She gasps a little and turns around in my arms.

"What are you doing here?" she asks, placing her hands on my chest.

"I had to see you. Jacob is going nuts. I can't even talk to you," I say. 

"I know, he's gotten my mom and dad convinced I shouldn't see you either," she shakes her head, hugging me tightly. 

"You know you're different from when I first met you," I tilt my head to the side, looking all around her face.

"How so?" she sits on the edge of her bed, looking up at me.

"In some ways you're the same: you still have your curiosity and your stubbornness, " I smile sideways at her. ". . .But you seemed to have matured," I sit next to Elise. 

"...Matured?" she shakes her head. "I don't know." 

"You have," I go on. 

"Maybe it's just you're a bad influence on me," she smiles. 

I raise my eye brows dipping my head down and I can't help but smirk. 

"Don't look at me like that," she turns, trying to hide her smile. 

"Why not?" I go on the other side other of her so she faces me. 


"Am I tempting?" 

"Maybe," she scoots closer to me. 

"Last time I asked that you scowled and said no," I put my arm around her waist.

She buries her red face in her hands. I gently take them away and kiss both of the redening cheeks.

"Hey, there's a party tomorrow, you should go with me," she insists. 

I nod my head. "Sure." 

I look outside and hear steps coming up the stairs.

Elise pov

Avery gets up and stands behind the door just as it opens. 

My mom appears. "Who are you talking to?" 

I cross my arms. "I wasn't talking to anyone." 

She eyes me. "If I find anyone or anything up here-" 

"Mom, just stop," I interrupt her. I don't mean for my words to come out that cold but with her they do.

"Alright, alright," she closes the door. 

Avery slowly walks towards me. "I should probably go anyways," he points towards the window. 

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow at school," I hug him. "And if not at the party." 

He holds out his arms to help me up, hugging my waist, and lifting me up a few inches before putting me back down and kissing my lips. 

"I'll see you tomorrow," he whispers, letting go of me. He walks to the window and opens it. Cool air blows through making me shiver.

He smiles and kisses me again before going out the window and shutting it.

After school I go home, take a shower, and change into a black dress with purple lines tucked away in flaps, showing whenever I walk. I grab my bathing suit and wait until the sun sets. 

I ride on Avery's motorcycle to the party. It's a two story house right on the beach. 

I meet up with Claire and introduce Avery and her. 

"So how long have you guys been seeing each other?" she questions. 

"A few months," I shrug nervously. 

"And you haven't told me about him?" she crosses her arms. "You let me believe you didn't know him when he came to school."

I look at Avery for help. 

One of Avery's new "guy friends" walks up. 

"Well I'll see you ladies later," he smiles and kisses my cheek before running off. 

I frown. That really helped.

"I'm sorry Claire!" 

"Oh you should be," she smiles. "Now let's gets dance!" 

We walk into the booming living room and a smile creeps onto my face, I've always loved to dance. 

I take off my flip flops and walk into the living room with all of other people dancing. 

Claire flashes a smile at me as I start to move my hips around. She copies me and the DJ turns up the volume. 

I sway my body and move my arms in a delicate way. 

The music gets louder and louder and I seem to not notice anyone around me. I can feel the bass in my chest and even the music, because it's so loud, vibrating.

I open my eyes and look around for Claire. Great. She left me. Wouldn't be the first though.

I get a tap on the shoulder. I turn around to see Avery with a Smirnoff in his hand. 

"I didn't know you could dance like that," he yells over the music. 

I can feel my face turn red. "Were you watching me?" 

"Yeah," he says sheepishly. "You dance like no ones watching you, like no ones around you." 

I shrug. "I guess that's how I feel." 

"Well hey, don't let me stop you," he starts to walk away. 

"Wait, where did you get the Smirnoff?" 

"Over there," I nods to a table full of drinks, but before I can go over there he grabs my arm. "But hey, don't drink too much, okay?" 

"Okay dad," I roll my eyes. 

I grab a drink and pop off the top of the apple flavored drink, taking a sip. 

I walk back to the dance floor after setting my drink down.  

Once again I see Avery glance over at me. I wave him to come over. He slowly walks over and raises his eyebrows. 

"Here," I grab his hands. "If you're so interested in me dancing, then you might as well have fun doing it," I put his hands on my waist and go back to dancing. 

"What are you doing?" he asks. 

"You have to get closer," I laugh, tugging on his hand so it wraps around me. 

"This probably isn't a good idea," he murmurs. 

"You've never danced with a girl?" I stop to look at him. 

"Not like this." I laugh and sway my hips up against him. His body tightens against mine so I stop and turn around.

"Avery do you want to stop?" he shakes his head. "Well I don't want to make you do something you don't want to do."

"No it's fine."

