
By NyIsntAwake

453 79 29

II Finished II II Being Edited II Katherine was a regular girl. She had a good life with her mother. But one... More

Chapter 1(edited)
Chapter 3 (edited)
Chapter 4 (edited)
Chapter 5 (edited)
Chapter 6 (edited)
Chapter 7 (edited)
Chapter 8 (edited)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 2 (edited)

37 9 0
By NyIsntAwake

Hello this is Ny and Puddle_bunny12! We hope you like the book so far, enjoy chapter two! Remember to tap the little star and leave comments on what you think!!!!

Katherine POV

 I shrugged off the encounter and trekked onto the bus. A couple of kids high fived me as I walked by. I reluctantly sat down beside Ave, because that is my assigned seat. She gave me a glare off unappreciative welcoming and peered back to the rush of cars passing by. Her evil, red hair swishing in sync with the titling of her head. I don't know why, but Ave always seemed to hate me, so I had no other choice but to hate her back. Soon we will arrive at school and Sadie will appear and lighten my anxious mood. The bus screeched to a stop and we all robotically pile out. Sadie as usual is standing beside the bus stop waiting for me. Today is a regular normal boring day, except that everyone has a deformed shadow. I must have looked paranoid because Sadie just gave me a look and told me to get to my first class. We usually go to the courtyard to make fun of the popular girls. I guess she saw I wasn't in the mood to destroy happiness today.

I walked to my first class paranoid at every deformed shadow my eyes took in. But in the middle of the hall stood the most popular girl in the whole school, and to my luck she was blocking my path to get to class. She glared at me like I was a piece of meat and she, a hungry tiger. See, I have always had bad luck, and because of that it seemed like Lucy was always out to get me. Maybe it was my luck, or maybe it was because of something bigger than just the two of us. Cautiously I glanced at her shadow and to my utter surprise it looked like a wounded dove, that is not yet prepared to fly.. Not very fitting if you ask me but, no one else seemed to notice the different shadows so why would they ask? It could only have resulted in me being called weird names, and making my daily torment even worse than it already is.

"What do you want nerd?" asked the highly annoyingly vicious girl in front of me.

"Nothing, I was just walking to class before you blocked my path." I sneered as I started to try and walk past her. She simply gave me a horrified look and blocked the path again.

"Wait, wait, wait! Were you just trying to walk away from me?" she asked now with a fake pout on her face. She straightened her pink mini skirt and put her hands on her hips. Her tight fitting white long sleeved shirt seemed to portray her movements almost as if she was trying to intimidate me.

I rolled my eyes as she glared at me through her merciless ice blue eyes. I was about to tell her off when I heard a familiar voice chime through the halls making my heart flutter, "Leave her alone Lucy, she is just a kid who lost her mom." Shawn stated, I know it should have angered me for what Shawn had said about me but I was just flabbergasted that he knew who I was. "You okay Katherine?" He asked me. I nodded, my crush is Shawn ever since I had got here. He actually cared about me. Sigh. He was so nice, he picked up dropped books and helped teachers. Who could not love him!

When I had first met him I had been standing in front of the class and I was scared to say anything. Shawn was there and comforting me. That was two months ago. I had walked, with my head down to my desk and tried to block the laughter and chatter from my ears. I had taken the seat he was assigned to. I looked into his eyes and immediately fell into a hazy state.. I had been so shaken that I had made a fool of myself in front of him that I had knocked my books over. He had helped me pick them up and told me to take the seat, the teacher wouldn't notice anyway. My heart had fluttered as he walked away.

Lucy flicked her head to over my shoulder, her golden curls bouncing dangerously. "Stay out of it Shawn!" she screeched as she turned around and stomped away. The new screech had brought me to my senses as I turned to look at Shawn. He smiled wholeheartedly and winked at me as he strutted off. I curiously glanced at his shadow and found a devil with a mask of an angel. Once again I said nothing, as I was too scared of the outcome. But, Shawn's shadow had put me on edge. I couldn't help it, it seemed to be an instinct.

My thoughts followed me as I walked to class. I sat down in the back right of the classroom and the bell snapped my attention to the speaker in the front. "I have back you're Math and Science tests. And may I just say that many of you have failed miserably. A few have passed but that is it. be ashamed of yourselves if you got under 10 percent on your quizzes!" boomed Mr.Sulzer as he began to hand out papers.

Mine landed on my desk with a flop and I gazed happily down at my papers. 100 percent on both! I smiled. Whenever I got 100 percent my mother and I would go out for icecream... But that was no more. She is gone. My smile faded away and I felt my face grow into a sad frown. I shook it off and stared up at the chalk board. It felt as if a storm cloud appeared over my head causing everything to tick me off. Class dragged on and the longer I stared at the board the more I thought about Shawn's shadow. I had so many questions that were still unanswered.

The bell rang and I slowly stomped out into the hall to my locker. Sadie's locker lays beside mine so I could talk to her as we grabbed our books from our locker to get to our next class. Sadie looked at me and sighed, "What did you get on your test?" Sadie isn't in Mr.Sulzer's class, but she still had the same curriculum as me. Meaning whatever I did she did in her class, when you think about that way it kinda sounds creepy.

I grabbed my papers with a huff and showed them to an unsuspecting Sadie. "Somehow I got this."

She mumbled gibberish and then in a small voice she whispered, "I knew it was you." I glared at her with a questioning look. She just smirked and shrugged. "The boys are gonna' have to pay up on the bet." She smiled evilly and just like that she walked off to class. I shook my head, Sadie had always confused me. It was if she had a second life, one that she hid from me. It may well be true, we don't go into each other's personal business anyways.

I peered at my calendar, "I now have drama, great." I mumbled unhappily. My books were soon disposed of carelessly in my locker and I walked to class. The drama room looked as happy as ever. The only reason I am in drama is because I came late, to the school year that is. Drama and study period were the only options left open. I dropped into my seat and my eyes wandered the room. A bunch of kids snickered in the corner of the room, others practiced their lines of Shakespeare, while others sat in their chairs looking bored out of their minds like me.

The teacher Miss.Cecelia contentedly walked into the room and pinned a list on the bulletin board. We all walked over to it, as we often do to see what she has planned for us this week. But this week is different. The list read:

Cast of Play

Play written by Miss.Cecelia

Julian Prospect: Katherine Debauchery

Understudy: Lucy Sanguine

Caleb Irradiate: Shawn Nefarious

Understudy: Kaleb Imperceptible


Casper Huugo

Kaylee Wow

Fin Jaquis

Yuno Jous

Angela Neveah


Madeline Puddlbuni

Nyla Skyny  

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