So I turn back around, smiling, and sway my hips once more. This time, Avery wraps his hands tighter and holds me against him, placing small kisses on my shoulder.

We stay like this for a while until someone yells shots and the DJ stops DJ-ing and we're stuck in the middle of the dance floor with no music.

I end up walking over to my drink and taking another sip. 

Someone yells, "let's go swimming!" 

My stomach turns. 

"That's a good idea," Avery nods. 

"I'm not going in." 


"I don't have a suit," I lie. What did I even bring one? Avery grabs my hand and drags me outside.

"Hey Elise can you go check the water temperature?" Riley, a girl I've talked to a couple times around school smiles.

Great. I could have avoided this if I would have just told Claire. She would've stood up for me.

I walk up to water, shaking throughout my whole body. Terrified. I pretend to feel the water and walk back up to Claire. "It's freezing!" 


"I'm not going in," I cross my arms stubbornly. 

"Fine fine," she walks behind me, going I over to someone. 

I sit on the sand and relax, taking a deep breath.

Avery sits next to me. "Hey, to wanna go in the water?" 

I shake my head. 

"Well...I think that's just too bad," he grabs the underside of my thigh and the back of my neck and picks me up. 

"Avery? What are you doing?" 

"Let's go swimming!" he yells, making everyone run into the water. 

"Avery, I really don't want to!" I struggle to get out of his grip as he charges for the water. 

"It'll be fun," he insists. 

He goes waist deep in the water and I cling onto him, trying to stay out of the water. 

"Stop being such a wimp!" Claire yells. 

I glare at her as Avery gets deeper. He takes a hold of my shoulders and plunges me in. 

A shiver runs up my spine as I swim up for air. 

As I reach the top a wave comes over top of me, making me go back under. 

I try again but the waves keep coming. I get tossed around and my lungs begin to burn. 

I clench my fists, and swim up. I finally get out of the water and breath in just as another wave comes, filling my lungs with water. 

My chest tightens and I cough under water. 

I put my hand against my heart and feel the beat getting slower. 

My vision starts to go blurry and another wave comes, my whole body feels numb as I give up and black out.

Avery's pov

I look around for Elise but I don't see her. My smile fades and I frown swimming over to Claire. 

"Did you see Elise come out of the water?" 

"No," she looks around. 

A pang goes through my stomach and it feels like I can't breathe. I take in a sharp breath and my head starts to pound. Putting a hand against my throbbing head, I rub my eyes and keep looking. 

I'm probably just being paranoid. I bet she's alright. 

I get out of the water and sit down, my headache getting worse. I grab my stomach, feeling as if I'm going to throw up. 

I cough and cough. Why do I feel like I'm drowning? 

I search frantically through the crowd, trying to find Elise's face. 

Someone taps me on the shoulder. I ignore them, seriously freaking out now. 


I turn around to see Jacob. "Where is my sister?" 

I run a hand through my hair and tug on it, trying to keep calm. "I...I don't know." 

"What do you mean 'you don't know'?" he asks, his voice rising. 

"She was in the water with me-" 

"In the ocean?" his face turns to a panic expression. "You made her go into the ocean?! She's afraid of it!" 

"What are you talking about?" 

"Elise is a terrible swimmer, and besides, she's never gotten back into the ocean since the little boy tried to drown her five years ago." 

"What?" I yell. 

I run towards the water and jump in. 

Jacob comes after me, yelling and asking people if they've seen Elise. 

I dive under a wave and go deeper into the water. 

I open my eyes and let them adjust to the salty water. I look around, ducking deeper so the wave doesn't crash onto me. 

I can hear my heart beat loudly in my ears. 

I see a glimpse of her brown hair! I swim over and grab under arms to pull her up. 

I swim out of the water as people gasp and murmur. I drag her up onto the sand and put my head against her chest. There's no heart beat. Her chest isnt rising.

People start to crowd around me. 

I push against her chest repeatedly. Then plug her nose and breathe carbon dioxide into her lungs. 

She doesn't move. 

I close my eyes and push on her stomach lightly. I slowly clench my fist over her body and bring it up to her mouth, opening my hand. 

Her chest moves and she quickly turns over to cough out all of the water out. 

I breath out and wipe the sweat off of my forehead. Damn. Relief floods through me and I can feel my head getting lighter, letting me breath again.

She puts a hand on her head and looks around at all of the people staring at her. 

She stops looking when he finds my face. 

Her eyes meet the ground, as it she's guilty about me saving her. 

"Are you okay?" I ask, putting my hand on her chin.

She nods her head, grabbing me quickly. She hugs me and buries her face in my chest. 

"I felt like I was going to die," she whispers.

Okay so I haven't written in a little but whatever 

Here's the next chapter c:


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